What was the primary purpose of the Ten Commandments


Answer 1


The purpose of the Mosaic Law or the Ten Commandments were to set the Jewish people apart from the rest of the world and serve as a guideline for living the moral law .


Answer 2
The purpose of the Mosaic Law or the Ten Commandments were to set the Jewish people apart from the rest of the world and serve as a guideline for living the moral law

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HELP PLEASE !!!! IM TIMED !! How did the reign of Ramses II affect the territories controlled by the Egyptian empire?

He extended the empire to Thebes.
He lost land through unfavorable treaties.
He lost territory to Egypt’s enemies in battle.
He extended his territory through the Nile Valley.



ITS A !!


I took the pretest on edge

if you are nor sure about the answer please do not answer​


It’s the second choice.

To what extent does Eric Foner believe the Fourteenth Amendment has secured rights for all Americans?






The power of monarchs is limited by a fundamental set of laws in a(n) __________.
constitutional monarchy
absolute monarch



B. Constitutional Monarchy


Constitutional Monarchy is when the ruler has to govern according to the country's constitution of their set of laws.

Good luck!

Explain TWO reasons why some Grenadians were unhappy 2 with Galry's government​



because of fhfjfj

19 xjd

Write a paragraph explaining how the arab spring was an expression of nationalism in the arab world. use details from the lesson and the assignment to support your answer



The Arab Spring was when citizens overthrew their dictatorial governments. The uprisings and unrest led to protests and demonstrations. Some governments used violence to end protests. Citizens sought better living conditions. Because of this, regime change occurred in Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and Egypt. These events led to a civil war in Syria. The US believed that the world should support the protesters.


credit to guy above it worked

The outbreak of Arab Spring was seen as the stage for the rise of Arab nationalism as the people of different Arab nations were facing same issues.

Arab Nationalism

The idea of Arab Nationalism was first started in 19th century but gradually ended because of regional, cultural and political reasons. Many people who promoted this idea blaimed the regional differences for its failure.

With the outbreak of Arab Spring, for the first time people of different Nations and regions felt united because of corruption, poverty and Violent dictators, hence many thought Arab Spring will be the catalyst to create Arab Nationalism.

Learn more about Arab Spring here:


When the Supreme Court rules on a constitutional issue, that judgment is virtually final; its decisions can be altered only by the rarely used procedure of constitutional amendment or by a new ruling of the Court.





A Supreme Court refers to a federal court and is typically the highest court in relation to the hierarchy of courts in the judicial branch. It is also referred to as the ap-ex court. Generally, it comprises of nine (9) justices (a chief justice and eight (8) associate justices). These nine (9) justices are appointed only by the president and subsequently confirmed by the senate after screening them diligently.

In terms of jurisdiction, the Supreme Court has both original and appellate jurisdiction. The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court ultimately implies that, a Supreme Court has the legal rights and ability to hear and try a case firsthand. Also, the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court simply means that, a Supreme Court has the ability to hear a case on appeal brought by a court of original jurisdiction such as cases relating to federal laws or the constitution.

A Constitution refers to a set of written laws and principles which is typically used to determine the power and authority of the government, as well as guarantee the fundamental rights of its citizens.

Generally, when the Supreme Court passes a judgement (rules) on a constitutional issue, that judgment is virtually final. Thus, the decisions of the Supreme Court can only be altered or changed through constitutional amendment or by a new ruling of the Supreme Court.

However, a new legislative action can be taken by legislature when the Supreme Court interpretes a legislative Act (statute).

Match each word with the phrase that best defines it
1. the power of one branch to reject a proposal
from another branch.
2. the idea that no one branch has power over
the entire government.
-checks and balances.
3. a set of beliefs and rules for a society or for
a political or social organization.
-popular sovereignty.
4. the idea that a government's power comes
from the people.
-separation of powers.
5. a system in which the branches of
government keep power in check.




1. the power of one branch to reject a proposal


Popular Sovereignty: The idea that a government power comes from the people.
Veto: The power of one branch to reject a proposal from another branch.

Checks and Balances: A system in which the branches of government keep powers in check.

Separation of Powers: The idea that one branch has power over the entire government.

Constitution: A set of beliefs and rules for a political or social organization.


Write an essay about the impact of pseudoscientific idea's of race on the Jewish nation by the Nazi Germany during the period of 1933 to 1946​



    The pseudoscientific ideas that the4 Nazi people believed in were ideas that were not true and had not been proven scientifically. The ideas were used to violate human rights and especially the rights of black Americans. They were treated as if they were not complete human beings because of the color difference.  

     Different impacts were brought about by the pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation by Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1949. This was the period when the pseudoscientific ideas of race brought about a sense of racism among the people and this can be seen by how the people would discriminate against others based on how they look and most importantly their skin color. (Coppersmith, 2021).  The Nazi people would violate the rights of the black people and that was because they would view the black American people to be people who are not complete.

    It was prohibited that the black Americans were not supposed to vote in general elections and at the same time, it was prohibited that they were not supposed to own dogs and also owning or moving around carrying guns. It was not allowed that the black Americans would intermarry with the white people and therefore they were supposed to have special permission that was granted by the government. And finally, the black Americans were completely moved to the reserves by force. There were those people that believed that the black Americans were not supposed to top integrate with the whites and therefore they were to be kept in a different place.  


Coppersmith, D. (2021). The Evolution of the Idea of the Jewish Race from Medieval Spain to Nazi Germany (Doctoral dissertation).


what act of violence did the proslavery people commit?


Bleeding Kansas, Bloody Kansas, or the Border War was a series of violent civil confrontations in Kansas Territory, and to a lesser extent in western Missouri, between 1854 and 1859. It emerged from a political and ideological debate over the legality of slavery in the proposed state of Kansas.
Bleeding Kansas, Bloody Kansas, or the Border War was a series of violent civil confrontations in Kansas Territory, and to a lesser extent in western Missouri, between 1854 and 1859. It emerged from a political and ideological debate over the legality of slavery in the proposed state of Kansas.

What has the job is to interpret laws and punish lawbreakers?

A. Judicial Branch

B. Executive Branch

C.Legislative Branch


The answer is A. The judicial branch

Judicial branch is the answer, it interprets law and punish law breakers.

Executive branch enforces laws and legislative branch makes law.

[We consider the underlying fallacy of the plaintiff's
argument to consist in the assumption that the enforced
separation of the two races stamps the colored race with a
badge of inferiority. If this be so, it is not by reason of
anything found in the act,
but solely because the colored
race chooses to put that construction upon it. ... The
argument also assumes that social prejudices may be
overcome by legislation, and that equal rights cannot be
secured to the negro except by an enforced commingling
of the two races. We cannot accept this proposition.

-U.S. Supreme Court, Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896

Which statement explains why the Warren Court eventually overturned the
ruling above?

A. The Warren Court believed that segregation did in fact stamp
African Americans with a badge of inferiority
O B. The Warren Court felt that racial prejudice went against the values
underlying the entire constitutional system,
C. The Warren Court believed that the separation of races tended to
produce the kinds of conflicts that the Founders wanted to avoid
O D. The Warren Court felt that an enforced commingling of the races
was necessary to overcome racial discrimination.



A. The Warren Court believed that segregation did in fact stamp

African Americans with a badge of inferiority


According to the excerpt from the U.S. Supreme Court, Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896, the court rules that segregation gave African Americas a sense of inferiority.

The statement that explains why the Warren Court eventually overturned the ruling above is that the Warren Court believed that segregation did in fact stamp African Americans with a badge of inferiority.

the foreign policy is the?



A country's foreign policy also known as its international relations policy > is a set of objectives for how the country will interact with other nations economically, politically, socially, and militarily. International trade, overseas aid, military alliances, and conflict are all topics covered.


hope it helps...

have a great day!!

who found out how round the world is


2,000 years ago, ancient greeks discovered that the Earth was round. Specifically, Eratosthenes calculated the Earth’s circumference to prove the Earth was a sphere.

Using the map, what fact can
be made about the relocation
of Japanese-American during
World War II?
A. Most of the camps can be found in the
B. Most camps can be found in the
Western interior of the United States
C. California was the only state that had



it was because they were splitted by there commanders so they had to relocate

One cause of the Panic of 1819 was Select one: a. decreased foreign demand for American agricultural goods.


Answer: new management practices within the Bank of the United States.


The Panic of 1819 was regarded as the first widespread financial crisis that occured in the United States.

The Panic of 1819 was due to the banking crisis which occured after economic crises in the country which was a result of the warfare between Great Britain and France.

Eventually the French got tired of killing and bloodshed, they turned on their own "leader" Robespierre and had him executed, the killing soon stopped. Why do revolutionaries and radical leaders often "eat their own", meaning, why do radical groups often remove the early leaders of the cause?



Due to anger toward the leaders.


Radical groups often remove the early leaders of the cause because the radical groups think that these early leaders lead them in the wrong direction. They are no longer their supporters in the cause and wants him to be dead so that the cause can be eliminated and a new leadership arise that lead them the right path on which they can better their lives and achieve the growth and development as a nation.

In which countries was Islam established through trade, and in which countries was Islam established by invading Islamic armies?





Islam was established in Persia through trade.

How do the rights of individual students compare with the rights of the school to maintain a safe environment? What expectation of privacy should exist in public schools?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The rights of individual students can be compared with the rights of the school to maintain a safe environment in that both desire to maintain privacy in their personal lives and establish a clear difference in what is the school as an education center, and what is the personal life of the student and its right to remain that way.

In that sense, the school as an educational institution has the right to keep its privacy safe, taking care of the employees that work on its premises.

That is why there is a high expectation of privacy in public schools. There is no need to expose critical information that is managed and controlled by the school administration. Parents deserve the proper "customer" service and the right answers to their requests.

In the case of students, they deserve respect for their private lives. If there is an issue with a student, the school has the proper channels to take care of the situation and resolve it in the most discrete way.

What would America in 1776 have looked like if the words within the Declaration of
Independence had been taken literally? How different (or the same) do you think our country
would be in 2021 had the words been taken literally?


I would think it’s going to be the same

¿Cómo se logra obtener un mercado externo en constante crecimiento que permite aumentar el consumo y obtener materias primas para las fábricas?



Para obtener un mercado externo en constante crecimiento que permita aumentar el consumo y obtener materias primas para las fábricas a precios accesibles y competitivos, es fundamental que las naciones lleven a cabo políticas económicas liberales, donde se levanten las restricciones de mercado y se favorezca el libre cambio de mercaderías y divisas, de modo tal que el comercio fluya sin restricciones dentro y fuera de las fronteras de cada país.

The main difference between MacArthur's and Truman's strategies in Korea was that:
Truman favored a policy of neutrality, while MacArthur supported containment.
Truman supported containment, while MacArthur wanted to use nuclear weapons against the Soviets.
MacArthur thought the U.S. should take control of Korea, while Truman thought the U.S. should hand over control to the Soviets.
None of these choices are correct.



Truman supported containment, while MacArthur wanted to use nuclear weapons against the Soviets.


The main difference between MacArthur's and Truman's strategies in Korea was that "Truman supported containment, while MacArthur wanted to use nuclear weapons against the Soviets."

Truman believed that it will be more effective for the United States to use the policy of containment such that instead of going full-blown war against the Soviet Union, the war will be fought in such a way that it will not be direct but still be effective to contain the spread of communism.

On the other hand, MacArthur believed that the United States should be more aggressive and fight the Soviet Union with nuclear weapons and direct-fire combat.

El nuevo orden mundial, desde 1991 se caracterizó por: I. Cambios territoriales en Alemania y Europa del Este. II. La caída del fascismo. III. El inicio del intervencionismo económico por medio del plan Marshall. I II III I y II I, II y III



I. Cambios territoriales en Alemania y Europa del Este.


El nuevo orden mundial, desde 1991 es caracterizada por la queda de la Union Soviética, lo que originó cambios territoriales en Alemania(reunificación) y Europe del Este(las antigas Repúblicas Soviéticas se convirtieron en países independientes).

Entonces, la resposta en países independientes es dada por opcion I.

La caída del fascismo se dio al fin de la segunda guera, así como el inicio del intervencionismo económico por medio del plan Marshall..

was the watt riots violent or non-violent?





im pretty sure?

What happened on January 15, 1991?



Iraqi troop withdrawal deadline from occupied Kuwait expires, making way for Operation Desert Storm

what changes were experienced by the tribal community after the advent of the British?​



Some tribal chiefs had their own police. They also managed forests. After the arrival of the British, the tribal chiefs lost many of their administrative powers and had to follow the rules which were formulated by the British. They also had to pay taxes to the British.

How has Euro centric history depicted African people and their cultures?



First and foremost, I am going to assume you mean "How European history depicted African Peoples and their cultures." With that being said, let me continue. Historically speaking, Europeans depicted Africans and their cultures as: "Foreign", "Alien", and "Subhuman." This continued for centuries till the idea of the abolition movement came around. Even then, Africans were still depicted as "Subhuman" and "Lesser" beings.


what two big wars has Europe had in the 20th century?



753-351 bc Roman -etruscan

Which term describes a situation in which one event happened directly because of another event



cause and effect relationship


A causal relationship, also called cause and effect relationship, occurs when two events are related because a first event has a direct influence on another, in other words, because a first event causes the other to happen

{found in brainly}

6. Define the term aesthetics. What concern do aestheticians share with art critics and art



Aesthetics is a department of philosophy involved with figuring out the standards which are used to understand, judge, and guard judgement approximately works of art. They percentage the priority of the examine of art.


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