which loan type had the most variability in their rejection rates from 2016 to 2019 ?


Answer 1
are there options or anything
Answer 2

The type of loan that had the most variability in their rejection rates from 2016 to 2019 is the credit limit.

What is a credit limit?

A credit limit is the maximum amount of money a lender will allow you to spend on a credit card or a line of credit. Knowing our maximum, however, does not mean it’s a good idea to reach it. Learning how to manage our limit responsibly now will likely improve how much we can borrow down the road for such things as a home or a car. Here’s what we need to know.

A big part of our credit score is determined by how much of our total credit we use meaning the balances and limits on all of our cards are taken into account to calculate our score. Having a good credit score can affect our ability to get financing on things like a home or car, start a business or get certain types of jobs.

Charging too much on our credit cards can have several negative consequences.

Learn more about credit, here:



Related Questions

Which statement BEST explains the similarities between the philosophies of John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau?
Both philosophers believed in social contracts between freely formed governments and their citizens.
Locke and Rousseau believed that monarchies were the only stable forms of government.
Locke and Rousseau shared the opinion that the separation of powers in government would take away the liberty of citizens.
Both philosophers, unlike Sir Robert Filmer, believed that only governments formed with the consent of the people should enjoy “divine rights.”




A. Both philosophers believed in social contracts between freely formed governments and their citizens.  

What are the most convincing reason prosecuting nixon?



The Watergate scandal and the Saturday Night Massacre where Nixon attempted to clear his name of his wrong doings.


The watergate scandal and the saturday night massacre where Nixon attempted to clear his name of his wrongdoings.

Jefferson reasoned that new government should be based on the principle of ______

A.common sense

B. Natural rights






Jefferson championed natural rights as the basis of all government. He believed that certain rights were God given and the government had no power to take them away.

What was one negative consequences of the British raj


Hamm what the question

At what holiday celebration do people perform a show in the costume of a long dragon

A. Forbidden City festival
B. Dragon king celebration
C. Dragon boat festival
D. Spring festival
please I need help​


The holiday celebration that people perform a show in the costume as a long dragon is the spring festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, which marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

This type of cultural festival is one of the most important holidays in China, created to honor deities and ancestors. During the spring festival, families gather for dinner, clean and decorate their homes with red papers to attract good luck.

Another tradition of the spring festival is the dragon dance, where several people manipulate a long, flexible dragon with sticks, with movements that represent good luck, power, wisdom and prosperity for the Chinese people.

Learn more here:


The leader of the pilgrims from the
Mayflower was
A. Francisco Pizarro
B. Balboa Tuck
C. William Bradford


Answer:  c)   William Bradford

Explanation: The defiant strangers refused to recognize any rules since there was no official government over them. Pilgrim leader William Bradford later wrote, “several strangers made discontented and mutinous speeches.” The Pilgrims knew if something wasn't done quickly it could be every man, woman and family for themselves.

The correct answer is C

The Tang Dynasty of China was notable for returning civil-service exams to use and creating what type of society based on ability rather than birthrights?​


The Tang Dynasty of China was notable for returning civil-service exams to use and creating the following type of society based on ability rather than birthrights:

The type of society it created was a society based on merit. Yes, a society based on personal merit, knowledge, and progress, instead of birthrights.In Imperial China times, Civil Service Examinations were a requirement to choose the appropriate candidate to occupy an office in the government.

During the Teng Dynasty, the government changed its military approach to a more type of bureaucratic system.This new system was run by Chinese civilians that had the knowledge and credentials to occupy these positions.

We conclude that one consequence of the civil service examination system used by the Tang dynasty was that Chinese government officials were selected based on their skills and abilities rather than their family history.

Learn more about this topic here:


I need this question answered. Please someone help!!



In keeping with these principles, Hoover's response to the crash focused on two very common American traditions: He asked individuals to tighten their belts and work harder, and he asked the business community to voluntarily help sustain the economy by retaining workers and continuing production.

Please kindly help in fully explaining the 5 notable vegetations in Africa?​


The answer: Fever tree (Vachellia xanthophloea)
Baobab (Adansonia)
Saugage tree (Kigelia africana)
Quiver tree (Aloe dichotoma)
Leadwood (Combretum imberbe)
Marula tree (Sclerocarya birrea)
Whistling thorn (Vachellia drepanolobium)
Mopane tree (Colophosphermum mopane)

Fell free to comment me if you have any other questions

What changes do you think made the biggest impact on American society and culture in the 1950s?


During the 1950s, a sense of uniformity pervaded American society. Conformity was common, as young and old alike followed group norms rather than striking out on their own. Though men and women had been forced into new employment patterns during World War II, once the war was over, traditional roles were reaffirmed. Men expected to be the breadwinners; women, even when they worked, assumed their proper place was at home. Sociologist David Riesman observed the importance of peer-group expectations in his influential book, The Lonely Crowd. He called this new society "other-directed," and maintained that such societies lead to stability as well as conformity. Television contributed to the homogenizing trend by providing young and old with a shared experience reflecting accepted social patterns.


hope this helps

In the mid-1700s, many colonial leaders were convinced to support the
creation of the Declaration of Independence by:
laws requiring the colonies to feed and house British soldiers
British demands that colonists settle in the Midwest
resentment over the anticolonial ideas expressed in Common Sense
international boycotts of products produced in British colonies


In the mid-1700s, many colonial leaders were convinced to support the creation of the Declaration of Independence by international boycotts of products produced in British colonies.

What is the Declaration of Independence?

It was the official document that declared that the United States were independent from Britain and that a new country would be formed out of its former colonies. The ideas in the Declaration of Independence that were inspired by the Enlightenment were the ideas of natural rights, liberty, private property and equality.

During the British rule in the mid-1700s and after series of events, many colonial leaders were convinced to support the creation of the Declaration of Independence by international boycotts of products produced in British colonies.

Read more about Declaration of Independence



Which of the following individuals created the Black Entertainment Television
(BET) network and became the first African American billionaire?
A. Oprah Winfrey
B. Lionel Sosa
C. Robert Johnson
D. Bill Gates


The person who created BET is Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson created the Black Entertainment Television (BET) network and became the first African American billionaire. Hence, option C is appropriate.

Who was Robert Johnson?

American blues guitarist and songwriter Robert Leroy Johnson. His seminal records from 1936 and 1937 demonstrate a blend of vocal, guitar, and songwriting prowess that has impacted subsequent musical generations.

This piece is a part of the Overlooked series of obituaries about notable people whose passings in The Times went unnoticed starting in 1851. There isn't much information available regarding Robert Leroy Johnson's short 27-year existence, which spanned about May 1911 to his enigmatic death in 1938.

Johnson learned to play the guitar from the renowned Eddie "Son" House, claims Awmiller. Robert learned from House the fundamentals of blues guitar and other skills that he employed throughout his life.

Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about Robert Johnson here:



Describe two important details about industrialization in Europe in the 19th century


Answer: Textiles were the leading industry of the Industrial Revolution, and mechanized factories, powered by a central water wheel or steam engine, were the new workplace

what is carbohydrates​



Carbohydrates, or carbs, are sugar molecules. Along with proteins and fats, carbohydrates are one of three main nutrients found in foods and drinks. Your body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose. Glucose, or blood sugar, is the main source of energy for your body's cells, tissues, and organs.

Dale Clifford, an American history teacher, wants her students to understand the causes of the Civil War. She leads a discussion of the war, and in the process explains that the North had the advantage of manufacturing, so they could produce more weapons, and the South had the advantages of initially having better leaders and better equipment.
She also explains that Lincoln was our president during the War, and he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves in the south. She then outlines some of the major battles of the war, such as Gettysburg.
Finally, she has the students write an essay about what they believe it might have felt like to be a slave.
Which of the following is the best assessment of the alignment of Dale's lesson?
Question 21 options:

Her lesson was out of alignment, because slavery was the primary cause of the War, and her discussion didn't include slavery.

Her discussion was in alignment because slavery was the primary cause of the War and she had her students write an essay about what it might have felt like to be a slave.

Her lesson was in alignment, because her objective was for her students to understand the causes of the War, and all of her discussion was about the War.

Her lesson is out of alignment, because neither her discussion nor her essay focused on the causes of the War.


The best way to assess the alignment of Dale's lesson is B. Her discussion was in alignment because slavery ...


At the heart of the divisiveness was the issue of slavery. Just as the North wanted to end slavery, the South wanted slavery to continue because it favored their agricultural practices then.


Thus, Dale's discussion with the students included slavery, which was the primary cause of the War.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/19963340

"The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign Nations is in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements let them be fulfilled, with perfect good faith. Here let us stop."

Which of the following is the source of this statement on foreign policy?

A) George Washington's Farewell Address

B) The Monroe Doctrine

C) Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address

D) The Federalist Papers


Answer: George Washington Farewell address (A)


Shays's Rebellion convinced many Americans that the Articles of
A. modeled the national government too closely on European
- B. created a national government that was too focused on military
O C. gave the national government too much control over the states.
D. made the national government too weak to solve important


The answer is D! The articles of confederation made the national government too weak to solve important problems. The Shay’s Rebellion ultimately portrayed the vulnerability of the states to uprisings and emphasized the need for a stronger federal government, eventually calling for a Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.


D. Made the government too weak to solve important problems.


8. Why are the powers separated?​



Separation of powers refers to the division of a state's government into branches, each with separate, independent powers and responsibilities, so that the powers of one branch are not in conflict with those of the other branches.

Which characteristic is related to the Populist Party? A. greater regulation of business B. emphasis on the gold standard C. political power for the wealthy D. tax reduction





A greater regulation of business is defined as the characteristic is related to the Populist Party. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the Populist Party?

A variety of political ideologies that place a strong emphasis on “the people” and frequently pit this group against “the elite” are referred to as populist or the Populist Party.

It is typically linked to political and establishment opposition. The formation of a coalition between rural farmers in the South and West and urban labourers in the Midwest and Northeast was one of the main objectives of the Populist Party.

In the later areas, union leaders like Terrence Powderly, the leader of the Knights of Labour, and Eugene V, the railroad organizer, supported the populists.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Populist Party, refer to:



Which group opposed the women's suffrage movement the most?
A.african americans
D.The upper class


Answer: Men Opposed the Women's Suffrage Movement (c)


The reason men opposed the women's suffrage is because men believed that women didn't need to get into politics nor did they need to get paid more also known as the "cult of domesticity"

Which of the following statements be describes the social structure of free male citizens in Ancient Greece



statments = 0




A single party rules and controls
all aspects of society and everyday life.





It attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens.




when you have to submitted

did the 1920s or 1930s have a greater impact on american life



(Hope this helps can I pls have brainlist (crown)☺️)


Between 1920 and 1929, the country's overall wealth more than quadrupled, ushering many Americans into an opulent but unfamiliar "consumer culture." People from coast to coast bought the same things, listened to the same music, danced the same dances, and even used the same lingo (due to countrywide advertising and the growth of chain businesses).

Many Americans were uneasy with this new, urban, and even racy "mass culture;" in fact, the 1920s brought more tension than joy to many–perhaps even most–Americans.

Prohibition. Prohibition was a national prohibition on the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol that lasted from 1920 to 1933 and had ramifications in every aspect of everyday life, from law and economics to religion and entertainment. It was one of America's most significant cultural changes, for better or worse.

The main causes of America's economic boom in the 1920s were technological advancements that led to mass production of goods, electrification of the country, new mass marketing techniques, the availability of low-cost credit, and increased employment, all of which resulted in a large number of consumers.

How were taxes collected in Mesopotamia?



The earliest tax records known were from the ancient Mesopotamian city-state of Lagash in modern day Iraq, and were made in soft clay.

The primary focus of early property taxation was land and its production value and the taxes were often paid with a portion of the crop yield, or some other food.

Hope it helps

make me brainliest thanks^^

Item 6 Why was the ruling of Cohens v. Virginia significant?
It established that the courts had the power of judicial review.

It established that the U.S. Supreme Court would judge cases in which state and national laws conflict.

It established that Congress had powers to make laws that were "necessary and proper" to carry out its duties.

It established that there would be a separation of church and state.



It established that the courts had the power of judicial review.

The ruling of Cohens v. Virginia was significant as it established that the courts had the power of judicial review.

What is judicial review?

Judicial review refers to a country's courts' ability to assess whether the legislative, executive, and administrative branches of government are acting in accordance with the constitution.

Any actions deemed to be in violation of the Constitution are deemed invalid and void. A written constitution is necessary for the institution of judicial review in this sense.

Because there is a long-standing practice of judicial review of administrative agency actions without requiring either that courts have the authority to declare those actions unconstitutional or that the nation have a written constitution, the conventional usage of the term "judicial review" might be more accurately described as "constitutional review" than it is today.

Such "administrative review" judges the purportedly dubious conduct of administrators in light of rationality and discretionary abuse norms.

When courts apply judicial review in the traditional or constitutional meaning, challenged administrative activities that are found to be unreasonable or to include abuses of discretion, as well as actions that are found to be incompatible with constitutional requirements, are declared null and void.

Learn more about judicial review, here



Following the liberation of Korea after World War II, which of the following took place?

A: Korea became its own independent nation.

B: The United States and USSR started a world war in Korea.

C: A civil war broke out between north and south Korea.


Following the liberation of Korea after World War II, C: A civil war broke out between north and south Korea.

=》Korea then got separated & became into 2 independent nations :- North Korea & South Korea.

=》A new border was drawn between the 2 countries.

=》The war cost the lives of millions of Koreans and Chinese, as well as over 50,000 Americans.


RainbowSalt2222 ☔

the answer is c your welcome

Which acts prohibited public opposition to the government?



The Alien and Sedition Acts prohibited public opposition to the government.


this is the correct answer happy

Which is true of the 1912 presidential election

A. Although none of the candidates was progressive, the Progressives decided the election.
B. Because all three major candidates were progressive, progressive the socialist won.
C. Because all three major candidates were progressive, progressive votes were split.
D. Although none of the candidates was progressive, Progressive ideas were important





beacause may answer is d

Which branch of government does the Senate belong to?

House of Representatives
Supreme Court



Supreme Court


yan na po

pa brainlis




the other person is rong

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