Which generalization is best supported by the information on this map?

1)No trade occurred between East Africa and the Persian Gulf region.

2)The monsoon winds influenced trade between East Africa and India.

3)Trading states developed primarily in the interior of East Africa.

4)Trade encouraged the spread of Islam from East Africa to Arabia.


Answer 1


2). The monsoon winds influenced trade between East Africa and India.


As per the question, the conjecture that can most adequately be supported through the information provided by the given map would be that 'the monsoon winds affected the trade and commerce between East Africa and India.' This is because the directions of the monsoon winds determine the propelling of the trade ships to the coast. The northeast and southwest monsoon winds allow the traders to predict the right time for their trade and reduced the risk factors. Hence, option 2 is the correct answer.

Answer 2


it is india


Related Questions

giải thích thế nào là giặc đói,giặc dốt, giặc ngoại xâm



Giặc đói là: Nạn đói năm Ất Dậu là một thảm họa khủng khiếp xảy ra tại miền Bắc Việt Nam trong khoảng từ tháng 10 năm 1944 đến tháng 5 năm 1945, làm khoảng từ 400.000 đến 2 triệu người dân chết đói.

Giặc dốt: sau cách mạng tháng Tám , 90% dân số mù chữ

Giặc ngoại xâm: Từ vĩ tuyến 16 trở ra Bắc, 20 vạn quân Tưởng kéo vào, theo chúng là bọn tay sai thuộc các tổ chức phản động, âm mưu cướp chính quyền mà nhân dân ta đã giành được. Từ vĩ tuyến 16 trở vào Nam, hơn 1 vạn quân Anh kéo vào, dọn đường cho thực dân Pháp trở lại xâm lược nước ta. Ngoài ra, trên cả nước còn hơn 6 vạn quân Nhật đang chờ giải giáp. Bọn phản động trong nước ngóc đầu dậy, làm tay sai cho Pháp, chống phá cách mạng.


What are the new challenges global politics has been facing in the post-Cold War world?




First, globalization has weakened nation states: Countries and individuals alike are exposed to unprecedented risks in the face of international capital. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the Soviet Union, the Western capitalist world order saw a golden opportunity to sweep across the planet. Expansion of such an order was given the name of “globalization” in the mid and late 1990s. The generally shallow interpretation of globalization refers to the increasingly strengthened global connections and interdependence in economy, trade, transport and communications. But the insight of such scholars as Herbert Hart is especially worth notice, as he pointed out the essence of globalization is the global expansion of capitalist production and economic relations. In this sense, globalization obviously has a longer history, only that it had not become true to its name until after the Cold War. Globalization benefited many countries and individuals, but has at the same time brought about great risks: First is the extreme imbalance in distribution of the benefits, resulting in greater gaps between nations and individuals; second, capital’s easy penetration of national boundaries has also weakened countries’ capabilities for managing and coping with such a phenomenon, exposing individuals more directly to the control of international capital, rendering them helpless.

Second, Russia-West relations are difficult to ease. Their relations are in part extension of the confrontation between the US and Soviet camps, only that Russia is evidently in a more defensive position now. After the Cold War, the West has seen unprecedented success in expanding its own sphere of influence and security boundaries, the rapid expansion of the European Union and NATO in the former Soviet Union’s sphere of influence, in particular, has inevitably made Russia nervous. The West’s success has taken advantage of its triumph in the Cold War, and come with its long-standing arrogance. In complete disregard of Russian feelings, it has extended its sphere of influence to Ukraine, a core source of Russian pride. The reactions of Vladimir Putin on one hand reflect his individual personality, but are on the other hand natural Russian defensive responses to the overbearing West. Geo-strategic factors aside, cultural factors can’t be ignored in Russia-West ties. In Russia, there has been the long-standing debate and tension over whether the country belongs to the East or West. Europeans have shown universal refusal of Russia, believing that Russia isn’t a part of Europe. The latest meeting between heads of the Catholic and Orthodox churches in Cuba again brought to attention the convoluted relations between Russian and European civilizations. Their divergent values, rooted in differences in culture, civilization and system, have demonstrated profound impacts on bilateral ties, resulting in structural and psychological standoff that is difficult to reconcile. Russia’s refusal to back down on the Ukraine issue and subsequent Western sanctions against Russia have made it possible for Putin, who is good at manipulating nationalist feelings, to maintain relatively high approval ratings at home; in the face of Western sanctions and dramatic falls in international energy prices, it is within anticipation that Putin has chosen to seek a breakthrough by intervening in Syria.

The Square Deal is:
O A. Theodore Roosevelt's domestic policy.
O B. Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy.
O C. William Howard Taft's foreign policy.
O D. William Howard Taft's domestic policy.


A : Theodore Roosevelt’s domestic policy



Let's get the answer before anything else. The answer is A.

The square deal is often called the three Cs

Conservation of natural resources.  Control of Corporations  (which included the big) railways and oil companies)Consumer Protection Program

Explain the responsibilities of the ruling party.​

no links



The ruling party or governing party in a democratic parliamentary system is the political party or coalition holding a majority of elected positions in a parliament, that administers the affairs of state.

The 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk altered the course of World War I by
ensuring the Allies' victory over the Central Powers.
ending Russia's involvement in the conflict.
consolidating Russia and German power in the region.
assuring the United States would join the conflict.


The correct answer is B. Ending Russia's involvement in the conflict.


The Brest-Litovsk treaty was the treaty that marked Russia's exit from the First World War in 1918. In addition, it established the territorial concessions that Russia would grant to the central powers. Most of the countries granted by Russia were from Eastern Europe such as Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, among others. According to the above, the correct answer is B. Ending Russia's involvement in the conflict.


The answer is B) ending Russia’s involvement in the conflict.


Look at picture!

How did locul struggle Vietnam reflect the larger Cold war Conflict ?



America's long involvement in the Vietnam War proved its larger commitment to preventing the spread of Communism at all costs. The major communist powers—the Soviet Union and China—also involved themselves by sending aid (though no direct military assistance) to the North Vietnamese.

Compare and contrast the system of indirect colonial rule and
direct colonial rule in south East Asia. What were the pros and
cons for people being ruled in each system?.


European colonialism and colonization was the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over other societies and territories, founding a colony, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.[1][2] For example, colonial policies, such as the type of rule implemented,[3] the nature of investments,[4][5] and identity of the colonizers,[6] are cited as impacting postcolonial states. Examination of the state-building process, economic development, and cultural norms and mores shows the direct and indirect consequences of colonialism on the postcolonial states.

The European colonialism is the practice of acquiring full or partial political control over other societies and territories and founding a colony, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.

What is colonialism?

The colonialism is a political, economic, and social system in which one country or group of people dominates and exploits another country or territory.

This domination often involves the colonization of the territory by settlers from the colonizing country, as well as the imposition of the colonizer's political, social, and economic systems on the colonized population.

Colonialism has been practiced by various countries throughout history, but it is most commonly associated with the European powers that colonized much of the world during the 16th to 19th centuries.

Learn more about colonialism here:



As a result of the Long March, China’s Communist Party

grew stronger and more determined.
chose Mao Zedong as its new leader.
became weaker and lost the civil war.
decided to retreat from the Nationalists.



A) grew stronger and more determined


The China’s Communist Party grew stronger and more determined as a result of Long March.

What is the Long March?

The Long March means the transfer of the main group of the First Red Army that decisively established Mao's leadership of the Chinese Communist Party in China.

Thus, the China’s Communist Party grew stronger and more determined as a result of Long March.

Therefore, the Option A is correct

Read more about Long March


Which of the following countries was created as a result of the American Revolution?



Great Britain was created during the American revolution

Federal judges are expected to base their decisions on the will of the people.
True or False





The answer is false .............

who was the first president of Kenya and when did he demise​



First president is Jomo Kenyatta.

He was demise in 1979.

tại sao trong xã hội xuất hiện đấu tranh giai cấp?



Vì sự xung đột gay gắt giữa tầng lớp giàu và nghèo, bên nghèo muốn đòi lại quyền lợi bản thân nên có còn bên giàu thì sở hữu quá nhiều tiền bạc nhưng lại tiếp tục bóc lột bên nghèo


Lúc con người mới tiến hóa và trong thời kì thô sơ nhất thì chưa có phân hóa giai cấp, con người cùng nhau hỗ trợ nhau, tạo thành nhiều nhóm để đảm nhiệm nhiều chức vụ khác nhau để sống sót  

Khi đó chưa có đủ đồ ăn để duy trì sự sống nên mọi người ai cũng chú tâm vào kiếm ăn thôi, có lẽ đó là thời kì duy nhất không có giai cấp, giành giật, đố kị nhau. Nhưng sau khi xuất hiện vật dụng được gọt đẽo để giúp ích cho việc làm hàng ngày như lưỡi cày, rìu,...thì thức ăn ngày càng dồi dào và đến mức dư thừa.  

Lúc đó mọi người mới bắt đầu tham lam, muốn chiếm thêm thức ăn cho bản thân và bắt đầu lừa lọc, bắt đầu phân cấp ai có nhiều đồ ăn, hay thứ có thể trao đổi như tiền hơn, và bắt đầu phân hóa giai cấp. Cũng từ đó mà khi con người tiến hóa qua nhiều thời kì khác nhau thì vẫn tồn tại giai cấp,   và giai cấp tượng trưng cho tiền bạc, quyền lực hay ngay cả hạnh phúc. Vì thế, nhiều người cho rằng giai cấp là thứ đáng mơ ước của mọi người. Phần này là phần nhỏ thôi. Chủ yếu do xung đột với bên giàu á

Ý thì thế thôi, bạn tự viết nhé. Chứ môn văn mình được có 6 điểm à (*´∀`)

Which of the following best defines genocide



"The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group"


That's the definition.

Good way to remember → "Geno" Can be Genetic/Born as.

So you're killing a large group from a place (nation), or how they were born (race).


Which of the following best defines genocide?


A. The idea that some people are either superior or inferior due to their ethnicity

B. The murder of a large group of people due to their ethnicity

C. The stripping away of people's rights due to their ethnicity

D. The study and science of genetics and the origins of ethnicity


B. The murder of a large group of people due to their ethnicity


*This excerpt is directly from the Penn Foster reading material

The Holocaust

It's difficult to overstate the brutality and tragedy of the Holocaust. The Holocaust, which comes from the Greek meaning "sacrifice by fire," was the systemic, deliberate, state-sponsored killing of approximately 14 million people. Almost half of the victims were six million European Jews. The remaining half included Roma, people with mental and physical disabilities, prisoners of war, political and religious dissenters, and members of the LGBTQ community. Nazi Germany aimed to capture and imprison anyone who was a threat. People who spoke out against the Nazis, ethnic groups like the Roma, and religious minorities like the Jews did not have a place in Nazi society. As a result, they were transported to concentration camps to work, suffer, and die. The Jews were a target merely due to their heritage and beliefs, which made the Holocaust a genocide, the deliberate killing of a large group of people due to their ethnicity or religious beliefs. Adolf Hitler used Jews as a scapegoat for all the failings of the Treaty of Versailles and the Weimar Republic.


Attention! PF students!

This is the CORRECT answer for the following exam!

Exam Lesson Name: Contemporary International Relations

Exam Number: 703381RR

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"Penn Foster - World History Lesson 6, Contemporary International Relations, EXAM Answers (703381RR)"


Have a beautiful day/night! (✿◠‿◠)


‘Solidarity died as quickly as it started, having achieved nothing.’ How far do you agree with this statement?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although you did not attach any context to the above-mentioned quotation or further references, we are going to assume that you are referring to Solidarity, the social moment in Poland that turned into a worker union that opposed the Communist government.

I have to say that a don't agree with the statement ‘Solidarity died as quickly as it started, having achieved nothing."

I consider that the Solidarity movement in Poland accomplished many things. Indeed, the strike of August 14, 1980, changed the political scenario in Eastern Europe.

The leader of the movement was Lech Walesa. Years later he won the presidential election of Poland. His victory and Vacláv Havel’s victory to become President of Czechoslovakia signified the transformation of Eastern Europe from dominance by the Soviet Union to new democracies.

So what started as a union movement in Communist time in Poland, ended up being a political party that got to power when Lech Walesa became the President of Poland in December 1990.

Which of the following events resulted from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy?
OA The Twenty-Second Amendment was passed to clarify succession.
OB A temporary commission was created to investigate the crime.
О с.
The Securities and Exchange Commission was formed for increase presidential security.
OD. A new executive department was created to protect people elected to public office.


Answer: B. A temporary commission was created to investigate the crime.

Explanation: I took the test.

The event that resulted from the as-sas-sination of President John F. Kennedy was  B. A temporary commission was created to investigate the crime.

What is a Political As-sassination?

This refers to the kill-ing of a politician or a head of state that is usually politically motivated.

Hence, we can see that after the ill-fated kil-ling of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, there was a panel set up to investigate the crime and whether the sho-oter acted alone.

Read more about John Kennedy here:



why did the US Congress pass an exclusion act in 1882 barring Chinese immigrants​


Because the U.S. thought that Chinese immigrants were stealing jobs from the whites because the Chinese would work for very low wages.

How should the US respond when war breaks out between many countries, some of which are our allies?



The US respond


There are several ways to deal with when war breaks out between many countries, some of which are our allies. Firstly, it is required to have a peaceful conversation with diplomats from countries to solve it by having compromises. When talks have no result, it became vital to enter into war to save allies nations and their citizens. The US will also supply weapons and other military goods that are necessary for the troops on the frontline.

Study the map, then answer the questions below.

The city of Mazatlan is located along the____________

The city of Ciudad Juarez is located____________

One of the countries that share Mexico's southern border is __________

A. Pacific Ocean, along the US borders, Belize

B. Gulf of Mexico, along the Gulf of Mexico, Matamoros

C. Caribbean Sea, along the Pacific Ocean,Honduras


The correct answer to this question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the map.

Where is the map?

However, although you forgot to include the map, we can answer the question according to our knowledge of this topic.

The correct answer is A) Pacific Ocean, along the US borders, Belize.

The city of Mazatlan is located along the Pacific Ocean.

The city of Ciudad Juarez is located along the US borders.

One of the countries that share Mexico's southern border is Belize.

Mazatlan is the most important part of the state of Sinaloa, México. It is a great touristic place, visited by thousands of tourists due to all its attractions.

Indeed, Ciudad Juarez is at the border to the United States. It is located exactly in front of El Paso, Texas.

The other country that shares the southern border with México is Guatemala.

Who holds concurrent powers?
a. the federal government
b. the state governments
c. both the federal government and state governments
d individual citizens



C. Both the federal government and state governments


Concurrent powers are powers that are shared by both the State and the federal government. These concurrent powers including regulating elections, taxing, borrowing money and establishing courts.

You invest $ 5000 in two stocks . In one year , the value of stock A increases by 5.2 % and the value of stock B increases by 12.8 % The total value of the stocks is now $ 5412 . How much did you originally invest in each stock ?
Stock A=
Stock B=



3000 invested in stock A

2000 invested in stock B



[tex]r_A = 5.2\%[/tex] --- rate of stock A

[tex]r_B = 12.8\%[/tex] --- rate of stock B

[tex]A = 5000[/tex] --- Amount invested

[tex]Total = 5412[/tex] ---- Value of stock


Determine the amount invested in each


[tex]x \to[/tex] Amount invested in A

[tex]y \to[/tex] Amount invested in B


[tex]x + y = A[/tex]

[tex]x + y = 5000[/tex]

Make x the subject

[tex]x = 5000- y[/tex]

The gain on stock A is:

[tex]A_{New} = x * r_A[/tex]

[tex]A_{New} = (5000 - y) * 5.2\%[/tex]

[tex]A_{New} = (5000 - y) * 0.052[/tex]

[tex]A_{New} = 260 - 0.052y[/tex]

The gain on stock B is:

[tex]B_{New} = y * r_B[/tex]

[tex]B_{New} = y* 12.8\%[/tex]

[tex]B_{New} = y* 0.128[/tex]

[tex]B_{New} = 0.128y[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]A_{New} + B_{New} = Total - A[/tex] ----- i.e. total gain on both stocks

[tex]260 -0.052y+0.128y = 5412 -5000[/tex]

[tex]260 -0.052y+0.128y = 412[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]-0.052y+0.128y = 412-260[/tex]

[tex]0.076y = 152[/tex]

Solve for y

[tex]y = 2000[/tex]

To solve for x, we have:

[tex]x = 5000- y[/tex]

[tex]x = 5000 - 2000[/tex]

[tex]x = 3000[/tex]

Which statement best describes the likelihood of presidential candidates keeping their promises once elected to​ office?



a. More often than not, presidents make progress on their promises.


Who conquered Egypt and then died on his way to stop a rebellion


Answer: He started two major campaigns against Egypt. The first campaign failed, and was followed up by rebellions throughout the western part of his empire. In 343 BC, Artaxerxes defeated Nectanebo II, the Pharaoh of Egypt, driving him from Egypt, stopping a revolt in Phoenicia on the way.

Died: August/September 338 BC


How was the Enlightenment idea of popular sovereignty reflected in the U.S.
government after the American Revolution?
A. The Declaration of Independence identified the British king as an
unfit sovereign.
B. The Bill of Rights declared that the federal government could not
control the states.
C. The U.S. Constitution created a legislative house that would be
elected directly by the people.
D. The Articles of Confederation granted Congress control over the
military and the postal service.


Answer: C. The U.S. Constitution created a legislative house that would be  elected directly by the people.


The concept of Popular Sovereignty calls for the government of a nation to be chosen by the people they govern in elections and if they cannot perform adequately, the people had the right to remove them from power.

This concept is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States because there are two branches of government that have to be voted in by the people and that is the Legislature and the Executive through the President.

The Legislature are voted in by the people to represent them and if they don't perform, they will be removed in another election.

what best reflects the views of the Republican Party in the late eighteen hundreds​


ôi đã được hỏi trong các ý kiến \u200b\u200bmột câu hỏi rất thú vị về việc đảng Cộng hòa khác với đảng Dân chủ như thế nào. Đương nhiên, các nhà bình luận ngay lập tức được tìm thấy, người tuyên bố rằng tất cả là một và giống nhau, trong khi những người khác mâu thuẫn với họ. Thực tế là cả hai đều đúng, bởi vì nếu bạn nhìn vào Đảng Dân chủ và Cộng hòa theo quan điểm của một người nước ngoài, nếu bạn sống ở một quốc gia khác, không phải ở Hoa Kỳ, thì, đối với bạn, họ không khác, bởi vì bên ngoài họ có chính sách gần như giống nhau.

Những gì chúng ta đã thấy dưới thời Clinton, Bush, những gì chúng ta thấy dưới thời Obama - về nguyên tắc, chính sách đối ngoại cũng tương tự. Nhưng chính sách đối nội rất khác nhau, vì vậy đối với người Mỹ, có một sự khác biệt lớn giữa Đảng Cộng hòa và Dân chủ. Và hôm nay tôi sẽ nói về sự khác biệt này.

Tôi sẽ bắt đầu với những thứ hời hợt. Như nhiều người có thể biết, đảng Dân chủ tự do hơn, còn đảng Cộng hòa thì bảo thủ hơn. Nó được thể hiện như thế nào: Đảng Dân chủ tin rằng thời gian đang chuyển động, và đất nước, chính trị, con người nên phát triển, vì vậy Đảng Dân chủ ủng hộ nhiều điều mà đảng Cộng hòa không ủng hộ. Ví dụ như phá thai, hôn nhân đồng giới, quy định về vũ khí. Đổi lại, lý tưởng của những người Cộng hòa là nước Mỹ của những người sáng lập. Như đã được họ để lại, đất nước nên được phát triển. Do đó, đảng Cộng hòa ủng hộ nhiều hơn các giá trị lịch sử, bảo thủ hơn; hầu hết trong số họ chống phá thai, hôn nhân đồng giới; chống lại quy định của vũ khí. Đây là một cái nhìn hời hợt về Đảng Dân chủ và Cộng hòa và chính trị trong nước của họ.

Đảng Dân chủ dựa vào chính phủ và nói rằng nên chăm sóc người dân. Do đó, họ chỉ trích đảng Dân chủ và Obama vì đã phát triển chủ nghĩa xã hội và bình đẳng ở Hoa Kỳ. Và đảng Cộng hòa dựa vào mọi người và tin rằng mỗi người nên tự chăm sóc bản thân mình, rằng nhà nước nên cho phép mỗi người độc lập đạt được những gì mình muốn. Nếu bạn có sự kiên trì, thông minh, kỹ năng, thì bạn sẽ đạt được điều gì đó, nhưng nếu bạn không có nó, thì bạn sẽ sống kém. Đó là sự khác biệt lớn giữa hai lực lượng này.

Do đó, quan điểm về thuế: Đảng Dân chủ cho rằng cần phải tăng thuế cho người giàu và giảm cho người nghèo, nghĩa là cho người nghèo sống nhờ người giàu. Đảng Cộng hòa nói rằng thuế nên giống nhau cho tất cả mọi người, bởi vì tất cả mọi người đều bình đẳng; người giàu đã tự mình đạt được điều gì đó, người nghèo không đạt được điều gì vì bản thân mình.

Đảng Dân chủ cũng tin rằng nhà nước nên tăng mức lương tối thiểu, và đảng Cộng hòa chống lại điều đó, vì họ nói rằng điều đó sẽ can thiệp vào các doanh nghiệp nhỏ. Nếu nhà tuyển dụng không trả tiền cho nhân viên, thì điều này sẽ gây hại cho chính doanh nghiệp, nền kinh tế và đất nước trong dài hạn.

Tiếp tục chủ đề xã hội chủ nghĩa, tôi sẽ nói rằng đảng Dân chủ tin rằng cần phải tăng chi tiêu cho tất cả các loại chương trình xã hội, như tem thực phẩm, nhà ở ngân sách, v.v. Ngược lại, đảng Cộng hòa nói rằng tất cả những điều này phải được giảm bớt, bởi vì có rất nhiều gian lận trong khu vực này Nhiều người làm việc "một cách thường xuyên" và nhận được phiếu giảm giá dưới vỏ bọc của người nghèo; Nhiều người không tìm kiếm việc làm, nhận thất nghiệp (trợ cấp thất nghiệp) và sống bằng chi phí của người nộp thuế, v.v. Và đảng Cộng hòa ủng hộ thực tế là nếu bạn đã cắt giảm chi tiêu cho các chương trình xã hội khác nhau, bạn cần đưa ra một số quy tắc, luật lệ sẽ quy định việc nhận trợ cấp xã hội của mọi người để có thể kiểm tra những người đó sử dụng ma túy và những người này thực sự đang tìm việc.


Selling my epic games acc ( $400 worth of games), Synapse X, and 10 OP scripts, all for $50 USD





im selling by toenails for 10 bucks a toenail. wow! ill even do half of if you click the crown, the heart and a five star rating!!! YAY!!!

ati-atihan sinulog festival are celebrated in honor of the blank​



Santo Niño


Ati-than Sinulog festival is celebrated in honor of the "Santo Niño."

Santo Niño is the Philippines word for Holy Child or Infant Jesus. The celebration is usually conducted every third Sunday of January. It is usually observed in Kalibo. It is also common around the province of Aklan, Panay Island. Both Christians and Non-Christians joined the festival period.

Hence, the answer to the question is Santo Nino.

Why was Mckinley favorited over Bryan in the 1896 presidential election?


At their national convention in 1896, the Populists chose Bryan as their presidential nominee. However, to demonstrate that they were still independent from the Democrats, the Populists also chose former Georgia Representative Thomas E. Watson as their vice-presidential candidate instead of Arthur Sewall.

hope this helps have a great day!!

Which would most likely lead to the creation of a special-purpose district?

a plan for garbage disposal services for residents
a proposal to provide public safety to residents
a project to redevelop a large section of a downtown
a law that requires regular elections for its officials​


Answer: a plan for garbage disposal services for residents


A Special-purpose district is a political subdivision that is created by the legislative authority that the district is to be in.

The reason such a district is created usually has to do with service provision. It can be either to provide services to the district, to upgrade the services offered or to better finance the services offered.

A new garbage disposal service therefore qualifies for this so option A is correct because a special purpose district may need to be created to provide the garbage disposal.


C. a project to redevelop a large section of a downtown

Nam Phương hoàng hậu và sự thích ứng với thời cuộc



ito ba yun


i d k

Right now I'm working on a project where I have to make my own civilization but I'm stuck and I don't know what to put in my 5 categories, so does anyone have any suggestion?


First I would start with geography. Say where your kingdom/civilization will be placed. A mountainous area or a flat area.
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