What is the main idea of the articles? A. There were heavy casualties at the Battle of Shiloh. B. A Confederate leader, General Johnston, died at the Battle of Shiloh. C. The Confederate army planned a surprise attack at Pittsburg Landing. D. In a tough battle, the Union army defeated the Confederate army at Shiloh.


Answer 1

Incomplete question. I assumed you are referring to the article found on the History website entitled, "The Battle of Shiloh"


A. There were heavy casualties at the Battle of Shiloh.


We can make this conclusion because throughout the text there were several mentions about the losses on both sides (on the Confederate side and the Union army side).

For example, the first paragraph of the article explicitly stated,

"Both sides suffered heavy losses, with more than 23,000 total casualties, and the level of violence shocked North and South alike."

Also after mentioning the wins and losses experienced by the opposing sides during the Civil war, the article concluded, "It was a sobering reminder to all in the Union and the Confederacy that the war would be long and costly." This continuous reference to this forms the main idea of the articles.

Related Questions

what are Top 10 Fastest Land Animal Species and Speed. (need 10) and their speed



1. Cheetah

113 km/hr (70 mph)

They can accelerate from 0 - 60 mph in only 3 seconds.

2. Pronghorn Antelope

98 km/hr (61 mph)

They have a large heart and lungs which help them to go so fast.

3. Springbok

90 km/hr (56 mph)

They are extremely agile animals, they can leap 4 m into the air and jump up to 15 m in length.

4. Quarterhorse

88.5 km/hr (55 mph)

They excel at sprinting short distances.

5 = Thomson's Gazelle

80 km/hr (50 mph)

They have the ability to out last cheetah's in long chases and they can make swifter turns.

5 = Blue Wildebeest

80 km/hr (50 mph)

In order to defend themselves from predators, they run in large herds.

5 = Lion

80 km/hr (50 mph)

When hunting they combine stealth with bursts of speed.

8 = Elk

72 km/hr (45 mph)

They can outrun their main predators, grey wolves, coyotes and dogs.

8 = African Wild Dog

72 km/hr (45 mph)

They are endurance runners and they can achieve an average speed of 48 km/hr (30 mph) over a distance of 4.8 km (3 miles).

10. Coyote

69 km/hr (43 mph)

They use their speed to hunt rabbits, mice, squirrels and livestock.


Answer: 1. Cheetah

120.7 km / 75 m per hour

2. Pronghorn

88.5 km / 55 m per hour

3. Springbok

88 km / 55 m per hour

4. Wildebeest

80.5 km / 50 m per hour

5. Lion

80.5 km / 50 m per hour

6. Blackbuck

80 km / 50 m per hour

7. Hare

80 km / 50 m per hour

8. Greyhound

74 km / 46 m per hour

9. Kangaroo

71 km / 44 m per hour

10. African wild dog

71 km / 44 m per hour

Which characteristic is typical of distress?
O worry and anxiety
O increased energy
O improved motivation
O better reaction time


worry and anxiety is correct

The characteristics of distress are represented by worry and anxiety.

Option A is the correct answer.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety refers to the scenario when an individual takes an extreme level of tension which might cause them the problem of depression.

The distress is also called negative stress which is usually caused by taking immense tension in an individual. It can be for a shorter or longer period of time. It could be the root cause of mental and physical health issues.

Therefore, worry and anxiety are the two forms by which distress can be caused.

Learn more about the anxiety in the related link:



Doug plans to end his adventure story by introducing a new character during the climax. The new character happens to be an experienced guide who will lead the protagonist down a treacherous mountain and into safety. Explain the problem with his plan.



maybe it isnt much of a climax they just find someone who guids them down a mounten to safety


I dont know for shure butt why not


The problem is that you have to introduce the charecters in the intro not in the climax (turning point.)


Hope this helps  \_^-^_/

Write an equation for the sentence.
A pizza with 15 slices is shared equally among n students. Each student gets 3 slices.


15 ÷ 3
Hope this helps

5. Examine line 16. Identify the sound device used and explain how it affects the ending of the stanza.


The poem has both internal and end rhymes. The 1st and the last stanzas have an end rhyme scheme ABCBDEGE. The subsequent 13 stanzas have an end rhyme as couplets: AABB. However, each verse has an internal rhyme in its first half: “McGee” – “Tennessee”; “home” – “roam”; “cold” – “gold”, etc. This rhyme scheme contributes to the regularity of rhythm.

Alliteration: “marge of Lake Lebarge”; “cursèd cold”; “foul or fair”; “hurried, horror-driven”. In the first example, the alliteration makes us aware of the sound of water on the lake. In the “cursèd cold“ example, we can almost feel the gnashing of the Sam’s teeth as he talks in a freezing weather.

Assonance: “God only knows” – contributes to the sense of destiny. The “o” vowel intensifies the feeling of fatality. “In the long, long night, by the lone firelight” – the repeated vowel “o” signifies the prolonged loneliness that seems to have no end. Assonance is also present in the internal rhyme of every verse (“McGee – Tennessee”, “home” – “roam”, “Day” – “way”).

Consonance: “blooms and blows” – in relation to the cotton, the “s” consonant, at the end of these verbs, indicates the sound of nurturing wind, as well as the continuity of the cotton’s growing. “I’d often sing to the hateful thing” – the repetition of the consonants “ng” add to the eery atmosphere.

Hyperbole: “he wore a smile you could see a mile” – Sam’s smile is so earnest and joyous because he has survived the deadly cold. In a way, he survived and conquered death, thanks to his friend’s commitment. This hyperbole also adds to the feeling of the subject’s relief, after much turmoil. “Secret tales that would make your blood run cold” – scary or creepy tales; it also associates the coldness which is one of the main motifs in the poem.

Understatement: “It wasn’t much fun” – the statement which follows the description of harsh weather and coldness. It is as if the poet tries to relax, reflecting on the tough conditions of their journey. Obviously, he also wants to point out that he himself didn’t have such a hard time coping with the coldness as Sam did.

Imagery: “through the parka’s fold it stabbed like a driven nail” – this is a simile and imagery at the same time. It depicts the sensory experience of facing the cold and failing to protect oneself from it. The coldness is pervasive and lethal. This use of imagery goes beyond mere description. “the huskies, round in a ring, howled out their woes” – not only can we see the huskies in the place, but we can also hear their desperate voices.

Personification: “the stars o’erhead were dancing heel and toe” – everything is so calm and dark that only the stars seem to dance with light. The dancing stars also symbolize the gold diggers’ lingering hope which gives them strength to go on. They appear once more, towards the end of the poem. “the homeless snows” – even the snows seem dispossessed in that dreadful night.

End rhyme: There are end rhymes all through the poem (“blows” – “knows”, “spell” – “hell”, “trail” – “nail”). The rhythm of the poem, with its long heptameters, is slow and narrative. The end rhymes improve the rhythm’s consistency. The story is very dramatic, has sudden twists and turns, but it is still a story about a long voyage through cold darkness.

Repetition: “And that very night, as we laid packed tight… And the dogs were fed…” Also: “And the heavens scowled, and the huskies howled, and the wind began to blow” – emphasizes the intensity of the drama and accelerates the dynamics of the heptameters, which, as lines with 7 stressed syllables, are quite narrative in character.

Metaphor: “quiet clay” – clay is what was left of Sam when he seemingly died. He is like clay because he is immobile and silent, and he is heavy to drag. It also relates to the mythological story that man was made of clay. However, in this context, it adds to the grotesque and effects of this macabre scene where the subject drags his friend who has turned into a grinning “hateful thing”.

Simile: “the land of gold seemed to hold him like a spell” – the land of gold enchants him so much that he can’t help but go there, as if it were his destiny. This simile is all the more effective when we consider the fact that the land of gold almost killed Sam. It is detrimental to his physical well-being, unlike his homeland Tennessee.

Which one
Is it answerrrrrrrrrrrrr


The answer to what exactly


Try taking out the spaces between the underscore and the words.


the hotel agent receive the tourist at the airport change into passive voice

plz solve this​



The tourist were received at the airport by the hotel agent

Which sentence most accurately states the cumulative impact of Lincoln's use of the word dedicate? A. The repetition of the word prompts listeners to think about those killed in the war, which will help them remember his other points. B. The context of each use moves its meaning from the general to the individual, making listeners realize the importance of settling the country's conflict. C. Each use links historical events to the current events, which would help listeners to see that the past plays a large part in the present. D. Each use adds to the lyrical quality of Lincoln's rhetorical style, making the speech worthy of committing to memory.



B. The context of each use moves its meaning from the general to the individual, making listeners realize the importance of settling the country's conflict.


To complete this exercise, you have to read Abraham Lincoln's speech “The Gettysburg Address” and then select the correct option, which is "b" because Lincoln starts talking about how "our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created  equal" and then he continues using the word but now he focuses on "us", his listeners: "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work (...)". He finishes his speech saying that those fathers shall not have died in vain, which is one of the reasons he gives to talk about the importance of settling the country's conflict.

Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful
Assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable mangled up in tangled up knots!

Find the figurative language



The person about me is right


Keep scrolling down...

Also, I do actually love you ❤

The figurative language is metaphor. Additionally, he describes the Grinch as "as cuddly as a cactus."

What do you mean by metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for the sake of rhetorical effect, refers to one thing while simultaneously addressing another. Clarity may be offered (or obscured), and it may also reveal unnoticed connections between two disparate concepts.

Metaphors and other figurative language devices like antithesis, hyperbole, metonymy, and simile are frequently contrasted. Similes and metaphors are frequently contrasted.

A metaphor is described as "a condensed analogy," "analogical fusion," "operating in a similar way," "based on the same mental process," or even that "the essential processes of analogy are at work in metaphor," among other things.

Additionally, it is noted that the distinction between a metaphor and an analogy is hazy and that it could be conceptualized (metaphorically) as the distance between the objects being compared.

A simile only establishes a similarity through the use of terms like "like" or "as," whereas a metaphor asserts that the items in the comparison are same on the point of comparison. Because of this, a common-type metaphor is typically regarded as having greater impact than a simile.

Learn more about metaphor, here



Hi guys my final grades were due yesterday and I thought I wasn't gonna be able to pass but I made it!! As and Bs after the most stressful month ever! Just need one more semester of high school and I’m done



Heyy thx for the points!!!


Congrats on passing your first semester!!!


Well congratulations glad you made it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year early.


Hope you have a great weekend

There is a one story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs?


there are no stairs. it’s a one story house.


purple no sairs


Read the paragraph.

Even though my life is very busy, I spend as much time as I can with my family. I often ask my dad, who is an excellent athlete, to play soccer with me. I also enjoy taking walks, baking desserts, and playing cards with my mom. However, nothing is better than watching movies with my loyal, black cat, Max.

Which sentence from the paragraph has been revised correctly?

Even though, my life is very busy, I spend as much time as I can with my family.

I often ask my dad who is an excellent athlete, to play soccer with me.

I also enjoy taking walks, baking desserts, and playing cards, with my mom.

However, nothing is better than watching movies with my loyal black cat, Max.


the answer is "However, nothing is better than watching movies with my loyal cat, Max."


how does Caribbean carnival communicate through history



Did you mean Celebrate? They had masquerade balls.

they had mascarada balls

What word matches best


I think the word is old days

it is raining is a phrase or clause?


Answer: Yes it is!


: )

In “New Land, New Life,” what most develops the theme that hard work pays off?

A) the description of Ruth
B) the description of Calvin
C) the description of Calvin’s wife
D ) the description of Ruth’s boys



B. The description of Calvin



B The description of calvin

(PARAGRAPH EXPERTS PLS HELP I NEED THIS DONE IN 25 min) Emmet Till's murder was one of many causes for social unrest and the Civil Rights Movement. Can you think of SIMILAR catalysts for social movements happening at that time or today? What do these events have in common? [Independent research is required]. Cite TEXTUAL evidence in your PARAGRAPH response.



Rosa Parks, as she was also discriminated and the act of segregation was used against her too.

HELP!!!!!!!!!!! Draw a simple transverse wave and label the wavelength.





Why amendment 3 important


Answer:  The third amendment of the Constitution is of immense significance to us. It comes from the incidents that happened when we were British colonies. Part of the Intolerable Acts said that the British could house their troops in private residences. This really upset the colonists and they hated the British soldiers.


Amendment 3 states that citizens don't have to house soldiers.


When America was a part of Great Britain the British had a law that stated that colonists had to provide food and shelter to soldiers in their own home. This was part of the Intolerable acts.

is typing reeeeeeeee in the comments REALLY funny anymore?


Eh not really. I don’t see anyone do it anymore and when I do I personally never laugh .

Write 6-8 sentences about your favorite building


Answer: My favorite building personally is The World Trade Center (previously known as the Twin Towers) What I like about it so much is 2 things, 1. It has a lot of history behind it, it was a terrorized attack led by Osama bin Laden, the leader of the attacks on Pentagon too, and my second thing is the height, 1,776, and if you didn't know, they specifically done this because The Declaration of Independence was signed on August 2, 1776. But in all, The World Trade Center is a really cool place.


Which sentence is correct?
O 1. We all sang "Across the Prairie."
02. We all sang "across the prairie."
03. We all sang "Across the prairie."
0 4. We all sang "Across The Prairie."





Its a song and the never capital

The sentence 0 1 . We all sang “ Across the Prairie”

here's some more :)
(I love Jenna marbles but that is sooo true)


It’s Netflix because most of the people wack


hell yeah


Stage where the writer is gathering anf organizing ideas.


E- planning is organizing your thoughts

Hope this helps :)
The Answer Is E. Planning

What happens when you put Justin Bieber and lady Gaga together you get JUSTIN GAGA



EwewEW JuStiN BiEbEr?


Oh my satannnn




Identify the sentence type.
After the game ends, we'll go for something to eat.





The sentence is not complex or compound.

If your company increases its market penetration, what is happening? A. The target market is growing. B. More people in the target market are buying the company's product. C. The market saturation of the target market has decreased. D. Competitors who offer similar products are entering the market. Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



B. More people in the target market are buying the company's product.


Please helppp! Easy 10 points



I'm pretty sure it's B


2. What is the over theme of the story? What lesson (s) can
you learn?



the theme of a story is important because a story's theme is part of the reason why the author wrote the story. the author often wants to give or set out a message to the reader.


need help plez FAST!





Sorry about that

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