Which of the following statements depend on the absolute dating of events?


Answer 1


The statement that depends on the absolute dating of events is this: The oldest Earth rocks are 3.9 billion years old. Absolute dating is the method of determining the specific date of an archaeological or paleontological artifact.

Answer 2


It says that the oldest Earth rocks are 3.9 trillion years old, and they depend on the absolute adaptations of events. Absolute dating is the mechanism through which an archaeological or paleontological artifact determines a particular date.

120 million years ago, birds diverged from the related dinosaurs.3.9 billion years old is the oldest Earth rock.


Geologists must often know the material age they encounter. They use absolute data systems, sometimes referred to as numerical dates, to provide rocks with the actual date or date range for years to come. It differs from relative dates, which only time-consuming geologic events.

In contrast to the relative date, the absolute date represents a certain age or range which places occurrences among events without age being measured. The most absolute ages for rocks are reached by radiometric methods. Minerals are radioactive in rocks like geological watches.

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Identify the phases of meiosis I described below


Since cell division occurs twice during meiosis, one starting cell can produce four gametes (eggs or sperm). In each round of division, cells go through four stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

what is defferenciated cell and and undeferenciated cell.with example​



Differentiated cells refer to the specialized cells in multicellular organisms modified to carry out a particular function, such as transporting a certain substance or executing a specific task, while undifferentiated cells refer to the stem cells capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type,.

example of differentiated cell=zygote to embryo then a comlex foetusexample of undifferentiated cell= embryonic stem cell.

hope it helpsstay safe healthy and happy.


Identify the number of electrons each of the following atoms needs to gain or lose to have a stable outer electron configuration: Sodium(Na), Sulfur(S), Strontium(Sr)



Sodium: +8

Sulfur: +2

Strontium: -2

Provide details about Meiosis.


Meiosis is a process where a single cell divides twice to produce four cells containing half the original amount of genetic information. These cells are our sex cells – sperm in males, eggs in females. ... These four daughter cells only have half the number of chromosomes? of the parent cell – they are haploid.

If a white cat is cross with a black cat the offspring produced are black cat with white patches



in f1 generation all offspring will appears in dominant character which is black and recessive will be hidden which is white

A. in plants exist only in some individuals
B. they determine the structural and functional characteristics of each individual
C. they determine only the functional characteristics of each individual
D. they determine only the characteristics structural of each individual
E. do not exist in prokaryotes



B. They determine the structural and functional characteristics of each individual


Genes are present in all plants and in all prokaryotes, so answer choices A and E are incorrect. Genes are present in all living things.

Genes do determine the structural characteristics of each individual, but they also determine the functional characteristics.

Structure, which is controlled by genes, directly affects function. For example, a gene could code for a specific protein's structure, which will in turn give it a specific function.

So, the correct answer is B.

phương pháp tạo vòng halo???






jîâr erçvñ.



According to a famous article by Max Kleiber, the scaling of the metabolic rate or energy consumption for mammals Pmetab (measured in kcal/day) with the body mass Mb (measured in kilograms) is Pmetab=70M0.75b.
a. What is the specific metabolic rate, i.e. the metabolic rate per kilogram of body mass for the following animals?a mouse whose mass is 30g. Give your answer to three significant figures.
b. What is the specific metabolic rate, i.e. the metabolic rate per kilogram of body mass for the following animals?a cow whose mass is 300kg. Give your answer to three significant figures.




Given that:

The scaling of the specific metabolic rate is:



[tex]P_{metab} = 70M_b^{0.75}[/tex]

[tex]=\dfrac{ 70M_b^{0.75}}{m}[/tex]

(a) For a mouse whose mass = 30 g = 0.030 kg

The specific metabolic rate [tex]=\dfrac{ 70*(0.030)^{0.75}}{(0.030)}[/tex]

= 168.197 kg

≅ 168 kg to 3 significant fig.

(a) For a cow whose mass = 300 kg

The specific metabolic rate [tex]=\dfrac{ 70*(300)^{0.75}}{(300)}[/tex]

= 16.8197 kg

≅ 16.8 kg to 3 significant fig.

3. Explain the main difference between organisms of the
domains Bacteria and Archaea and organisms of the domain



Both Bacteria and Archaea are prokaryotes, single-celled microorganisms with no nuclei, and Eukarya includes us and all other animals, plants, fungi, and single-celled protists – all organisms whose cells have nuclei to enclose their DNA apart from the rest of the cell.


Both Bacteria and Archaea are prokaryotes, single-celled microorganisms with no nuclei, and Eukarya includes us and all other animals, plants, fungi, and single-celled protists – all organisms whose cells have nuclei to enclose their DNA apart from the rest of the cell.

Please help !
Which describes electrons?

Electrons move at very fast speeds around the nucleus of an atom.
Electrons are stationary outside of the nucleus of an atom.
Electrons move at very fast speeds inside the nucleus of an atom.
Electrons are stationary inside the nucleus of an atom.


D. Electrons move at very fast speed around the nucleus of an atom?

In a species of Asclepias (milkweeds) there are two alleles of a gene involved in the synthesis of cardenolides. One allele results in normal synthesis of these molecules, while the other allele prevents synthesis from occurring. Individuals who are heterozygous for this gene produce intermediate amounts of cardenolides. In a population of Asclepias where both alleles of the cardenolide synthesis allele are present the following phenotypes were observed:
Normal cardenolide concentration: 241
Intermediate cardenolide concentration: 720
No cardenolides: 39
What are the expected phenotypic frequencies in this population?
A.Normal: 0.36; Intermediate: 0.62; No cardenolides: 0.02
B. Normal: 0.36; Intermediate: 0.48; No cardenolides: 0.16
C. Normal: 0.24; Intermediate: 0.48; No cardenolides: 0.04
D. Normal: 0.50; Intermediate: 0.48; No cardenolides: 0.02
E. Normal: 0.24; Intermediate: 0.72; No cardenolides: 0.04


menenemmek ekekejekkwj wkekejkekw

Why Darwin is known as father of evolution? Discuss how evidences against Darwinism led to formulation of modern evolutionary theory. Interpret its postulates in your words with relevant examples. (10 marks)



Darwin was one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. He wrote the book 'The origin of species'. Darwin was known not only for the theory of evolution as we know it today, but also the foundation that biological sciences are based on. Darwin was very worried that people would reject his theory, so he collected a huge amount of evidence. He took evidence from the fossil record and from his own collections. He talked to animal breeders and animal collectors. He proved that the theory of evolution is based on the idea that all species are related and gradually change over time. His postulates is what gave him the title father of evolution

Postulates of evolution:-

1) Individuals within species are variable

2)Some of these variations are passed on to offspring

3)In every generation, more offspring are produced than can survive

4) The survival and reproduction of individuals are not random

The individuals who survive and go on to reproduce the most are those with the most favorable variation, and they are naturally selected.


If an animal has to do the same task over and over again, it's body gradually changes to make the task easier. So if a deer reaches higher and higher into trees for food, day after day, it's neck will gradually stretch as it gets older.

If a deer's neck grows longer during it's lifetime, all it's babies will be born with long necks too.

Hope this helps.

Please mark me as brainliest.

Which process is responsible for causing menstruation


menstruation is triggered by reduced level of estrogen and progesterone which usually happens in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

Yes agreed the above answer is correct

The continuity of life is based on heritable information in the form of DNA. Complete the explanation how mutations in protein-coding genes and regulatory DNA contribute to evolution. Match the terms in the left column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right.
a. gene
b. silenced
c. reproduce
d. protein production
e. inherited
f. grows
g. body form
h. function
i. regulatory sequence
1. Mutations in protein-coding genes and regulatory DNA contribute to evolution if the organism carying them Survives and_____. Mutations in a____.
2. Mutations within a____may lead to major changes in______for example, ita Hox gene is attected. Moreover, if a transposable element inserts here, it may lead to a decreased or increased_____. This may impact the organism and if passed on to the offspring, become____. The result of these events may eventually lead to increased fitness and formation of new species.



1. Mutations in protein-coding genes and regulatory DNA contribute to evolution if the organism carrying them survives and_c. reproduce. Mutations in a_a. gene lead to different effects. For example, a mutation may change the _h. function of the protein or the protein will no longer be produced.

2. Mutations within a_i. regulatory sequence may lead to major changes in_g. body form, for example, if a Hox gene is affected. Moreover, if a transposable element inserts here, it may lead to a decreased or increased_d. protein production. This may impact the organism and if passed on to the offspring, become_e. inherited. The result of these events may eventually lead to increased fitness and the formation of new species.


Mutations can be defined as genetic changes (nucleotide changes) in the genome sequence of an organism. Mutations can be beneficial, neutral or deleterious (depending on their effects on the adaptive fitness of the individual). Mutations that occur in the somatic (body cells) will not be inherited, whereas mutations in the germinal (gamete) cells can be passed on to the next generations. Moreover, Hox genes are major developmental regulators involved in a wide variety of aspects of animal development. In consequence, changes in the expression level of Hox genes caused, for example, through 1-mutations of their regulatory sequences, such as promoter sequences, or 2-the insertion of transposable elements, may lead to conspicuous phenotypic changes by affecting protein production. Eventually, these mutations may confer an adaptive advantage.

it is usually measured in m/s​



The speed of light in vacuum is 299 792 458 meters per second. unit of acceleration is the meter per second per second (m/s2). unit of area is the square meter (m2).


Units of Length

10 millimeters (mm) = 1 centimeter (cm)

10 centimeters = 1 decimeter (dm)

10 centimeters = 100 millimeters

10 decimeters = 1 meter (m)

Which of the following was not part of the original cell theory, but was added later after we learned more about cellular structure​


where is full question man

The Big Bang is an idea that states that billions of years ago the universe began in a huge expansion of matter. This
idea has come about through numerous experiments performed by scientists including Edwin Hubble, Albert
Einstein, and Robert Wilson, all of whom revised and added to it over time The Big Bang has not yet been proven as
The Big Bang can be best described as a(n)



The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model explaining the existence of the observable universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution. The model describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature,and offers a comprehensive explanation for a broad range of observed phenomena, including the abundance of light elements, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, and large-scale structure.

Crucially, the theory is compatible with Hubble–Lemaître law—the observation that the farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from Earth. Extrapolating this cosmic expansion backwards in time using the known laws of physics, the theory describes an increasingly concentrated cosmos preceded by a singularity in which space and time lose meaning (typically named "the Big Bang singularity"). Detailed measurements of the expansion rate of the universe place the Big Bang singularity at around 13.8 billion years ago, which is thus considered the age of the universe.

After its initial expansion, an event that is by itself often called "the Big Bang", the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation of subatomic particles, and later atoms. Giant clouds of these primordial elements—mostly hydrogen, with some helium and lithium—later coalesced through gravity, forming early stars and galaxies, the descendants of which are visible today. Besides these primordial building materials, astronomers observe the gravitational effects of an unknown dark matter surrounding galaxies. Most of the gravitational potential in the universe seems to be in this form, and the Big Bang theory and various observations indicate that this excess gravitational potential is not created by baryonic matter, such as normal atoms. Measurements of the redshifts of supernovae indicate that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, an observation attributed to dark energy's existence.

Georges Lemaître first noted in 1927 that an expanding universe could be traced back in time to an originating single point, which he called the "primeval atom". Edwin Hubble confirmed through analysis of galactic redshifts in 1929 that galaxies are indeed drifting apart; this is important observational evidence for an expanding universe. For several decades, the scientific community was divided between supporters of the Big Bang and the rival steady-state model which both offered explanations for the observed expansion, but the steady-state model stipulated an eternal universe in contrast to the Big Bang's finite age. In 1964, the CMB was discovered, which convinced many cosmologists that the steady-state theory was falsified, since, unlike the steady-state theory, the hot Big Bang predicted a uniform background radiation throughout the universe caused by the high temperatures and densities in the distant past. A wide range of empirical evidence strongly favors the Big Bang, which is now essentially universally accepted.




its a theory

Which of the following statement(s) is/are true regarding the adrenal glands' relationship with the autonomic nervous system?

a. The adrenal cortex is an extension of the parasympathetic nervous system.
b. The adrenal medulla secretes norepinephrine when stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system.
c. The adrenal glands are strictly nerve tissue.
d. The parasympathetic division stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete glucocorticoids.
e. The adrenal medulla is penetrated by the fibers of the sympathetic nervous system.



The true statements regarding the adrenal glands' relationship with the autonomic nervous system are:

a. The adrenal cortex is an extension of the parasympathetic nervous system.

c. The adrenal glands are strictly nerve tissue.

d. The parasympathetic division stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete glucocorticoids.

e. The adrenal medulla is penetrated by the fibers of the sympathetic nervous system.


The  levels of the central nervous system which play important roles in influencing the autonomic nervous system include cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, brain stem, and spinal cord.  Usually, epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine are released into the blood stem when stress or a threat occurs.  This alert serves as a warning signal and defense system.  The purpose is to maintain homeostasis.

the results Mendel obtained during his experiments. It showed that if you cross two plants that were true-breeding for different colors (purple and white), the offspring or first generation (F1) would be ______________ instead of true-breeds, and all were _____________ in color. Interestingly, when he crossed two of these F1 plants, their offspring did not all come out _____________. Instead he obtain a ratio of ______ purple-flowered plant for every ______ white-flowered plant. He concluded that the “heritable factor” for the ____________ trait (white flowers) was not destroyed in the F1 generation. Instead it had been _______________ by the “heritable factor” of the ________________ trait (purple flowers).



1. Heterozygous

2. Purple

3. Purple

4. 3

5. 1

6. Recessive

7. Masked

8. Dominant

Please find the missing answers to the questions in BOLD.


As illustrated in this question, Gregor Mendel used the color trait of pea plant to discover his law of dominance.

The results Mendel obtained during his experiments. It showed that if you cross two plants that were true breeding for different colors (purple and white), the offspring or first generation (F1) would be HETEROZYGOUS (Pp) instead of true-breeds, and all were PURPLE in color.

Interestingly, when he crossed two of these F1 plants (Pp × Pp), their offspring did not all come out PURPLE, instead he obtain a ratio of 3 purple-flowered plant for every 1 white-flowered plant. He concluded that the “heritable factor” for the RECESSIVE trait (white flowers) was not destroyed in the F1 generation. Instead it had been MASKED by the “heritable factor” of the DOMINANT trait (purple flowers).

Systems that use massively parallel systems of processors whose architecture is based on the human neuron structure are called



Neural networks


The neuron is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system. The neuron is also known as a nerve cell. The neuron is the largest cell of the body that helps to communicate or transmit signals. A neuron has an axon body, dendrites, and terminal region. The transmission of the signal from one neuron to another through the axon terminal.   Large numbers of neurons are present in the human body system that coordinates the whole body system. Neural networks contain a massive amount of neurons whose architecture is based on neurons. So, the correct answer to the given question is neural networks that use massively parallel systems based on neurons.  

what is the meaning of bio​



A biography, or simply bio, is a detailed description of a person's life. It involves more than just the basic facts like education, work, relationships, and death; it portrays a person's experience of these life events. ... Works in diverse media, from literature to film, form the genre known as biography.

thank you, please mark me as the brainiest...

what must be true about two objects if heat is flowing between them​



The objects must be the same temperature.


if heat is flowing between two objects, so both ​the objects must have the same temperature because the heat in object 1 passes to the object 2 due to the conduction property present in these objects. The heat flows from one body to another body until both have the same amount of heat energy as well as temperature so that's why we can say that both objects must be the same temperature.

2. The process of obtaining and using energy is called
O photosynthesis



metaboliam is the ans of this question

how long does it take for a CRISPR to work?


around 24 to 48 hours I think

1. A week after returning from a backpacking trip, four teenagers developed nausea and severe diarrhea. All had consumed untreated water from a stream which doctors concluded was infested with the organism, Giardia. Think about the symbiotic relationships that you studied in this unit. What type of relationship exists between the teens and the organism?

2. As humans burn fossil fuels for energy, the percent of carbon stored in fossils is reduced while the carbon in the atmosphere is increased. If green plants are also being removed, how might the carbon cycle and greenhouse effect be influenced?

3. How are decomposers critical to the carbon cycle?




1) The relationship that exists between the teens and the organism (Giardia) is Parasitism. Because in such symbiotic relationship one species (the parasite-Giardia) benefits while the other species (the host- the teens) is harmed.

2) Plants remove Carbon dioxide (a major green house gas) from atmosphere during photosynthesis. But, if plants are also being removed with increase in use of fossil fuels, the CO2 that escapes the fossil fuels will remain in the atmosphere for longer as there are not enough plants to "suck" them back into a stored form of Carbon. Carbon Dioxide increases green hourse effect thus green house effect will increase and earth's temperature might rise due to this.

3) Without decomposers we would not be able to continue the carbon cycle because we could not release the stored carbon from plants and animals into the atmosphere. Decomposers break down dead material from organism and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, where it's available to plants for photosynthesis. Without them, we could not recycle nutrients or carbons in our ecosystem and thus, they are critical for the carbon cycle.

Describe the normal process of osteogenesis for compact and spongy bone using the three different types of bone cells and their functions



Osteoblasts penetrate the disintegrating cartilage and replace it with spongy bone. This forms a primary ossification center. Ossification continues from this center toward the ends of the bones. After spongy bone is formed in the diaphysis, osteoclasts break down the newly formed bone to open up the medullary cavity.

State three ways of increasing the life-span of cut flowers​



Clean your vase thoroughly, Keep flowers away from fruit, Flower Food and Water


An inflatable balloon with the volume of 0.75 L at 303 K was placed inside the freezer where the temperature is 263 K. Find out what will happen to the volume of the balloon if the pressure remains constant.



Final volume, V2 = 0.66 Litres


Given the following data;

Initial volume = 0.75 L

Initial temperature = 303 K

Final temperature = 263 K

To find out what will happen to the volume of the balloon if the pressure remains constant, we would use Charles' law;

Charles states that when the pressure of an ideal gas is kept constant, the volume of the gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.

Mathematically, Charles' law is given by the formula;

[tex] VT = K[/tex]

[tex] \frac{V_{1}}{T_{1}} = \frac{V_{2}}{T_{2}}[/tex]


V1 and V2 represents the initial and final volumes respectively.T1 and T2 represents the initial and final temperatures respectively.

Making V2 as the subject formula, we have;

[tex] V_{2}= \frac{V1}{T1} * T_{2}[/tex]

[tex] V_{2}= \frac{0.75}{303} * 263 [/tex]

[tex] V_{2}= 0.0025 * 263 [/tex]

Final volume, V2 = 0.6575 ≈ 0.66 Litres

The only Purple Animal is the South African____?​




Mark Brainliest


hopr helps uh

..yhnk my ansr

g Jack fell down and broke his crown. He broke the most anterior bone connected to the coronal suture. What LETTER is this, and what is the NAME of this bone


Coronal suture. This extends from ear to ear. Each frontal bone plate meets with a parietal bone plate at the coronal suture.
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