Which of the following lists of ordered pairs is a function? A. (2,5), (3, 6), (6, 9) B. (-1,2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (2,5) C. (1,2), (4,0), (3,5),(4,3) D. (2,5), (3, 6), (2, 1)​


Answer 1


A. (2,5), (3,6), (6,9)

Step-by-step explanation:

In order to be a function, all inputs (x values) must go to only one output (y value). List A is the only list that obeys this rule. Therefore, List A is a function.

Answer 2
option A(2,5),(3,6),(6,9)

Related Questions

Question 4 of 5
Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs. Not all tiles will be used
Match each explicit formula to its corresponding recursive formula.
(8) = 5(5)(1-1)
(n) = 3 +5(n-1)
(3) = 5+3(1-1)
7(n) = 3(5)(n-1)
$(n) = 5 +5(n-1)
f(1) = 5
(*) = 3;(n - 1), for 3
(1) = 5
(n) = f(n-1) +5, for n?
f(1) = 5
f(n) = f(n-1) + 3, for n?



The recursive formulae.

To find:

The correct explicit formulae for the given recursive formulae.


If the recursive formula of a GP is [tex]f(n)=rf(n-1), f(1)=a, n\geq 2[/tex], then the explicit formula of that GP is:


Where, a is the first term and r is the common ratio.

The first recursive formula is:


[tex]f(n)=3f(n-1)[/tex] for [tex]n\geq 2[/tex].

It is the recursive formula of a GP with a=5 and r=3. So, the required explicit formula is:


Therefore, the required explicit formula for the first recursive formula is [tex]f(n)=5(3)^{n-1}[/tex].

If the recursive formula of an AP is [tex]f(n)=f(n-1)+d, f(1)=a, n\geq 2[/tex], then the explicit formula of that AP is:


Where, a is the first term and d is the common difference.

The second recursive formula is:


[tex]f(n)=f(n-1)+5[/tex] for [tex]n\geq 2[/tex].

It is the recursive formula of an AP with a=5 and d=5. So, the required explicit formula is:



Therefore, the required explicit formula for the second recursive formula is [tex]f(n)=5+5(n-1)[/tex].

The third recursive formula is:


[tex]f(n)=f(n-1)+3[/tex] for [tex]n\geq 2[/tex].

It is the recursive formula of an AP with a=5 and d=3. So, the required explicit formula is:



Therefore, the required explicit formula for the third recursive formula is [tex]f(n)=5+3(n-1)[/tex].

Can someone please help me with this I’m struggling



Equation:  [tex]70=(x+3)x[/tex]

x = -10 or x = 7

x = 7 (width can't be negative)

x + 3 = 10

Step-by-step explanation:

Represent the width of the rectangle by  x.  "The length of a rectangle EXCEEDS the width by 3" means the length is 3 LONGER than the width, so the length is represented by the expression  x + 3.

Area = (length)(width)

70 = (x + 3)x

Multiply out the right side.


Factor the left side.


Each binomial could equal 0, so

[tex]x+10=0 \text{ or }x-7=0\\x=-10\text{ or }x=7[/tex]

The negative solution does not make sense as the width of a rectangle.

x = 7, making the length, x + 3 = 10


Pls mark this as brainiest

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of the rectangle = length x breadth

consider 'x' to be width

therefore length = x+3

area = (x+3)*x

Area = 70 square

x = 7

x+3 = 7+3

      = 10


7 x 10

= 70

Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(08.03)Solve the system of equations and choose the correct answer from the list of options.
X + y = -3
y = 2x + 2

a- five over 3, four over 3
b-negative five over 3, negative four over 3
c- negative 3 over 5 negative 3 over 4
D- 3 over 4, 3 over 5




Answer B (-5/3,-4/3)

Step-by-step explanation:

I am going to use the substitution 's method.

[tex]\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}x+y&=&-3\\y&=&2x+2\\\end {array} \right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}y&=&2x+2\\x+2x+2&=&-3\\\end {array} \right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}y&=&2x+2\\3x&=&-5\\\end {array} \right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}x&=&-\dfrac{5}{3} \\\\y&=&2*(-\dfrac{5}{3})+2\\\end {array} \right.\\\\\\\boxed{\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}x&=&-\dfrac{5}{3} \\\\y&=&-\dfrac{4}{3}\\\end {array} \right.\\}[/tex]


Which postulate, if any, could be used to prove the triangles are congruent?
Hypotenuse-Leg (HL)
Side-Angle-Side (SAS)
O Side-Side-Side (SSS)
The triangles cannot be proved congruent.



Side-Side-Side (SSS)

Step-by-step explanation:

Side-Side-Side is a rule used to prove whether a given set of triangles are congruent. The SSS rule states that: If three sides of one triangle are equal to three sides of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.

Can someone help me with this math homework please!



Graph number 3 is correct :)


It's the 3rd pic

Step-by-step explanation:

It's written in y=mx+b form

the m is slope so 2/3 is the slope. You go up 2 and right 3

b is the y-intercept

hope this helps

A telephone plan charges a regular monthly amount plus charges for the number of minutes of use (x) as shown in the equation y = 0.28x + 65. What are the slope and y-intercept? HELP



Slope: 0.28

y-intercept: (0,65)


slope: .28 y-int: 65

because y=mx+b m is slope and b is the y intercept

Using the theorems and given information, which of the following proves a∥b?

Given: m∠3=(12x+24)∘, m∠5=(10x+40)∘, and x=8







Ram thinks of a number if he adds 3 to 5 times the number he gets 38. what is the number?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Set up an equation to model the situation. Let (x) represent the unknown number.

(5x) + 3 = 38

Use inverse operations to solve for the unknown,

(5x) + 3 = 38

5x = 35

x = 7

What are the coordinates of the midpoint between the points (-4, -9) and (-8, -5)? Select the best answer from the choices provided. A. (-4, -4) B. (-6, -7) C. (-6, -4) D. (-4, -7)


B). (-6,-7)

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

The table shows the solution to the equation |2x - 31 - 1 = 2:
Step 1 |2x - 3) = 2 + 1
Step 2 12x - 3| = 3
Step 3 2x - 3 = 3 or 2x + 3 = 3
Step 4 2x = 6 or 2x = 0
Step 5 x = 3 or x = 0
Which is the first incorrect step? (1 point)
O Step 1
O Step 3
Step 5
O Solution is correct



step number 1 is incorrect.

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is the solution of this equation [2x-31-1=2].


or 2x-31=2+1

or 2x=2+1+31

or 2x= 34

or x=34/2

or x= 17

the answer of this equation is X=17.


Step 1

Step-by-step explanation:

TJ’s Cat Food plans to use tins that are the shape of cylinders. The internal measurements of a tin are shown.

(b ) Work out the volume of cat food that the tin contains.



113 cm³

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of the cat's food that the container would contain = volume of cylinder = πr²h


π = 3.14

r = ½(6) = 3 cm

h = 4 cm

Volume = 3.14 × 3² × 4

Volume = 3.14 × 9 × 4 = 113.097336

≈ 113 cm³

Find the distance between the
following points using the
Pythagorean theorem: (5, 10)
and (10, 12)



[tex]\displaystyle d = \sqrt{29}[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:


Order of Operations: BPEMDAS

Brackets Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Left to Right

Algebra I

Coordinates (x, y)

Algebra II

Distance Formula: [tex]\displaystyle d = \sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


The distance formula is derived from the Pythagorean Theorem.

Step 1: Define


Point (5, 10)

Point (10, 12)

Step 2: Find distance d

Substitute in points [Distance Formula]:                                                         [tex]\displaystyle d = \sqrt{(10 - 5)^2 + (12 -10)^2}[/tex][√Radical] (Parenthesis) Subtract:                                                                   [tex]\displaystyle d = \sqrt{5^2 + 2^2}[/tex][√Radical] Evaluate exponents:                                                                       [tex]\displaystyle d = \sqrt{25 + 4}[/tex][√Radical] Add:                                                                                                  [tex]\displaystyle d = \sqrt{29}[/tex]

{(2,1), (4,2) (6,3) (8,4)} is what type of relation?
a. many-to-many
b. one-to-many
c. many-to-one
d. one-to-one


The given relation {(2,1), (4,2) (6,3) (8,4)} is one to many relation.

The other solution for this problem is given below.

The pattern is the sum of the two numbers plus the previous sum, i.e.

12 = 2+5 +(5)

21 = 3+6+ (12)

40 = 8+11 +21

These type of questions are part of reasoning and comes in random competitive exams which have multiple choice questions and therefore you have more than you want.

First , you need to multiply both numbers and then add the first number.

Therefore, 1+4= 1x4+1=5



What is the many to one relation?

A many-to-one relationship is where one entity (typically a column or set of columns) contains values that refer to another entity (a column or set of columns) that has unique values.


The other solution for this problem is given below.

The Solution for this is







Therefore we get,


Therefore the given relation is any one to many relation.

To learn more about the relation visit:


Please help me answer this question.



total candy = 54 bags



Step-by-step explanation:

5x + 4y = 253

x-y = 20

x = 20+y

5(20+y) + 4y = 253

100 + 9y = 253

9y = 153



What is the quotient in simplest form?

3/4 divided by 5/16



2 2/5

Step-by-step explanation:

3/4 divided  by 5/16 = 12/5

12 goes into 5 2 times making

2 2/5


2 2/5

Step-by-step explanation:

3/4 ÷ 5/16 =

3/4 · 16/5 =

2 2/5

3/4 divided by 5/16 is equal to 2 2/5.

The product of two integers is – 729 one of them is 27 find the other.





Step-by-step explanation:

-729/27 = -27

hope it helps :)

please mark brainliest!!!

Sohanlal is a gardener. He is paid ₹160 daily, find how much money will he
get in the month of September?



Step-by-step explanation:

days in september=30

salry paid per day=Rs.160

salary paid in 30 days=160×30=Rs.4800



Step-by-step explanation:

In the month of September there are only 30 days. So assuming Sohanlal works the entire month of September we will multiply how much he makes daily which is 160 times the amount of days he works which is 30. this will look like this:

160 × 30 = 4800

6. The right triangles ABC and DEF are
similar. The hypotenuse of AABC
measures 28 cm and the hypotenuse
of A DEF measures 7 cm. If one of the
legs of AABC measures 16 cm, what
does the corresponding leg of ADEF
F 1 cm
H 12 cm
G 4 cm
J 64 cm



G. 4 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

28 divided by 7 equals 4.

So, 16 divided by 4 equals 4, which is the answer.

4 is the multiple that relates AABC to ADEF.

the diagram shows a prism work out the volume???



Volume is equal to





The volume of the prism is 980cm3.

We are given that;

The dimensions= 4*7*9*2*10cm


A rectangular prism is a three-dimensional shape that has two at the top and bottom and four are lateral faces.

The volume of a rectangular prism=Length X Width X Height

Volume of upper prism;



Volume of lower prism;



Total volume= upper volume + lower volume


Therefore, by the rectangular prism the answer will be 980cm3.

Learn more about a rectangular prism;



Simplify the expression -4^2(3x - 7)




Step-by-step explanation:

evatulate: −16  (3−7)


Can you answer this math homework? Please!



y + 2.3 = 0.45x

y = 0.45x - 2.3

-2y = 4.2x - 7.8

-2(0.45x - 2.3) = 4.2x - 7.8

-0.90x + 4.6 = 4.2x - 7.8

-0.90x - 4.2x = -7.8 - 4.6

-5.1x = - 12.4

x = -12.4 / -5.1

x = 2.4

y + 2.3 = 0.45x

y = 0.45(2.4) - 2.3

y = 1.08 - 2.3

y = -1.2

solution is : (2.4, - 1.2)

Step-by-step explanation:

The two lines intersect at answer A. (2.4, -1.2)

what is approximately unit price for 1 g of organic green seedless grapes if it costs 6.49 for 400g?​



according to my equation it is 61.6

Complete the missing parts of the
table for the following function. (picture) please answer all asap



x=-1  y = 1/3

x = 1  y = 3

x = 3  y = 27

Step-by-step explanation:

y = 3^x

Let x = -1

y = 3^-1 = 1/3^1 = 1/3

Let x = 1

y = 3^1 = 3

Let x = 3

y = 3^3 = 27

the polygons in each pair are similar. find the missing side length.​



The polygon in the given figure are similar.

To find:

The missing side length.​


We know that the corresponding sides of similar figures are proportional.

The given polygons are similar, so the their corresponding sides are proportional.


So, the missing values in the equation of proportion are 15, 40, 32 respectively.

On solving the above equation, we get



[tex]x=\dfrac{4}{5}\times 15[/tex]


Therefore, the value of x is 12.

9. what is the measure of QSR


Answer:  C) 142 degrees



Extend segment MN such that it intersects side ST. Mark the intersection as point A. See the diagram below.

We're given that angle MNT is 72 degrees. The angle TNA is equal to 180-(angle MNT) = 180 - 72 = 108 degrees, since angles MNT and TNA add to 180.

For now, focus entirely on triangle TNA. We see from the diagram that T = 34 and we just found that N = 108. Let's find angle A

A+N+T = 180

A+108+34 = 180

A+142 = 180

A = 180-142

A = 38

So angle NAT is 38 degrees.


Since segment MA is an extension of MN, and because MN || SQ, this means MA is also parallel to SQ.

We found at the conclusion of the last section that angle NAT was 38 degrees. Angles QST and NAT are corresponding angles. They are congruent since MA || SQ. This makes angle QST to also be 38 degrees


The angles QSR and QST are a linear pair, so they are supplementary

(angle QSR) + (angle QST) = 180

angle QSR = 180 - (angle QST)

angle QSR = 180 - 38

angle QSR = 142 degrees

i need help ASAP please



reflection over Y axis

Step-by-step explanation:


I believe it is D) a reflection over the Y-axis

Step-by-step explanation

it is going over the Y-axis as if it is a sort of mirror, if it were going over the x-axis it would be flipped upside down, if it was A the shape would be going over the original shape. I don't know how to explain C. (I hope this helped and I hope it was correct lol)

Help.... My brain stopped working



3.2 liters

Step-by-step explanation:

The first thing we want to do is find the amount of water it leaks hourly

To do so we divide the amount of water it leaks in 3 hours ( .48 ) by 3

.48/3 = .16

So the faucet leaks .16 liters per hour

Now to find how much water the faucet leaks in 20 hours

To do this we simply multiply 20 by the hourly leakage amount (.16)

.16 * 20 = 3.2

So in 20 hours the faucet would have leaked 3.2 liters of water


3.2 liters of water :)!

Step-by-step explanation:

If 0.48 every 3 hours we can do 0.48/3 to find the amount it loses every hour.


Then if we multiply 0.16 by 20 we will get the amount it loses in 20.


Hence, it loses 3.2 liters of water every 20 hours.

Hope this helps:)!

What is the equation of the line that passes through (0, 3) and (7, 0)?




Step-by-step explanation:

if the vertex of a parabola is (-1,-9) what is the equation of the axis of symmetry?​



v tditofifkgofifoyofjfihkhjkvig

plz help me
to do this question​



Angle k measures 60 degrees!!!

I think the answer is 55 °.

The angle is 180 °.

180 ° - 70 ° = 110 °

Because the k ° look equivalent I divided the result by 2.

110/2 = 55 °
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