Which equation represents a line which is parallel to the line 7y-x=-56



Answer 1


The parallel line is y = 1/7 x - 1  

hope this helps!

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what is 8 to the 4thpower


8 to the fourth power is:

8² · 8² =

64 · 64 =



8^4 could be written as 8x8x8x8.

someone please help i am not 100% sure how to do this and i need it for the rest of my tesr



angleCFE=21 because inscribed angle is half the central angle standing on same same arc.

PLEASE HELP PLEASE!!!! AB←→||CD←→ . Find the measure of ∠BFG.



BFG = 135

Step-by-step explanation:

The angles are alternate interior angles and alternate interior angles are equal when the lines are parallel

3x+15 = 5x-5

Subtract 3x from each side

3x+15-3x = 5x-5-3x

15 = 2x-5

Add 5 to each side

15+5 = 2x-5+5

20 = 2x

Divide by 2

20/2 = 2x/2

10 =x

We know that AFG + BFG = 180 since it forms a straight line

AFG + BFG = 180

3x+15 + BFG = 180

3(10) + 15  + BFG = 180

30+15 + BFG = 180

45 + BFG = 180

BFG = 180-45

BFG = 135


<BFG = 135

Step-by-step explanation:

They are the same angle, so they will be equal to eachother.

3x + 15 = 5x - 5

-3x          -3x


     15   = 2x - 5

     +5           +5


     20 = 2x

     -----   ----

       2      2

      10 = x

3(10) + 15

30 + 15


180-45 = 135

The answer is 135.

Simple Algebra problem. Includes the x and y axis. Also need help finding the perimeter.


The area of a triangle is A = (b*h)/2:
(5 * 8)/2 = 20

cos theta Root over 1 - cos square theta​



[tex]{ \bf{ \cos \theta \sqrt{1 - { \cos }^{2} \theta } }} \\ { \sf{ = \cos \theta \sqrt{ { \sin }^{2} \theta} }} \\ { \sf{ = \cos \theta \sin \theta }} \\ { \sf{ = \frac{1}{2} \sin(2 \theta) }}[/tex]

Find x in the given figure
A: 60°
B: 55°
C: 125°
D: 35°



C: 125

Step-by-step explanation:

First of all we can see that one angle is 55 degrees. Due to the fact it is on a straight line, we can assume to angle directly on the left of it, 6 is 180-55. Because a straight line is 180 degrees and we already have 55 degrees filling it. So if we do that, we can see that angle number 6 is 125 degrees. Which if we use the corresponding angles theroem, we get that angle number 1 is also 125 degrees. And because number 1 and x are corresponding angles, x is also 125 degrees. There are many ways to do it but I did this way the fastest. I challenge you to try to find another way to solve it.

Hope this helps!

^^Unfortunately, the answer is not 125.

In order for the answer to be 125, it would have to be obtuse, more than 90 degrees.

As you can CLEARLY tell, that angle is not larger than 90. That’s just common knowledge.

Angle X is 55.

Please do not listen to the person above me.

Thank you, hope this helps.

how to evaluate 4(x+2−5x) when x=2




Step-by-step explanation:


Combine like terms

4(2 -4x)


8 -16x

Let x=2

8 - 16(2)

8 - 32


Given :

how to evaluate 4(x+2−5x) when x=2

To Find :

The value after evaluating

Solution :

We are provided that x equals 2 so have to put 2 instead of x to the desired result

4(x + 2 - 5x)

Putting the value of x we get

4(2 + 2 - 5 × 2)

According to BODMAS multiplication comes first then addition

So 5 × 2 will be solved after that we will simplify 2 added with 2

4(2 + 2 - 10)

4(4 - 10)


- 24

Henceforth, the required answer is -24

Look at the graph shown.

Which equation best represents the line? (4 points)

y = 1 over 3.x − 1

y = 3x − 1

y = −x + 1 over 3.

y = 3x + 1



y=3x - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

we are going to base the answer off of the y=mx+b form where m represents slope and b represents the y-intercept.

we know that b must be -1 because the line hits the y-axis when y is -1

this now leaves us with either the first or second choice

we then choose two points to find the slope. I am using (0,-1) and (1,2). If you count the boxes, the y-value increases by 3 as the x-value increases by 1. So the slope is 3/1 or 3.

so then we know the answer is y=3x-1

hope this helps

Find the total surface area of this square based
10 in
5 in




Step-by-step explanation:

Each triangular face has a base of 5 in and a height of 10 in. The area of it is given by the formula ...

  A = (1/2)bh

  A = (1/2)(5 in)(10 in) = 25 in²

The square base has an area given by the formula ...

  A = s² . . . . . where s is the side length

  A = (5 in)² = 25 in²

The total area is the sum of the areas of the 4 faces and the base:

  total area = 4 × (area of 1 face) + (area of base)

  total area = 4 × (25 in²) + 25 in²

  total area = 125 in²

convert 8 1/10 into an improper fraction




Step-by-step explanation:

5. What are the solutions of the equations x2 - 4x = -5
a. 2 + 2i
b. 2 - i
c. 2 + i.
d. 2 - 2 i



b and c

Step-by-step explanation:


x² - 4x = - 5

Solve by using the method of completing the square

add ( half the coefficient of the x- term)² to both sides

x² + 2(- 2)x + 4 = - 5 + 4

(x - 2)² = - 1 ( take the square root of both sides )

x - 2 = ± [tex]\sqrt{-1}[/tex] = ± i ( add 2 to both sides )

x = 2 ± i

Then solutions are

x = 2 - i → b

x = 2 + i → c

the tables show how the dollar to euro conversion rate changed during one day.
Khalil changed $500 into euros (£).
How many more euros did Khalil receive if he changed his money at the highest rate compared to the lowest rate?

the attachment is the table




Step-by-step explanation:

Highest exchange rate=1.3401

Lowest exchange rate=1.3199

The money Khan would have received more if he exchanged currencies at the highest rate compared to the lowest rate=500*(1.3401-1.3199)=£10.1

Find the endpoint/midpoint.Please hurry



im not sure, but i have

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

Calcula el valor de “x” en:
5(3x – 4) – 17 = 5(x + 8) – 17


Answer: x = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Sume 17 a ambos lados

5(3x-4)-17 + 17=5(x+8)-17 +17



Expandir 5(3x -4) : 15x - 20

Expandir 5(x+8) : 5x +40

15x - 20 = 5x +40

Sume 20 a ambos lados

15x - 20 + 20 = 5x +40 +20


15x = 5x +60

Restar 5 de ambos lados

15x - 5x = 5x + 60 - 5x


10x = 60

Divide ambos lados entre 10

10x/10 = 60/10


x = 6

inWrite the equation of the line that passes through (7, - 4) and (- 1, 2) slope- intercept form.



General Equation of a Line

[tex]General Equation \\(y - y_{1} )= m (x-x_{1}) \\Slope=m= \frac{x_{2}-x_{1} }{y_{2}-y_{1} } \\\\Given:\\p_{1}=(7,-4)\\p_{2}=(-1,2)\\Solution:\\m=(\frac{-1-7}{2-(-4)}) =\frac{-8}{6}\\y-(-4) = (\frac{-8}{6} )(x-7)\\y+4=\frac{-8x}{6} + 56\\y=\frac{-8x}{6} + 52 \\\\The\\ equation \\ is \\ y=\frac{-8x}{6} + 52[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the slope first and then place the values on the general formula. The final step is to solve for y

Please answer this, I don't have much time left!



1 + 5 ÷ 5

This would equal 2, using BIDMAS.

Which number line represents the solution set for the inequality 3(8 – 4x) < 6(x – 5)?

A number line from negative 5 to 5 in increments of 1. An open circle is at 3 and a bold line starts at 3 and is pointing to the left.
A number line from negative 5 to 5 in increments of 1. An open circle is at 3 and a bold line starts at 3 and is pointing to the right.
A number line from negative 5 to 5 in increments of 1. An open circle is at negative 3 and a bold line starts at negative 3 and is pointing to the left.
A number line from negative 5 to 5 in increments of 1. An open circle is at negative 3 and a bold line starts at negative 3 and is pointing to the right.


Answer: Choice B

Open circle at 3. Shading to the right


Work Shown:

3(8 - 4x) < 6(x - 5)

24 - 12x < 6x - 30

24 + 30 < 6x + 12x

54 < 18x

18x > 54

x > 54/18

x > 3

We use an open circle at 3 to indicate we don't include this endpoint as part of the solution. The solution set is everything larger than 3, so we shade to the right of this open circle.

how many square metres of floor are there in a room of 6 metres

ig something like that



36² metres

Step-by-step explanation:

I'm assuming you mean 6 metre wide/long floor. Area is L*W so 6*6

Does this graph show a function? Explain how you know.

O A. Yes; the graph passes the vertical line test.
O B. Yes, there are no y values that have more than one xvalue.
O C. No; there are y-values that have more than one xvalue.
O D. No, the graph fails the vertical line test.​




Step-by-step explanation:

43. Para determinar la altura de un árbol nos apoyamos en los siguientes triángulos semejantes que se forman entre el árbol y

una lámpara



*ACB= 30°



20 m

5 m

¿Cuál es la altura del árbol?


A. BA = 12 m

B. BA = 15 m

C. BA = 33.33 m

D. BA = 60 m




A.) BA = 12 m

Explicación paso a paso:

Usando triángulos similares:

BA / AC = DE / EC

BA = x; AC = 20; DE = 3; EC = 5


x / 20 = 3/5

Multiplicar en cruz:

5 * x = 20 * 3

5 veces = 60

5x / 5 = 60/5

x = 12

find the missing side of the triangle.​


10^2 - 5^2 = x^2
75 = x^2
Square root of 75 or just write it as 8.6

The equation of a function and its table of values has been given. Complete the table.




X    -2     - 1     0    1     2

Y     9       7     5    3     1

Step-by-step explanation:

Given equation:

y = -2x + 5


Complete table


Missing table;

X    -2     - 1     0    1     2


y = -2x + 5

When x = -2

y = -2x + 5

y = -2(-2) + 5

y = 9

When x = -2

y = -2x + 5

y = -2(-1) + 5

y = 7

When x = -2

y = -2x + 5

y = -2(0) + 5

y = 5

When x = -2

y = -2x + 5

y = -2(1) + 5

y = 3

When x = -2

y = -2x + 5

y = -2(2) + 5

y = 1

X    -2     - 1     0    1     2

Y     9       7     5    3     1

A group of students is arranging squares into layers to create a project. The first layer has 5 squares. The second layer has 10 squares. Which formula represents an arithmetic explicit formula to determine the number of squares in each layer ?


Answer: Its B i just took the test

Step-by-step explanation:

According to the graph what is the value of the constant in the equation below



C. 1.5

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:


What is the median for the set of data? 6, 7, 10, 12, 12, 13
Answer choices:




Step-by-step explanation:

If the set of numbers are not in least to greatest first set them up into their positions. But since this set is already in least to greatest we can go to the next step.

6, 7, 10, 12, 12, 13

Cross off all numbers until you get to the middle:

6, 7, 10, 12, 12, 13

Find the mean of the numbers in the middle:

10 + 12 = 22

22 / 2 = 11

The answer is 11

Hope this helped.



Step-by-step explanation:



median is equal to the middle number after being arranged in ascending order.

The height of a right cylinder is 3 times the radius of the base. The volume of the cylinder is 247 cubic units.
What is the height of the cylinder?
O 2 units
O 4 units
O 6 units
O 8 units


It should be 6 units ..l hope this help

The height of the cylinder is 6 units.

What is cylinder?

A cylinder has traditionally been a three-dimensional solid, one of the most basic of curvilinear geometric shapes. In elementary geometry, it is considered a prism with a circle as its base.

Given that, the height of a right cylinder is 3 times the radius of the base. The volume of the cylinder is 24π cubic units.

Volume = π × radius² × height

Let the height of 3x then the radius will be x,

24π = π × x² × 3x

24 = 3x³

x = ∛8

x = 2

Therefore, height = 6

Hence, the height of the cylinder is 6 units.

Learn more about cylinders, click;



Find the missing term in the proportion:
1/y = 4/11




2.75, or 2 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:

Cross multiply first to get:

4y = 11

Divide by 4 on both sides

y = 2.75

Now, simplify to a mixed number or keep it as a decimal to get 2.75, or 2 3/4.

Hope this helps!

If there is something wrong, just let me know.



Step-by-step explanation:

1/y = 4/11 cross multiply the expressions

4y = 11 divide both sides by 4

y = 2.75

Please help me solve this short problem guys



Step-by-step explanation:

Given equation of the quadratic function is,

y = x² + 5x - 7

Convert this equation into vertex form,

y = x² + 2(2.5x) - 7

  = x² + 2(2.5x) + (2.5)² - (2.5)² - 7

  = (x + 2.5)²- 6.25 - 7

  = (x + 2.5)² - 13.25

Therefore, vertex of the function is (-2.5, -13.25)

For the solutions,

y = 0

(x + 2.5)² - 13.25 = 0

x = (±√13.25) - 2.5

x = (±3.64) - 2.5

x = 1.14, -6.14

Solutions → (-6.14, 0) and (1.14, 0)

What's 672 divided by 32



the answer is 21

Step-by-step explanation:

Hey please help for 100 points! Has to be accurate and explained well though for brainiest!
Question: Identify the property of equality(addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) that could isolate this variable:
k - 4.5 = 9.8



addition property of equality

Step-by-step explanation:

k - 4.5 = 9.8

Add 4.5 to each side using the addition property of equality

k-4.5 +4.5 = 9.8+4.5

k = 14.3


Addition Property of Equality

Step-by-step explanation:

k - 4.5 = 9.8

~Add 4.5 to both sides

k = 14.3

Best of Luck!

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