-what were some of the similarities you found in your schools and education system
-what are some of the differences you found in your schools and education system
please help me


Answer 1


Much difference here for me. Everything seems much complicated here. learning is really full and the educational system. ain't working really well for students

Related Questions

Brainliest!Which sentence contains an action verb?
Leslie was the best swimmer in the group.
I am usually the quietest person in the room.
My cat is always on the windowsill.
Bert swallowed the worm with a grimace,



Bert swallowed the worm with a grimace

An action verb is a verb which describes an action. Let's take a look at all the sentences, and look for a word which describes an action:

1) Leslie was the best swimmer in the group

in this sentence there is no action verb, swimmer might seem like it, but it's not an action, it's someone

2) I am usually the quietest person in my class

This also does not contain any action. Quietest is an adjective, describing how something is

3) My cat is always on the windowsill

this also contains no action

4) Bert swallowed the worm with a grimace:

This sentence does contain an action, swallowing. An action means to do something, in this sentence Bert is doing an action, swallowing. Grimace is not a verb, it's showing how he did it, with an adjective

Answer from Gauthmath

Is the "freedom from fear" a concern for both men and women



Freedom from free is a concern both for men and women but it is not the same for both. it is more for women and less for men


Using several "word attack" strategies, determine the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence.

As a gift to her mom, Lidia made her breakfast in bed and then scoured the kitchen countertops and floor.

A thoroughly cleaned

B decorated

C searched

D a frown



Answer is (A) Thoroughly cleaned.

Scour means to clean and brighten.



A thoroughly cleaned


clean or brighten the surface of (something) by rubbing it hard, typically with an abrasive or detergent.

What is the connotation of engulf?
positive; implies an embrace
negative; implies something that is all-consuming
negative; implies something that is slowly taking over


The correct answer is B. Negative implies something that is all-consuming.


Engulf is a word that refers to the act of eating in a hurry. In addition, this word has a negative connotation because it is used when a person wants to eat something hastily, suddenly, or without moderation without leaving it to anyone else. According to the above, the correct answer is B. Negative; it implies something that consumes everything.


ALL the answers are B on the page


How does Turner’s internal conflict as the preacher’s son relate to the setting of the empty beach?



He hates being watched by the township people because he is the preachers son.


Which sentence from the passage best conveys a secondary purpose of entertaining readers?

The city council's honorable concern for the endangered Bachman's warbler would smooth the feathers of many voters.
The Bachman's warbler is a small bird about four inches in length.
Our community has forever prided itself on caring for our natural surroundings.
First, I want to congratulate our town's mayor and city council for planning to build a new community theater.


Answer is A) Your welcome;)

Many voters' ire would be soothed by the city council's admirable concern for the endangered Bachman's warbler, which is best conveyed in the passage's secondary goal of amusing readers. As a result, option (A) is correct.

What do you know about Bachman's warbler?

Vermivora bachmanii, an endangered passerine migratory bird, commonly known as the Bachman's warbler. This warbler was a migratory, breeding in the sluggish cane and blackberry thickets of the Southeastern and Midwestern United States and spending the winter in Cuba. Even if there are accounts of the bird from the twenty-first century, none of them are commonly believed.

The last undisputed sightings occurred in the 1960s, while some authorities consider a sighting in Louisiana in August 1988 to be definitive. The Reverend John Bachman discovered this species close to Charleston, South Carolina, and gave study skins and descriptions of it to his friend and coworker, John James Audubon, who made the first observation of this bird in 1832.

Learn more about Bachman's warbler, from :



Who is Blake mocking in the poem The Chimney Sweeper: A little black thing among the

snow. ​


the church is the answer

Select the correct answer. How do the underlined words affect the meaning of this excerpt? A. They show how the statue brings out each townsperson's personality. B. They create an eerie atmosphere to indicate the statue is haunted. C. They indicate that the Town Leader plans to steal the Happy Prince statue. D. They suggest that the Happy Prince statue actually is not very happy.


Incomplete question. Attached below is the missing excerpt.


A. They show how the statue brings out each townsperson's personality.


Indeed, we can observe throughout the excerpt that the underlined words appear to give the readers an insight into the personality or state of mind of each townsperson.

For example, referring to the statue, someone stated, "I'm glad there is someone in the world who is quite happy." The person who said this is revealed to be a disappointed man. Hence, using the word "disappointed", brings out his personality.


They show how the statue brings out each townsperson’s personality.


Which sentence describes a key feature of a collaborative discussion?

Everyone asks quiz-type questions to see who can recall details about the book.
Everyone votes on one student to represent the group and to do all of the speaking.
Everyone is given an equal opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas.
Everyone picks a side and then creates a debate until everyone agrees.



C) everyone is given an equal opportunity to share their ideas and thoughts


in this way, everyone collaberates and works together




The imagery in this excerpt most reflects

A.the sense of sight to emphasize the fear that Doodle was feeling.

B.the sense of sight to emphasize how difficult it was for the boys to see.

C.the sense of sound to emphasize the frustration of the narrator.

D.the sense of sound to emphasize the intense volume of the storm.



D. The sense of sound to emphasize the intense volume of the storm.


The short story "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst revolves around the story of the narrator and his memories about his younger, physically challenged brother. The story deals with themes of regret, brotherhood, acceptance vs. expectation, etc.

In the given passage from the text, the narrator reveals the particular scene where he had gone to the creek with his younger brother, William "Doodle" Armstrong. The narrator uses imagery to describe the scene, "the lightning was near . . . rain was coming, roaring through the pines, and then, like a bursting Roman candle, a gum tree ahead of us was shattered by a bolt of lightning." The phrase "the deafening peal of thunder" further adds to the imagery of the storm.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

3. What should you do with information that may or may not be useful in your research report?

A) Save these notes until you have written your draft--then see if they help explain any of your ideas.

B) Go back to the source of the Information and reread to find clues about the fact's usefulness.

C) Find some way to use the fact or idea in your report, even if it may confuse your readers.

D) If you're not sure it will be helpful, the fact or idea probably does not work--get rid of it.



Save these notes until you have written your draft--then see if they help explain any of your ideas.


gotten it right on my quiz

We can see here that what one should do with information that may or may not be useful in your research report is: A) Save these notes until you have written your draft--then see if they help explain any of your ideas.

What is information?

Information refers to the facts or knowledge that one derives or acquires from something. It is also a structured form of data or fact.

Thus, we can deduce here that option A is the way that one should do with information that may or may not be useful in his research report.

Learn more about information on https://brainly.com/question/3282789


Which of the following synonyms has the most negative connotation?

A. curious
B. inquiring
C. nosy
D. questioning​


I believe it is C. nosy

The most negative connations from the given choices in the question are stated in option (c): "nosy"

What is a negative connotation?

The unfavorable sentiment or emotion associated with a term is known as its negative connotation. A word's meaning can be affected by its connotations.

For instance, the dictionary definitions of the words stubborn and persistent are similar, but the word stubborn carries a negative connotation.

The word has a bad connotation since it implies that a family's child can vanish and return at will. Being nosy is always viewed as a bad quality.

Nosy is frequently used in a subtly negative context. Some people even refer to themselves as "nosy" to admit that they are unduly interested in other people's affairs. 

Therefore, Words that have a bad or negative connotation carry emotional weight. As the preceding example demonstrates, option (C): "nosy" is the correct negative connotation.

Check out the link below to learn more about negative connotations;



The last time that the crops failed,
the entire nation experienced
months of
a. Famine
b. Harvest
c. Plenitude
d. Disease


the crops failure caused A. famine among the nation.




I think its the answer from what I remember

Read the poem "The Mountain" by Emily Dickinson.

The mountain sat upon the plain
In his eternal chair,
His observation omnifold,
His inquest everywhere.

The seasons prayed around his knees,
Like children round a sire:
Grandfather of the days is he,
Of dawn the ancestor.

Dickinson uses figurative language in the first stanza to

criticize the mountain’s unchanging ways.
bring the mountain to life.
compare the mountain to furniture.
suggest that the mountain is meddlesome.



I think suggest that the mountain is meddlesome.


Its B: bring the mountain to life.


I hope is help for people in the future good luck! Sorry if I'm too late

You have observed that sales of your main product, alafia bitters , is gradually going down. As the marketing manager of your company, write a report to your superior recommending four methods that could change the situation positively.


Hi, I provided suggestions that could be included in the report.


Among the many methods of boosting sales, the following methods are commonly used by marketers:

Increasing product marketing: this often involves widening out the marketing strategy to include more social media channels.Price adjustment: this involves reconsidering the fixed product price in other to incite more demand.Rebrand product: this may involve changes in packaging, product features, etc.Reevaluate your target customer: this could mean, determining if the product needs to be retargeted towards a different set of customers who are more prone to demand the product. For example, deciding to target older adults than teenagers.

What can we imply about Margaret Mitchell writing career? Can you help me find the answer


Answer: gone with the wind was her first book


I looked it up on the internet lol

From the above text, it can be inferred that:

"Gone from the Wind" was Margaret Mitchell's first book. (Option B).

What is an Inference?

When a person draws a conclusion from the information analyzed from a text, it may be said that such a person has drawn an inference.

Margaret had initially denied that she wrote a book. But later changed her mind and handed over the manuscript.

Learn more about inferences at;

The opposing argument in a persuasive essay is often called





i dont know how to explain. rebuttal is a noun meaning refutation or contradiction


Counter claim or rebuttal

Now that you have listened to part of the first chapter of All American Boys, is this something you would want to continue reading? Explain your response.


this is a question you should do because you're the one reading the story about All American Boys. and it's a pretty easy question all they're asking is if you would like to continue reading!

What best describes the purpose of rhythm in a poem?

to make a pattern that enhances the meaning of a poem
to stress certain syllables in each line of the poem
to measure how certain syllables are stressed in a poem
to create tension that builds throughout the poem


Answer: it's A trust me i just took the test and got a 90% I would have had a 100% if i answered the first question on the test lol


Construct a dialogue between Einstein and the History teacher.



Dialogue between Einstein and the History teacher.


History teacher: This is the test of your history subject in which you get fail.

Einstein: Sir, I attempt all the questions and I believe it is a mistake.

History teacher: No mistake. Take a look to your test and the answers you written on the paper.

Einstein: Sorry sir. I did not write the right things.

History teacher: Yes, I know.

Einstein: I will do more hard work and bring more grades next time.

History teacher: I don't think so. You are very poor in history.

Einstein: Yes sir, I am poor but not useless. I will try my best.

History teacher: Good luck.

Einstein: Thanks teacher.

Love, Hate & other filters.
I need help with all the question



Listen, I have the same assignment over this summer due in a couple of weeks (I’m starting freshman year) give me a text on snap. It’s gracejones6862 and we can do it together


Does the VERB agree with the SUBJECT in this sentence?
He weren't looking for trouble, but he found it.



It does not agree with the subject

help help help please please


The first one “even the smartest people need help sometimes”

politics_______his passion (is/are)


The answer to the question is “are”

Where does John Steinbeck's "The Chrysanthemums" take place?
A. A large apple orchard in Washington state
B. A small ranch located in the Salinas Valley
C. A flower nursery in a small California town
D. A traveling tinker's camp bound for San Diego


B, a small ranch in the Salinas river valley

What’s a particular sentence, chapter, scene or event from the novel (anything but typical) that tells the whole point of the story


I believe it is a theme


yeah I agree .. I think it's the Title/topic of the novel that reflects on what would be written

or the story to be told which is referring to the Title/topic ..but "theme" also is another way I think

Children were tired because they ………………………………….. (play) for two hours.
Sally………………………………….. (not stop) studying all day. She didn’t even have one break.
She ………………………………….. (analyze) the document for hours. That’s why she needed a rest
Giải thích nữa nha.


Children were tired because they played for two hours.

Sally did not stop studying all day. She didn’t even have one break.

She analyzed the document for hours. That’s why she needed a rest.

Hope this answer helps you..



Select it as the BRAINLIEST..


children were tired because they played for 2 hours

sally didn't stop studying all day. she didn't even have one break.

she analyzed the document for hours. That's why she needed a rest.


Is the following sentence grammatically correct or a run-on?
The baseball game wore on for nearly four hours; we didn't leave the stadium until midnight.
Select one:
a. Correct
b. Run-on


A because there is a semicolon to prevent the run-on

The baseball game wore on for nearly four hours; we didn't leave the stadium until midnight. The sentence is correct because the semi-colon makes it correct.

Why do we use run-on in a sentence?

Comma splicing and run-on sentences are mistakes that go hand in hand. While a comma splice happens when a comma is used to separate two independent clauses, a run-on sentence happens when multiple independent clauses are not punctuated or connected in a single sentence.

Two independent clauses that are combined without the proper punctuation or conjunctions result in a run-on sentence. When independent clauses are improperly joined, the sentence becomes run-on. Independent clauses are complete sentences with a subject, a verb, and the ability to stand alone.

Thus, the given sentence is correct.

Learn more about run-on sentences here:



Which edits to these sentences is necessary to correct a writing error?



Pls give the options.


This question is a bit obscure, mind sharing what the choices are so I can assist you?

P.S. help quick
Thank you



Earthrise is a photograph of Earth and some of the Moon's surface that was taken from lunar orbit by astronaut William Anders on December 24, 1968.

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He had volunteered for the job because he thought she would be less nervous with him than with their mom, but so far, he wasn't sure he was making any difference."Slow down, your turn is coming up here," he said, looking ahead."I know, I know," she replied, "I've been here before rememberthe last time I flunked."Justin was pretty sure if he had let her miss the turn, things would only have deteriorated further, but he wasn't sure he was fond of being the scapegoat for Becky's anxiety."Listen, you need to take a few deep breaths," he said, hoping he could help her at least relax a bit. "Being nervous won't help you with the three-point turn or anything else you have to do. Hey, did you just take that turn without your turn signal on?" This was going to be harder than he thought."Stop yelling at me," Becky replied, clearly frustrated, "I can't concentrate.""Look, you need to stop and get yourself together here," Justin started. "It is not just about passing the driving test. I don't want to get in an accident, so pull into that parking lot."Becky drove into the office building's parking lot where Justin was pointing. Justin knew they were less than a mile from the licensing office, and if she continued in this condition, he'd be having this same discussion three months from now when she tried the test again for the third time."You need to get a grip," he started after she put the car in park, "because you have studied and practiced driving all year. You know this stuff inside and out, backwards and forwards. What are you so nervous about?""I don't know, I don't know," Becky wailed, resting her head on the steering wheel. "I just get so tired of failing."Listening quietly as Becky sobbed, Justin realized this was about much more than a driving test. He also knew if he didn't find a way to help Becky things would just get worse.Chapter 2Justin took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. Becky was an unbelievably consistent straight-A student. It was Justin who got the bad grades in school, and Justin who had to repeat every math class he'd ever taken. It was Justin who wished he could get the grades Becky got. Some things came easier for Justin: He was athletic, handy with tools, and good at making the best of whatever life threw at him. Mom called him her "lemons into lemonade" kid. But for the most part, Becky succeeded easily, whereas Justin had to work and work to just get a passing grade.Rather than having Becky catalogue all the things she supposedly "failed" at, Justin decided to try an alternative approach, one that wouldn't remind him of all the ways he had failed."Okay, Becky, let's assume for a moment you fail this test again. What is the worst thing that could happen?" he asked."I would be the oldest kid at school without a license and be humiliated," she replied. Justin thought he heard a bit of panic in her voice but continued with his plan."Yes, but won't we still have to drive to school together for at least one more year anyway?" he asked."Yes, but..." she started."And who will know, if you don't tell anyone except your friends, that you don't have your license? You know Mom can't afford another car just for you, right?""Yes," she said quietly."So what difference does it make, really," he said. "Another three months to wait in the grand scheme of your life doesn't seem like all that long, right?""I suppose not," she said.Justin could tell she was breathing more slowly now. "Besides," he said, "I would miss all the practice driving with you," and for good measure he reached over and pinched her arm."Ow," she said, hitting back at him, "that hurt.""So let's go do this, okay?"Okay," she said. Becky cranked up the car, backed slowly out of the parking spot and drove up to the parking lot's exit. 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