What kind of medical test would a diagnostic healthcare professional order to collect a sample of a patient's internal tissues for analysis?

blood test

allergy test




Answer 1
A diagnostic healthcare profesional will have to do a biopsy
Answer 2




Related Questions

Which statement summarizes this passage about evaluating health information?

Scientific studies have limits.
Internet sites interpret scientific data.
Secondary sources lack medical expertise.
Newspaper articles are reliable medical sources.


Answer: Secondary sources lack medical expertise.


You didn't give the passage to the question but I got the passage online which I read and answered the question accordingly.

The passage provided recommendations on determining the reliability of a source or not such as when dealing with the sources that are related to health.

Based on the information given in the passage, the author explains that the evaluation of the data of sources is necessary in order to determine if an information is backed by evidence. The author also explains that secondary sources relies on the interpretation of another person and may therefore lack expertise which implies that secondary sources lack credibility and medical expertise.


secondary sources lack medical experience


PLEASE !!!!20 POINTS!!! PLEAS EHELP URGENT!What is a downside of nonprofit fitness centers?

Very few people live near a nonprofit fitness center.Very few people live near a nonprofit fitness center. , ,

Members tend to be wealthy and lack diversity. Members tend to be wealthy and lack diversity. , ,

Membership costs more than it does in for-profit centers.Membership costs more than it does in for-profit centers. , ,

They offer fewer luxury services than for-profit health centers



it should be the first or last one. :) good luck.


Cardio kickboxing is a form of ________ exercise.



Cardio kickboxing is a group fitness class that combines martial arts techniques with fast-paced cardio. This high-energy workout challenges the beginner and elite athlete alike. Build stamina, improve coordination and flexibility, and burn calories as you build lean muscle with this fun and challenging workout.

Assignment: Find an article that supports the importance of exercise. Read the article and list 10 important facts that support this idea. Provide your personal opinion and experiences for how exercise helps you. (Just give me cliche experiances please)​




Saturated and trans fats are bad for you. Less than 7% of your total daily calories should come from saturated fats. Less than 1% should come from trans fats. In a 2,000-calorie daily diet, that’s less than 15 grams of saturated fat and less than 2 grams of trans fat.


Replace bad fats with good fats. Studies show that good fats may help lower your total cholesterol level. Omega-3 fatty acids have good health benefits. They can decrease your risk of heart attack and inflammation.


1.Improve your memory and brain function (all age groups).

2.Protect against many chronic diseases.

3.Aid in weight management.

4.Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

5.Improve your quality of sleep.

6.Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

7.Combat cancer-related fatigue.

8.Improve joint pain and stiffness.

9.Maintain muscle strength and balance.

10.Increase life span.

Why do AED pads need to be placed one inch away from jewelry or pacemakers? The metals will melt and spread in the body if the AED is placed closer. The metals will heat up and cause skin burns if the AED is placed closer. Electricity cannot travel through metals if the AED is placed closer. Electricity will make the heart beat faster if the AED is placed closer.



because the metals will heat up and cause burns


AED Pad act as a defibrillator and is used to treat patients with life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias.

AED pads need to be placed one inch away from jewelry or pacemakers  because the metals will heat up and cause burns. As AED pads uses electrical impulses for defibrillation and can affect the pacemaker as it is also conductive in nature and get heated up if attached together.



Question 3:
Which of these is NOT a way you can be exposed to chemicals?
Click on the correct answer below, then click the Submit button.
A) Splashing in your eyes
B) Holding chemicals while wearing vinyl gloves
C) Breathing in dust or vapor
D) Absorption through your skin
E) Swallowing them


B holding it with gloves

Okay this is not a question abt my assignment but- my ex told me he still loves me, what do i say?


just say " I don't have feelings for you now"

You are assigned to Mrs Goretz. She finds it difficult to get around, and spends MOST of her time in the living room looking out a small window at the bird's that happen by. she gets great enjoyment from this, in fact it's her only activity.Recent rain has left this window dirty and hard to see through. your agency policy says that homemakers don't get clean windows, but your supervisor says the decision is up to you.


Sometimes it is important to indulge ethical and moral consideration while providing care for patients. As a homemaker, it is important to perform the all task that has been assigned. In this case, where the person is unable to move around and find joy in a particular thing such as looking out a small window at the birds. It is a moral act to clean the window to do good for her. Because this is only the source of joy for her. Hence cleaning window so that she can see through it and become happy is a good deed.

How does the act of migration bring adverse effect on environment and health of people



Changes in climate, in conjunction with other drivers of mobility, shape human migration. While there is an increasing focus on the adaptive potential of migration, the health impacts of climate-related migration, including planned relocation and forced displacement, have not been thoroughly examined. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that migration is currently, and will increasingly be, influenced by environmental degradation and climate change, and that it needs to be addressed in a focused and coordinated manner.


This paper examines the links between climate change, migration, and health, considering diverse migration responses, including immobility, forced displacement and planned migration, as well as the associated health risks and opportunities in different contexts. Using case studies, the paper illustrates strategies to reduce the health risks associated with climate change-related migration.


While there is an increasing body of research examining the climate change–migration nexus, a dual approach is now required. This approach must include debate and further research regarding the health consequences and responses associated with climate migration as well as immediate strengthening of health systems to make them both climate resilient and migrant inclusive.

Keywords: Climate change, Migration, Displacement, Relocation, Public health, Governance, Adaptation, Human mobility, Environmental change

The nexus between climate change, migration, and health

Human migration in response to ecological change has been occurring since the origin of our species [1], yet the push that anthropogenic climate change is currently exerting on human migration is relatively new and gradually intensifying [2].

I dont get this...
Suppose you want to discuss your questions about abstinence. Think about the communication strategies you have learned in this course and other places. What strategies would you use with each of the following people to ensure that the conversation has a positive outcome?


Answer: First of all, the definition of abstinence is the act or practice of refraining from indulgence in an appetite, as for certain foods, drink, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or sex. I do not know what u are learning, and the characteristics of the people being talked about. If you send a photo of the page so I can understand what background of the question. A brief overview of some strategies you could use for different people are, letting them know your past and the problems you went through. This one in particular is used for more of drug  and alcohol addicts and if they are being pressured into using them again. Another way is letting them know your beliefs. For example, abstinence in sex. If you are Christian and believe that you should save sex until marriage, then let them know. Another one is letting them know your goal. For example dieting and refraining from certain foods. If you have a certain body goal and you are out eating with family, tell them your goal and stick with it.  

Hope this helps you in some way. Comment if you have any questions or other comments.

BRAINLIEST!! pls help

Does the color blue make people feel calmer?

explain in two to three sentences what your hypothesis will be for your research question





The color blue is often associated with depression/sadness, therefore not exactly calming. A calming color would be a lighter, not brash, color, which soothes.


Yes blue color makes us feel good and soothing.

It's one of the ideal color to use in a bedroom since it can actually help you sleep. One intresting thing about blue light.is.... when in (scotland), blue lights were set up in glasgow of street light, there were dramatic decrease in crime.

why humans are more intelligent then other animals?​



Humans have evolved to their surroundings faster than other animals. But as other animals have done so too, animals can't communicate with each other as us humans do. Each animal is intelligent in its own way because of the characteristics they have. For example, birds have wings and can sense when an earthquake is coming. Humans have more brain than other animals making us a bit more smart.

Hope this helped.

evolution my man, we are no longer monkeys

do you think all illegal drugs should be legalized. why or why not


It all depends on the drug, most illegal drugs deserve to be illegal due to health issues, meanwhile most dont

Question 10
1 pts
What care is given by specialists to help restore or improve function after an illness or injury?
O Rehabilitation
O Subacute care
O Adult day services
O Acute care


It’s rehabilitation

this person is right. the answer is rehabilitation

Which of the following statements about condoms is not true?

A. Condoms can help protect not only a woman from getting a sexually transmitted infection, but also her unborn baby.
B. Condoms, even if used properly, do not completely eliminate the risk of contracting HIV, so you should use other prevention methods with them.
C. Condoms, if used properly, make it impossible to contract sexually transmitted infection (STIs) that are passed through bodily fluids.
D. Condoms provide only minimal protection against STIs such as genital herpes, human papillomavirus (genital warts), and syphilis.​​



D. condoms provide only minimal protection against STIs such as genital herpes, human papillomavirus ( genital warts ), and syphilis

C would be your answer although there is a condom being used it doesn’t eliminate the possibility of getting an infection or disease from other ways of Intercourses

Some yoga poses are named after animals: cat, cow, camel, dolphin, and dog. Different people have different opinions on why these names are
used. After doing the poses what is your opinion?


Yoga gurus may have always lived is natural balance and drew inspiration from it, which is one hypothesis that has been put up. Several yoga postures are named just after animals that they were modelled .

Why are yoga positions named for animals and plants?

We are not aware of the sensations in our bodies because of our hectic schedules and high levels of stress. In order to learn to balance human emotions and stress patterns, it makes reasonable that the ancient yoga gurus would have decided to model their practise after the animals they watched.

Why are the names of yoga positions different?

The traditional language of instruction for yoga poses, or asanas, is Sanskrit. Sanskrit has been an important literary language in India for further than 2,000 years. It is also the sacred language of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. Several yoga postures bear the names of Indian and Hindu mythological saints, heroes, and sages.

To know more about hypothesis visit:



Maurice is feeling helpless and has very little energy which strategy can he use to cope with this problem internal Toronto




- spending time with family

-  seeking help from a therapist

-  relaxation exercises, meditation, yoga

what is the health benifits of exercise?​


Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores.

The health benefits or exercise is that it can lowers the risks of illness and disease such as, cancer, diabetes, hypertension etc. It will help strengthen the bones, muscles and joints, improve sleeping patterns, boost your immune system, improve your cardiovascular system, maintain body functions and enhance mental health.

5 importance of doctor in points​



1) Preventive Medicine

2) Stopping Pandemics

3) Economic Impact

4) Educating People

5) Shaping Health Policy


Doctors are responsible for increased life expectancy and improved well-being in society.A doctor is a person with extensive knowledge in the domain of medical science. People who survive diseases such as cancer usually owe their survival to doctors.Doctors are the most important person in this pandemic They help create medicine and vaccine for treatment.

What are benefits of cycling? Write an essay



One of the main health benefits of cycling is that it strengthens the heart, develops endurance and improves circulation which reduces the risks from coronary heart illnesses, one of the major causes of death. Gaining endurance also lowers the chances of contracting some types of cancers and diabetes.

What is the correct definition of group team sports?
O A. Sports which cannot be played by fewer than five people per team.
B. Sports which cannot be played by fewer than ten people per team.
C. Sports in which only one player per team competes at a time, with
individual scores counting toward the team score.
D. Sports consisting of more than one player on the field or court at a




It is D because a team means to cooperate with your players.


d is the most possible correct answer

According to Newton's third law of physics, who would have strong muscles: a long-distance runner or a runner who jumps hurdles?



A runner who jumps huddles.


As he jumps a huddle, the feet exert a greater force from the ground. And as it lands on the ground, the feet put more force on ground.

This action and reaction is equal

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According to Newton's third law of physics, a runner who jumps hurdles would have strong muscles.

What is Newton's third law of motion?

Newton's third law implies that in nature, for every action (force), there is an equal as well as opposite reaction.

When object A applies a force to object B, object B applies an equal and opposite force to object A. In other words, forces are the result of interactions.

Newton's third law can be used to determine which forces are external to a system.

Identifying external forces is critical when creating a problem because the external forces must be added together to determine the net force.

The feet exert more force from the ground as he jumps a huddle. And as it lands, the feet exert more force on the ground. This action and reaction are identical.

Thus, the runner who jumps hurdles will have strong muscles.

For more details regarding Newton's laws of motion, visit:



Component is flexibility
How would you describe this component in your own words?

Is this component of fitness important? Explain why it is or why it is not.

Is any component more important than the others? Explain why or why not.


Hi! I would describe this component in my own words by saying component is flexibility by saying that the three components of flexibility are muscle elasticity and length, joint structure and nervous system. Yes, these components of fitness are very important as they help us do the things in our daily lives. I would say the nerve system is more important than the rest with the joint structure coming in second place. We need the nervous system because they they transfer nerve impulses between the parts of our body. I hope this is what you were looking for, Goodluck!

Answer: remind Elias about the dangers of concussions and the consequences of serious injury
remind Elias how he missed games last year and did not like the way he felt being on the sidelines



the paragraph tells the story The Thing tells to place the settings tells what happened where to put where was it set at


he should come to practice


how can unsafe road use impact negatively on your lifestyle ​?



Previous studies have identified several factors that contribute to the accident risk of motorcyclists: sex, age, experience, personality traits, etc. It is for sure that motorcycling represents more than just a mode of motor transportation or sport. It could be a part of riders` personal lifestyle which with other components can contribute to their risk behavior and greater traffic accidents involvement. The main aim of the study was to determine how lifestyle dimensions of male motorcyclists influence the risky behavior of motorcyclists and their involvement in traffic accidents. The set of questionnaires about lifestyle, risky behavior and demographic data were sent by mail to three hundred motorcyclists and two hundred and six participants completed material and sent it back. Results showed that there is a significant correlation between lifestyle and risky behavior of the riders and their involvement in traffic accidents. Also, lifestyle predicts the large amount of the variance of risky behavior and traffic accidents of motorcyclist. We can conclude that life style has an important impact on motorcyclists` risky behavior and traffic accidents involvement.

how is dental health related to our whole bodily health?Explain in brief with an example.​



there's a synergic relationship between oral health and overall wellness. Gum disease is linked to a host of illnesses including heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Which of the following would have a negative impact on your social health?
A. looking at your friends' social media posts about vacations they are experiencing while you are stuck at home during spring break
B. eating a large pepperoni pizza and drinking a large soda after having a hard day at work
C. going to an age-appropriate movie with your friends
D. choosing to go to the gym when frustrated with one of your classes


Answer: the answer is A

Explanation: I had the same question an it’s A

A concussion is always a minor brain injury without consequences

True or false?





i took a health class and this was the right answer




a concussion can cause serious damage.

What sayings or team-bonding games do you know that promote teamwork? Create a list of games and sayings.



Egg Drop. ...

2) Dog, Rice, Chicken. ...

3) Talking in Circles. ...

4) Two sides of a Coin. ...

5) Blind Drawing. ...

6) The Mine Field / Watch your step. ...

7) Three Truths and a Lie. ...

8) Team Birthday Line Up.



Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” ...

“Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilisation work.” ...

“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision


what is the largest part of human brain​



cerebrum is the largest part of human brain


The largest part of the brain is cerebrum.

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What was the subject of Withencroft's sketch? how does the u.s. constitution impact society today Part 1: Write mathematical equations of sinusoids.1. The following sinusoid is plotted below. Complete the following steps to model the curve using the cosine function.a) What is the phase shift, c, of this curve? (2 points)b) What is the vertical shift, d, of this curve? (2 points)c) What is the amplitude, a, of this curve? (2 points)d) What is the period and the frequency factor, b, of this curve? (2 pointse) Write an equation using the cosine function that models this data set. (5 points)2. The following points are a minimum and a maximum of a sinusoid. Complete the following steps to model the curve using the sine function.(4.5, 2), (1.5, 22)Jeenu here nok nok koi h What year did toba erupt State GCF of following monomials 18m5n4 and 45m3n6 Dilate the figure by the scale factor. Then enterthe new coordinates.A(1,3)B(4,2)K=3A'([?],[ ]B'([ ],[])c'[[)C(1,-3) The population, P(t), in millions, of a country, in year t, is given by the formula P(t) = 24 + 0.4t. What are the values of the population for t = 10, 20,and 30? Which of the following is the equation of a line that passes through the point(1.4) and is parallel to the x-axis?A.x=1 B.y=4 C.x=4 D.y=1 see ss belowspam answers will be reported Olivia pays $189 for a painting, including tax.If the actual price is $179.50, what is the sales tax rate? What is the molarity of a solution prepared by dissolving 12.0 g of potassium permanganate, KMnO4, in water to make 250.0 mL of solution your marks wil be good A series of pulses, each of amplitude 0.1 m, is sent down a string that is attached to a post at one end. The pulses are reflected at the post and travel back along the string without loss of amplitude. What is the net displacement at a point on the string where two pulses are crossing Write 2^60 the expression as a exponent with the base of 4 if the lines 3x+2ky=0 and 2x+5y+1=0 are parallel, then what is the value of k? What is the culture of your organization? calculate the resistance if V = 220V and I = 3.6amp Car B is traveling a distance dd ahead of car A. Both cars are traveling at 60 ft/s when the driver of B suddenly applies the brakes, causing his car to decelerate at ft/s^2. It takes the driver of car A 0.75 s to react (this is the normal reaction time for drivers). When he applies his brakes, he decelerates at 18 ft/s^2.Required:Determine the minimum distance d between the cars so as to avoid a collision. Identify the transformations of the graph of f(x) = x3 that produce the graph of the given functiong(x). Then graph g(x) on the same coordinate plane as the graph of f(x) by applying thetransformations to the reference points (-1,-1),(0,0), and (1,1). Which does body mass index (BMI) measure?