Which of the following statements regarding the visible spectrum of light is
It represents only a very small fraction of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
O It can be detected only through the use of thermal imaging equipment.
The wavelength of visible light falls between gamma rays and X-rays along the
It has the longest wavelength of all types of waves along the electromagnetic


Answer 1


It represents only a very small fraction of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.


The visible spectrum of light makes up only a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The wavelength of visible light is longer than ultraviolet waves but shorter than infrared waves.

Related Questions

A motorcycle starts from rest and gains a velocity of 40m/s in 8 seconds. Find (i) acceleration and (ii) distance travelled by the motorcycle.​



• Initial velocity (u) = 0 m/s

• Final velocity (v) = 40 m/s

• time (t) = 8s

Acceleration :

[tex]\implies \sf a = \dfrac{\Delta v}{ t} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf a = \dfrac{v - u}{ t} [/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf a = \dfrac{40 - 0}{ 8} [/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf a = \dfrac{40}{ 8} [/tex]

[tex]\implies \bf a = 5 \: {ms}^{ - 2} [/tex]

• Distance travelled by the motorcycle:

[tex] \longrightarrow \sf {v}^{2} - {u}^{2} = 2as \\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \sf {(40)}^{2} - {(0)}^{2} = 2 \times5 \times s \\ [/tex]

[tex] \longrightarrow \sf 1600 = 10s[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \sf s = \dfrac{1600}{10} [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \bf s = 160 \: m[/tex]

Summary of set.........



Set for what? did U finish the question?

Examples of a/an _______ observation are 37 m, 9.37 s, and 100 mph.


These are exaxmples of a quantitative observation.

Measuring is the expression of an observed quantity in a number with a relevant unit that can be compared with other values of the same quantity.

It is not limited to physical quantities, but extends to a quantitative description of the whole of reality. Measurements are usually quantitative observations, and their results are expressed in

numerical values, and units  

Learn more about quantitative observations in https://brainly.com/question/12042148.

Suppose that people living near a particular​ high-voltage power line have a higher incidence of cancer than people living farther from the power line. Can you conclude that the​ high-voltage power line is the cause of the elevated cancer​ rate? If​ not, what other explanations might there be for​ it? What other types of research would you like to see before you conclude that​ high-voltage power lines cause​ cancer?


Complete Question

Complete Question is attached below


a)Option B

b)Option B



Without any confirmation it will be utterly wrong to conclude that high power voltage is the reason for the elevated cancer cases


Option B


The High Concentration of cells volume in a part of the Body is what causes Cancer


Option B

A glass rod acquires charge by rubbing silk cloth. The charge on the glass is due to:
(a) Friction
(b) Conduction
(c) Induction
(d) Radiation





It is due to friction as you are rubbing the glass rod with silk cloth  

as friction occurs when 2 surfaces are rubbed against each other

Therefore it is charging by friction

Write down the role played by four digestive juices in digestion and the
organs which secrete them.



Explanation:Digestive juices secreted by various organs such as salivary glands in the mouth, stomach, liver and pancreas help in the process of digestion of food. Saliva secreted by the salivary glands in the mouth aids in the breakdown of starch present in the food to simple sugar

If the N pole of a magnet is brought near to an unmagnetized iron, nail, then the nail becomes​



The nail also magnatized .

A and B are 0.200m apart in an electric field. If 800J of work are reuqired to move a 2.00 Columb charge from A to B, what is the electric field stregth?





hello dost timi kasto cha

please help urgent have you ever seen the old “Pull the tablecloth out from under the dishes” trick? Use Newton’s 1st Law to explain the following:
a. In this trick, are the dishes “objects in motion,” or “objects at rest?”
b. If the dishes end up staying on the table, was an UNBALANCED FORCE applied to them? How do you know?



I kinda dont remember the 1st law so search it up on

and it should tell u , but if u need any help from the

Which law states that absolute zero cannot be reached?


Assuming you mean temperature

Answer: The third law of thermodynamics

if you rub a ballon with wool or duster it can charge it negatively where do these extre charge come from?​



The electrons come from the free electrons in wool which contains moisture or other forms of additives that creates impurity centers which causes the wool to be electrically conductive


Wool which is mixed with certain substances, conducts electricity in a manner similar to the wool-water system that give rise to centers of impurities where electrical conduction takes place

The ability to conduct electricity is related to the presence of free electrons on a material. Therefore, when a balloon, which is an insulator, is rubbed with wool, some of the mobile electrons on wool, which is also an insulator without the presence of substances that aid its electrical conductivity, are transferred to the balloon, thereby making the balloon to be negatively charged

A 45.0 kg student runs at a constant velocity up the incline 6 metres high. If the power output of the student is 1.50 x 103 W, how long does it take the student to run the 9.0 m along the incline?



The time taken is 1.76 s.


mass of student, m = 45 kg

height, h = 6 m

power, P = 1500 W

Power is defined as the rate of doing work.

Work done in moving height is

W = m g h

Let the time is t.

P = m g h / t

1500 = 45 x 9.8 x 6 / t

t = 1.76 s

please help me with this I really need help​



Ask with your Science teacher


i do not know the ans

What the suns mass in scientific notation????



In scientific notation the Sun's mass is: =1.989 x 10 ^30 kg


I think in scientific notation the Sun's mass becomes: M Sun = 1.989 x 10 30 kg. The number above the ten, called the power of ten or exponent, stands for the number of decimal places. If it is positive, as in the mass of the Sun, the decimal places are in front of the decimal point.

I hope this help you!:)

what is the Ramsar convention?


The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands.

Can ya pls answer dis rq!





Recommended protein sources

1. Lean meat such as chicken or fish

Advantages : they are high quality sources of protein, and contain all 8 essential amino acids, which is why they are considered a complete protein

2. Animal products like eggs and greek yogurt

Advantages : these foods also contain all 8 essential amino acids, making them a complete protein

3. Pulses like beans and lentils

Advantages : tends to be lower in calories and fat than animal-based protein sources, as well as being higher in fiber and essential nutrients

Hope this helps!

Can I answer my own question



Well okay do it what's your question ?




help me please i will mark as brainliest



you would be paying $1845.26

pls,help ASAP .the question is in attachment​




A rat is placed in an environment where the floor gives the rat small electric shocks. The only way to get rid of the shocks is to press a lever in the corner of the box. The rat quickly learns to press the lever. This is an example of


Pressing a lever in the box's corner is the sole method to get rid of the shocks. The rat picks up pressing the lever quite quickly. This is an illustration of negative reinforcement.

What is negative reinforcement?

The technique of negative reinforcement can be applied to aid in teaching particular actions.

When something unpleasant or uncomfortable is taken away in response to a stimulus, this is known as negative reinforcement.

Target behavior should gradually grow better with the hope that the unpleasant item will go away.

A rat is placed in an environment where the floor gives the rat small electric shocks. The only way to get rid of the shocks is to press a lever in the corner of the box.

The rat quickly learns to press the lever. This is an example of  negative reinforcement

Hence the given condition is an example of negative reinforcement.

To learn more about negative reinforcement refer;



how do u calculate the kinetic energy of a ball of mass 0.25kg being kicked vertically upwards with a speed of 5m/s​





K.E.= 1/2(mass)(velocity)^2


A ball of mass 1.0 kg is rolling due west at 30 m/s. A second ball of mass 2.0 kg moving due north at 6.0 m/s collides with the first ball and they stick together. What is the magnitude of the momentum of the two-ball system immediately after collision



the magnitude of the momentum of the two-ball system immediately after collision is 32.31 kg.m/s



mass of the first ball, m₁ = 1.0 kg

mass of the second ball, m₂ = 2.0 kg

initial velocity of the first ball, v₁ = 30 m/s due west

initial velocity of the second ball, v₂ = 6 m/s due north

From the principle of conservation of linear momentum;

the total momentum before collision = total momentum after collision

The westward momentum of the first ball, = m₁v₁ = 1 x 30 = 30 kg.m/s

The northward momentum of the second ball = m₂v₂ = 2 x 6 = 12 kg.m/s

The resultant momentum of the two balls;

R² = 30² + 12²

R² = 1044

R = √1044

R = 32.31 kg.m/s

Therefore, the magnitude of the momentum of the two-ball system immediately after collision is 32.31 kg.m/s

Which of the following best describes reverberation?
A.The wave fronts become mixed and broken up due to contact with a rough or
irregular surface.
B. A change in the sound wave velocity causes the wave to bend in a different
C. A fraction of the sound waves are absorbed by an object and converted to heat
D. A single sound undergoes several reflections due to multiple reflecting surfaces.


Reverberation, in psychoacoustics and acoustics, is a persistence of sound after the sound is produced


I think it is right hope its helps


D. A single sound undergoes several reflections due to multiple reflecting surfaces.


Sometimes, the source of a sound is surrounded by multiple reflecting surfaces. The waves traveling from the source strike these different surfaces, causing multiple reflections. For example, a single clap of thunder reflects on several clouds and the earth's surface, causing you to hear a rolling rumble instead of a single sound.

give one example where friction is a hindrance. ​



an example of when friction is a hindrance, is if someone with shorts is sliding down a slide. their skin rubbing on the slide will cause friction and will slow them down. another example is if you're dragging a large wooden box across the floor. the wood and the floor interacting cause friction and will make it more difficult to push the box.


hope this helps :D

How is the potential difference same in capacitors arranged in parallel combination?​



Potential difference across capacitors in parallel

Two or more capacitors are said to be connected in parallel if each one of them is connected across the same two points. In a parallel combination of capacitors potential difference across each capacitor is same but each capacitor will store different charge.

is noise energy a kind of energy or not


yes. sound waves are produced by energy.

In----- theory, the actual wishes that are threatening to the dreamers conscious awareness are disguised



Unconscious wish fulfillment


Unconscious wish fulfillment

(In the unconscious wish fulfillment theory, the actual wishes of the dreamer that are threatening to the dreamer's conscious awareness are disguised.)

Trong thí nghiệm về sự khúc xạ ánh sáng, một học sinh ghi lại trên tấm bìa ba đường truyền của ánh sáng như hình bên nhưng quên không ghi chiều truyền.

Tia khúc xạ là



I R 2


Hideki had normal vision for most of his life, but now that he is in his 60s, he has started to have difficulty focusing on near objects. He went to an optometrist, who explained that his vision problem was the result of the lenses in his eyes losing elasticity due to aging. Which condition does Hideki have



He is suffering from hypermetropia.


There are some defects of vision.

Longsightedness of hypermetropia : It is the defect of vision in which the person is not able to see the nearby objects clearly but can see the far off objects clearly. This is due to the elongation of size of eye ball. It is cured by using convex lens of suitable focal length.

Nearsightedness or Myopia : It is the defect of vision in which a person is not able to see the far off objects clearly but can see the nearby objects clearly. It is due to the contraction in the size of eye ball. It is cured by using concave lens of suitable focal length.

So, Hideki is suffering from hypermetropia. So, he should use the convex lens of suitable focal length.  

A variable is a letter that stands in for a number and unit... True or False?


True it represent two or more numbers
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