Which Canadian political party would support lower taxes for businesses, deregulation, less "red tape", and lower immigration?


Answer 1


The Conservative Party


Canada's Conservative Party is a party focused on the concepts of the political right. This party advocates lowering taxes, especially for companies and institutions, as it believes this would strengthen Canada's economy. The party also aims to promote a smaller government, preventing the federal government from transferring too much political power to the provinces. Other proposals of this party are: The reduction of immigration, national budget balance, deregulation mainly related to commerce, but a greater rigidity in the fulfillment of some laws related to the national order.

Related Questions

A student designed an experiment to demonstrate the interaction between Earth systems. The steps of the experiment are given below
•Fill three-fourths of a glass jar with water. • Add a teaspoon of liquid dish soap and a teaspoon of vinegar to water.
•Tighten the lid and shake the jar to mix the ingredients.
•Swirl the jar in a circular motion and watch the spinning motion of the liquid inside.
The student's experiment demonstrates the formation of

blizzard due to the interactions between the hydrosphere and geosphere

hurricanes due to the interactions between the geosphere and atmosphere

tornadoes due to the interactions between the hydrosphere and atmosphere

thunderstorms due to the interactions between the hydrosphere and cryosphere​
(Just took the test, it's C)









In the sample business framework, this question reflects your revenue stream:

How much will you make?

What will it cost?

What do you need?

How do you do it?



aku ngak tau soqp ini maaaf banetsory bqnet jangan kecewa ya maaaf banet yahalo guessss aku ngakntau soal jawabannnn ini


lo pikir gue agama islam

1. Use your virtual Algebra tiles. Make a square using one or more of each of the following types of tiles.




Describe the area of your square using an algebraic expression.

2. Use the information about Al-Khwarizmi on page 504 to explain how ancient mathematicians used squares to solve algebraic equations. Include an explanation of Al-Khwarizmi’s drawings for x^2 + 8x = 35 and a step-by-step algebraic solution with justification for each step of the equation.






Please answer ASAP, I would like to double check my answer with someone
Global warming is
A. a scientifically proven fact
B. caused by humans
C. disputed for political reasons
D. all of the above





because humans are the reason. They cut down trees and uses more machines oil and gasses by which they create a gas global warming.

The answer may be the option B.

Which of the following is the MOST statistically significant?
a. -0.04
b. +0.14
c. -0.92
d. +0.80
e. +0.01


D. +0.80

By using process of elimination, a and c are both out since they are negative. The decimal .80 is larger than .14 or .01.
Hehe. Sbshhehe ahhevdhwh s she d shave. Nah s jehd s he hahaha dash jjshs heh jejheh hehbd dvd. She. Dhhehhebrhdbbdhdbjdjsnb s. She Hebrew

At this intersection, how should you proceed? A. Stop and wait for the red lights to stop flashing
B. Respond to the flashing red lights as if they are a stop sign.
c. Respond to the flashing red lights as they are a yield sign​


The answer is b) respond to the flashing red lights as if they are a stop sign

The way to proceed at the intersection is: Respond to the flashing red lights as if they are a stop sign.

How to proceed in an intesection

When proceeding through an intersection, follow these general guidelines to ensure your safety and the safety of others:

Obey traffic signals: Pay close attention to the traffic signals at the intersection. Green means go, yellow typically indicates caution (prepare to stop if safe), and red means stop.

Approach with caution: Reduce your speed as you approach the intersection, especially if the light is yellow or if you're unsure of the traffic flow.

Yield the right-of-way: If you don't have the right-of-way, yield to other vehicles or pedestrians who do. This typically includes yielding to vehicles already in the intersection, vehicles with a green light, or pedestrians crossing legally.

Read more on road intersection here https://brainly.com/question/28059881


Which core American value is at the center of the debates surrounding affirmative action programs?

Equality of opportunity
Protection of individual rights


Equality of opportunity

A core American value that is at the center of the debates surrounding affirmative action programs is: A. Equality of opportunity.

What is Equality of opportunity?

Equality of opportunity can be defined as a state of fairness and political ideal in which all individuals that are living within a country are treated similarly and fairly without any form of bias, racism, discrimination, and prejudice.

In the United States of America, equality of opportunity is a core American value that is at the center of the debates surrounding affirmative action programs, so as to promote unionism and oneness.

Read more on equality of opportunity here: https://brainly.com/question/23797850

Are god real? what is ur point of view guys



Yes god is real


do you belive in ghosts are there

Answer: I think yes. No points

Why am I so tired all day



because tiredness is a plaque to humanity


Because you was do your work and being tried all the time can also be sign of vitamin deficiency .

This could include low levels of vitamin D, vitamin B-12, iron , magnesium, or potassium .

A routine blood test can help identify a deficiency . Your doctor may recommend talking supplement.

PLEASE HELP WILL MARK BRAINLIEST! 20 POINTS If the working-age population was 279 million of the 320 million people living in the United States and 122 million were employed while 14 million were unemployed, the unemployment rate would be approximately 11.5%. 10.2%. 5%. 4.8%. 10.29%.





Add 122 million and 14 million and you get 136 million. That is how many people are working and not working. Ignore the other information (279 million and 320 million) because those are misleading. Now do: 14/136 (leave out the millions) and you get 0.1029. Multiply by 100 and you get 10.29% or 10.2%.




14/(122+14)*100 = 10.29

Define a formal region.
Define a functional region.
Define a perceptual region.
Explain the criteria used in map 1 to classify the region and include which type of region it is in your description.
Explain the criteria used in map 2 to classify the region and include which type of region it is in your description.
Explain the criteria used in map 3 to classify the region and include which type of region it is in your description.
Describe another set of criteria that could be used to divide the United States into regions, and include which type of region it is in your description.



Define a formal region.

ans. A formal region is an area within which everyone shares distinctive characteristics. ... A region is generally defined as an area larger than a single city that contains unifying cultural and/or physical characteristics.

Define a functional region.

Ans. A functional region in geography is an area centered on a node, focal point, or central hub surrounded by interconnecting linkages.

A formal region is known as an area that is found or seen within which all the people in it shares some distinctive characteristics.

What is  functional region?

A functional region is known to be  an area that is well kept or organized and is often seen around a node.

A perceptual or vernacular region is said to be defined as the area that people do see or believe is true or can be found/seen. It is also defined by the feelings and prejudices that one can say was or was not seen as true.

The criteria on how United States is  divided into regions is  because of:


Note that regions in the United States is grouped into 5 regions which are:

The NortheastSouthwest West SoutheastMidwest

Learn more about formal region from



The Na+ion and the Ne atom are isoelectronic. The ease of loss of an electron by gaseous Ne atom, I1, has a value of 2081 kJ/mol. The ease of loss of an electron from a gaseous Na+ ion, I2, has a value of 4562 kJ/mol. Why are these values not the same?



both are stable & have their outermost e

in same shell.

Energy require Na


ion is more

∴ it contain one more proton in its nucleus which pulls outermost e

more properly then Ne.

for this we didnt need to remember its value just get an idea from options.

The ___________ perspective focuses on how people process, use, and store information. A. sociocultural B. evolutionary C. biological D. cognitive







the answer is D. Cognitive perspective


Is there any way to tell the gender of a baby who has not yet been born before the mother has given birth? And is there any way to try and have a specific gender?
*This is worth a lot of points due to the fact that I need to know


By 18 weeks an ultrasound technician will most likely be able to identify the sex of the baby


one of the common traditional methods was


Through baking soda test

then twas later graduated to knowing through

Ultrasound check

and Through DNA blood test

what does the map indicate


Incomes in Mississippi are significantly less than the national average.


Incomes in Wyoming and Arizona are relatively the same in comparison to the national average.


Incomes in South Carolina are significantly higher than the national average.


Incomes throughout all of Michigan are lower than the national average.


Incomes in Nevada are higher than the national average, whereas incomes in Utah are lower than the national average.

Please help, I'm not sure if what I chose is correct



E incomes in nevada are higher than the national average,whereas incomes in utah are lower than the national average

Which evils of modern society does Mr. Diamond cite as evidence that the Neolithic Revolution was a negative event in the history of mankind?


The evils of modern society referred to by Jared Diamond in his article "The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" are:

Population GrowthHealth IssuesGross social and sexual inequalityDespotism

In his article, he describes the above challenges as a  fall out of the Neolithic Revolution. The Neolithic Revolution is none other than the discovery of Agriculture by man.

His article visits evidence upon evidence using evolution, and findings from archeology to buttress his points.

1. Population Growth: His interpretation of this is that because man discovered agriculture, he shelved his nomadic lifestyle (hunting and gathering) in favor of sedentary existence. Because man no longer migrated from place to place, population density triggered around the location where he chose to settle.

2. James cites the following as evidence that agriculture created an upward trajectory in the occurrence of health issues:

first, while the nomadic man (hunter and gatherer) had and ate a variety of foods the sedentary (agriculturer) was limited to just a few carbohydrates (starch) based crops. Of course, this is an approximation but the point is very clear and near to the truth. second, increases in population densities leading to the spread of parasites and infectious diseases; third, the risk of death increased because of the dependence on just a few varieties of crops to propagate.

3. James also posited that despotism and inequality are fallouts of Agriculture. Hunters and gathers, according to him, have no need to store food for prolonged periods of time. They depended on fresh intake of nutrients. Nature held the power of ownership of resources. Hence, there were no class divisions such as the rich and the poor, the weak and the powerful (politically speaking).

4. He also posited that under the nomadic culture, the job of the woman was mostly to transport babies as the tribes moved from one location to the other. Under the agricultural system, women became more like beasts of burden tasked with various kinds of agricultural routines including carrying very heavy loads from farm to sites of residence.

Learn more about the Neolithic Revolution here:


The grievances in the Declaration of Independence list ways the king could restore the legitimacy of his government.


False: the Lists of Grievances told the biggest problems the colonists faced from the king (such as taxation without representation, limiting trade, etc.) and were used as reasons to validate their removal from England as their own independent nation.

What is the "interruption" in an interrupted time series design?



A commerical or ad/advertisement

Select two targets. Write two paragraphs, one for each target, identifying potential challenges that each target presents and describe possible methods to overcome those challenges. Use evidence from course content to support your responses.




Target 1.1

By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere is an extremely challenging target. First of all, there are almost 8 billions people on Earth. Each person in extreme poverty has different background and circumstances. It is difficult to come up with a plan that will help them all. The first step is international cooperation; involving rich countries giving ads to poorer countries.

Target 1.2

By 2030, reduce by half population living in poverty by national definitions is easier to accomplish than Target 1.1. The key here is "by national definitions." As different countries have different definitions for poverty, the standards are lower for poorer countries. Leaders in those countries will try to improve lives of their people so that they can be remembered as the ones who lift their countries out of poverty.


Target 1.1

By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere is an extremely challenging target. First of all, there are almost 8 billions people on Earth. Each person in extreme poverty has different background and circumstances. It is difficult to come up with a plan that will help them all. The first step is international cooperation; involving rich countries giving ads to poorer countries.


How was southeast asia a part of "global middle ages?"




Productive agricultural and interregional trade contributed to Southeast Asian cultures in mainland and island Southeast Asia. Knowledge of Southeast Asia spread across Eurasia along with its valuable trade goods, making the region a part of the "Global Middle Ages."

Jack and Jill want to play Monopoly with us.

Which meaning of the word play is used in the sentence?

A noun meaning "an athletic activity"
A verb meaning "to take part in an activity such as a sport"
A noun meaning "an activity that is engaged in for recreation"
A verb meaning "to engage in an activity for recreation"



A verb meaning "to engage in an activity for recreation"


#1 and #2 automatically wouldn't be the answers because the word 'play' isn't being used to describe a sport being played - monopoly is a board game, not a sport (lol). #3 wouldn't be the answer because the word 'play' isn't a noun, since it isn't being used as, or means a place, person, or thing.

Hope this helps! :D

Which political party would support: High Taxes, Government ownership of Liquor sales, Protection of Unions, and raising the minimum wage.



The Democratic party ?


I just know that republicans want as little government involvement as possible.....i only ever hear of raising minimum wage from democrats!

Yes it’s the democratic party, and for a simple explanation of the first three the platform emphasizes on increased government influence, which would result in higher taxes.

When Europeans finally began to explore
after the Crusades, they were aided in large
part by
A. Their vast knowledge of other cultures
B. Their benevolent approach to conquest
C. The sheer magnitude of their exploration fleets
D. The use of cannons and guns on their ships


I think the answer is D

How did world religions spread in southeast asia?
Answer must be a paragraph.






About the beginning of the Common Era, Indian merchants may have settled there, bringing Brahmans and Buddhist monks with them. These religious men were patronized by rulers who converted to Hinduism or Buddhism. ... Later, from the 9th century onward, Tantrism, both Hindu and Buddhist, spread throughout the region.

Explain how the revival of classical texts contributed to the development of the Renaissance in Italy.


Renaissance was  when art and literature was revived during the 14th century  under the influence of the classical models.

The revival of the classical texts was vital as it brought about new values and methods of scholarship to the religion and the society.

It also helped in revitalizing their culture as the classical texts were reemphasized. Lastly, there was an expansion of philosophy, and art.

Read related link on:


Due to changing the ideology of people at that time that plays a crucial role in the movement of renaissance.

The revival of classical texts contributed to the development of the Renaissance in Italy because these classical texts changed the ideology of people that contributes to the development of Renaissance movement. The renaissance thinkers considered the Middle Ages or the dark ages is a period in which decline of culture occurs. They revitalize their culture through the action of re-emphasizing their classical texts and philosophies. They interpreted them in order to create their own style of art, philosophy and scientific researches.


Tips to concentrate on your studies.

for Competitive exams ​


create a study ritual

schedule down time


this way u will be focuaed n ready for exams

You are driving a car that does not have Anti-lock Brakes (ABS). If the road is
slippery and you need to make an emergency stop, you should



"Press down hard on the brake pedal, hold it down, and steer out of danger."


I would recommend the hand brake or try pumping your breaks. But I heard if you need to stop the car and if the roads are slippery, then you can't really do much since the roads are slippery.

Roads in urban areas are generally
A. narrower and more compact
B. unpaved and more Compact
C. rougher and more interesting
D. wideand more interesting
(It's not B or D)


In urban areas, the roads themselves are generally narrower and more compact due to the inherent density of urban infrastructure and planning.

Hope this answer helps you..



Select it as the BRAINLIEST..

Label each as either physical or chemical change.
a.corrosion of aluminum metal by hydrochloric acid
b.melting wax
c.pulverizing an aspirin tablet
d. digesting a Three Musketeersbar
e. explosion of nitroglycerin
f. a burning match
g. metal warming up, due to the burning match
h. water vapor condensing on the metal
i.the metal oxidizes, becoming dull and brittle
j.salt being dissolved by water



corrosion of aluminum metal by hydrochloric acid - chemical change

melting wax - physical change

pulverizing an aspirin tablet - physical change

digesting a Three Musketeersbar - chemical change

explosion of nitroglycerin - chemical change

a burning match - chemical change

metal warming up, due to the burning match - physical change

water vapor condensing on the metal - physical change

the metal oxidizes, becoming dull and brittle - chemical change

salt being dissolved by water - physical change


A chemical change is one in which a new substance is produced and it is not easily reversible. A chemical change always goes with absorption or evolution of heat.

On the other hand, a physical change is one in which no new substance is formed and it is easily reversible.

The processes mentioned in the question were classified into physical and chemical changes as we can see in the answer section.

Triangular numbers can be represented with equilateral triangles formed by dots. The first five triangular numbers are 1, 3, 6, 10, and 15. Is there a direct variation between a triangular number and its position in the sequence? Explain your reasoning.



No, the triangular numbers are not a direct variation. There is not a constant of variation between a number and its position in the sequence. The ratios of the numbers to their positions are not equal. Also, the points (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 6), and so on, do not lie on a line.


this is correct on edge

Sample Response:

No, the triangular numbers are not a direct variation. There is not a constant of variation between a number and its position in the sequence. The ratios of the numbers to their positions are not equal. Also, the points (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 6), and so on, do not lie on a line.

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