Which method of farming in the South offered poor white and African American farmers the most control of
their labor and harvest?
A. plantation farming
B. sharecropping
C. share-tenancy
D. tenant farming


Answer 1
B) Sharecropping

This was easier for them to rent land. They would give a portion of their crop to the landowner at the end of the year.
Answer 2




Related Questions

What is a limited resource?

A. A limited resource is a factor of production required to produce a product or provide a service that is scarce and can be depleted.

B. A limited resource is a product or service that is subject to scarcity.

C. A limited resource is a factor used by individuals, governments, and businesses to determine the value of trade-offs.

D. A limited resource is a product or service that has its price managed by the government because of scarcity.​





Limited resources can be depleted at any time and may be scarce for a long time

A limited resource is: A. A limited resource is a factor of production required to produce a product or provide a service that is scarce and can be depleted.

A limited resource can be defined as the resources such as land, labor, capital, time and entrepreneurship which are typically required for the production goods and services are finite and scarce in nature. Thus, these resources can be depleted (exhausted) if not properly allocated and utilized by manufacturers.

Factors of production can be defined as the fundamental building blocks used by individuals or business firms for the manufacturing of finished goods and services in order to meet the unending needs and requirements of their customers.

There are four (4) main factors of production and these are;

I. Land: this refers to the natural resources and raw materials extracted from the ground or grown in the soil e.g oil, gold, rubber, cocoa, etc.

II. Labor (working): this is the human capital or workers who are saddled with the responsibility of overseeing and managing all the aspects of production.

III. Capital resources: it includes the physical assets used for production of goods and services such as equipment, money, plant, etc.

IV. Entrepreneurship: it is the intellectual capacity required to drive a business and the skills to develop an idea into a money making venture (business).

Basically, all of the aforementioned resources are combined by manufacturers for the production of goods and services to meet the demand, needs, wants or requirements of consumers.

In conclusion, a limited resource refers to the factor of production ( land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship) that mainly required to produce a product or provide a service, but it is scarce in nature and can be depleted.

Find more information: https://brainly.com/question/988852

Which of these passages from the Ramayana expresses the concept of



 "How much more would I do for my father, that he may preserve the vow of truth and serve the purpose." This vow of truth and serving the purpose refers to dharma

who is called father of economics​


Adam smith is the father of economics


it's Adam Smith


The Paris Peace Accords in brought an end to the
* vietnam
* lebanon civil
* iran- iraq




The Paris Peace Accords was a treaty that the declared the end of the Vietnam War. It was officially signed on January 27, 1973.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

What does renaissance mean? Why is it used to describe this period?


Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth.” It refers to a period in European civilization that was marked by a revival of Classical learning and wisdom and this period was characterized by a rebirth of learning and an appreciate for ancient Greek and Roman knowledge, art, and architecture. This is an appropriate term for the period.

How has geography affected history?


Geography affects every aspect of history as it is responsible for determining the winners of wars, the prosperity of people and the formation of cultures. To quote the Bradley Commission on History in Schools, "...geography is by nature the constant companion of historical studies; it is hardly possible to grasp the one without the other." Because the events of history take place on the stage of the world, they are inevitably influenced and even determined by geography.

Rivers are an easy example of how geography can impact history. Most of the earliest human civilizations developed along large rivers because of the nutrients that were deposited in the surrounding soil during annual floods. Without the specific geography of India, Mesopotamia, China and Egypt, ancient farmers would have quickly used all the nutrients in the soil in these places, and that would have meant that the farmers would have had to keep moving to grow crops. That would have meant that they never would have settled down long enough to develop the advanced tools and societal structures associated with civilization. With rivers, however, these early people had an easy way of transporting goods and a natural defense against invaders in addition to a vital source of food.

The influence doesn't end there, however. Rivers allowed the Vikings to raid far into inland Europe, and the Mississippi River made it far easier for Europeans to explore North America. Moreover, other geographic features, such as mountains and plains, have had an equally strong impact on history, like when 300 Spartans used the mountain pass at Thermopylae to hold off thousands of Persian soldiers

Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx

Plzzz helppp due at 7:30


what is it that you need help on exactly?

Who was the first Roman dictator?

A) Cincinnatus

B) Romulus

C) Hannibal

D) Anchises





Most of Amazon basin is cropland? True or False





Most of the basin is covered by the Amazon rainforest, also known as Amazonia.

Why were Americans encouraged to support the war effort? Check all that apply.



to make sure necessary supplies are available and to demonstrate patriotism


To show patriotism and due to the posters and whatever the word is for exaggeration towards the military

Which statement accurately contrasts the Ottoman and Safavid empire in the 16 century


Answer: Ottoman rulers believed that Muhammad's successor was his close friend Abu Bakr, whereas Safavid rulers believed believed that Muhammad's successor was his son-in-law, Ali.

Explanation: Ap3x

a. What were the two technological inventions during the Industrial Revolution and how did they affect the tourism and hospitality industry?



Steam engine (two inventions/examples)


The steam engine helped tourism because it allowed people to transport from place to place with greater speed, which opened up opportunities for travel. Increased opportunity, or demand, for travel, means increased opportunity/demand for tourism; small towns will be wondering what could attract more people to their area because a higher population means generating a greater profit for the town. One example of the use of a steam engine is Steamboats. This allowed people to travel over water quickly and in great numbers, helping introduce tourists to different sights or interests along the shoreline.  Additionally, there is the invention of railroads and steam-powered trains. Trains could travel wherever tracks could be built, which opened up opportunities for travel and tourism in several mountain towns, such as Georgetown, CO.

The British plans for the Middle East after World War One?



maintaining stability in Iran and the Persians gulf, and guaranteeing the integrity of the ottoman empire.

Which of the following presidents invoked the Monroe Doctrine to justify intervention in South America?

Theodore Roosevelt

All these answers

John F. Kennedy

Ronald Reagan



All of these.


Many presidents, including these three, have used the Monroe Doctrine to justify intervention.

Hope this helped.

The Declaration of Independence explained
a = problems the colonists had with British rule.
b = reasons colonists formed the Continental Congress.
c = why some colonists refused to boycott British goods.
d = why the colonies objected to the Boston Tea Party.





They where trying to separate from them and the problems they had

personajes principales del mensajero de agarta


Construcción de los personajes :
Felipe Isaza.
La abuela.
El señor zombie.
Edward James.

What is a treaty?

A. an informal agreement between two or more nations

B. a formal agreement between two heads of state

C. an informal agreement between two heads of state

D. a formal agreement between two or more nations


I think you're correct ..

B:a formal agreement between two head of state.

five major oil reserves in the UAE – Their location, name, founding year and
quantity of the annual production of oil in each of the reserves.



Saudi Arabia: In 1980, the ratio of global oil reserves to production, measured in years, was 29.66. In 2019, it increased to 49.9 years. This means that at the current (2019) level of production, global oil reserves will last another 50 years before being depleted.


With 155.6 thousand million barrels in 2018, Iran holds the second-biggest oil reserves in the Middle East. The country has 9% of the world’s total proved oil reserves. It is ranked fourth globally among the countries with the largest oil reserves, behind Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and Canada.

Major oil fields in Iran include the Marun oil field, the Ahvaz field, the Gachsaran field, the Aghajari field, and the Esfandiar field. Located in the Khuzestan province of Iran, the Marun field is estimated to contain recoverable oil reserves of 22 billion barrels making it one of the world’s biggest onshore oil fields. It was brought on stream in 1966.

The onshore Ahvaz field in the Khuzestan region is considered to be among the three largest oil fields in the world in terms of production. Ahvaz, which is owned by National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), and operated by National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC), has been in production since 1954.


Iraq takes third spot in the list of countries with the biggest oil reserves in the Middle East, with 147.2 thousand million barrels in 2018. The country produces nearly 90% of its crude oil from onshore oil fields in the southern part of the country.

The cities of Basra, Baghdad, and Ramadi hold much of the country’s reserves and, according to World Bank, Iran needs an annual investment of $1bn (£760m) to continue its current oil production rate.

The country operates the world’s third-largest producing field, Rumaila, which is estimated to have around 17 billion barrels of recoverable oil remaining.

Iraq also operates the Majnoon field, located in southern Iraq. This field is claimed to be among the richest oil fields in the world, with oil reserves of 23 to 25 billion barrels and proven reserves of 12.8 billion barrels of oil.


, despite being a small country, is a significant contributor to the world’s oil reserves, and the fourth biggest in terms of oil reserves in the Middle East. These stood at 101.5 thousand million barrels in 2018

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is among the world’s 10 largest oil producers, is the fifth largest country in terms of oil reserves at 97.8 thousand million barrels in 2018.

please tell me the answer​



Meteorological drought happens when dry weather patterns dominate an area while agricultural drought happens when crops become affected by the dry weather.

How did Mao Zedong affect the political landscape of China?

A) he formed alliances with Japan and Korea in an effort to spread Marxist communism.
B) he overthrew the existing authoritarian leadership and created a fascist dictatorship.
C) He revived traditional Chinese government based on principles of Confucianism.
D) he established a rural form of communism as an alternative to Soviet Leninism.


The answer is c because


D) he established a rural form of communism as an alternative to Soviet Leninism.

Nomads were people who _______. Question 1 options: settled in one spot and cultivated crops, such as wheat developed a system of writing built five-storied structures made of mud-brick with thatch roofs followed herds of animals for food and clothing



none of the options are correct. nomads moved frequently and didnt build lasting structures

escribe una breve explicacion de por que empieza la historia con esta fraze "QUE GRAN DECEPCION TENIA EL JOVEN DE ESTA HISTORIA"


Porque no se escucha bien.

In United States v. Nixon ,the Supreme Court ruled that



the executive branch should not have more power than other branches of government


What would you do with the hour available?



sometime watch tv

read story book

read poem book


What do you use a telescope for?
A. Van Gogh
B. Rick Astley
C. Adolf Hitler
D. Hans Lipperhey



obviously van gogh i mean?


A. Van Gogh I believe.. He made the Starry night and I believe for that you need a telescope lol.. the answer is A. Van Gogh

prepare a flowchart showing written sources of history. Explain the importance of any two written sources.



History (from the Greek ἱστορία, meaning 'a learning or knowing by inquiry') can be broadly taken to indicate the past in general but is usually defined as the study of the past from the point at which there were written sources onwards.

There are obstacles that make it so we do not have a crystal clear, uninterrupted view of the past. Firstly, we have to remember that everyone – not just us, but also people throughout history – is shaped by their upbringing and the societies and times they live in, and we need to be careful not to stick our own labels and values onto past periods. Secondly, our view of the past is made up from the total of things that somehow happened to survive the test of time, which is due to coincidences and decisions made by people before our time. So, we only get a fragmentary, distorted view; it is like trying to complete a puzzle with a lot of oddly shaped and missing pieces


Dentro de los distintos motivos que se pueden considerar como causas de la muerte masiva de la población indígena del “Nuevo Mundo”, según denominación europea, se puede afirmar que el principal de todos es:
1-La población del “Nuevo Mundo” se redujo drásticamente por motivos del genocidio y los malos tratos, ya que se calcula que el 95 por ciento de los pobladores indígenas de América perecieron en los primeros cien años de la llegada de Cristóbal Colón, reduciéndose de unos cien millones a sólo tres, por obra de las matanzas, primero, y, luego, de los malos tratos, como las inhumanas condiciones de trabajo impuestas por los nuevos amos
2-Según la “Leyenda Negra”, difundida en primer lugar por los ingleses y los franceses celosos del poderío español, pero iniciada por la indignación cristiana de un sacerdote dominico que tenía por nombre Bartolomé de Las Casas, el cual llevó a cabo todo un plan de exterminio contra la población “indígena” con su política llamada “Leyenda Negra”.
3-Debido a mortíferas epidemias de enfermedades nuevas y desconocidas, venidas del Viejo Mundo –Europa-, entre el choque de pueblos que llevaban separados trescientos siglos (desde la Edad de Piedra), como la viruela y la sífilis, el sarampión, el tifo, o ante el simple catarro traído de ultramar.



creo que es el #3


en chile. una característica de la situación política una vez terminado el gobierno de O’Higgins en 1823?


What’s Chile????? I’ll help you tho

What two dynasties were able to unite india


Maurya and Gupta dynasties were able to unite India.



Maurya and Gupta dynasties were able to unite India.


How did the Balfour Declaration contribute to tension between Jews and Arabs?
It created the state of Israel.
It supported the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
It created unlimited Zionist movements throughout the Middle East.
It assimilated Jews into Arab culture.

The answer is it supported the establishment of the Jewish homeland in Palestine!!!



2nd option-(It supported the establishment...)


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