What is the molarity of a solution prepared by dissolving 12.0 g of potassium permanganate, KMnO4, in water to make 250.0 mL of solution


Answer 1



Molecular weight of potassium permanganate is 158 g .

12 g = 12 g / 158 g moles

= .076 moles .

250 mL = .25 L .

Molarity of solution = moles dissolved / volume of solution

= .076 / .25 L

= .304 M .

Molarity of solution is .304 M.  

Answer 2

The molarity of a solution prepared by dissolving 12.0 g of potassium permanganate, KMnO4, in water to make 250.0 mL of solution will be 0.304 M. It can be calculated by using mole formula.

What is molarity ?

The amount of material in a given volume of the given solution has been measured in molarity (M). The moles of a particular solute per liter of a solution can be known as molarity. The molar solution of known concentration is indeed known as molarity.

What is mole?

A mole is just the quantity of a material that includes exactly 6.022 × [tex]10^{23}[/tex] of the particular chemical elementary entities.

Molecular weight potassium potassium permanganate = 12 g

Volume of the solution = 250mL = 25 L.

Calculation of mole:

Mole can be calculated by using the formula.

Mole = mass / molar mass

Mole = 12 g / 158 g

Mole = 0.076 mole.

Calculation of molarity:

Molarity can be calculated by using the molarity formula:

Molarity = moles of dissolved / volume of solution

Molarity = 0.076 / 0.25

Molarity = 0.304 M

Therefore, the molarity of the solution will be 0.304 M.

To know more about molarity and mole



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Problem 7 (Diffusion due to viscosity) If the viscosity of a solution is quadrupled, the rms-average distance of a collection of diffusing molecules from their starting point would be _________ over the same amount of time.



1/2 the distance


If the viscosity of a solution is quadrupled then the distance of collection of diffusing molecules would be half over the same amount of time. The viscosity of the molecules is dependent on density of the liquid. It is independent to the volume of the liquid.

A person uses 400.8 kcal of energy to run a race. Convert the energy used for the race to the following energy units:

(provide an answer in 4 significant figures)



Food Calories



Hint: 1kcal=4.184kJ


Calories, we know that fat burn is calories.

What does the third quantum number (m) describe?
A. Which energy level the electron is in
B. What type of orbital the electron is in
C. What direction the electron is spinning
D. The specific orbital within a sublevel


I think c the best answer

The third quantum number (m) describes the specific orbital within a sublevel. The correct answer is option D.

Quantum numbers are a set of four numbers that describe the properties of an electron in an atom. They specify the energy, position, and orientation of an electron in an atom.

The third quantum number (m) is also called the magnetic quantum number. It describes the orientation of the orbital in space. Each orbital within a sublevel has a different orientation in space, and the magnetic quantum number tells us which orbital we are talking about.

The value of m can range from -l to +l, where l is the second quantum number (the angular momentum quantum number). The value of l determines the number of orbitals in a sublevel, and the value of m determines the specific orbital within that sublevel.

In conclusion, the third quantum number (m) describes the specific orbital within a sublevel. It tells us how the orbital is oriented in space, and it can have values ranging from[tex]\rm -l \ to +l[/tex], where l is the second quantum number.

Option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about quantum number here:



A 25.00 gram sample of an unknown metal initially at 99.0 degrees Celcius is added to 50.00 grams of water initially at 10.55 degrees Celcius. The final temperature of the system is 20.15 degrees Celcius. Calculate the specific heat of the metal. (The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g*C).



1.0188 J/g*C


Using the formula; Q = m × c × ∆T

Q(water) = -Q(metal)

m × c × ∆T (water) = -{m × c × ∆T (metal)}

According to this question,

mass of metal = 25g

initial temp of metal = 99°C

mass of water = 50g

initial temp of water = 10.55°C

final temperature of the system = 20.15°C

c of water = 4.184 J/g*C

50 × 4.184 × (20.15 - 10.55) = 25 × c × (20.15 - 99)

209.2 × 9.6 = 25c × -78.85

2008.32 = -1971.25c

c = 2008.32 ÷ 1971.25

c of metal = 1.0188 J/g*C

The surface of silver metal, Ag(s), became tarnished when it was exposed to oxygen, producing Ag2O. In Ag2O, the oxidation state of silver is 1. According to this information, silver metal was _____. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices reduced


Answer: The silver metal was OXIDIZED.


OXIDATION is defined as loss of electrons and increase in oxidation number of an atom.

Oxidation number is the charge on an ion in an ionic compound or the charge that an atom in a covalent compound would have it it were ionic. There are basic rules governing oxidation number, they include:

--> the oxidation number of elements in their free states is ZERO. Example O2, Cl2,Na, Al, Ag.

-->The oxidation number for an ion is the same as the size and sign of the charge on the ion. For example the oxidation number of Zn2+ is +2.

--> the sum of all the oxidation numbers of the elements in a compound is zero.

--> oxidation numbers are always written with either a positive or a negative sign.

On the other hand, reduction is the opposite of oxidation. As oxidation is taking place, reduction is also taking place. Reduction involves:

--> Gain of electron and

--> decrease in oxidation number

From the question, the silver metal had ZERO as it's oxidation number because it's in free state. After being exposed to oxygen to form silver oxide, the oxidation number became +1.

Since there is an increase in the oxidation number, the silver metal was OXIDIZED

How are all compounds similar?
A. They are all made up of ions that are held together by attractions.
B. They are all made up of the same few elements.
C. They are all made up of atoms of two or more different elements.
D. They are all made up of atoms that share electrons.



the answer is C


a molecule can be made up of two atoms of the same kind, as when two oxygen atoms bind together to make an oxygen molecule

I'd really appreciate a brainleast

Determine the relative formula mass of dihydrogen monoxide using the periodic table below.

A. 18 g/mol
B. 17 g/mol
C. 16 g/mol
D. 2 g/mol


The relative atomic mass of dihydrogen monoxide is 18g/mol

Dihydrogen monoxide is a molecule containing two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen i.e. H2O. It is widely regarded as WATER

To calculate the relative atomic mass of dihydrogen monoxide (H2O), we make use of the atomic mass of each element.

According to the periodic table:

Where; H = 1g/mol and O = 16g/mol

H2O = 1(2) + 16

= 2 + 16

= 18g/mol

Learn more at: https://brainly.com/question/17275626

Which of the following pairs lists phase changes that both give off energy?
a) Freezing and condensation
b) Deposition and vaporization
c) Vaporization and melting
d) Condensation and sublimation



a) Freezing and condensation


please mark me as brainliest

The answer is A
Freezing ( liquid to solid)
Condensation ( gas to liquid)

How to distinguish between ethanol and 2 -methyl-2-propanol



There are many reagents.

1. Use acidified potassium permanganate solution

2. Use acidified potassium dichromate solution

3. Fehling solution.

4. Silver/ oxygen at 500°C

5. Copper/ oxygen at 300°C

6. Lucas reagent ( anhydrous zinc and conc. hydrochloric acid)



[with acidified potassium permanganate solution]

» Ethanol : The purple solution turns colourless.

» 2-methyl-2-propanol : no observable change.

[with acidified potassium dichromate solution]

» Ethanol : orange solution turns green

» 2-methyl-2-propanol : no observable change.

[Fehling solution]

» Ethanol : a white precipitate is formed

» 2-methyl-2-propanol : no observable change

Which option is an isotope with 6 protons and 8 neutrons? (1 point)
O oxygen-6
o carbon-14
o oxygen-14
o carbon-8





It is because it have 6 protons and 8 neutrons which are added together to form an atomic mass of 14.

The mass number of an isotope is the sum of the number of protons and number of neutrons hence the correct answer is carbon-14.

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that has the same number of protons but different number of neutrons.

The atomic number is the same as the number of protons in the atom. Since there are six protons in the atom, the element must be carbon.

There are eight neutrons meaning that the mass  number is 8 + 6 = 14

Therefore, the isotope is carbon-14.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/13214440

What is the relationship between temperature and kinetic energy?



"[Temperature is a measurement of the average kinetic energy of the molecules in an object or a system. Kinetic energy is the energy that an object has because of its motion. The molecules in a substance have a range of kinetic energies because they don't all move at the same speed.]"


Temperature is directly proportional to the average translational kinetic energy of molecules in an ideal gas


A 0.204 g sample of a CO3 2- antacid is dissolved with 25.0ml of 0.0981 M HCL. The hydrochloric acid that is not neutralized by the antacid is titrated to a bromophenol blue endpoint with 5.83 ml of 0.104 M NaOH. Assuming the active ingredient in the antsacid sample is CaCO3, calculate the mass of CaCO3 in the sample.



0.0922 g


Number of moles of acid present = 25/1000 × 0.0981

= 0.00245 moles

Number of moles of base = 5.83/1000 × 0.104

= 0.000606 moles

Since the reaction of HCl and NaOH is 1:1

Number of moles of HCl that reacted with antacid = 0.00245 moles - 0.000606 moles

= 0.001844 moles

From the reaction;

CaCO3 + 2HCl ----> CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

1 mole of CaCO3 reacts with 2 moles of HCl

x moles of CaCO3 reacts with 0.001844 moles ofHCl

x = 1 × 0.001844/2

= 0.000922 moles

Mass of CaCO3 = 0.000922 moles × 100 g/mol

= 0.0922 g

Butanal, an aldehyde, can be made from 1-bromobutane, but it requires two reactions in sequence. What are the two reagents that can be used to make butanal from 1-bromobutane if reagent A is first reacted with 1-bromobutane and then the product of that reaction, is reacted with reagent B.



See explanation and image attached


My aim is to convert 1-bromobutane to butanal. The first step is to react the 1-bromobutane substrate with water. This reaction occurs by SN2 mechanism to yield 1-butanol. Hence reagent A is water.

1-butanol is now reacted with an oxidizing agent such as acidified K2Cr2O7 (reagent B) to yield butanal. Note that primary alkanols are oxidized to alkanals.

These sequence of reactions are shown in the image attached.

Consider a hypothetical metal that has a density of 10.6 g/cm3, an atomic weight of 176.8 g/mol, and an atomic radius of 0.130 nm. Compute the atomic packing factor if the unit cell has tetragonal symmetry, values for the a and c lattice parameters are 0.570 and 0.341, respectively.





GIven that:

Density of the metal = 10.6 g/cm^3

atomic weight = 176.8 g/mol

atmic radius = 0.130 nm

values of a and c = 0.570 nm and 0.341 nm respectively

For us to determine the atomic packing factor, we need to first determine the volume of all spheres (Vs) and the volume of unit cell (Vc).

However, the number of atoms  in the unit cell (n) can be computed as:

[tex]n = \dfrac{\rho * V_c *N_A}{A} \\ \\ n = \dfrac{(10.6) * (5.7)^2 (3.41)*(10^{-24}) *(6.022*10^{23})}{176.8}[/tex]

n = 4.0

Thus, the number of atoms in the unit cell is 4

The atomic paking factor (APF) is calculated by using the formula:

[tex]\dfrac{Vs}{Vc} = \dfrac{4 * \dfrac{4}{3}\pi *R^3 }{a^2 *c} \\ \\ \\ \dfrac{Vs}{Vc} = \dfrac{4 * \dfrac{4}{3}\pi *(1.30*10^{-8})^3 }{(5.70*10^{-8})^2 *(3.41*10^{-8})}[/tex]

= 0.3323

why Ethyl amine is more basic than aniline​?



Because a Lone pair of electrons on nitrogen is involved in delocalization.

Hope this helps you ( ◕ᴗ◕✿)

If it doesn't i'm sorry(◞ ‸ ◟)


In ethylamine ethyl is electron donating group. So more electrons are available aroudn nitrogen for donation. But in aniline phenyl group is electron attracting group.

Three peptides were obtained from a trypsin digestion of two different polypeptides. Indicate the possible sequences from the given data.

a. Val-Gly-Arg
b. Ala-Val-Lys
c. Ala-Gly-Phe



A) Val-Gly-Arg-Ala-Val-Lys-Ala-Gly-Phe

B) Ala-Val-Lys-Val-Gly-Arg-Ala-Gly-Phe


The possible sequences that could be obtained from the available dat provided are :

A) Val-Gly-Arg-Ala-Val-Lys-Ala-Gly-Phe

B) Ala-Val-Lys-Val-Gly-Arg-Ala-Gly-Phe

Trypsin is generally a catalyst  for the breakdown of proteins into smaller peptides ( during the hydrolysis of peptide bonds )  

10. At 573K, NO2(g) decomposes forming NO and O2. The decomposition reaction is second order in NO2 with a rate constant of 1.1 M-1s-1. If the initial concentration of NO2 is 0.056 M, how long will it take for 75% of the NO2 to decompose



48.67 seconds



1/[A] = kt + 1/[A]o

[A] = concentration at time t

t= time taken

k= rate constant

[A]o = initial concentration

Since [A] =[A]o - 0.75[A]o

[A] = 0.056 M - 0.042 M

[A] = 0.014 M

1/0.014 = (1.1t) + 1/0.056

71.4 - 17.86 = 1.1t

53.54 = 1.1t

t= 53.54/1.1

t= 48.67 seconds

Hence,it takes 48.67 seconds to decompose.

When naming organic compounds, there are strict rules regarding punctuation.
1. A comma is used to separate two numbers.
2. A hyphen is used to separate a number from a letter.
Rewrite the name of this compound using hyphens and commas as appropriate.


The question is incomplete, the complete question is shown in the image attached to this answer




IUPAC nomenclature provides a universally acceptable method of naming organic compounds from its structure.

According to this system of nomenclature;

A comma is used to separate two numbers.

A hyphen is used to separate a number from a letter.

Applying these rules, the name of the compound shown in the question should be written as 2,3,3-trimethylhexane.

Why is bromine more electronegative than iodine?​



Accordingly the order of electronegativity of the given elements would be: Fluorine > Chlorine > Bromine > Iodine. ( Fluorine has the highest electronegativity.)

potassium and chlorine react to form potassium chloride. a.it is a redox reaction,explain why. b.see if u can write a balanced equation for it.​





because the reaction is between metal Potassium and Non-metal Chlorine



a) It is a redox reaction because KCl is an ionic compounds with K having a + charge and Cl having a - charge. Originally, both have an oxidation state of 0 and not K has 1+ and Cl has 1-. Therefore, one species was oxidized and one was reduced which is indicative of a redox reactions.


2K + Cl2 => 2KCl

The forensic technician at a crime scene has just prepared a luminol stock solution by adding 17.0 \({\rm g}\) of luminol into a total volume of 75.0 \(\rm mL\) of \(\rm H_2O\). What is the molarity of the stock solution of luminol



1.28 M


Step 1: Given data

Mass of luminol (solute): 17.0 g

Volume of water: 75.0 mL (this is also the volume of solution)

Step 2: Calculate the moles corresponding to 17.0 g of luminol

The molar mass of luminol is 177.16 g/mol.

17.0 g × 1 mol/177.16 g = 0.0960 mol

Step 3: Calculate the molarity of the solution

We will use the definition of molarity

M = moles of solute / liters of solution

M = 0.0960 mol / 0.0750 L = 1.28 M

Which one of the following compounds will NOT be soluble in water?
A) LiNO3
B) PbS
D) MgCl2
E) K2SO4


See the correct answer is b.)PbS

If position vector r=bt²i + ct³j, where c are positive constants, when does the velocity vector make an angle of 45° with the x and y axes?


We want to find the value of t such that the velocity vector makes an angle of 45° with both axes.

We found that:

t = (2/3)*(b/c)

The velocity vector makes an angle of 45° with the x and y axes.

We know that the position vector is:

r = r=b*t²i + c*t³j

Remember that the versor "i" corresponds to the x-component, and the versor "j" corresponds to the y-component, then:

r = r=b*t²i + c*t³j  = (b*t², c*t³)

The velocity vector is the vector that we get when we differentiate the position one, remember that if:

f(x) = a*x^n


f'(x) = n*a*x^(n - 1)

Using this, we can find that the velocity vector is:

v = (2*b*t,  3*c*t²)

Now we want to know, when does the velocity vector make an angle of 45° with the x and y axes.

Let's think of the vector as the hypotenuse of a triangle rectangle, where the x-component is the adjacent cathetus, and the y-component is the opposite cathetus. (so the angle is measured counterclockwise from the x-axis)

We have the trigonometric equation:

tan(a) = (opposite cathetus)/(adjacent cathetus)

So now we can replace these things with the known ones:

a = 45°

opposite cathetus = y-component = 3*c*t²

adjacent cathetus = x-component = 2*b*t

So we will get:

tan(45°)  =  (3*c*t²)/( 2*b*t)

1 = (3/2)*(c/b)*t

Now we can solve this for the variable, t.

1*(2/3)*(b/c) = t

t = (2/3)*(b/c)

We can conclude that at the time:

t = (2/3)*(b/c)

The velocity vector makes an angle of 45° with the x and y axes.

You can read more about vectors in:


How many grams of sodium chloride are contained in 250.0 g of a 15% NaCl solution?

Please explain and show work.


Given concentration of NaCl=15%

Means ,

In every 100g of Solution 15g of NaCl is present .


Given mass=250g

So ,

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 250\times 15\%[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 250\times \dfrac{15}{100}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 37.5g[/tex]

37.5g of NaCl present in 250g of solution.


Given concentration of NaCl=15%

Means ,

In every 100g of Solution 15g of NaCl is present .


Given mass=250g

So ,

➡250 × 15%



37.5g of NaCl present in 250g of solution.

The Halogen Group is also known as the?

salt formers
acid makers



I think b acid makers


hope it will help you

Which of the following is most likely to happen when a sound wave reflects
off a hard surface? (Assume that neither the source of the sound nor the hard
surface is moving.)
A. A change in speed
B. An echo
C. A change in pitch
D. A beat frequency



an echo is caused by the fact that waves can be reflected by solid surfaces, this is due to the dynamic pattern of rarefactions and air seals near the reflecting surface

A 25.0 mL sample of 0.150 M hypochlorous acid is titrated with a 0.150 M NaOH solution. What is the pH at the equivalence point? The Kaof hypochlorous acid is 3.0x10^-8.
a) 10.20
b) 7.00
c) 6.48
d) 7.52
e) 14.52



pH = 10.20


The HClO reacts with NaOH as follows:

HClO + NaOH → H2O + NaClO

Where HClO and NaOH react in a 1:1 reaction.

As the concentration of both reactions is the same and the reaction is 1:1, to reach equivalence point are required the same 25.0mL.

And the NaClO produced decreases its concentration in 2 because the volume is doubled.

The concentration of NaClO is: 0.150M / 2 = 0.075M

The equilibrium of NaClO is:

NaClO(aq) + H2O(l) ⇄ HClO(aq) + OH-(aq)

Where Kb of reaction is 1.0x10⁻¹⁴ / Ka =

1.0x10⁻¹⁴ / 3.0x10⁻⁸ = 3.33x10⁻⁷ = [HClO] [OH-] / [NaClO]

[NaClO] = 0.075M

As both HClO and OH- comes from the same equilibrium,

[HClO] = [OH-] = X

Where X is the reactoin coordinate


3.33x10⁻⁷ = [X] [X] / [0.075M]

2.5x10⁻⁸ = X²

X = 1.58x10⁻⁴M = [OH-]

pOH = -log [OH-]

pOH = 3.80

pH = 14 - pOH

pH = 10.20

Which of the following represents a physical change?



» Water evaporating to gas.

» Solid subliming to gas.

» Water freezing to solid.

» Solid melting to liquid.


[tex]{ \underline{ \blue{ \sf{christ \:† \: alone }}}}[/tex]

A sample of oxygen gas at a pressure of 1.19 atm and a temperature of 24.4 °C, occupies a volume of 18.7 liters. If the gas is allowed to expand at constant temperature to a volume of 29.4 liters, the pressure of the gas sample will be ______ atm.



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 0.757 \ atm}}[/tex]


We are asked to find the pressure of a gas given a change in volume. Since the temperature remains constant, we are only concerned with volume and pressure. We will use Boyle's Law, which states the volume is inversely proportional to the pressure. The formula for this law is:

[tex]P_1V_1= P_2V_2[/tex]

Initially, the oxygen gas occupies a volume of 18.7 liters at a pressure of 1.19 atmospheres.

[tex]1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L = P_2V_2[/tex]

The gas expands to a volume of 29.4 liters, but the pressure is unknown.

[tex]1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L = P_2 * 29.4 \ L[/tex]

We are solving for the new pressure, so we must isolate the variable [tex]P_2[/tex]. It is being multiplied by 29.4 liters. The inverse operation of multiplication is division. Divide both sides of the equation by 29.4 L.

[tex]\frac {1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L}{29.4 \ L} =\frac{ P_2 * 29.4 \ L}{29.4 \ L}[/tex]

[tex]\frac {1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L}{29.4 \ L} =P_2[/tex]

The units of liters cancel.

[tex]\frac {1.19 \ atm * 18.7 }{29.4 } =P_2[/tex]

[tex]\frac {22.253}{29.4 } \ atm = P_2[/tex]

[tex]0.7569047619 \ atm =P_2[/tex]

The original measurements all have 3 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we calculated, that is the thousandth place. The 9 in the ten-thousandth place to the right of this place tells us to round the 6 up to a 7.

[tex]0.757 \ atm \approx P_2[/tex]

The pressure of the gas sample is approximately 0.757 atmospheres.


According to Boyle's law, for a given mass of ideal gas, pressure of gas is inversely proportional to the volume of gas, Provided the Temprature remains constant.

P₁ = 1.19 atmP₂ = ?V₁ = 18.7 LV₂ = 29.4 LT = constant = 24.4° C = Isothermal process

[tex]\implies \sf P_1 V_1 = P_2 V_2 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf 1.19 \times 18. 7= P_2 \times 29.4 \\[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf 22.253= P_2 \times 29.4 \\[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf P_2 = \dfrac{22.253}{29.4} \\[/tex]

[tex]\implies \underline{ \red{\boxed{ \bf P_2 \approx0.756 \: atm }}} \\[/tex]

A piece of metal has a volume of 30.0cm3 and a mass of 252g. What is its density? what metal do you think this is?




get density = D = m / V = 0.252 / 0.00003 = 8400 metal will be Cu => bronze
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