what is water transparency​


Answer 1


Transparency of water relates to the depth that light will penetrate water. The change that occurs is from predominantly yellow light at the surface to blue-green at depth in clear water or yellow-green in waters having a high concentration of dissolved organic material.

Answer 2


Transparency of water relates to the depth that light will penetrate water. ... The change that occurs is from predominantly yellow light at the surface to blue-green at depth in clear water or yellow-green in waters having a high concentration of dissolved organic material.

What Is Water Transparency
What Is Water Transparency
What Is Water Transparency

Related Questions

what can happen during the cycle of photosynthesis with increasing concentrations of Atrazine?



By inhibiting photosynthesis, Atrazine kills plants. Photosynthesis, which is unique to living green plants, occurs when light energy becomes the chemical energy required for food production.

Simply stated, plants eventually die of hunger when food production stops. Atrazine selectively kills unwanted plants (weeds) competing with suitable plants for water and nutrients (crops, turfgrass). It is thus a beneficial tool for both farming and urban plants.


In Texas maize and grain sorghum production, Atrazine is the most often used herbicide. In several "weed and feed" preparations for domestic plowing and commercial turf-grass weed control, it is also often found as an active ingredient.

With its broad use, atrazine has been identified in minute concentrations in Texas ground and surface waterways. Because of this, it is crucial to understand atrazine behavior in the environment and the potential for harmful impacts on human and animal health and on other non-target organisms.

What is the purpose of a geological time scale ?

It used to predict natural disaters throughout Earth’s history.
It is used to present the correct sequence of events in the Earth’s history.
It is used to determine the absolute dates in years for different periods.
It used to create a naming system for flora and fauna.


Answer: B. It is used to present the correct sequence of events in the Earth’s history.

Explanation: On Edge!!!! :)




Erosion and deposition constantly change Earth’s surface. Erosion carries natural materials like rock and soil from one place to another. Through deposition, these natural materials may be deposited in areas where they build up over time.

Which landform results from the deposition of materials in a valley during volcanic eruptions?

B.mud pot
D.lava plateau


D. Lava plateau
They are formed when lava flows from the volcano & build up over time as the molten lava is deposited & cools.

In your own words, explain how the precise timing of an element's radioactive decay helps scientists find the actual age of a material? (5 points)



Precise time can be studied with the help of amount of carbon in the body. By measuring the amount of carbon in the body scientist can find the actual age of a material

Predict what will happen to the concentration of pyruvate, NADH and H+ when the Krebs cycle is stopped by arsenic


Answer: Pyruvate would increase, NADH would decrease, and intermembrane H+ would decrease as well.


Glycolysis would raise pyruvate, but the Krebs Cycle would not produce NADH, decreasing it. No protons (H+) will be pushed into the intermembrane gap, lowering its H+ content and raising its pH.

What is Kreb's cycle?

The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, commonly referred to as the Krebs cycle or the citric acid cycle, is the primary route that cells use in order to acquire energy and is an essential component of aerobic respiration. The cycle transforms the oxidative potential of acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA) into the reductive potential of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH).

The synthesis of ATP via the Krebs cycle is disrupted when arsenic is present because it prevents pyruvate from being converted into acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA). In addition to the effects described above, arsenic also prevents glucose uptake at the cellular level, as well as gluconeogenesis, the oxidation of fatty acids, and additional acetyl-CoA formation.

Learn more about Kreb's cycle, here:



How many cranial nerves is it?



there are 12 cranial nerves

Most streams result from _____.
a. altitude
b. melted snow
c. oceans
d. rivers



....b........ melted snow

C because I just took a test like that

Explain the benefit of higher myoglobin levels for individuals living at high altitudes


An individual with higher myoglobin levels would be able to carry and store more oxygen in their muscle tissues than a normal person.

A solid reactant is placed into a beaker of a warm water. The liquid vigorously bubbles as the solid dissolves into the solution. What will most likely happen if the temperature of the liquid is slightly reduced?
More bubbles will be produced because the solution is becoming more concentrated.
Fewer bubbles will be produced because of fewer collisions of reactant molecules.
The solid will get smaller at a faster rate because of more collisions of reactant molecules.
The solid will get larger at a slower rate because precipitate is coming out of the solution.


Answer: Fewer bubbles will be produced because of fewer collisions of reactant molecules.


B) Fewer bubbles will be produced because of fewer collisions of reactant molecules.


on Edge

which property has not been observed for membrane proteins being degraded for energy during biological pathways



energy storage


Membrane proteins are proteins that are either form part of or interact with cell membranes. Based on their interactions, membrane proteins can be categorized into integral proteins, which are a permanent part of a cell membrane, and peripheral proteins, which adhere temporarily to the cell membrane. Membrane proteins play many critical functions, for example, 1-they are involved in the passive and active transport of substances across cell membranes, 2-act as enzymes that catalyze chemical reactions, 3-act as receptors that bind specific molecules (such as hormones or neurotransmitters) in order to activate signaling cascades, 4-mediate communication between cells, 5-provide a mechanical link between the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton, etc.

que contiene el condón?



plss translate it in English so i Can easyly answer it.


Thank you.

The scientists mapping the SNPs in the human genome noticed that groups of SNPs tended to be inherited together, in blocks known as haplotypes, ranging in length from 5,000 to 200,000 base pairs. There are as few as four or five commonly occurring combinations of SNPs per haplotype. Integrating what you've learned throughout this chapter and this unit, propose an explanation for this observation.



SNPs have shown that only 0.1 % of DNA sequences are different in the human genome between different individuals, thereby all the inherited phenotypic variation observed in our species is associated with only 0.1 % of differences at the genome level  


Haplotypes are block-like sequences of DNA that are inherited together due to low recombination rates. Moreover, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mapping is a very useful methodology used to map the site of SNP mutations (i.e., SNP variants). In this regard, it has been observed that there are approximately 10 million common SNPs in the human genome. These SNPs contribute to the wide range of phenotypic variation observed in human populations for different traits (e.g., eye color, hair, weight, height, etc). Moreover, researchers have determined that SNPs can be clustered into haplotypes, thereby haplotypes can be accurately sampled by as few as approx. 300,000 selected SNPs, which are sufficient to represent all of the genetic variation across different human genomes.

7. The sun's surface is about
a. 2000 °C
b. 3000 °C
c. 4000 °C
d. 5000 °C



5778C ...................,.....

i belive the answer is b 300

Using sophisticated molecular cloning techniques, you have isolated the genes for two serotonin transporters, called TransA and TransB, which are expressed in these neuronal cells. A preliminary immunofluores- cence localization of fixed and permeabilized cells found very bright staining of TransA at the nerve cell plasma membrane and little staining elsewhere. TransB, in contrast, stained only very faintly at the nerve cell plasma membrane, but there was intense staining within the cytosol.

In which subcellular membrane or organelle would you expect most of the TransB to be found? Explain your answer.





Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that transports signals or messages between neurons.

Most neuronal cells have vesicles in their interior, which are organelles that store neurotransmitters for exportation -by exocytosis- or from recycling -by endocytosis-. These vesicles also protect the neurotransmitter from the enzymatic action.

Vesicles form in the cellular soma, from where they are transported to nervous terminals. Once the vesicle releases the neurotransmitter to the intercellular space, their membrane remains available in the plasmatic membrane to be reused.

The neurotransmitter concentration in the vesicle interior is related to the storage system and the transport system. There are specialized transporter proteins in the vesicle membrane that are involved with the introduction of the molecule to the organelle.

In the exposed example, transporter Trans B might be located in the vesicle membranes, and hence could be found in the cytosol of the cells.

Answer this question properly​



Hindi ko alam hehee


ssorry po

1. A biologist studying interactions between an
animal species and its environment is studying
biology at which level?
b. biosphere
c. organism
d. ecosystem
a. cell





That is the definition of ecology.

answer: d. ecosystem

Unlike other plants, trees are plants living for several years thus they are

A. Annual



D. Fence


c. perennial

hope this helps!

What is silk thread?


Silk worms are an invasive species in the UK. They cover trees and kill them….. silk comes out of their butt and we call it silk thread. Silk thread is silk spun into thread, or silk worm pooo pooooooo

Mutations that result in the death of the individual are known as



Mutations that cause the death of an organism are called lethals — and it doesn't get more negative than that.

what is the function of neurotransmitters?


neurotransmitters are often reffered to as the body's chemical messangers. They are the molecules used by the nervus system to transmit messages between neurones, or from neurones to muscles. Communication between two neurones happens in the synaptic cleft (the small gap between the synapses of neurones).

it helps control the alertness and arousal

what are the difference between DNA and RNA​



There are two differences that distinguish DNA from RNA: (a) RNA contains the sugar ribose, while DNA contains the slightly different sugar deoxyribose (a type of ribose that lacks one oxygen atom), and (b) RNA has the nucleobase uracil while DNA contains thymine.

*Part 1*:
Interpretation - Identify trends, compare and contrast, draw conclusions.
The following is a plot of the number of bacterial cells vs time in a culture. A culture refers to
cells grown in a man-made environment. For example, even though oceans, streams and
ponds are teaming with microbes, they are not considered a culture because they are part of a
natural environment. Yogurt as well as cells grown on agar plates or liquid cultures are
examples of a man-made environment.
Time (hr)
*Part 1*: Analyze the image. Be sure to include a conclusion. There are no incorrect
conclusions, only illogical ones.



First increases, attain highest population and then decreases.


In the culture, the number of bacterial cells increases with the passage of time in a culture. at the beginning, the bacterial cells increases in number or population with the passage of time. At point C, it shows highest population of bacterial cells at the time period of 4 to 5 hours but after more time passed, the population of bacterial cells decreases may be the unavailability of food substances in the medium.

A penicillin reaction is a life-threatening event. In those who are allergic to penicillin, the drug acts as a __________ that binds to blood proteins, causing a strong immune response.



A penicillin reaction is a life-threatening event. In those who are allergic to penicillin, the drug acts as a hapten that binds to blood proteins, causing a strong immune response.


Low molecular weight chemicals can bind to antibodies, but cannot activate B lymphocytes by themselves (they are not immunogenic). To generate specific antibodies to these small chemicals, immunologists typically bind them to macromolecules prior to immunization. In these cases, the chemical is called a hapten. Penicillin G is a typical hapten that tends to covalently bind to lysine residues both in solution and in protein-bound cells. Penicillin is a drug that behaves as a hapten, since the beta-lactam ring under physiological conditions opens and reacts with the lysine residues of proteins, forming a complex that is the main antigenic determinant of penicillin and other beta-lactams and is capable of to stimulate responses mediated by antibodies or by T cells.

Afferont neurons
a.transmit sensory input to the CNS
b.are multipolar neurons
c.have many dendrites and a single long axon
d.are found only within the brain and spinal cord



a.transmit sensory input to the CNS


Afferent neurons will take input from your muscles, skin etc. and send it to your CNS (usually via spinal nerves).

Which actions could be categorized in the “aerobic” section of the Venn diagram?



Starts process with a glucose molecule (Obtaining ATP begins with a breakdown of a glucose molecule (hence the name of glycose), and this is in common with the anaerobic process since this step does not require oxygen.)


❣️ꈍ jess bragoli ꈍ❣️

#keep learning!!


If your doing the test on edgen then the answers are A.)consists of three stages, B.)yields 36 ATP molecules and, E.)starts process with a glucose molecule


I really hope his helps :) !!!!!!!!!!!!

Please push that thank you button and have a great day!!!!!!!!!

define cell and atom.....​


Cell: A cell is the structural and fundamental unit of life. The study of cells from its basic structure to the functions of every cell organelle is called Cell Biology.

Atom:  atom is the smallest component of an element, characterized by a sharing of the chemical properties of the element and a nucleus with neutrons, protons and electrons. The protons and the neutrons reside in the nucleus.

whats the difference between atom and cell?

function wise atoms take part in every chemical reaction while cells are responsible for the development and growth of living existences. Atoms do not have life. They do not need food, water, and they do not reproduce. Cells are alive. Cells consume food and water and can reproduce. Atoms construct molecules and Cells make tissues for organs.

1. What features are located medial to the cranium and the mandible. Identify the category here.
2. How many individual items are included in this category?


The features that are located medial to the cranium and the mandible are:teeth,tongue, lips, chick hard andsoft palate,

   2. There is a total of six individual items in this category.

The human skull is made up of two parts, the cranium, which contains the face and the brain and the only movable bone called the mandible or lower jaw.

The features that are medial to the cranium and the mandible are those structures that are nearer to the mid-line.

The above mentioned features works together to provide the following functions of the cranium:

protection of the delicate structures including the brain, eye and the inner ear.maintaining patency of the nasal passage enabling breathing.the movement of the mandible allows chewing.

Learn more here:



Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive condition in which blood does not clot properly. Queen Victoria of England had one allele for hemophilia. Most of her male descendants had the disorder, but few females had it. Why did hemophilia occur more frequently in Queen Victoria’s male descendants?



Because hemophilia is an X-linked recessive condition.


As the problem states, hemophilia is an X-linked recessive condition.

Meaning that in Queen Victoria's female descendants (coded XX) which inherited the Queen's one allele, for hemophilia to appear in them it would be necessary to inherit another hemophillia-carrying allele from the father.The Queen's male descendants (coded XY) would always manifest hemophilia if they inherited the Queen's hemophilia allele, as they possesed only one X gene.

When a neuron is stimulated and sodium channels open, the process of has begun. Structures of the nervous system surrounding, but not part of the central nervous system are part of the . Two consecutive neurons communicate at a , where they physically come together. are a group of natural chemicals that reduce the perception of pain. Supporting cells of the nervous system are collectively called . When potassium channels have been open long enough to go below resting membrane potential, has occurred.



- When a neuron is stimulated and sodium channels open, the process of depolarization has begun.  

- Structures of the nervous system surrounding, but not part of the central nervous system are part of the peripheral nervous system

- Two consecutive neurons communicate at a synapse, where they physically come together.  

- Endorphins are a group of natural chemicals that reduce the perception of pain.  

- Supporting cells of the nervous system are collectively called neuroglia

- When potassium channels have been open long enough to go below resting membrane potential, hyperpolarization has occurred.


Neurons undergo depolarization in response to diverse stimuli (e.g., heat, light, electrical, chemical, etc). The depolarization occurs when sodium (Na+) ions pass through specific channels  (i.e., open voltage-gated Na+ channels) into a neuron, which causes an increase in the positivity of membrane potential. On the other hand, hyperpolarization occurs when potassium (K+) channels remain open and Na+ channels reset, thereby producing an increase in negativity of membrane potential. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is composed of the cranial nerves, spinal nerves, peripheral nerves, and neuromuscular junctions, which connect the Central nervous system (CNS) to the organs, limbs, and skin. Endorphins (e.g., serotonin) are polypeptides secreted by the pituitary gland and CNS to relieve stress and pain. Neuroglia refers to a class of neural cells that have ectodermal (e.g., astroglia, peripheral glial cells) or mesodermal (e.g., microglia) origins. Neuroglia cells are involved in diverse roles, including, among others, the formation of the blood-brain barrier, homeostatic support, provision of nutrients for neurons, structural support to nerve cells, etc.

how digestion happens in human​



The muscles of the small intestine mix food with digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, and intestine, and push the mixture forward for further digestion. The walls of the small intestine absorb water and the digested nutrients into your bloodstream.

Answer :Once foods are broken into small enough parts, your body can absorb and move the nutrients to where they are needed. Your large intestine absorbs water, and the waste products of digestion become stool. Nerves and hormones help control the digestive process.

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