How did Neanderthals and homo-sapiens differ from earlier


Answer 1


Neanderthals and homosapiens had larger brains and a more developed culture.


Neanderthals and homosapiens had larger brains and a more developed culture.

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The assertion that Non Formal institutions have no role to play at the PROCESSING STAGE of the System theory is an empty rhetoric. Comment.


The audience believes any statement which provides some strong evidence regarding the claims made in the statement.

Assertions are confident and forceful statements which forces a reader to believe the statement. The claim made in the statement should also have some valid points which can be proven through some facts. If there no facts which backup the statement claims then the audience will likely reject such claims.

The assertion that non formal institutions have no role to play at processing stage is a statement which has claim but there are no evidence, proof or factual representation which can validate this statement. Therefore reader will like reject this assertion since it is an empty rhetoric theory.

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Why do factory farms want to keep consumers from knowing about the conditions under which animals are raised and what strategies do they use to keep us in the dark?



Many factory farms keep consumers in the dark about their processes and how animals are raised because many of their practices are now considered inhumane. This is because more and more light is being shed against such activity by animal welfare organizations.

Any farm may be demarketed if they are branded to be in violation of animal treatment best practices.


Some of the practices which go on at these farms also known as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations are now being brought to the fore by Animal Welfare Institutes.

These inhuman or unfair practices include but are not limited to:

Painful or highly stressful actions against the animals without the use of anesthesia or pain relief. Such pain actions are: tail docking, dehorning, castration, debeaking, etcThere is also the practice of inconvenient confinement of pigs, egg-laying hens so much so that they are unable to spread their wings as in the case of the hens or run around as in the case of the pigs.cows have been shown to suffer lameness and udder infection due to lifelong confinement and in some cases injection with growth hormones.

Crowded animal farms lead to the proliferation of diseases such as Bird Flu (for birds), SwineFlu (for pigs), and other forms of viruses which can prove dangerous to human health when these products are consumed.

Another reason farms would hide their unpopular operations from consumers is that following laid down best practice translates to additional costs and lower profits.


explain the r/ship b/n logic and language?



Logic is the means of thinking right. Language is the dress of thought. It is essentially thought that shapes the language or shapes the language. Thoughts must be expressed in language, because if we do not express our thoughts in language, we will not be able to analyze them logically.

Alguien que me ayude por favor


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Aunque no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder, podemos decir lo siguiente.

Aspectos positivos.

1.- La comunicación es vital para poderse relacionar en lo familiar, social, y laboral.

2.- La comunicación genera entendimiento entre las personas.

3.- La comunicación establecida de manera oportunidad evita o elimina chismes y rumores.

Aspectos negativos.

1.- La comunicación se bloquea cuando una de las partes -emisor o receptor no es honesto y dice mentiras.

2.- La comunicación desvirtúa cuando diferentes "ruidos" interfieren y distorsionan las ideas transmitidas.

3.- Si no hay retroalimentación o "feed back," la comunicación se mal interpreta o se genera desinformación.

La comunicación es vital para que los seres humanos se entienden en sociedad, en el seno familiar y en el ambiente laboral. Si no hay una buena comunicación, la gente no puede entenderse o mantenerse informada.

Dentro de una Organización, la jerarquía organizacional debe ser la primera en fomentar al comunicación en todo los sentidos: ascendente, descendente, y horizontal.

How didi Industrial development help to create big towns and cities​



Industrialization has historically led to urbanization by creating economic growth and job opportunities that draw people to cities. ... These technological hubs draw workers from other areas in the same way factories used to, contributing to urbanization.

Last year, every time John watched a football game at his friend's house, he drank beer. Now, whenever John watches a football game, he finds himself craving beer. This is an example of:



This is an example of Pavlovian (classical) conditioning.

Which of the following is NOT an example of Solon's reforms?
A. Established democratic system of government
B. Made most crimes punishable by death
C. Reduced gap between rich and poor
D. Gave poor citizens the right to vote


I believe the answer is D.
Sorry is not right.

One thing that Solon did not do with his reforms was that he B. Made most crimes punishable by death.

What did Solon do?

When Solon was one of the leaders in Athens, he instituted changes that were meant to make Athens more democratic.

His actions even led to the reduction of a gap between the rich and the poor because the poor were allowed to vote.

He then came up with a legal code that called for less punishments by the death penalty.

Find out more on Solon's reforms at


QUESTION 1: True or False
Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE
ve the goal
intending to achieve

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How did society originate? ​







A number of theories have been put forward to explain the origin of society. The evolutionary theory offers a generally correct explanation of the origin of society. According to it society is not a make but a growth. It is the result of a gradual evolution. It is continuous development from unorganised to organised, from less perfect to more perfect and various factors helped in its development from time to time. Kinship and family were the earliest bonds uniting man with man.

“Kinship creates society.” says Malvern. Patriarchal society was organised on the basis of Kinship through males. Religion was another factor to help in the creation of social consciousness. As a matter of fact as Gettell observes, “Kinship and religion were simply two aspects of the same thing.”

The population began to multiply. Wealth was accumulated. The idea of property took root. The economic life advanced. All this necessitated changes in the forms of social relations and man arrived at such advanced forms of social organisations as the nation state.

Thus, society did not come into being by virtue of a pact or special provision; it emerged spontaneously and followed its own line of development. It passed through several stages of evolution before reaching its modern complex form.

What is it called when an economic player avoids a choice because the opportunity cost is too high?(1 point)

positive incentive


rational decision

negative incentive

Question 2
A) What occurs when individuals make decisions in which benefits exceed costs?(1 point)

They are removing the opportunity costs of decisions.

They are using a rational decision-making model.

They are making irrational economic decisions.

They are eliminating all trade-offs of the decision.

Question 3
A) What occurs when people make economic decisions in which the costs exceed the benefits?(1 point)

They are losing the benefits of negative externalities.

They are taking advantage of opportunity costs.

They are using their time and resources efficiently.

They are making irrational economic decisions.

Question 4
A) Which of the following is not one of the steps of the rational decision-making model?(1 point)

performing an analysis

defining the problem

identifying alternatives

determining productivity

Question 5
A) Kareem wants to make the most logical choice about what do after high school. Which advice would help him do that?(1 point)

Make a choice based on costs exceeding benefits.

Make a choice with no opportunity cost.

Make a choice based on a rational decision-making model.

Make a choice with no trade-offs.



A: Chemicals have contaminated water supplies.

B: Salts build up in the soil.

C: Farms are more productive.

D: The amount of water needed for irrigation increases.


A: Chemicals have contaminated water supplies.

B: Salts build up in the soil.

C: Farms are more productive.

D: The amount of water needed for irrigation increases Helping me is hoof


write one Similarity and one difference between the nutrition in amoeba and human beings ​



hough amoeba and humans share the same mode of nutrition, both process the nutrients and convert them into energy in different ways. Humans have a complex digestive system, while amoeba engulfs its food and brings it deep within the cell.

Please mark me as the brainliest


AI-generated answer


Amoeba and human beings require the same nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for their growth and survival.


1. Mode of Nutrition:

Amoeba is unicellular and microscopic, which makes it an organism that uses the Holozoic mode of nutrition. It ingests food through its cell membrane and feeds on other tiny organisms like bacteria, algae, and protozoans. On the other hand, human beings are multicellular organisms and use saprophytic and holozoic modes of nutrition. They ingest complex food materials that are broken down into simpler nutrients.

2. Digestive System:

Amoeba's digestive system is simple and consists of a single opening. It ingests food through this opening and digests it with the help of lysosomes. Human beings have a complex digestive system consisting of organs such as the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. The food is broken down mechanically and chemically in these organs before being absorbed into the bloodstream.

3. Nutrient Absorption:

Amoeba absorbs nutrients through the cell membrane, whereas human beings absorb nutrients through the villi present in the small intestine.

4. Waste Elimination:

Amoeba eliminates waste through its cell membrane, while human beings eliminate waste through the digestive and excretory systems.

5. Energy Storage:

Amoeba stores food as glycogen, while humans store it as adipose tissue.

Therefore, the mode of nutrition, digestive system, nutrient absorption, waste elimination, and energy storage in Amoeba and human beings differ significantly.

Score) Which of the following behaviors best describes a person who is listening and paying attention? o a) leans toward the speaker o b) interrupts the speaker to share their opinions O c) avoids eye contact d) asks questions to make sure they understand what is being said



A) Leans towards the speaker


This is because it shows that the listener is showing that he/she is paying attention to whatever they are saying.

Explain the theory of bootleggers and Baptists​



Assuming you mean the connection between the two, Bapstists were one of the religious groups to really start to fight the disconnect and disaster that acohol caused in families, they were avid against the liquid, hoping to destroy it, naturally making them enemies of the bootleggers, ( people that smuggled aocohol )


A psychologist is interested in exploring the effect of tutorial support on students academic performance and assign students into two groups.students in group one get the tutorial support and those in group two do not.In this example,what is the dependent variable,independent variable,control group and experimental group?



In this experiment, the independent variable is caffeine. The participants will be divided into two groups - one group will be given a cup of ... The dependent variable is the score on the memory test.

cho ví dụ về chức năng của hành vi




Porque en el desarrollo en la vida del hombre es absolutamente necesaria la lógica.



La lógica constituye una herramienta para la aplicación y obtención de conocimientos dentro de cada ciencia. En ese sentido es un requisito para el desarrollo de ésta. Y, entre las disciplinas que han precisado de una particular utilización de la lógica cabe incluir al Derecho, como modo para la obtención de razonamientos jurídicos lógicos. La aparición de la lógica jurídica es consecuencia de las exigencias de las propuestas y soluciones en el Derecho. Con el fin de dotar de racionalidad, objetividad y justificación a los sistemas jurídicos, se ha empleado esta herramienta bajo diversas concepciones y contenidos, de modo que resulta oportuno estudiar la conexión que se da entre Lógica y Derecho (


why are people considered most important source of a country​



Human being as an ontologically object is independent self contained object having at least it's own name ,identifier , properties , behaviour and history.


Human beings are considered as the most important of. a country because they are only responsible for the progress of a country .The machine s work fast and efficiently ,but these machines are operated by humans .This , a human with intelligence is the ultimate resource who can make development.So it is considered as a important factor of a country.

. plz mark me as a brainliest.

. thank you.

Human beings are considered as an important resource because they make the best use of nature to create more resources. They can do this as they have the knowledge, skill and the technology to do so.

Can some tells me what's love



its a beautiful feeling


which comes in your heart always not in mind and it can make person mad too but still if u love someone always trust them because love stays at that place where trust stays...

what caused conlonist for form in Latin America


It is because of ur mum mate…

What are the foundations for building society in your view?​



abhshshshshhd jwjjsjsjskkskskskks

Venezuela is very humid. The rainy season is from May until December and the average temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. What is the climate zone​


Venezula has a tropical climate and is in the torrid zone

Must click thanks and mark brainliest




Venezuela's location perched 8° above the equator, means it generally enjoys a balmy warm climate.

examples of population composition​



Population composition is the description of the characteristics of a group of people in terms of factors such as their age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, and relationship to the head of household so stuff like age 20, sex male, married, working as a cop are examples of population composition

59. Name three supranational organizations where the Federal Republic of Nigeria is a member.



In carrying out these principles, Nigeria participates in the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Non-Aligned Movement, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the United Nations.

what good things we can do for our country by becoming football players?
plz help me​


•We can be good players.

•We can represent our country in football match.

•We also develop many social skills like cooperation .

•We can understand other people's feelings.

Hope it helps you

A person earns $50,000 per year. She deducts $3,000 for charitable donations. She also receives a $2,000 tax credit.

What is the person's taxable income?









she has to pay tax before donating for charity

Who are the individuals who fill non-elected positions in government and comprise the bureaucracy? Group of answer choices Cabinet members Congressional aides Private citizens Civil servants



Civil servants


Civil servants are regarded as those that works in bureaucracy, they are

body of government officials that are been employed in civil occupations, they cannot be regarded as political or judicial. Bureaucracy can be regarded as administrative group that belongs to non-elected officials that is responsible for performing of functions that is been connected to policies and programs. It commenced with a very small collection of people. United States begins to experience great bureaucratic growth arround Late nineteenth century.

It should be noted that Civil servants

are the individuals who fill non-elected positions in government and comprise the bureaucracy

Read the following excerpt from the Declaration of Independence, and read
the question that follows. "- Such has been the patient sufferance of
these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to
alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King
of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having
in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these
States." Based on the Declaration of Independence, how would the patriots
describe King George Ill?
A. Out of touch with the colonies
B. Terrifying
C. As a tyrant
D. As an ally





They are all true to one degree or another except D. The worst of them is contained

in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these  States.

In other words, the worst crime of all was the fact that the British Government had established George III as an undemocratic unapproachable Lord and Master over the colonies, and the Declaration liked that least of all.

Bill finds that his job as a long-distance truck driver suits his strong desire for solitude. He has never really cared about settling down somewhere and developing friendships. He also was mostly indifferent when his partner of six weeks left him for another man. What personality disorder might be present



Borderline personality disorder (BPD)


borderline personality disorder is characterized by loneliness ,social isolation , a fear of abandonment, poor social and communication skills, and unstable, difficult interpersonal relationships. The loneliness of living with this condition can be painful , but treatments can be effective.

Fewer and fewer customers have been coming into the restaurant, so Bill, the manager, decides to change the entire menu. After he does this, he finds out that people loved the food, but the service has been driving people away. This represents what kind of problem in the decision-making process? O a) Failure to develop enough options O b) Failure to correctly define the problem c) Failure to act on a decision O d) Failure to evaluate the decision





he didn't realize that the problrm was with the service, not the food

Which of the following was NOT a geographic feature of the fertile crescent which helped settle civilization?
A. Large salt and tin deposits
B. Productive soil
C. Abundant water sources
D. Variety of crops and animals





A. Large salt and tin deposits are not a geographic feature of the fertile crescent which helped settle civilization.

In which is Fertile Crescent positioned?

Its area covers what at the moment are southern Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, and elements of Turkey and Iran. rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, regularly flooded the region, and the Nile River also runs via a part of it.

Why is Mesopotamia called the Fertile Crescent?

Within the early duration of settlement along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the soil beds had been rich with silt, which provided the important nutrients to set up agricultural groups, consequently giving the vicinity the call the Fertile Crescent.

Learn more about Fertile Crescent here:


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