What religious group dominated the middle colonies?
A. None; it had a very diverse religious population.
O B. Quakers
C. Catholics
D. Puritans


Answer 1


A. none it had a very diverse religious population


my explanation is that it had a lot of religions it had the Quakers it had Jewish people and many more making one religion dominant really hard to do.

Related Questions

Which item is an example of a secondary source?



a biography of Abraham Lincoln



i think it's A because the source is about him he didn't actually write it


Name 3 Historical events that had an effect on American literature​


1)1773: Boston Tea Party 2) 1775: Revolution Begins 3) 1783: Webster's Spelling Book first appears.

True or false: legal residents of Puerto Rico and Guam are considered full citizens of the US.





Puerto Ricans have been granted three different types of U.S. citizenship over the years, but questions remain about their rights and equal treatment as citizens.


This map illustrates the Columbian Exchange. Which contribution to the
European diet came from the Americas?
Peppers Citrus fruits
- Smallpox
- Influenza
- Typhus
Coffee Pears. - Wheat Sheep
Olives Turnips
beans peaches - Rice
Grains - Cattle
- Pigs
- Barley - Horses
A. Beef
B. Turkey
O C. Sugar
O D. Coffee



turky ill update soon


This map illustrates the Columbian Exchange. The contribution to the European diet that came from the Americas is Turkey. Thus option (B) is correct.

What is Columbian Exchange?

The Columbian Exchange was  the huge transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, and technology between the Americas, Africa, and Eurasia that occurred after the voyages of Christopher Columbus in 1492.

This exchange had a profound impact on the world, as it facilitated the spread of new crops, such as maize (corn), potatoes, and tomatoes, to Europe, Asia, and Africa, and introduced new animals, such as horses and cattle, to the Americas.

This map illustrates the Columbian Exchange. From Turkey, the contribution to the European diet that came from the Americas. Therefore,  option (B) is correct.

Learn more about Columbian Exchange here:



Is slavery more than ownership of another human being?



no this is not a true statemebt

slavery ks not more than ownership

What is the definition of a simple sentence?
O A. Simple sentences are simple in design.
B. A simple sentence expresses one complete thought; it's
composed of an independent clause that follows the subject-verb
O C. A simple sentence expresses the best thought; it's independent.
D. A simple sentence doesn't communicate complicated information.


The correct answer is B. A simple sentence expresses one complete thought; it's composed of an independent clause that follows the subject-verb pattern.


A simple sentence is a syntactic unit that expresses a complete idea, which means it is an idependent clause. The sentence has a basic structure that is composed of a subject, verb (action), and complement. Simple sentences are independent clauses because their meaning does not depend on any complement that contextualizes them. An example of a simple sentence is "I play in the park with my friends". In this sentence the subject is "I", the verb is "game" and the complement is "in the park with my friends". According to the above, the correct answer is B.

What is the goal of a mixed economic system?
increase the power of politicians
prevent the abuses and shortcomings of both the command and market systems
to transition eventually into a command system
smooth out economic cycles


I believe the answer is the second one, prevent the abuses and shortcomings of both the command and market systems. Hope this helps!

Positive and negative aspects of advances in technology



Some positve aspects are:

No waste of paper when typing.

Easier to travel such as riding a bike instead of walking. (Bikes are counted as technology)

Easier Mail

Negative aspects are:

Harder for people to adapt with things that don't have such technology yet.


Time with family is reduced.

In the Neolithic age agriculture created



The Neolithic Era began when some groups of humans gave up the nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle completely to begin farming. It may have taken humans hundreds or even thousands of years to transition fully from a lifestyle of subsisting on wild plants to keeping small gardens and later tending large crop fields

reaction paper about the making of a criminal mastermind The big boss


The Big Boss 21st century criminal is a Television program which was aired in 2019.

It consists of 2 episodes which influence the viewers by an idea that how a computer encryption expert is morphed into criminal master mind.

The story revolves around various illegal activities such as drug trafficking, gold smuggling and arms ammunition dealing without any license.

Paul Le Roux is successful in making millions of dollars with these criminal activities using the modern technology.

Big Boss successfully dodges the law around him by turning his computer screen as world's most prolific criminal empire.

The world to him turns down when the police launches an intense investigation to reveal his activities.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24370252

Natalie's team needs to make a decision on how to handle a big product recall. People on the team have a lot of strong opinions. Management wants everyone to come to a consensus and to find a solution that everyone can support. What's the best way to get to a consensus? a) Everyone on the team talks until the entire team agrees on one decision. O b) Everyone on the team discusses options and then votes. O c) The team passes the decision-making responsibility to an outside person. O di The team leader makes a decision without input from the other members.



absolutely b


Because VOTE is the fairest form of decision making

another reason:

A) it takes too much time to make a decision when they have different ideas and they think they are right

C) an outside person maybe doesnt understand the importance of his decision, i think his decision will depend on his intution

D) when the leader does that, it's no respect for people, they are team, not individual

Why did the Ottoman Empire collapse?


So, Around this time, Europe had strengthened rapidly with the Renaissance and the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Other factors, such as poor leadership and having to compete with trade from the Americas and India, led to the weakening of the empire. In 1683, the Ottoman Turks were defeated at the Battle of Vienna. Hope this helps ;))

After more than 6 centuries of existence and development, the Ottoman Empire collapsed. There were many reasons for the decline of this empire. Among these are the fact that since the 17th century, the military power of the Ottoman Empire began to wane.

The Ottoman conquests had successive failures such as the failed conquest of Vienna in 1683.

The Balkan Wars took place in 1912 and 1913, causing the Ottoman Empire to suffer great losses when it lost 33% of its territory and 20% of its population.

Although the Ottoman Empire made many reforms to restore the country to its glory days, they were to no avail. When World War I broke out, the Ottoman Empire allied with Germany in hopes of returning to its glory days soon.

As a result, Germany was defeated and the Ottoman Empire completely collapsed when two-thirds of its soldiers died and about 3 million civilians died. Accordingly, the once mighty empire disappeared from the world map.

A government that has the power to make and enforce law but which lacks the acceptance of the people is said to have which of the following?



When a government has the power to make laws and enforce its decisions but lacks the broad support of the people to do so, it can be said to have legitimacy but not authority.

a. What is energy? Write its unit. subject science​



Energy is the capacity of a physical system to do work. The standard unit is the joule, symbolized by J.


One joule (1 J) is the energy resulting from the equivalent of one newton (1 N) of force acting over one meter (1 m) of displacement.

Energy, in physics, the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or various other forms.

Which is a set of push and pull factors tied to immigration that are most directly related



Nothing attached to this picture but the answer in my perspective is: famine and jobs is a set of push and pull factors tied to immigration that are most directly related.

How did the Neolithic Revolution impact the economies of early human society's



It helped start permanent settlements which led to an increase in population.


Who is responsible for passing a state budget in Georgia?

the governor
the general assembly
the speaker of the house
the president of the senate



The general assembly



the general assembly


Third parties play a significant role in the election process because they advocate





Political parties keep an eye on each other, they select candidates for many public offices, set goals for the government and provide leadership to reach those goals

Third parties play a significant role in the election process because they advocate reform.

An election is a formal system for group decision-making in which a population selects one or more people to hold public office. Since the 17th century, elections have been the standard mechanism through which modern representative democracy has functioned. Elections may be held to fill positions in the legislature, the executive and judiciary, and in regional and local government. This procedure is also used in a variety of other private and business organisations, ranging from clubs to non-profit organisations and corporations.

Electoral reform refers to the process of establishing fair electoral systems in places where they do not currently exist, or of improving the fairness and effectiveness of existing systems.

Learn more about election, here:



Which statement describes Sparta's strategy for the Peloponnesian War?
O Sparta used its navy to attack Athens along the coastline.
O Sparta ruined Athens's farmland to try to get Athens to fight on land.
O Sparta sailed around the peninsula to attack Athens from two sides.
O Sparta attacked Athens directly and attempted to knock down the walls.
5) Intro



Sparta used its navy to attack Athens along the coastline.


The Peloponnesian War was a war in ancient Greece between Athens and its allies on the one hand and Sparta and its allies on the other. Historians have usually divided the war into three periods. During the first period, the Archidemic War, Sparta repeatedly invaded the Attic Peninsula, but Athens used its superiority at sea to strike a shore on the Peloponnesian Peninsula, trying to quell unrest among its allies. This period of war ended in 421 BC. with the peace of Nicias. But before long, conflict broke out again on the Peloponnesian Peninsula. In the year 415 BC Athens sent troops to Sicily in hopes of capturing Syracuse. The attack failed miserably and the Athenians lost all the troops they sent in 413 BC. At this juncture, the last phase of the war, commonly known as the Ionian War, began. Sparta, now backed by the Persian Empire, supported the revolution in Athens 'allies in the Aegean Sea and in Ionia, undermining Athens' power and domination of the sea. The destruction of the Athenian navy at the Battle of Ægospotami marked the end of the war, and Athens surrendered a year later.

What quality structures were built by native American Civilization in Mexico


Pretty good ones……………………………………………………………………

What happened to Andrew Johnson that only happened to one other American president?



Andrew Johnson was the first president to ever get impeached


the “one other American president” is referring to Bill Clinton (sorry for the short answer, I hope this helps… let me know if you need some more elaboration)

Complete each sentence.
An attempt to influence someone else's thoughts, feelings, and actions is known as
A proposition known as the basis of an argument is known as
A suggestion that something can be accepted, changed, or done is known as


Answer: A

Hoope that helps!!

Explain how Spain's economy became weak over time. Use details to support your answer.



The main cause of Spain's crisis was the housing bubble and the accompanying unsustainably high GDP growth rate. The ballooning tax revenues from the booming property investment and construction sectors kept the Spanish government's revenue in surplus, despite strong increases in expenditure, until 2007.  

The inflation or increase of taxes, spain exporting goods to other countries which made spain's enemies rich, and the dutch revolt weakened spain.

Why is the Renaissance considered the "rebirth" of art and culture?



It was a rebirth of classical learning and it was a rediscovery of Ancient Greece and Rome. Renaissance artists and scholars would look back to this Classical past. They intentionally rejected the scholarship and religious thought of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance was a rebirth of the human spirit, a rebirth of creativity.

The mark God inscribed on the forehead of Cain
for his killing his brother Abel is a form of
(a) Communication
Oot boso
(6) Library keeping
(c) Culture Soboo
(d) NOTA



A tell me if im wrong



Which sentence best describes a conflict?

A sports fan watches the big game.

A fanatic starts questioning his beliefs.

A werewolf roams the forest at night.

A spy takes a photo of a document.



B. A fanatic starts questioning his beliefs.


This is because out of all 4 answers, this is the only one where the person or thing isn't doing what he probably would do.

B definitely seems unnatural compared to the rest

i need help plz asap!!!
Write the following sentence in the suffering (passive) form.
The dog catches the ball.



The dog may have caught the ball.


Basically, when you write in a passive voice, you " beat around the bush ", or don't get directly to the meaning of the sentence. " The dog catches the ball " is using an active voice.

the dog may have caught the ball

List the three ways in which humans interact with their environment.



walking in grass eating deer orsitting by a tree



\walking in grass eating deer orsitting by a tree

sự kiện diễn ra vào 1/9/1858




sự kiện diễn ra vào 1/9/1858

Which of the following is true: Select one: a. Mormons stopped practicing polygamy in the United States in the 1900s b. Slaves were not permitted to marry in the United States until the Emancipation Proclamation c. Marriages were not conducted by the Roman Catholic church until the 18th century in England d. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down laws forbidding marriage between whites and people of color in 1949



Slaves were not permitted to marry in the United States until the Emancipation Proclamation


Prior to the Civil War and the subsequent Thirteenth Amendment that is the Emancipation Proclamation, Slaves were not allowed to marry as it was not legal under the law. Marriage amongst other human rights and civil rights were denied individuals who were enslaved in the United States prior to Thirteenth Amendment. The Emancipation Proclamation after the civil war declared slaves in US as free people who had equal rights(human and civil) as American citizens.

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