Which of the following polynomial equations has 1, 4, -5 as three of its roots?

x 2+4x-5=0
x 4+2x 3-5x+10=0
x 3-21x+20=0*


Answer 1

Answer: x³-21x+20=0

Step-by-step explanation:

To find which polynomial has 1, 4, -5 as the roots, all we have to do is equal each root to 0 and multiply all factors together.

1 is (x-1)=0

4 is (x-4)=0

-5 is (x+5)=0

Now, we just multiply them together.

(x-1)(x-4)(x+5)=0                       [FOIL]

(x²-4x-x+4)(x+5)=0                    [combine like terms]

(x²-5x+4)(x+5)=0                      [FOIL]

x³+5x²-5x²-25x+4x+20=0       [combine like terms]


Now we know x³-21x+20=0 is the polynomial with those roots.

Related Questions

what is the answer for 7 to the negitive second power.



the negative just tell you you put a one over the number. Once that's done, the power will be positive, and you can square like normal

Are you asking about  [tex]7^{-2}[/tex]  ?

If so:

A negative in the exponent tells us that we must take the reciprocal of the number, in this case, 7, and then use the exponent like normal:

[tex]7^{-2}[/tex] =

[tex](\frac{1}{7})^{2}[/tex] =


So our answer is 1/49.

What 2 days did he decrease his walking



4, 7, 14

Step-by-step explanation:

Because it's were it decreases

Will give brainliest to correct answer



30 lamps

Step-by-step explanation:

30*2= 60

Heyyy!!! It’s thirty lamps bc 30x2=60
30 lamps

The hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is 8 cm more than its shortest side. The third side is 1 cm shorter than the hypotenuse. Find the three sides of ths is triangle.​



hypotenuse = 13

shortest side = 5

third side = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

Given sides a, b, and c, with c representing the hypotenuse of a right triangle, we can say that

a²+b² = c² using the Pythagorean Theorem.

We are given that the hypotenuse (c) = 8 cm more than the shortest side. Representing the shortest side as a, we can say that c= 8 + a. Then, the third side, which we can represent as b, is 1cm shorter than the hypotenuse, so c-1 = b

c= 8+a

c-1 = b

a²+b² = c²

One thing we can do is to solve for everything in terms of c and solve the third equation from there

c= 8+a

subtract 8 from both sides

c-8 = a

a²+b² = c²

(c-8)²+b² =c²

b = c-1

(c-8)² + (c-1)² = c²


c²-16c + 64 + c² - 2c + 1 = c²

2c² - 18c + 65 = c²

subtract c² from both sides to make this an equation that we can more easily solve

c² - 18c + 65 = 0

To factor, we can find two numbers that add to (-18) and multiply to 65. Two numbers that work at 13 and 5, so we have

c²-13c-5c + 65 = 0

c(c-13) -5(c-13) = 0

(c-5)(c-13) = 0

Therefore, the hypotenuse, or c, is 5 or 13. Because a=c-8, if c=5, a would be negative 3. This is not possible, so c cannot be 5. Therefore, c=13, a=c-8=5, and b=c-1= 12

Surface area of triangular prism



264 Km²

Step-by-step explanation:

cross sectional perimeter of the triangular prism= 9+8+7= 24Km


total surface area= C.S.P × height of the figure

= 24 × 11

= 264 km²

the table of values below represents a liner function and show the amount of money in the savings account since she began her part-time job what is her monthly rate of savings​



she saves $24 dollars every month. 36 + 24 =60 +24 =84 +24 =108 +24 =132 :)




A. 6.75, divide 13.5 by 2.

B. It's 5.2, 26.2 rounded is 26 and 4.5 rounded is 5, divide. The average is 5.8 , 26.2 divide by 4.5

!This is the first part!

Determine el radio vector del punto medio del segmento que se forma al unir los puntos (-8, 7) y (6, 3).
Es para hoy



The radius vector is (-8, 7) and (-1 , 5).

Step-by-step explanation:

Determine the radius vector of the midpoint of the segment that is formed by joining the points (-8, 7) and (6, 3).

The end points are (- 8, 7) and (6, 3) .

The mid point is given by

[tex]x = \frac{x' + x''}{2}\\\\y = \frac{y' +y''}{2}\\\\x =\frac{- 8 + 6}{2}=-1\\\\y = \frac{7+3}{2} = 5[/tex]

So, the radius vector is (-8, 7) and (-1 , 5).  

1. Is the figure defined by points H, I, J, and Ka rhombus?


Answer: No

Step-by-step explanation:

Because in a rhombus all sides are equal.

In this opposite sides are equal and not all sides.

please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)



Step-by-step explanation:

the definition of a rhombus is a quadrilateral with 4 equal sides so we just have to either prove all the sides are equal or that two or more sides are not equal.

to do this use the distance formula: [tex]\sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}[/tex]

HI=5 (it's a horizontal line so it's just |-8-(-3)|=5HK=[tex]\sqrt{(-8+9)^2+(8-2)^2}[/tex]=[tex]\sqrt{1+36}[/tex]=[tex]\sqrt{37}[/tex] it isn't equal

HIJK is a parallelogram but not a rhombus

3) Suppose Sandra makes credit card purchase for $4,000 that compounds interest daily. The APR is 3%. How much interest is earned on Sandra’s card after 1 year if Sandra makes no payments? (Use the formula below for help).





Step-by-step explanation:

A=  4000(1+.03/365)^365


Total interest earned on Sandra’s card after 1 year is $4,121.81

What is compound interest?

Compound interest is defined as interest paid on the original principal and the interest earned on the interest of the principal.



A = the future value of the investment or loan

P = the principal investment or loan amount

r = the interest rate (decimal)

n = the number of compound periods



Sandra makes a credit card purchase for $4,000 that compounds interest daily.

P = $4,000

r =3%

t = 1 year


Substitute the values of P, r and t in the formula,

First, convert R as a percent to r as a decimal

r = R/100

r = 3/100

r = 0.03 rate per year,

Then solve the equation for A

A = P(1 + r/n)nt

A = 4,000.00(1 + 0.03/365)(365)(1)

A = 4,000.00(1 + 8.2191780821918E-5)(365)

A = $4,121.81

Therefore, total interest earned on Sandra’s card after 1 year is $4,121.81.

To learn more about the compound interest rate;



3. In a primary election, 35% of voters voted for Goron, 15% voted for Smith, 40% voted for Fishman, and 10% voted for other candidates. (a) It was estimated that 280 people were going to vote. If this was true, how many people would have voted for Goron? Show your work. (b) Forty people voted for "Other." Was the estimate of total voters from Part (a) accurate? Explain.



98 ppl voted for Gordan

Step-by-step explanation:

a) 35% of 280=98

b)  15% of 280=42

   40% of 280=112

    10% of 280=28

Add 98, 42, 112, and 28 and you get 280! Hope this helps :)

You want to make a nut mix that has almonds, cashews, and peanuts. Almonds cost $7 per pound, cashews are $5 per pound, and peanuts are $2 per pound. If you want to make a 10 pound mix with a $20 budget find the possible mix combinations of almonds, cashews, and peanuts. How many pounds of almonds should you use


Answer and explanation:

Assume Almond is a

Cashew is c

Peanuts is p

The system of equations satisfies this thus:

a+c+p= 10

7a+5c+2p= $20

The system of equations has three unknowns. Solving for the unknown variables here would yield parametric equations or dependent system where given x y z we may find x in terms of y and z in terms of x, in that form. This would give many results for our problem which may not be very accurate.

Someone help plsssss


Its either (top to bottom) 1 or 4

Geometry, please answer question ASAP



Option A

Step-by-step explanation:

first calculate side b

which is 35.8

Using 2 lengths, calculate Angle G


I need to buy enough fencing to go all around my rectangular garden. The garden is 20m long and 5m wide. How many meters of fencing will I need?

I need explanation with answer
Thank you!​


Find the perimeter
So 20 times 2
And 5 times 2
Then add the two

Your answer is 50m

50 m

Step One: Every rectangle, opposite side are equal sides.

Area=2, the area of this rectangle is 2*(l+b).

Step Two: Simplify the numbers: 2*(l+b) is also equal to 2*(20+5) and 2*(20+5) is equal to 2*25, so:

50 meters.

I hope I've helped!

When Jonathan runs the 400 meter dash, his finishing times are normally distributed with a mean of 88 seconds and a standard deviation of 2.5 seconds. If Jonathan were to run 48 practice trials of the 400 meter dash, how many of those trials would be between 89 and 91 seconds, to the nearest whole number?




2 between 89   91

Step-by-step explanation:

*Probability-Between 3.18%

Z1=0.04 Z2=0.12

x-1 89

x-2 (not required) 91

µ 88

σ 25

5 (0,4)
(5, 4)
(3, 2)
(-2,0) 1
-5-4-3-2 JO1
2 3
-2 (0-2)
- 7
From the graph of the function, determine the domain and the range.


Step-by-step explanation:

according to the graph,

the domain is : -2 ≤ x < 0 or 0 < x ≤ 5

=> [-2, 0) U (0, 5]

the range is : -2< y ≤ 0 or 2≤ y ≤ 4

=> (-2, 0] U [2, 4]

the answer is option 1

The domain and range of the function are,

Domain = [-2, 0) U (0, 5]

Range = (-2, 0] U [2, 4]

What is mean by Function?

A relation between a set of inputs having one output each is called a function. and an expression, rule, or law that defines a relationship between one variable (the independent variable) and another variable (the dependent variable).

Given that;

The graph of the function is shown in figure.

Now, According to the graph, We get;

The domain is;

-2 ≤ x < 0

Or, 0 < x ≤ 5

Domain = [-2, 0) U (0, 5]

And, the range is;

-2< y ≤ 0

Or , 2≤ y ≤ 4

Range = (-2, 0] U [2, 4]

Thus, The domain and range of the function are,

Domain = [-2, 0) U (0, 5]

Range = (-2, 0] U [2, 4]

Learn more about the function visit:



what's 14 1/4 in lb into ounces




Step-by-step explanation:

We are asked to convert 14 1/4 pounds into ounces, to do so, we need to multiply the amount of pounds by 16.

14 1/4 or 14.25

14.25 * 16

==> 228

Meaning there are 228 ounces in 14 1/4 pounds

If x is 2/3 of y and y is 3/4 of z, what is the ratio of:x? *
a) 1:2
b) 1:1
c) 2:1
d) 3:2
e) 4:3



Answer is option C

Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks




answer of this question is


Find the commission on a sale of $600 with a 5% commission rate.


Answer: $30

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

10% of 600 = 60

5% of 600 = 30

Help me with this anyone




Step-by-step explanation:

b+-sqrt b^2-4ac all over 2a

The number of rare coins a coin collector owns is considered ________ data.
A. discrete
B. continuous
C. neither continuous nor discrete
D. both continuous and discrete



The number of rare coins a coin collector owns is considered discrete data.

what is the volume of the cone below?​



96 pi

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for the volume of a cone is V=pi*r^2*h/3 the radius is 4 and the height is 18 plug in those values into the equation to get V=pi*16*6 16*=96 so the answer is 96 pi.


Volume = 96π cu. units

Step-by-step explanation:

Cone volume = πr^2h/3 where r = radius and h = height





If the range of the function f(x) =5x + 8 is 18, find its domain.​


Step-by-step explanation:

f(X) = 5x+18= 18


18 = 5x+18

18-18 = 5x

X= 0

so domain of the function is 0

Jerome solved the equation below by graphing. log Subscript 2 Baseline x + log Subscript 2 Baseline (x minus 2) = 3 Which of the following shows the correct system of equations and solution?



B. on edge 2021

Step-by-step explanation:

y 1 = StartFraction log x Over log 2 EndFraction + StartFraction log (x minus 2) Over log 2 EndFraction, y 2 = 4; x = 4


It's B :))

Step-by-step explanation:



radius: (-3, 7)
center: 11

What is the mean of the set of data?
6, 7, 10, 12, 12 ,13
answer choices:



mean = 10

Step-by-step explanation:

The mean is calculated as

mean = [tex]\frac{sum}{count}[/tex]

         = [tex]\frac{6+7+10+12+12+13}{6}[/tex]

        = [tex]\frac{60}{6}[/tex]

       = 10

Last question, thank you guys a lot for helping me out


Answer: Her earnings after taxes will be $415.80 (choice C)


PER 1 HOUR: 0.77 x (13.50 x 1) = 0.77 x $13.50 = $10.395

PER 40 HOURS: 0.77 x (13.50 x 40h) = 0.77 x 13.50 x 40 = $415.80

find square. root of 85849.​




Step-by-step explanation:

✓85849=. 85849^1/2

= 293

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