What is the mass of the block of iron that has 10 cm 5 cm and 2 centimeters


Answer 1




The dimensions of the iron block is given as follows;

L = 10cm, B = 5cm, H = 2cm

Volume = L × B × H

Volume = 10 × 5 × 2

Volume = 100cm³

Density of iron metal = 7.874 g/cm³

Using the formula;

Density = mass/volume

Mass = density × volume

Mass = 7.874 × 100

Mass of iron = 787.4g

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Can someone tell me the advantages and disadvantages of Ceramics? I need scientific, good and clear points! :)


Good conductor of heat
Extreme hard

Zero ductility
Brittle in nature

Can someone help me with this please





There a 7 significant figures in the number because we know that leading zeroes are NOT counted. To round the number to have only 3 significant figures, we will need to round to the 5th decimal place. Remember the basic rules of rounding; 5 and up, round up, 4 and below, round down.

.00305346 → .00305

Best of Luck!

An aqueous solution contains
32.7% KCl (weight/weight %).

How many grams of water (H20) are contained in 100 g of this solution?





%(w/w) = mass of solute/total mass of solution × 100

According to this question, an aqueous solution contains 32.7% KCl (w/w%). Firstly, we find the mass of the solute (KCl) as follows, if the mass of solution is 100g:

32.7 = mass of solute/100 × 100

mass of solute (KCl) = 32.7g

Mass of solution = mass of solvent (water) + mass of solute (KCl)

100g = x + 32.7g

x = 100 - 32.7

x = 67.3

Hence, the mass of water contained in the 100g solution is 67.3g.

3. A typical peanut butter and jelly sandwich contains 360 kcal, of which 160
kcal comes from fat. Given 1 kcal = 4.2 kJ, how many J of fat would there be
in one PB&J sandwich?



here's the answer to your question

Plz help I will give brainliest



1. Fr

2. cl


4.2 mole

5. 3

6. c

(Q008) Two physical properties of minerals both result in smooth, flat surfaces with specific angles between them. The first property is externally visible and is the result of how the mineral forms; the second is inherently internal and is the result of breaking a sample of the mineral. These properties are called


Answer: Crystal habit and cleavage.


When two physical properties of minerals both bring about smooth, flat surfaces that has specific angles between them.such that the first property is externally visible and is the result of how the mineral forms while the second property is internal and is the result of breaking a sample of the mineral, it should be noted that the properties are refered to as the crystal habit and cleavage.

It should be noted that the cleavage refers to the tendency of crystalline materials to be able to split along the structural planes.

Urgent please help
B. CaO


ionic compound formed with metal and non metal
ca is metal
and O is non metal

the element of group 1 hour reactive but those of group 18 are inert, why?​



The noble gases (Group 18) are located in the far right of the periodic table and were previously referred to as the "inert gases" due to the fact that their filled valence shells (octets) make them extremely nonreactive.

In the reaction at Blood Falls, iron and oxygen combine to form iron oxide, which is called rust (water is also present). The reactants are
, and the product is



The reactants for rust are iron ,water and oxygen while the products are hydrated iron oxide



CaCO3 + 2HCl > CaCl2 + CO₂ + H₂O​



This reaction is also known as double decomposition reaction.

HCl + CaCO3 + MgCO3 → H2O + H2 + CO2 + CaCl2 + MgCl2

Hạt nhân nguyên tử được tạo bởi



The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over.

Which factor would speed up a chemical reaction? (Choose all that apply)
Decreasing particle size
Increasing the temperature
Decreasing the temperature
Increasing particle size



Increasing the temperature

Increasing particle size


Increasing the temperature allows for particles and molecules to move faster (because there is an increase in energy) and allows for more collisions.

∴ Increasing the temperature would be an answer.

Increasing the particle size allows for more surface area and a greater chance for particles to collide with each other.

∴ Increasing particle size would be an answer.

Topic: AP Chemistry

Unit: Kinetics

which state of matter expands most when heated​



Gases expand the most upon heating because the intermolecular space is more than in solids or liquids.


hopes it helps

Gases expand the most upon heating because the intermolecular space is more than in solids or liquids.

Hope this helps


Who is most likely to lose an electron when becoming an ion? A. Iodine (I) B. Calcium (Ca) C. Nitrogen (N) D. Helium (He)


Calcium (Ca) is most likely to lose an electron when becoming an ion because it is a metal (Option B).

How can elements be classified?

In the periodic table, elements can be classified in 3 big groups.

Metals: they tend to lose electrons to form cations.Non-metals: they tend to gain electrons to form anions.Noble gases: they are stable so they do not tend to gain or lose electrons.

Who is most likely to lose an electron when becoming an ion?

A. Iodine (I). No, since Iodine is a non-metal.

B. Calcium (Ca). Yes, since calcium is a metal.

C. Nitrogen (N). No, since nitrogen is a non-metal.

D. Helium (He). No, since helium is a noble gas.

Calcium (Ca) is most likely to lose an electron when becoming an ion because it is a metal (Option B). Specifically, calcium forms a cation.

Learn more about metals here: https://brainly.com/question/4701542


How many moles of oxygen are required to react completely with 5 mol C8H18?



62.5 moles of O₂.


We'll begin by writing the balanced equation for the reaction. This is illustrated below:

2C₈H₁₈ + 25O₂ —> 16CO₂ + 18H₂O

From the balanced equation above,

2 moles of C₈H₁₈ reacted with 25 moles of O₂.

Finally, we shall determine the number of mole of O₂ needed to react with 5 moles of C₈H₁₈. This can be obtained as shown below:

From the balanced equation above,

2 moles of C₈H₁₈ reacted with 25 moles of O₂.

Therefore, 5 moles of C₈H₁₈ will react with = (5 × 25) / 2 = 62.5 moles of O₂.

Thus, 62.5 moles of O₂ is needed for the reaction.

You mix the sample discussed in the previous two questions with another sample, which you know to be pure acetylsalicylic acid. You grind the mixture thoroughly with a mortar and pestle, and do a melting point determination on the mixed product. You now observe melting over a range of 127 to 133 C. Now what conclusions can you reach regarding the original product



Having high melting point.


The original product has high melting point as compared to the mixture product because in the original product, the element is present in its pure state and we know that pure substances have high melting point as compared to mixture substances due to the presence of strong intercellular forces between them which is hard to break so that's why we can say that the original product has high melting point.

Select the correct answer.
AB and BC form a right angle at point B. If A = (-3, -1) and B = (4, 4), what is the equation of BC?
A. x + 3y = 16
B. 2x + y = 12
C. -7x − 5y = -48
D. 7x − 5y = 48


The answer to your question the equation of the line BC is C [tex]-7x - 5y = -48[/tex]

Since AB and BC form a right angle at point B, it means that AB is perpendicular to BC.

To find the equation of BC, we first need to find the gradient of BC.

Let m be the gradient of AB and m' be the gradient of BC, since AB is perpendicular to BC, mm' = -1. Thus m' = -1/m

So, we need to find the gradient of AB and thus find the gradient of BC.

To find the gradient of AB, we use the equation for the gradient of a line in slope-point form. Having point A = (x₁, y₁) = (-3, -1) and point B = (x₂, y₂) = (4, 4).

[tex]m = \frac{y_{2} - y_{1} }{x_{2} - x_{1}}[/tex]

Substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

[tex]m = \frac{4 - (-1) }{4 - (-3)}[/tex]

[tex]m = \frac{4 + 1 }{4 + 3}[/tex]

[tex]m = \frac{5}{7}[/tex]

Since m' = -1/m

m' = -1 ÷ 5/7

m' = -7/5

Since we know the gradient of the line BC and the line BC passes through the point B = (4, 4) = (x₂, y₂) we find the equation of the line BC using the equation of a line in slope-point form.

[tex]m' = \frac{y - y_{2} }{x - x_{2}}[/tex]

[tex]-\frac{7}{5} = \frac{y - 4 }{x - 4}[/tex]

cross-multiplying, we have

[tex]-7(x - 4) = 5(y - 4)[/tex]

Expanding the brackets, we have

[tex]-7x + 28 = 5y - 20[/tex]

Subtracting 28 from both sides, we have

[tex]-7x = 5y - 48[/tex]

Subtracting 5y from both sides, we have

[tex]-7x - 5y = -48[/tex]

So, the equation of the line BC is [tex]-7x - 5y = -48[/tex]

The answer to your question the equation of the line BC is C [tex]-7x - 5y = -48[/tex]

Learn more about the equation of a line here:



its C


Prepare a project report on various samples of  a) a mixture  b) a compound c) an element (metal or nonmetal)​



Any substance that contains only one kind of an atom is known as an element. Because atoms cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, elements such as phosphorus (P4) or sulfur (S8) cannot be broken down into simpler substances by these reactions.

Example: Water decomposes into a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen when an electric current is passed through the liquid. Hydrogen and oxygen, on the other hand, cannot be decomposed into simpler substances. They are therefore the elementary, or simplest, chemical substances - elements.

Each element is represented by a unique symbol. The notation for each element can be found on the periodic table of elements.

The elements can be divided into three categories that have characteristic properties: metals, nonmetals, and semimetals. Most elements are metals, which are found on the left and toward the bottom of the periodic table. A handful of nonmetals are clustered in the upper right corner of the periodic table. The semimetals can be found along the dividing line between the metals and the nonmetals.


Calculate the amount of mole of iron produced from the reaction of 15.9 grams of iron oxide.
Fe2O3 + 3 H2 +2 Fe + 3 H2O







Predict the approximate Ksp of Cuz(AsO4)2 based on the measured potential of Cell 7. Use the equation given in the Background.

a. 1 x 10^-35

b. 4 x 10^14

c. 5 x 10^-17

d. 2 x 10^-21



a. 1 x 10^-35


The correct compound given is: [tex]\mathsf{Cu_3(AsO_4)}_2[/tex]

To predict the approximate Ksp value of the given compound, we will need to express the oxidation-reduction half-reaction of the compound and its dissociation, then, we will use the Nernst equation to determine the approximate Ksp value.

To start with the reduction half-reaction:

[tex]\mathsf{Cu_3(AsO_4)_{2}(s) + 6e^- \to 2As O_{4}^{3-}_{(aq)}+3Cu(s) }[/tex]

The oxidation half-reaction is:

[tex]\mathsf{3Cu(s) \to 3CU^{2+}_{(aq)} + 6e^-}[/tex]

The overall cell reaction now is:

[tex]\mathsf{Cu_3(AsO_4)_{2}(s) \to 3Cu^+ (aq) + 2As O_{4}^{3-}_{(aq)} }[/tex]

From the reduction half-reduction, the number of moles of electrons (n) transferred is 6 moles.

By applying the Nernst equation:

[tex]\mathsf{E_{cell} = E^0_{cell} -\dfrac{0.0591V}{n}log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 }[/tex]

At standard conditions;

The standard cell potential [tex]\mathsf{E^0_{cell} = -0.342 \ V}[/tex]

and [tex]\mathsf{E_{cell} = 0 \ V}[/tex] since it is at equilibrium.

[tex]\mathsf{0 = -0.342 -\dfrac{0.0591V}{6}log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 } \\ \\ \\ \mathsf{0.342 = -\dfrac{0.0591V}{6}log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 }[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 = \dfrac{-(0.342)*6}{0.0591 }}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 = -34.7}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 \simeq -35}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{[Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 = 10^{-35}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{K_{sp} = [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 = 1\times 10^{-35}}[/tex]

Which of the following are held together by nonpolar covalent bonds?
The Periodic Table
A. Atoms of phosphorus (P) and chlorine (CI)
B. Atoms of chlorine (CI)
C. Atoms of chlorine (CI) and magnesium (Mg)
D. Atoms of magnesium (Mg)



Answer: Atoms of chlorine (CI) and magnesium (Mg)

Answer: Atoms of chlorine (CI) and magnesium (Mg)is your answer

Which phrase correctly describes the molecular structure within a molecule?


Same molecular structure and same properties.

Molecular structure is three dimensional structure in which arrangement of atoms is placed.

The molecular structure of a compound determines the polarity and its reactivity.

The different states of matter solid, liquid and gas have different molecular structure and different properties from each other.

The molecular structure of a molecule will have same properties as of the entire molecule based on its state.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24325752


the location of atoms, groups, or ions relative to one another and the number, type, and location of covalent bonds

Two glasses labeled A and B had equal amounts of water. Ted heated the water in one of the glasses. He then put two drops of food coloring into each of the two glasses. The table shows the time taken by the food coloring in the two glasses to spread out.

Which of the following statements is correct?

A - The water in Glass B was heated; therefore, the particles in Glass B have greater kinetic energy and move faster.
B - The water in Glass A was heated; therefore, the particles in Glass A have greater kinetic energy and move faster.
C - The water in Glass B was heated; therefore, the particles in Glass B move slower.
D - The water in Glass A was heated; therefore, the particles in Glass A move slower.



The answer is A: The water in Glass B was heated; therefore, the particles in Glass B have greater kinetic energy and move faster.


Think about it, if you boil water, whatever you put in the water is going to move around faster than if you put something in standing water.

(PLEASE mark Brainliest!)

The water in Glass B was heated; therefore, the particles in Glass B have greater kinetic energy and move faster. The correct answer is A.

What is food coloring?

Food coloring, or color additive, is any dye, pigment, or substance that imparts color when it is added to food or drink.

The food coloring we add to the water is pushed around by the water molecules. Since the molecules in warm water move around faster, the food coloring spreads out quicker in warm water than in cold water.

From the table, we can say that the water in glass B was heated by Ted and the molecules of food coloring spread out quickly in warm water and they have greater kinetic energy and move faster.

On the other hand, in glass A, the water is cold, so food coloring will not dissolve quickly.

Therefore, The water in Glass B was heated; therefore, the particles in Glass B have greater kinetic energy and move faster. The correct answer is A.

To learn more about food coloring, click here:


Which of the following isotopes would deflect the most in a mass spectrometer?
a) Sr-84
b) Sr-86
c) Sr-87
d) Sr-88


The correct answer is Sr-84. The lightest specie is the most deflected while the heaviest specie is the least deflected.

In mass spectroscopy, chemical substances can be identified by looking at their respective mass-to-charge ratios of gaseous ions in electric and magnetic fields. The is achieved using a mass spectrometer.

The lightest specie undergoes the greatest deflection while the heaviest specie undergoes the heaviest deflection accordingly in a mass spectrometer.

In this case, Sr-84, is the lightest specie hence it should be the least deflected specie.


The solubility of gases
when the temperature is

A. increases
B. decreases
C. does not change



B. decreases


The solubility of gases in a liquid is inversely proportional to the temperature, it means that if you increase the temperature, the solubility decreases.

"Every action force creates a reaction force that is equal in strength and opposite in direction." This statement summarizes Newton's


Answer: Newton's Third Law of Motion.


Newton's Third Law of Motion simply states that every action force creates a reaction force and then, this reaction force will be equal in strength and opposite in direction.

The statement simply implies that in every interaction, there will be a pair of forces that is acting on the two interacting objects. An example of Newton's third law of motion can be seen when a person jumps, thenlegs of the person will apply a force to the ground which will then propel the person into the air.

The graph shows the volume of a gaseous product formed during two trials of a reaction. A different concentration of reactant was used during each trial, whereas the other factors were kept constant.

A graph is shown with two graph lines sloping upwards. The title on the x axis is Time and the title on the y axis is Amount of Product. The graph line with a steeper slope is labeled Trial X and the other is labeled Trial Y.

Which of the following statements explains which trial has a lower concentration of the reactant? (5 points)
Trial X, because the final volume of product formed is lower than Trial Y.
Trial X, because this reaction was initially fast and later stopped completely.
Trial Y, because the reaction was initially slow and later stopped completely.
Trial Y, because the volume of product formed per unit time is lower than Trial X.



Trial Y, because the volume of product per unit time is lower than Trial X


In the chemistry experimental setup, the amount of gaseous product formed by the different concentration of the trials are measured and the result is plotted on a graph

The given graph, shows;

The vertical, y-axis = The amount of product

The horizontal, x-axis = Th time of the reaction

Trial X = The graph line with a steeper slope

Trial Y = The graph line

Increase in the concentration f the reactants, increases the number of collisions, and therefore, the number of effective collisions that gives the product also increases, and the overall rate of reaction increases

A more concentrated reactants produce more product in a shorter time (yield more product in less time) than a less concentrated one, and a more concentrated reactant would have a steeper slope and therefore produce more volume of the product in less time than a less concentrated reactant, which produces a lower volume in the same time

Therefore, the trial that has a lower concentration of the reactant is Trial Y, because the volume of product per unit time is lower than Trial X.


There ya go


What is said to have happened to the electrons in an atom in its ground state absorbs a quantum of energy from light



The electron from the ground state to occupy a next energy level. In this case,we say that the electron is excited

Write a hypothesis that answers the lesson
question, "While observing a chemical reaction,
how can you tell which reactant is limiting?"
Hypothesis: If a substance is the limiting
reactant, then..



the reaction will come to a halt and the other reactant will still be present.

which is the answer?



I could be wrong letter c

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