which computer is used in hospital for ultrasound?​


Answer 1


Pentium Powered Computer

Answer 2


Pentium powered computer

Related Questions

16. Which of the following is true about function return statements? A) A function can hold multiple return statements, but only one return statement executes in one function call. B) A function can hold only one return statement. C) A function can hold multiple return statements, and multiple return statements can execute in one function call. D) A function can have maximum of two return statements.



A) A function can hold multiple return statements, but only one return statement executes in one function call


This is because each function can only return one value, whether it be an integer, String, or other object.

However, you can have a series of if-else statements, or case statements, to return a different value depending on information (within parameters, or variables.

Excellent. So, you can have multiple return statements, but the function will only end up executing one of these return statements and return a single value.

Hope this helps!

The statement "When there are multiple return statements but one return statement should execute the 1 function call" is true.

The following information should be considered:

This can be done as every function has only a return i.e. one value. It can be an integer, string, or any other thing. The function can't hold only 1 return statement.The function can't hold many return statements that execute one function call. The function can't have the utmost 2 return statements.

Therefore, we can conclude that option A is correct.

Learn more about the function here: brainly.com/question/12431044

20 points!!!!! Plz answer quickly



other words are not clear

Are all the computer users known as programmer ​





programmers are diff

With respect to using software to build a project network, the authors contention is that... Multiple choice question. Understanding the calculations used is vital to proper use. Software makes up for the need to understand the forward/backward pass calculations and is not necessary for a person to know the pass calculations.



They should have a common start and end node, numbering activity aides clarity, and no "if-then" statements

When constructing a project network for a project with 25-100 tasks, a common industry practice is to

utilize the "yellow sticky" approach

An online retailer is looking to implement an enterprise platform. Which component of the enterprise platform will help the company capture curate and consumer customer information?



Data and Insights


In an enterprise platform, the data and insights are considered as one of the important aspect of any enterprise. It helps in better understanding of the customer so that the enterprise successfully offers best services to the customers.

Data are basically the information that enterprise can gather from the customers and insights are defined by gaining knowledge by analyzing these data so that the company can provide best customer service and it also helps them to capture curate as well as consumer information.

Thus the answer is 'data and insights'.

What method is used to prevent the random number generator from always starting with the same number?









Since computer random isn't actually random, and is a predetermined sequence of numbers, seed() allows us to create different sequences of numbers, and thus more randomized numbers.

Hope this helps!


the answer is seed()


i took the assignment

Your disaster recovery plan calls for backup media to be stored at a different location. The location is a safe deposit box at the local bank. Because of this, the disaster recovery plan specifies that you choose a method that uses the least amount of backup media, but also allows you to quickly back up and restore files. Which backup strategy would BEST meet the disaster recovery plan



Perform a full backup once per week and a differential backup the other days of the week.

describe in detail what each step would look like if you ran into a software error.



First you have to identify the problem.

Second Gather information.

Third iterate through potential solutions.

Fourth Test your solution.


There are many different ways to handle errors in software but this is the way I do it.

Hope this helps :)

After running into a software error, a user needs to first determine the reason for the error, work towards a solution and then execute the solution discovered.

Software Error

A software error occurs when an error or unusual behaviour is observed in a piece of software and which can be reproduced after certain actions are performed that are in line with the stated rules of the software developer. In other words, a software error does not occur if the software was not used as directed by the software developer.

You can learn more about software errors here https://brainly.com/question/18497347


Marcus White has just been promoted to a manager. To give him access to the files that he needs, you make his user account a member of the Managers group, which has access to a special shared folder. Later that afternoon, Marcus tells you that he is still unable to access the files reserved for the Managers group. What should you do



log off of his account and log back in


The first thing that Marcus should do would be to log off of his account and log back in. This is so that the new changes to his permissions can take effect. This should solve his problem and grant him access to all the permissions available in the Managers Group. If this does not work, then it is most likely that he is still in the previous group which has the Manager level permissions blocked. In this case he would need to leave the previous group that he is in because the blocking permissions overrides the access allowed from the Managers group.

explain about third generation of computer​



The period of third generation was from 1965-1971. The computers of third generation used Integrated Circuits (ICs) in place of transistors. ... This development made computers smaller in size, reliable, and efficient. In this generation remote processing, time-sharing, multiprogramming operating system were used.


hope it helps

Sophie often makes grammatical errors in her document. Which feature of the Spelling and Grammar tool can she use to understand the errors? A. Next Sentence B. Options C. Change D. Explain



D. Explain


Sophie would need an explanation of why she makes grammatical errors to understand the errors.  

convert (0.255)¹⁰ into binary



Must click thanks and mark brainliest

Mary uploaded some images on her website. She chose an image and downloaded it. She found that the image she saw on screen did not seem to have the same DPI as when she had scanned it (she had uploaded a scanned image with 300 DPI). What could be reason with this visual decrease in DPI on the computer screen? (Correct Answer only)

A. Some image resolution was lost while uploading it
B. She downloaded a compressed version of the image.
C. The computer reset the resolution of the image.
D. Her file was probably corrupted while downloading.
E. Computer screens typically display images of only 72 DPI.


It could be A or B, with a guess that it’s A. Many websites require images to be compressed on uploading so that it takes less of the site’s database storage, but the wording leads me to believe it may be B. Any thoughts?

The reason for this visual decrease in DPI on the computer screen is some image resolution was lost while uploading it. The correct option is A.

What is resolution?

Resolution is the quality of the image that we see in the screen. It is the number of pixels per inch of space. The meaning of PPI is pixel per inch. When a high-resolution picture is seen, it means there are more pixels per inch.

When a picture is downloaded from a site. It does not download in the original pixels because during downloading some pixels are lost due to slow net or the settings of the computer. And a compressed version does not download on its own, and corrupted files do not affect the resolution.

Thus, the correct option is A. Some image resolution was lost while uploading it.

To learn more about resolution, refer to the link:



A logistics company's vulnerability scan identifies the following vulnerabilities on Internet-facing devices in
the DMZ: SQL injection on an infrequently used web server that provides files to vendors SSL/TLS not used for a website that contains promotional information
The scan also shows the following vulnerabilities on internal resources: Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution on test server for a human resources system
TLS downgrade vulnerability on a server in a development network In order of risk, which of the following should be patched FIRST?
A. Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution
B. SQL injection
C. SSL/TLS not used
D. TLS downgrade



A. Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution


From the given options, we have;

The web server having a SQL injection is infrequently use

The information on the website having SSL/TLS not used is promotional

The location of the server having  a TLS downgrade is on a development network

The location of the Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution is on a human resource system test server

Therefore, given that the test server, is the deployment source of the main server, and that with a Remote Code Execution, RCE,  cyber attack, the attacker is able to make commands work on other computers, the RCE attack on the test server is a potential access of an attack on the main servers, and should be patched first.

there are 9 CTSOs, name 3


Business Professionals of America.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.

write a program to check the password( qbasic)​



Assuming this is in python:

def check_password(password):


   correct_password = "qbasic"


   if password == correct_password:

       return True


       return False

def main():


   user_input = input("Type in your password: ")


   if check_password(user_input):



       print("Wrong, try again")





Hope this helped :) If it wasn't suppose to be in python, tell me so I can make it in the correct programming language.

Have a good day :)

Predict the output... LET A= -20.50 LET B = ABS(A) PRINT B END​



full and then I would like this

full form of ip ........?​


internet protocol - hope this helps!

4. Calculate the standard deviation for the following data set: Foundations of Technology Engineering byDesi OITEEA . . Data Set = 4, 14, 6, 2, 7, 12 217 ,​



[tex]\sigma_x = 5.68[/tex]



[tex]x = 4, 14, 6, 2, 7, 12 2,17[/tex]


The standard deviation

First, calculate the mean

[tex]\bar x =\frac{\sum x}{n}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]\bar x = \frac{4+ 14+ 6+ 2+ 7+ 12 +2+17}{8}[/tex]

[tex]\bar x = \frac{64}{8}[/tex]

[tex]\bar x = 8[/tex]

The standard deviation is:

[tex]\sigma_x = \sqrt{\frac{\sum(x - \bar x)^2}{n-1}}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]\sigma_x = \sqrt{\frac{(4 - 8)^2+ (14 - 8)^2+ (6 - 8)^2+ (2 - 8)^2+ (7 - 8)^2+ (12 - 8)^2+ (2 - 8)^2+ (17 - 8)^2}{8-1}}[/tex]

[tex]\sigma_x = \sqrt{\frac{226}{7}}[/tex]

[tex]\sigma_x = \sqrt{32.2857}[/tex]

[tex]\sigma_x = 5.68[/tex]

Write technical term of following statements: a.The set of programs to perform specific task. b.A feature of computer which tells multi-functioning capability of computer. c.The first calculating machine designed for the manipulation of census data. d.The first computer programmer.​



a) Application software

d) Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace

b) (it may be versatility

You have been asked to help a small office with a limited budget set up and configure a Windows network. There are only five computers in this office. In addition to the ability to share network resources, security is a top priority.
Which of the following is the BEST course of action in this situation?
A. Install a HomeGroup to provide a single login and simplify security and sharing.
B. Install a WorkGroup to provide a single login and simplify security and sharing.
C. Install a WorkGroup to allow each device to control what is shared and with whom.
D. Install a HomeGroup to allow each computer to control which items are shared and who can access them.



I will choose a option tin best

Answer: Install a WorkGroup to allow each device to control what is shared and with whom.


what is known as Ip address



IP address stands for internet protocol address; it is an identifying number that is associated with a specific computer or computer network. When connected to the internet, the IP address allows the computers to send and receive information.

Which of these is NOT an input device?
O keyboard
O mouse
O blinking light
O microphone


Blinking light is not one of the awansers

the contribution of Charles Babbage in the history of computer​


Charles Babbage also known as the “father of computers” have made an incredible contribution in the evolution and history of computers. His most well-known invention, the analytical engine was a proposed mechanical general-purpose computer with complex machinal working features. Today, most computers follow Charles Babbage’s analytical engine’s process of working (IPO). Charles Babbage was the one to originate the concept of a digital programmable computer. Other mentionable invention of Charles Babbage is difference engine.

Plz give me the brainliest :)

write a c program to display the series: 1,8,27,64,125​


num_list = [1, 8, 27, 64, 125]

for x in range ( len( num_list) ) :

print (num_list[x])






You listed this as Computers and Technology where we post coding questions, or hardware related things, but ok.

If there is 7/8 jugs as the starting amount, and they have a 1/2 jug, dividing 0.875 by 0.5 gives the answer of 1.75 or 1 3/4.

explain the types of computer on the basis of model


XT(extra technology) computer: it cannot support GUI Based operating system. its processing speed is 477MHz

AT(advanced technology):it supports GUI Operating system. Its processing speed is 2GHz

PS/2:is a laptop computer which is rechargeable

and battery powered. it's operated with OS/2 operating system.



XT Computers (Extended Technology)  

AT Computers (Advanced Technology)

PS/2 Computers (Personal System 2)


XT Computers :  

            The computers having 8086 or 8088 microprocessor and processing speed of 4.77 Mhz are known as XT Computers. These computers are outdated now because they cannot run on latest software versions.

AT Computers :  

                  The computers having 80286 or later versions of microprocessors are known as AT Computers. Their storage capacity as well as speed is much higher than XT computers. Besides that they have math  co-processor to support main processors to perform complex mathematical calculations.

PS/2 Computers:

                  IBM developed another model of computer in 1990 that have much advanced architecture design that AT computers. They are known as PS/2 computers. They are much faster than AT computers. Most of the laptop computers based on PS/2 model use OS/2 or UNIX operating system and 1.44 MB floppy diskette.

What does this mean? it is coming after i ask a question

Don't use such phrases here, not cool! It hurts our feelings :(



To my own opinion I think it means that when you're answering a question here in brainly I think they are referring that your message is rude but sometimes you are not rude but I don't know. Maybe it could be some difficult technical problems.

why the internet is not policed​



The Internet allows people to circumvent law by committing criminal acts from areas where their activities are not illegal. Those areas will always exist, and thus new regulations will be just as ineffective as the old ones are ["Net Needs Law Enforcement, Author Says,"]. But Internet traffic is marked with IP addresses, and those addresses can be tied to specific networks with specific locations. Shouldn't it be possible to separate traffic based on the originating network and treat data coming from relatively insecure locations differently than data coming from relatively secure locations? It would be much harder for someone in a rogue nation to hack a network if he had to hack an intermediary network first. And unlike government regulation, which has zero impact in areas where these threats are likely to originate, separating traffic by location might actually work

You are working as a Solutions Architect in a large healthcare organization. You have many Auto Scaling Groups that you need to create. One requirement is that you need to reuse some software licenses and therefore need to use dedicated hosts on EC2 instances in your Auto Scaling Groups. What step must you take to meet this requirement


Answer:use launch template with your ASG


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