What would you do if fear was not a factor and you could not fail?​


Answer 1


Nothing fears is a obstacles and Fearless become leader.

And Again failure is not bad at all situation it acts as a role play too can't easily distingusable, it enhance your strength and give experience.

Answer 2


If fear was not a factor, how can you ever fail yourself. If you know no fear, you were pushed to do your job wihtout failing. If fear was the only factor that prevented you from arriving at your destination, then we should not let it affect us, although not being fearful may not be real for the majority.

Related Questions

write an essay under the heading "My Future Profession "​



my boy just write the essay



I want to become a doctor in future

Actually to become a doctor it's takes a lot of time , but that is what I want to become in future, actually if you are a doctor you have to cure sicknesses and a lot of different kinds of diseases. As for me if I see pupils who are ill I can stand and it's pains me to see people in such conditions. Actually if you are doctor you should not just cure illness, but you are going to educate pupils, that is how a doctor should behave.

The reason why I want to become a doctor is because I have a aim to be able to cure a lot of diseases. And set pupils free from their illness.

I will not just stand up and become a doctor, but to I have to study a lot to reach my dream. So that I become good and a great doctor in future.

I tried him but couldn't get through last night. A. to call B. calling C. call



I tried calling him but i couldn't get through last night.

• (6) Mention the role of School Children to reduce nois Pollution​



children can help reduce noise pollution by avoiding shouting and running


Critically discuss the theme of love versus self-interest in Macbeth



The creator has depicted its characters within the play in an unexpected way. Each character has its claim values which they take after. Macbeth is the Ruler of Duncan's armed force and concurring to him the as it were things that matter are cash, control, and domain. He does not esteem relationships whereas other characters within the play esteem relationship more than anything else. Flavia has esteemed adore and continuously dreams approximately having a accomplice who cherishes her endless.


Lord Macbeth has continuously kept his self-interest, to begin with, need and isn't concerned about what others are enduring from. He is as it were concerned almost his possess consolation and clears out the rest at their claim. He does not esteem connections and it's merciless to everyone.

Think about a character in a book or short story who you would like to interview. then write, four questions you would ask this character. explain why you would ask each question. to earn credit for this forum, state the name of the character, the title of the work, and the author.



If I were given the chance to interview any character of my choice I would interview Daisy from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. At the end of The Great Gatsby she lied and killed multiple people for her own selfishness and lies. I would ask her why she didn't confess to the murder of Myrtle Wilson because she was obviously guilty and letting others lie for her caused more problems as the story progressed. I would also ask her if she had ever loved Jay Gatsby or was only in live with the idea of him since after his death she felt no remorse. I would like to question her about her relations with Nick Carraway and if they were still close after the incident. Before ending the interview I would ask her one more question, was it all worth it? and if so how could she move on knowing what she did? The way she could just move on with her life without feeling guilt makes me think she could get away with anything if she pleases.

Put the verbs in the correct form 1 , I wish i (can meet) ............. her now.



i wish i could meet her now.

can someone answer this, please?

write a short story about discrimination?



"Well, Donald Trump, because he doesn’t like black people"

Answer:The Flowers | Alice Walker

Myop is a ten-year-old girl who is out exploring the woods behind her family’s sharecropper cabin on a beautiful summer day. As she starts to head home she makes a shocking discovery.

“The Flowers” is the fourth story in the Amazon preview of The Penguin Book of the Modern American Short Story.

The Barber | Flannery O’Connor

While a man gets his hair cut, his barber ridicules his liberal views, especially his support of a black candidate in the neighborhood.

This is the second story in the preview of The Complete Stories.

Desiree’s Baby | Kate Chopin

Desiree had been adopted as a toddler. She is now an adult with a baby of her own. She and her husband, Armand, are very happy. After a while, there are some whispers about the baby’s background.

This story can be read by selecting it in the table of contents of The Awakening, and Selected Short Stories.

Indian Education | Sherman Alexie

A chronicle of the life of Victor, from grade 1 through high school. Victor gets bullied, wrongly judged by teachers, and sees his peers take destructive paths.

Read here

“Indian Education” is one of the stories in The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven.

Town and Country Lovers | Nadine Gordimer

In part 1, a white geologist and a black cashier become involved even though there’s a law against such relationships.

In part 2, a white farmer’s son has a relationship with the black daughter of a farm worker. Shortly after, she marries a black man who has loved her for a long time.

Judgement Day | Flannery O’Connor

Tanner, an elderly white man from the South, goes to live with his daughter in New York. He thinks he knows how to deal with African-Americans, but when he tries befriending one of his daughter’s neighbors, things go wrong.

“Judgement Day” (PDF page 534)

The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses | Bessie Head

In South Africa under apartheid, a group of political prisoners are used to having some leeway in prison.  There’s news of a new warden, known for being strict and harsh.

Read this sentence:

After writing the note with a pencil, Tina began typeing it out on her computer.

Which of the words in this sentence is misspelled?




The word typeing is mispelled. It should be Typing


Answer is "typing" the person is correct

just did the quiz


is/big/a/very/country/the/world/nepal/in/?/ rearrange in form of yes/no question​



Is nepal very big country in the world?

it's the answer

write a paragraph of about one hundred
words explaining some of the problem you face when you listen to a lecture.​



Listening Materials, Quality of Media recorder, Accent, Teaching method, Situation of the class, Unfamiliar Vocabulary, and Length and Speed of the Listening.


Help help help help help help



Question 44 is answer B and question 45 is correct as D


the reason being that it is asking for objective language. the writer is giving a fact, using research, thus it is not "opinion" but factual. making it objective.

The blades on wind turbines move, so they can, like, harm a flying animal.
3. In this sentence from a recording of a student's presentation, the word like is an example of alan
A. adjective
B. speaking crutch.
C. transitional phrase.
D. verb.



i think it's b. speaking crutch


The following sentence is missing a necessary colon or contains an unnecessary
one. Select the answer option that will make the sentence correct. If the original
sentence is correct as is, select No change.
When Harry S. Truman ran for president in 1948, several factors supposedly were
working against him, the media, Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey's
popularity, and Truman's own down-to-earth style.



When Harry S. Truman ran for president in 1948, several factors supposedly were working against him: the media, Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey's popularity, and Truman's own down-to-earth style.


Colons are used before a list of items, which in this case are the factors working against Harry S. Truman.

He is a good student. He always ________ his hand.

A. rises

B. raises

C. arises

D. risen



he is a good student . he always raises his hand


B: raises


IF YOU felt totally comfortable bragging about yourself, what would YOU brag about?What are you most PROUD of?


Self motivation


Growing up, I didn't get a lot of parental attention but I was able to handle myself by motivating my own self

how to explain the value of social media to people who don't use it- speech


The value of social media explained for people who don't use it:

 Social media is a great way to keep in touch with people, learn about them, post about your every day life and entertain yourself, and keep in touch with the people you care about, even while apart.

The Coronavirus has really demonstrated the values of social media, because it allowed people to socialize with people without spreading the Coronavirus putting themselves or others at risk, and keeping everyone somewhat socialized during quarantine.

  It is a great way to find out about news, important events, and stay up to date on everything from local news to politics. Some people who may not use social media might miss out on important updates that the news might not touch on, not get the first glimpse into what is going on in politics or media, and it's even faster than some news stations. Word gets around quick on social media, and you'll never miss a thing if you stay up to date.

 It can reconnect you with old friends, estranged family you happen to want to get in touch with again, and it can help you meet new people if you are shy and want to talk about your interests, but are too scared to start a conversation face to face. It can actually help some people get over their initial social anxiety in meeting new people.

 To sum it up, social media does have value, even if it seems pointless to some people. But, it isn't, to some people. It can really help people socialize, keep in touch, and even keep up to date on news.

Obviously this isn't the best, but it's at least a start. You can add or take out whatever you would like, and put it in your own words. I hope this was helpful :)

Because only a few applications were received, the deadline ...... the front-desk position has been extended by another week.


The correct answer is A. For


the correct answer is A ,for

how do you feel about yourself as a responsive citizen​



Responsive citizens are community members who actively participate in the realization of their rights and in the fulfilment of their duties.

Select the correct text in the passage
Which detail best characterizes the narrator in the excerpt?
excerpt from A Journey to the Center of the Earth
by Jules Verne
But my uncle was not a man to be kept waiting so adjourning therefore all minor questions, I presented myself before him.
He was a very learned man. Now most persons in this category supply themselves with information, as peddlers do with goods, for the benefit of
others, and lay up stores in order to diffuse them abroad for the benefit of society in general. Not so my excellent uncle. Professor Hardwigg he
studied, he consumed the midnight oil, he pored over heavy tomes, and digested huge quartos and folios in order to keep the knowledge acquired
to himself.
There was a reason, and it may be regarded as a good one, why my uncle objected to display his learning more than was absolutely necessary; he
stammered; and when intent upon explaining the phenomena of the heavens, was apt to find himself at fault, and allude in such a vague way to
sun, moon, and stars that few were able to comprehend his meaning. To tell the honest truth, when the right word would not come, it was
generally replaced by a very powerful adjective.
As I said, my uncle, Professor Hardwigg, was a very learned man; and I now add a most kind relative. I was bound to him by the double ties of
affection and interest. I took deep interest in all his doings, and hoped some day to be almost as learned myself. It was a rare thing for me to be
absent from his lectures. Like him, I preferred mineralogy to all the other sciences. My anxiety was to gain real knowledge of the earth. Geology
and mineralogy were to us the sole objects of life, and in connection with these studies many a fair specimen of stone, chalk, or metal did we break
with our hammers.



D (on plato)


It was a rare thing for me to be absent from his lectures

It should be noted that the detail that best characterizes the narrator in the excerpt is

It was a rare thing for me to be absent from his lectures.

According to the question, we are to discuss the details that characterizes the narrator in the excerpt.

As a result of this we can see that the excerpt from "A Journey to the Center of the Earth" is about the absentism from lectures.

Learn more about excerpt at:


A write up on my future my life.​


Always follow your dreams. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be something.

“when you start make sure you finish” how does that relate to you please help


ANSWE: It’s one thing to be working on a project with strict deadlines like you have in school, work, and other similar types of environments that come with external pressures and consequences if you don’t meet your deadlines.

how is the conflict resloved in the orphan boy​



by helping him giving education clothing and food

He was struggling because he did not want to break the trust between him and the orphan boy. In this conflict, the old man’s desire won. He followed the boy and found out the orphan boy was the star. As the result of this conflict, the orphan boy returned to his star and the old man remained in his regents. He learned that he should not break his promise and he should not let his desire controls his decisions.

10. Ms. Dell will help her grow up and understand the world. *
A. up, and
B. up and
O C. correct as is





Help me please………………..


A. To be able to understand different area of life

We learn the terms,  the principles/ knowledge of socializing and language, plus lexical. It helps us to communicate and study Earth's expansion.

I hope I've helped!

. Write an essay on the topic ‘Importance of Education in our life’



To say Education is important is an understatement. Education is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the quality of an individual’s life. Education improves one’s knowledge, skills and develops the personality and attitude. Most noteworthy, Education affects the chances of employment for people. A highly educated individual is probably very likely to get a good job. In this essay on importance of education, we will tell you about the value of education in life and society.First of all, Education teaches the ability to read and write. Reading and writing is the first step in Education. Most information is done by writing. Hence, the lack of writing skill means missing out on a lot of information. Consequently, Education makes people literate.

Above all, Education is extremely important for employment. It certainly is a great opportunity to make a decent living. This is due to the skills of a high paying job that Education provides. Uneducated people are probably at a huge disadvantage when it comes to jobs. It seems like many poor people improve their lives with the help of Education.

Better Communication is yet another role in Education. Education improves and refines the speech of a person. Furthermore, individuals also improve other means of communication with Education.

Education makes an individual a better user of technology. Education certainly provides the technical skills necessary for using technology. Hence, without Education, it would probably be difficult to handle modern machines.

People become more mature with the help of Education. Sophistication enters the life of educated people. Above all, Education teaches the value of discipline to individuals. Educated people also realize the value of time much more. To educated people, time is equal to money.

Finally, Educations enables individuals to express their views efficiently. Educated individuals can explain their opinions in a clear manner. Hence, educated people are quite likely to convince people to their point of view.


If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks


My explanation goes like this


As we all know that education plays a vital role in the human life . Education is important as person having education can be self dependent or they do not have to depend on other person for the living. If the person is educated then that person can have jobs and so he can easily earn money.

If the person is educated than that person know wrong activities are not good and that person avoid wrong activities .People having education are always respected and loved by others at home and in the society and person having education can be responsible in different situation .

Hope it helps you thank you

What is the circumstances that led to Aksionov's imprisonment ? ( God sees the truth)​



Aksionov is suspected because he left the inn before dawn where he and the merchant stayed. And also the officer found a blood stained knife from Aksionov's bag while searching. These were the circumstances that led to Aksionov's imprisonment.


Don't Forget To Follow, Brainliest, And Give Me Heart :)


Aksionov is suspected because he left the inn before dawn where he and the merchant stayed. Additionally, the officer found a blood-stained knife from Aksionov's bag while searching. These were the circumstances that led to Aksionov's imprisonment.

1. If I meet him, I (tell)______ him to come see you immediately
chia câu điều kiện loại 2



If I meet him, I will tell him to come see you immediately.


fill in the blank line with will tell

Is this a good comparison summary please help if not?
The main difference between the movie and the book is that Nautilus, the submarine is a battery-powered submarine but in the Disney film, Captain Nemo harnesses nuclear power for his submarine. Which created a dramatic interest in the move for Professor Arannax in discovering the secrets of Nemos, technology, but in the book he spends his time recording species and writing them down in his journals. The last character with a difference is Ned Land who in the book is spending time brooding and pinning for a silent escape. He also is a very powerful man. However, in the movie, it shows that he is a violent and outspoken man. This made all these characters play a unique and important role as they play their part in the book.



it is an average comparison


because it doesn't describe much

Hi! ❤️ id love some help out here

Which version best uses a variety of sentence structures to enhance
the flow and writing style of a story?

1 As he sat on the curb in front of the school, Tico twirled a stick in his hand.
Aunt Maricel would be there soon. Tico felt nervous because he knew she
would ask about his trumpet, and he would have to explain everything.

2 Tico sat on the curb in front of the school, and because he felt nervous, he
twirled a stick in his hand. Aunt Maricel would be there soon, and since he
knew she would ask about his trumpet, he knew he would have to explain

3 As he sat on the curb in front of the school, Tico twirled a stick in his hand.
Because Aunt Maricel would be there soon, he felt nervous. Since he knew
she would ask about his trumpet, he knew he would have to explain

4 Tico sat on the curb in front of the school. He twirled a stick in his hand.
Aunt Maricel would be there soon. He felt nervous. He knew she would ask
about his trumpet. He would have to explain everything.


Answer: As he sat on the curb in front of the school, Tico twirled a stick in his hand.

Aunt Maricel would be there soon. Tico felt nervous because he knew she

would ask about his trumpet, and he would have to explain everything.


Thousand of years ago , fish were caught in nets and traps. Conjunction or Perposition or Pronoun or Verb



 The word and is a Conjunction word

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