What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play
in regards to the origins of the United
Nations in 1948?
A. She became president after her husband died.
B. She was the chairperson who helped draft The
Declaration of Human Rights.
C. She advocated for nuclear weapons in the United


Answer 1


B. She was the chairperson who helped draft The  Declaration of Human Rights.


Eleanor Roosevelt was the wife of President Roosevelt who became an integral part of the creation of the Declaration of Human Rights document. She was also the Chairperson for the United Nations Human Rights Commission.

Eleanor Roosevelt, along with René Cassin, John Peters Humphrey, and some others, drafted the Declaration. The creation of the 1948 Declaration would change the future of Human Rights all over the world.

Thus, the correct answer is option B.

Related Questions

Which of these was not a consequence of the end of free grazing?
The cattle industry in Texas was virtually destroyed as an economic factor.
Cattlemen had to buy their grazing land.
Cattle drives were no longer needed to get cattle to market.
Cattle breeds in Texas were improved.



The cattle industry in Texas was virtually destroyed as an economic factor.


The cattle industry in Texas was not destroyed as an economic factor as this was not a consequence of the end of free grazing.

Free grazing is the system whereby cattle rearers are able to graze their cattle on any available piece of grass on the country.

Which answer best completes this diagram?


the king had violated the colonist right by taxing them without consent

the answer is the second option

While many businesses had to be
converted for the war effort during
WWII, each still managed which of the
A. a profit
B. a deficit
C. wage decreases



A. a profit


While many businesses had to be

converted for the war effort during

WWII, each still managed to make A PROFIT.

This is because many American firms were working well or again, compared to Great Depression period before the war.

During this period, many American companies are into the production of defense-related commodities such as aerospace and electronics or atomic energy. Americans were able to supply European countries during this period, in the subsequent years after, thereby making more sales and more profits.

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One result of the contact between Europeans and American Indians was the spread of disease. Which statement best describes the effect disease had on European and American Indian populations?
The population in Europe drastically declined due to exposure to American Indian diseases.
Europeans and American Indians were equally affected by outbreaks of disease in the New World.
American Indian populations were decimated by diseases brought by the Europeans.
Many Europeans who came to North and South America died from American Indian diseases.
Reset Next






C.  American Indian populations were decimated by diseases brought by the Europeans.


The effects of each "world's" diseases were not the same. As more Europeans were entering into the New World and settling, the Native populations were suffering as a result from direct contact with the settlers as well as indirect (through trades with other tribes). As their body did not have the proper antibodies, nor did they have medicine, they suffered much more drastic effects when contracting the diseases. On the other hand, the one well known disease brought from the new world to the old was syphilis, which can cause damage to the heart, brain, bones, etc. However, the effects of the diseases were much more prominent in the wider range of diseases and death toll for the Native Americans, rather than for the Europeans.


FIN N Mwhat is that mean ​



an native and inhabitants of Finland

fin n is a masculine name

Berdasarkan kajian anda, perkembangan agama Hindu, Buddha dan Islam sangat mudah diterima



tgk malaysia laa..elok je hidup 1malaysia berbulang kaum..ahakz

What did many of the Americans who moved to the West in 1849 hope to
A. Diamonds
B. Spices
C. Oil
D. Gold


I think the answer is oil
D. Gold

The expansion of the United States created a Gold Rush with many migrants moving to the West to "strike it rich." There was prevalent amounts of silver as well but many traveled to get rich in gold.

Enslaved people adopted many methods of resistance. What was a common characteristic of these forms of resistance



The common characteristics of resisting slavery was any method that impacted the work. Therefore, members of the enslaved population would work slowly, break tools, pretend to be ill or produce poor crops or goods.


The reason the enslaved community resisted slavery because they were not paid for their labor and they did not have their freedom.

Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
a. Factory workers worked long hours and weren't paid well.
b. Large factories sprung up in cities.
c. Many people lived in the countryside
d. The invention of machines changed people's way of life.


It would be a as the workers became angry.

Which scenario is an accurate example of how branches of the federal
government can check each other's power?



Checks and Balances


The government uses this system to prevent one branch of gaining too much power and leverage it so they all can be equal of power.

Compare maps of the world in ancient times with current political maps.

Use the maps below to answer the following question.

Compare the two maps. Which geographical feature formed the western boundary of the Plains Native American cultural region?
he Appalachian Mountains
the Rocky Mountains
the Mississippi River
the Pacific Ocean


The correct answer is B. The Rocky Mountains.


Maps show landforms in the United States, including the Great Plains, the Plateau, the Rocky Mountains, the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River, the Appalachian Mountains, among others. In both maps, the location of the great plains and their western border, the Rocky Mountains (brown on the map to the right), which divide the plateau, the great basin, and the southwest plains, coincide. According to the above, the correct answer is B. The Rocky Mountains.

how could internal dissent have contributed to the outbreak of world war 1



Internal dissent could have contributed to the outbreak of World War I because, some leaders entered the war in attempt to suppress disorder in their respective countries.


Labor strife, class division, questioning of power, and fear of revolution as a result were contributing factors that influenced leaders' decision to partake in the war.

Please answer all 3 questions

a. What is “civilization”?

b. Who is “civilized”?

c. Does change occur by diffusion or independent invention?





the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced

What are the two kinds of art that were made during the Paleolithic Age and what materials were commonly used to make each type of art during this period



What are the two kinds of art were made during the Paleolithic Age

a. cave painting

b. sculpture

What material were commonly used to make each type of art during this period

a. clay

b. stone

c. bone

d. antler

e. ivory

In what ways were the developments across civilizations similar and how did they decrease isolation around the world?


It affected their social lives, and there was very little trade between the two regions (the only ones around.) They also needed many people. They developed irrigation and drainage systems which caused many people to work.

Civilizations have developed with similarities in the social, economic, political, among others, and have contributed to the elimination of isolation through relationships between civilizations.

A civilization is a term that refers to societies that have reached a high degree of complexity in their forms of organization, their institutions, their social structure, and their economic relationships.

According to the above, the development of civilizations through time in different parts of the world has similarities such as:

Establish a well-defined social organization systemHave defined economic activitiesHave a set of laws or regulations

Additionally, these civilizations were related to other civilizations, breaking the isolation that each one had in different places, building a social system that involves different civilizations.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/12207844

Examine and explain how/why Bellamy's description of the carriage and its participants is a metaphor for wealth (or socioeconomic) distribution in late 19th and early 20th century America. How does this metaphor apply to the position of the workers in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory?



Workers are machines.


This metaphor apply to the position of the workers in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory shows that the workers are the machine that make money for their owners and not more than that. If the owner consider them humans then they will take certain measures in the factory so that their lives will be protected. The owner of the factory considered them machines whose lives have no value.

The Tuskegee Airmen was a group of
special fighting forces that were
comprised of which nationality?
A. Native Americans
B. Japanese-Americans
C. African-Americans





The tuskegee were the first all african-american fighter group.

Who had the most political power in Mississippi in the early 1800s?
O military leaders
O the governor
O party leaders
O wealthy landowners



party leaders


Which of the following WWII
advancements allowed submarines to
be tracked during naval battles?


C. sonar

Sonar was developed during World War I as an aid in finding both submarines and icebergs. Major improvements were made on this technology during World War II, and eventually scientists adapted the highly sensitive equipment for use in oceanographic research. There are two types of sonar: active and passive

Sonar was developed in WWI to help locate icebergs and submarines

But in WWII scientists futher developed sonars which now helps in oceanlogical advancement and research

opinião sobre pobreza



Pobreza significa não ter dinheiro suficiente para atender às necessidades básicas, incluindo alimentos, roupas e abrigo. No entanto, a pobreza é mais, muito mais do que simplesmente não ter dinheiro suficiente. A Organização do Banco Mundial descreve a pobreza da seguinte maneira: ... Pobreza é falta de abrigo. Pobreza é ficar doente e não poder ir ao médico.


Discuss one creation story where an animal plays an important role. Make sure to tell where it originated.



One creation story is in the "Red Riding Hood" the main protagonist was a wolf who ate the grandmother and the red riding hood. It was originated from "the three little pigs" by a Walt Disney short film.


The story of “Jungle Book” is the one where most of the important roles are played by animals. It has originated from the writings of Ruskin Bond.

What was Ruskin Bond known for?

The Jungle Book is a fictional story written by Ruskin Bond where one wolf-boy Mowgli's story revolves around the forests, where the characters of animals like Sher Khan, Bagheera and Kake are performed by animals.

Hence, the Jungle Book by Ruskin Bond portrays an important role played by animals.

Learn more about Ruskin Bond here:



a country to end the apartheid​


[tex] \huge \orange \rightarrow\huge \mathfrak \pink{QuEsTiOn¿}[/tex]Country to end the apartheid.

[tex] \huge \red \rightarrow \huge \mathfrak \blue{AnSwEr♧}[/tex]

South Africa was the only one Country to end the Apartheid.

Hope it helps you

Que les ocurrirá al pueblo de israel si no es fiel a la alianza que ha sellado con Dios según el versículo 16


Mmmm pon la cita bíblica si no no se puede.

This graph shows US revenue and expenditures between 1980 and 2010. A graph shows the U S Government and Expenditures from 1980 to 2010. The money spent and money received generally follow the same trend, but the money spent is generally higher than the money received. Around 2008, the amount of money spent increased and money received decreased. Which statements describe what this graph indicates about government spending? Check all that apply. The government needs to raise taxes or cut spending. The government spends too much money. The government should produce more money to cover spending. The government almost always spends more than it collects. The government needs to lower taxes to cover spending.



a) The government needs to raise taxes or cut spending.
b) The government spends too much money.
d) The government almost always spends more than it collects.


Using the yellow line to represent government spending, we can see that the government is now spending more money than it is bringing in via taxation and fee collection. Revenue inconsistencies are shown by the blue line in the graft. For the duration of this 20-year dataset, the government's revenue consistently overspends.

Check all that apply. (Check your order of your options please.)

a) The government needs to raise taxes or cut spending.

b) The government spends too much money.

c) The government should produce more money to cover spending.

d) The government almost always spends more than it collects.

e) The government needs to lower taxes to cover spending.



Explanation:took on edge

How did nationalism contribute to global conflicts following Wold War 1
A. It contributed to the outraged felt by many ethnic groups that did not have their own independent states
B. It slowed the process of globalization in impoverished countries
C. It contributed to the establishment of global human rights organizations
D. It motivated European powers to tighten their control over their colonies


D. It motivated eurpean

In the 1700’s, the sale of __________ dramatically increased.





because France was having economic crisis and because its economy took a big hit its currency value dropped significantly

Cómo está formado el pueblo dominicano


La República Dominicana es un país situado en el Caribe, ubicado en la zona central de las Antillas; ocupa la parte central y oriental de la isla La Española. Su capital y ciudad más poblada es Santo Domingo. Limita al norte con el océano Atlántico, al este con el canal de la Mona, que lo separa de Puerto Rico, al sur con el mar Caribe, y al oeste con Haití, que es el otro país situado en La Española. Con 48 448 km² y una población superior a los 11 millones de habitantes, es el segundo país más extenso y poblado de los insulares caribeños, por detrás de Cuba.

Eres dominicana o dominicano?

How did women gain during the WW2? African-Americans as well?



During the Second World War, women proved that they could do "men's" work, and do it well. With men away to serve in the military and demands for war material increasing, manufacturing jobs opened up to women and upped their earning power. Yet women's employment was only encouraged as long as the war was on.

Does change occur by diffusion or independent invention? Explain.



All Cultures are inherently predisposed to change and, at the same time, to resist change. There are dynamic processes operating that encourage the acceptance of new ideas and things while there are others that encourage changeless stability. It is likely that social and psychological chaos would result if there were not the conservative forces resisting change.

There are three general sources of influence or pressure that are responsible for both change and resistance to it:

1. forces at work within a society

2. contact between societies

3. changes in the natural environment

Within a society, processes leading to change include invention and culture loss. Inventions may be either technological or ideological. The latter includes such things as the invention of algebra and calculus or the creation of a representative parliament as a replacement for rule by royal decree. Technological inventions include new tools, energy sources, and transportation methods as well as more frivolous and ephemeral things such as style of dress and bodily adornment.

Culture loss is an inevitable result of old cultural patterns being replaced by new ones. For instance, not many Americans today know how to care for a horse. A century ago, this was common knowledge, except in a few large urban centers. Since then, vehicles with internal combustion engines have replaced horses as our primary means of transportation and horse care knowledge lost its importance. As a result, children are rarely taught these skills. Instead, they are trained in the use of the new technologies of automobiles, televisions, stereos, cellular phones, computers, and iPods.

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