What is the variable unit for acceleration,gravity and height


Answer 1




At different points on Earth's surface, the free fall acceleration ranges from 9.764 m/s2 to 9.834 m/s2[2] depending on altitude and latitude, with a conventional standard value of exactly 9.80665 m/s2 (approximately 32.17405 ft/s2). Locations of significant variation from this value are known as gravity anomalies.



Related Questions



Answer:- 16000 Explanation:-force = 800Narea of 1 feet = 0.025Area of 2 feet= 0.025+0.025 = 0.050m²presure = force / area = 800 N / 0.050 = 16000

The momentum of an object is 35 kg•m/s and it is travelling at a speed of 10 m/s.
a) What is the mass of the object?



[tex]{ \bf{momentum = mass \times velocity}} \\ \\ { \tt{35 = m \times 10}} \\ { \tt{mass = 3.5 \: kg}}[/tex]

A constellation’s changing position in the sky, at the same time of the evening, over a period of several weeks is evidence that:

a- Earth is round b- Earth’s axis is tilted. c- Earth rotates on its axis.
d- Earth revolves around the sun.



d- Earth revolves around the sun.


Earth rotation can be defined as the amount of time taken by planet earth to complete its spinning movement on its axis.

This ultimately implies that, the rotation of earth refers to the time taken by earth to rotate once on its axis. One spinning movement of the earth on its axis takes approximately 24 hours to complete with respect to the sun.

On the other hand, earth revolution can be defined as a complete trip along a path around the sun. This path is known as an orbit and it typically takes the Earth 365¼ days to complete it's journey around the Sun.

When a constellation (stars) changes its position in the sky, at the same time of the evening and over a period of several weeks; it ultimately implies or is an evidence that Earth revolves around the sun.

push switch is closed and the door unlocks. Explain in detail how this happens.



The push switch is closed and the door unlocks. ... The switch completes the circuit and a current flows through the coil. The coil becomes an electromagnet and its iron core becomes magnetised. The iron bolt is attracted to the electromagnet.


Please Mark me brainliest

what is time write its SI unit​


The SI unit of time is second

Q3. (a) The student places 0.5 kg of potato into a pan of water.
During cooking, the temperature of the potato increases from 20 °C to 100°C
The specific heat capacity of the potato is 3400 J/kg °C
Calculate the change in thermal energy of the potato. Use the equation:
change in thermal energy = mass * specific heat capacity * temperature change
m = 0.5kg
C = 34001
TA= 20° - 100°
° = 80°C
OʻS x 3400 x 80 - 136000J
Change in thermal energy =
(b) Why is the energy supplied by the cooker greater than that calculated in part (a)?


Mark Brainliest please


136000 J or 136 kJ

Heat = m * c * deltaH
m= 0.5 kg
c = 3400 J / (kg * oC)
Deltat = (100oC - 20oC)
deltat = 80oC
Heat = 0.5 kg * 3400 J/(kg* oC) * 80oC
Heat = 136000 Joules
Heat = 136 kg
Technically there is only 1 place of accuracy.

A body of mass 5 kg moving with velocity 10m/s attains a velocity of 30m/s in 20 seconds, after applying the force. The amount of force applied will be:

a 10N

b 20N

c 5N

d 15N​



c) 5N

➦I hope it seemed helpful to you!

Change the following as indicated in the brackets.
8m (km,cm)​


metres to kilometres = 1/1000

8 m ⇒ 0.008 km

metres to centimetres = × 100

8 m ⇒ 800 cm



so, 8m=8/1000 = 0.008km


so, 8m=8×100=800

A box at rest is in a state of equilibrium half way up on a ramp. The ramp has an incline of 42° . What is the force of static friction acting on the box if box has a gravitational force of 112.1 N ?

70 N
80 N
75 N
85 N



the correct answer  is 75 N


This is a translational balancing exercise, let's set a reference system with the x-axis in the direction of the plane and the y-axis perpendicular to the plane.

In this reference system the force to decompose is the weight

         sin 42 = Wₓ / W

        cos 42 = W_y / W

        Wₓ = W sin 42

        W_y = W cos 42

        Wₓ = 112.1 sin 42 = 75.0 N

        W_y = 112.1 cos 42 = 83.3 N

The expression for equilibrium on the x-axis is

         Wₓ - fr = 0

         fr = Wₓ

         fr = 75.0 N

the correct answer  is 75 N

What is a temperature of 40 K equivalent to in degrees Celsius?


The answer is -233.15° C



We know,

0 Kelvin = -273.15° C

So, 40 K = (-273.15+40) = -233.15° C

If my answer helps then please mark me brainliest.




Atividade 1) A presença do campo magnético terrestre proporciona alguns efeitos interessantes. Dentre eles estão as auroras polares. Faça uma pesquisa e explique como esse fenômeno ocorre. Atividade 2 Utilizando a simulação mostrada na figura abaixo, aproxime o ímã da bússola em várias posições ao longo do plano. a) O que representam as pequenas agulhas ao redor do ímã? b) O que acontece com a agulha da bússola quando o ímã é movimentado ao seu redor? c) Marque a seleção "Mostrar medidor de campo". Movimente o medidor de campo O que você observa em relação ao campo magnético⃗ , quando o medidor de campo se aproxima do imã? c) Marque a caixa de seleção "planeta Terra". Como são mostradas as polaridades do ímã? Por que aparece dessa forma?


The answer is 1 the first one is the only one that makes sense

Can someone help me with this? I will give brainliest! Ridiculous answers will be reported. Thank you.


Can you post a more clear picture because It’s a little blurry

A puck is travelling at a speed of 28 m/s. If it has a mass of 200 g, what is its momentum?




Momentum is equal to mass times velocity:

p = mv; therefore,

p = .200(28) and

p = 5.6 [tex]\frac{kg*m}{s}[/tex]

A car accelerates along a straight road from rest to 90 km/h in 5.0 s. A) Find the magnitude of its average acceleration. B) Find the velocity of the car at t = 1.0 s, t = 2.0 s and t = 5.0



a)   [tex]A=5m/s^2[/tex]

b)   [tex]V=25m/s[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Velocity [tex]v=90km/h=25m/s[/tex]

Time [tex]t=5.0s[/tex]


Generally From Newton's motion equation for Average acceleration is   mathematically given by


Since its from Rest Therefore





Generally the equation for Average Velocity is mathematically given by


 [tex]AT t=1.0s\\\\V=0+5(1)[/tex]


 [tex]AT t=2.0s\\\\V=0+5(2)[/tex]


 [tex]AT t=5.0s\\\\V=0+5(5)[/tex]



Give atleast (5) etypes of cleaning tools , equipment,supplies, and materials that you can find either in your home or school. Identify each use


Answer and Explanation:

Cleaning tools, equipment, supplies, and materials that can be easily found in a school in one each are: scrub brush, sponges, buckets and brooms.

These equipments are essential to promote a clean, organized and safe environment and for this reason, they can be easily found both at school and in a home, since the cleanliness of these two places is essential for the well-being, proactivity and health of the people who attend them.

if a train starts from rest and attains a velocity of 100m/s in 25 seconds. calculate the acceleration produced by the train.​


-4 km/s2


plz help me yesterdays answer was wrong....
Name the Thermal expansion of fluids such as liquid and gas​




mercury in thermometer

volume gas thermometer

jar lids

power lines

please I need the answer right now will mark you brainliest ​




what do u need help with


that's for frequency other answers are coming soon

list 8 countries which have launched satellites into space and also list the name of the satellite which was launched by the countries​


Launch-capable countries
Order Country Satellite(s)
1 Soviet Union Sputnik 1
2 United States Explorer 1
3 France Astérix
4 Japan Ohsumi
10 more rows

A horse pulls a wagon with a force of 200 N for a distance of 80 m. How much work
does the horse do?




w = 16000 J, hope this helps

A sled with mass 11.00 kg moves in a straight line on a frictionless horizontal surface. At one point in its path, its speed is 4.00 m/s; after it has traveled a distance 3.00 m beyond this point, its speed is 7.00 m/s. Use the work-energy theorem to find the force acting on the sled, assuming that this force is constant and that it acts in the direction of the sled's motion.



The magnitude of the force acting on the sled is 60.5 newtons.


The Work-Energy Theorem states that the work done by the external force applied on the sled ([tex]W[/tex]), in joules, is equal to the change of its translational kinetic energy ([tex]\Delta K[/tex]), in joules:

[tex]W = \Delta K[/tex] (1)

By definitions of work and translational kinetic energy we expand the equation above:

[tex]F\cdot s = \frac{1}{2}\cdot m\cdot (v_{2}^{2}-v_{1}^{2})[/tex] (1b)


[tex]F[/tex] - External force applied on the sled, in newtons.

[tex]s[/tex] - Travelled distance, in meters.

[tex]v_{1}, v_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final velocities, in meters per second.

If we know that [tex]m = 11\,kg[/tex], [tex]v_{1} = 4\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], [tex]v_{2} = 7\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex] and [tex]s = 3\,m[/tex], then the external force applied on the sled is:

[tex]F = \frac{m\cdot (v_{2}^{2}-v_{1}^{2})}{2\cdot s}[/tex]

[tex]F = \frac{(11\,kg)\cdot \left[\left(7\,\frac{m}{s} \right)^{2}-\left(4\,\frac{m}{s} \right)^{2}\right]}{2\cdot (3\,m)}[/tex]

[tex]F = 60.5\,N[/tex]

The magnitude of the force acting on the sled is 60.5 newtons.

In this experiment, the ______ was intentionally manipulated. This was the independent variable.
A. fan speed
B. mass
C. acceleration



Fan speed


because is the dependent variable

What is centripetal force? A. A force acting parallel to the path of an object in circular B. A force opposing motion along a circular path C. A force acting away from the center of a circular motion D. A force acting toward the center of a circular motion ​






Centripetal force is the force acting towards the center of circular motion or path.

[tex]{ \tt{formular : \: F = \frac{m {v}^{2} }{r} }} \\ { \tt{F : \: is \: centripetal \: force}} \\ { \tt{m : \: is \: mass}} \\ { \tt{v : \: is \: velocity}} \\ { \tt{r : \: is \: radius}}[/tex]


Its opposite is centrifugal force which acts away from the center of circular path.

1- Un avión vuela horizontalmente con una velocidad cuya magnitud es de 100 m/s y deja caer un proyectil desde una altura de 400 m con respecto al suelo. Determinar: a) El tiempo que transcurre antes de que el proyectil se impacte en el suelo. b) ¿Qué distancia horizontal recorre el proyectil después de iniciar su caída?

2- Se lanza horizontalmente un objeto con una velocidad de 80 m/s desde una altura de 160 m. Calcular: a) El tiempo que tarda en llegar al suelo b) La magnitud de la velocidad vertical que lleva a los 3 segundos. c) La distancia horizontal a la que cae el objeto a partir del punto desde que fue arrojada.

3- Se lanza un proyectil con una velocidad inicial de 80 m/s y una inclinación, sobre la horizontal, de 30°. Calcular: a) ¿Cuál es la altura máxima que alcanza la bala? b) ¿Cuáles son las posiciones, x y y, cuando han transcurrido 5 segundos?

4- Un joven patea una pelota contra un arco con una velocidad inicial de 20 m/s y con un ángulo de 45°. Determinar: a) cual es el alcance total


Can you translate this to english ?

How can you increase efficiency of a simple machine??​



Efficiency can be increase by using rollers in conjunction with the inclined plane. Wedge. The wedge is an adaptation of the inclined plane. It can be used to raise a heavy load over a short distance or to split a log.


Hope it helps

Susan claims that she can throw a dart at a dartboard from a distance of 3.0m and hit the 5.0cm wide bull's-eye if she throws horizontally with a speed of 20 m/s. She starts to throw at the same height as the top of the bull's-eye. Will Susan hit the bull's-eye?

What is being asked? How to calculate?


Can you show a picture of the problem so I can answer it

Behaviors in deer such as herding and male deer using antlers to compete for females increase the chances of successful reproduction.

True or False





The reproductive success of any species is the capability to produce their offspring per breeding lifetime or event.

Most of the species have to attract their partners by their physical capability and build up so that the mother can choose her partner in order to breed the best kind of off spring.

In the context, in case of deer, the size of the their antlers as well as behavior in herding is considered as the best chances for a successful reproduction to compete among the males and find their breeding mate.

Thus the answer is TRUE.

Hai tiếp điểm hình trụ bằng đồng có đầu hình cầu bán kính R = 70mm, lực ép tiếp điểm F = 100N, Mô đun đàn hồi của đồng là 11.8 * 106(N/cm2). Cho biết: a = 0.86 * (F*R/E)1/3, điện trở suất của đồng là 1.62 * 10-8 (Ω/m), với tiếp điểm đồng thì hệ số K1 = 3,16.10-4 (ΩN1/2). Biết các giá trị ứng suất của đồng là: σdh = 38300 N/cm2; σdẻo = 45000 N/cm2; σd.Nát = 51000 N/cm2. Tính điện trở tiếp xúc trong trường hợp thỏa mãn điều kiện tản dòng lí tưởng và trong trường hợp thực nghiệm.




yeah totally we get it

The three scientists credited with using all available data and correctly determing the sturcture of dna from many years of previous work are



James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins


The three scientists that used the available data ( x-ray images of DNA  provided by Rosalind Franklin) to correctly determine the structure of DNA are : James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins.

These scientists discovered the structure of DNA in 1953  and they received, and they receive a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery

QUESTION 30 A tennis ball moves back and forth 10 times in 5 sec. The frequency of its motion is​



so in 1 sec 2 times

so frequency = 2


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