what shape should nato relationship with russia and other non NATO nations take in the future


Answer 1
NATO's future depends on the US. If Trump wins again, Nato in its current form may change, to exclude the US. Europes position on Russia is very clear. They do not get cozy with countries that invade and steal territory from others. The US does not mind Russia's behaiviour. It is merely different ethics involved.

Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx
Answer 2


They should be friendly and collaborative.


NATO's future connections with Russia and other non-NATO countries should be amicable and productive. A future in which NATO members and non-NATO governments coexist but not peacefully is a world fraught with conflicts. Instead of NATO's job being to keep the peace, it would be to start and end conflicts – somewhat communist thinking. As well as citizens on opposing sides being consciously or unconsciously at odds with one another due to political disagreements. Certain Mexican citizens, for example, have animosity or prejudice toward American people because they are privileged (in their opinion).

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which technological advancement had the greatest impact on the growth of the U.S. after the civil war and why ?



it's not just about advancement of technology but also for starting wars in Arab an other countries and make money out of it.

How did the White-elite persuade or misguide the non-educated white population to discriminate against the African-American population? ​


join g meet


What was a long-term benefit of being exposed to the diseases carried by animals in agricultural communities?


(This answer will be in the context of 15th-century history.)

Simply, more exposure to diseases from animals means better immunity in the long run.

As Europeans were exposed to these diseases, they will likely have issues at first. But, their bodies will develop immunity towards these diseases to the point where many bacteria cannot even affect them at all.

Let's look at a civilization that mostly did not have livestock, Native Americans. They were pretty clean and healthy. That is because there were no diseases to kill them until the Europeans came to North America. For example, the flu virus was something a European could handle with a little bit of rest. On the other hand, the flu virus wiped out most of the Native American population since they never had exposure to it.

cuộc cách mạng nào đã mở ra một thời thời đại mới - thời đại thắng lợi và củng cố của chủ nghĩa tư bản



Cách mạng Tư sản Pháp năm 1789


What was a long-term effect of the events pictured in the map?
O Migration of settlers from Texas into Mexico
O Congress voted to go to war with Mexico
O Increased military presence on the Texas/Mexico border
O Established the Southern border of the United States



I say your best bet is D


A long-term effect of the events pictured on the map is Establishing the Southern border of the United States. Thus the correct option is D.

What is a map?

A map is referred to as a pictorial representation of different places used to identify the direction and reach the next location. They help the user to identify sea, rail routes, and roads to reach the destination.

The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed on February 2, 1848, put an end to the conflict between the United States and Mexico. As part of the agreement, Mexico surrendered its assertions to Texas and acknowledged the Rio Grande as the country's southern border.

In 1854, the United States and Mexico signed the Gadsden Purchase, a deal that attempted to settle disputes and supply the land needed for a southern transcontinental line.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Map, here:



Which three sentences describe means of bureaucratic oversight?

A. Independent agencies audit executive departments and make recommendations for improvement.

B. Congress investigates how the funds are being used at the Department of Homeland Security.

C. A journalist obtains records from the Department of Defense with the Freedom of Information Act.

D. An employee at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) conducts a routine audit on a taxpayer.

E. Voters evaluate the credentials of a cabinet nominee and elect the most qualified candidate.


The correct answers are A) Independent agencies audit executive departments and make recommendations for improvement. B) Congress investigates how the funds are being used at the Department of Homeland Security. C) A journalist obtains records from the Department of Defense with the Freedom of Information Act.

Those are the three sentences that describe some means of bureaucratic oversight.

The United States bureaucracy is the different offices from the cabinet of the executive branch that manages the public resources and implement the policies of the federal government.

We are talking about departments and agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Energy, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Defense, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Interior, the Department of State, the US Agency for Internal Development, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and many others.

These departments need supervision and oversight so federal employees can be efficient with the resources they manage and efficiently delivering results. Corruption in the federal government is not accepted. As simple as that.

Which statement best explains the social contract theory?

Strong leaders do the best job of ruling a country of diverse people.

Countries are best served when their citizens take an active role in government.

Leaders must maintain the rights of citizens even if it interferes with the interest of the country.

People must submit their individual wills to the collective will to form a society.



that people live together in society in accordance with an agreement that establishes moral and political rules of behavior. .

which of the following require all the states to return fugitives slaves to their owners



the fugitive slave act of 1850

Under King Darius I, the Persian Empire
A Connect a different regions using roads and a Postal Service
B broke up into city states with free governments
C gave Governors powerful armies to rule over their subjects
D forced captured people to give up your religious believes


Answer is D) forced captured people to give up their religious beliefs

Mini reform movement spring up in the 1800s. Which eventually resulted in a woman's right to vote?

A. Abolitionist movement

B. Temperance movement

C. Pioneer movement

D. Suffrage movement


C is the answer pioneer movement will be the answer for mini reform movement sprung up in the 1800


Suffrage Movement


nixon’s foreign policy in chile what was it & how was it archived?


Answer: Nixon focused on reducing the dangers of the Cold War among the Soviet Union and China. His policy sought on détente with both nations, which were hostile to the U.S. and to each other. He moved away from the traditional American policy of containment of Communism, hoping each side would seek American favor.

cuales son las diferentes reformas de Napoleón


Establecer un sistema de gobierno centralista.
Pacificar la sociedad francesa: permitió el ingreso de las personas que se habían exiliado del país.
Estabilizar los impuestos: creó el Banco de Francia y el Código de comercio.

Use this timeline to answer the question below.
| 1607 - The British colony of Jamestown is founded.
1636 - Harvard College is founded.
1776 - The United States declares
independence from Great Britain.
| 1789 - The U.S. Constitution is adopted.
| 1867 - The U.S. Civil War begins
1917 - The United States enters World War I. |
1945 - The United States drops atomic bombs on two Japanese cities
1969 - American Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the moon |
Which event happened last?
A. The United States enters World War I.
B. The U.S. Civil War begins.
C. The U.S. Constitution is adopted.
D. The British colony of Jamestown is founded.



It is A, ofcourse


The event that happened last is the United States drops atomic bombs on two Japanese cities (1945). The correct option is D.

Why was the colony of Jamestown founded?

The goal of Jamestown was to serve as the hub of a sustained colonization operation, generating fresh money for the London investors and re-creating English society in North America. Four months after leaving London, the colonists arrived in Jamestown.

The event that happened last on the timeline is "The United States drops atomic bombs on two Japanese cities" because it occurred in 1945, which is the most recent date on the timeline.

The timeline starts with the founding of the British colony of Jamestown in 1607 and continues through major events in American history, including the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1789, the start of the Civil War in 1861, and the United States entering World War I in 1917.

The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 marked a significant event in world history and is considered a turning point in the Second World War.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about Jamestown here:



what is full form of UNIVAC​


UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) ,

Hope it helps you

What new labour-saving devices were introduced in the agricultural revolution?



Today's agriculture routinely uses sophisticated technologies such as robots, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology. These advanced devices and precision agriculture and robotic systems allow businesses to be more profitable, efficient, safer, and more environmentally friendly.

Please mark me as the brainlest and thanks

Which area did the Bantu not live in?
A. Great Lakes region
B. Great Rift Valley
C. North African savannah
D. Equatorial rain forest





North African savannah

What was an important effect of the Haitian Revolution?



Hey mate....


This is ur answer

The Haitian Revolution had many international repercussions. It ended Napoleon's attempts to create a French empire in the Western Hemisphere and arguably caused France to decide to sell its North American holdings to the United States (the Louisiana Purchase) thus enabling the expansion of slavery into that territory.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

Follow me! ;)


The Haitian Revolution had far-reaching international consequences. It effectively ended Napoleon's attempts to establish a French empire in the Western Hemisphere, and it may have influenced France's decision to sell its North American holdings to the United States (the Louisiana Purchase), allowing slavery to expand into that territory.


Haitian Revolution (Britannica)Effects & Impact of the Haitian Revolution (Study.com)

Which of the following gave the American economy a major boost in the years after World War II?
A the return of thousands of veterans who were seeking jobs
B the conversion to a peacetime economy
C a pent-up demand for consumer goods
D a major drop in government spending



C. a pent-up demand for consumer goods



Use the timeline to answer the question:

Image of a timeline with three dates marked 3000 BCE, 0, and 2000 CE. There are lines above 3000 BCE, 0, and 2000 CE. There is also a line marked A, which is to the right of 3000 BCE. The distance between 3000 BCE and 0 is proportionately less than the distance between 0 and 2000 CE.

© 2012 FLVS

Which date corresponds to letter A on the timeline?

1500 CE

1400 BCE

3200 BCE

1900 CE


It should be C. 3200 BCE


3200 BCE


Romans called Scotland HIBERNIA because it was _________.


Answer: Land of the winter

Explanation: Known to Greek and roman writers

To determine a credible research source a historian should:

read as much as they can on the subject
go to a reliable website
understanding the subject area better
look at the sources of the source


i was taught in school to look at the sources of the source. so D

Using water sources for irrigation purposes has caused __________ in parts of Central Asia. A. floods B. droughts C. corrosion D. desertification Please select the best answer from the choices provided





irrigation can course floods


Your answer would be A hope that helps you


What role did the
government play in
western settlement?


The government protected western settlements with troops and pushed the Native Americans off western lands. The Federal government also financed the constructed of the first transcontinental railroad in the west.



They federally funded irrigation projects and supported westward expansion.


The government protected western settlement with troops and pushed the Native Americans off western lands. The Federal government also financed the constructed of the first transcontinental railroad in the west.

What role did the federal government play in the development of the west? They federally funded irrigation projects and supported westward expansion.

Who was Theodore Roosevelt and how was he affected by succession?​




Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 into a prosperous Dutch New York City family, he was a sickly, asthmatic child, then he was an athlete and books writer, the best known which is "The Winning of the West", was a great hunter and animal collector, always had a nickname "Teddy", by which everyone called him, He had several public offices, until becoming the vice president of William McKinley, later that year he would become the twenty-sixth President of the United States and the youngest President yet at 43 years old, a sudden succession, which, of course, nobody expected, since the Republicans of that time had nominated him to the vice presidency thinking that it would be an unimportant position.

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th US president. After the president William McKinley who was previously Assassinated. Roosevelt was one of the most important and popular presidents to ever serve in the Chief Executive Office. (Of course this was in the succession time.)


Choose two people and explain why the persons you chose were important in America’s fight for independence.



Thomas Jefferson was a one of the most important and prominent figures in American history. He was a founding father who was responsible for writing the Declaration of Independence as well as the third President of the United States.Explanation:

Name at least 5 countries/areas that became colonized by the imperial powers during the 1800's and early 1900's?



India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Palestine, Hong Kong.

What is a country, person, or company that uses exploitation for
production or consumption?



A taxpayer claiming the use or consumption exception must establish its ... to be extracted in the country which has exclusive rights of exploitation of ...

Please mark me as the brainliest and thanks

How are the 1968 democratic convention and the letter from national mobilization committee similar and different?


Answer:The 1968 democratic convention and the letter from national mobilization committe similar Though the 1968 protest at the Democratic National Convention were largely against the Vietnam War, the country was undergoing unrest on many fronts. The Vietnam War was in its 13th year and the recent Tet Offensive had proved the conflict was far from over, as the draft sent more young men into the fray. It was only a matter of time before a showdown would take place between the government of President Lyndon B. Johnson and America’s war-weary citizens.


The Democratic Party in 1968 was in crisis. President Johnson—despite being elected with a huge majority in 1964—was soon loathed by many of his peers and constituents due to his pro-Vietnam War policies.

In November 1967, a relatively unknown and unremarkable Minnesota senator named Eugene McCarthy announced his intent to challenge Johnson for the Democratic presidential nomination. In March 1968, McCarthy won 40 percent of the vote in the New Hampshire presidential primary, thereby validating his candidacy.

A few days later, Senator Robert F. Kennedy abandoned his support for Johnson and entered the presidential fight.

President Johnson saw the writing on the wall and, on March 31, told a stunned nation during a televised address that he would not seek reelection. The following month, Vice President Hubert Humphrey—backed by Johnson—announced his candidacy for the nomination, further dividing the Democratic Party.

Humphrey focused on winning delegates in non-primary states, while Kennedy and McCarthy campaigned hard in primary states. Tragically, the race was turned upside down again when Robert Kennedy was assassinated after giving his victory speech following the California primary on June 4.

Which of the following was responsible
for the spread of Islam into parts of
Northern and Western Africa?



Muslim refugees fleeing persecution in the Arab peninsula.

And also Islam spread throughout West Africa via merchants, traders, scholars, and missionaries.


hope i helped

The human cost of WWI was


more than 9 million soldiers and an estimated 12 million civilians died in WW1, and 21 million military men were wounded
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