Which of the following was NOT an effect of
the end of the Ice age?
A. An Increase in plants
B. An Increase in animals
C. The development of farming
D. The proliferation of nomadic cultures


Answer 1


D. The proliferation of nomadic cultures


The proliferation or increase in nomadic cultures could have happened without the ending of the Ice age. Cultures spread and can be made under any conditions. The increase and plants and animals however was due to the ending of ice age, warm temperatures make it easier for plants and animals to survive. The development of farming was also due to the ending of this age since warm temperature makes makes for better soil and better soil means farming overall will develop.

Related Questions

Please answer ASAP I would like to check my answer with someone. Thank you

How did Japanese authoritarian government
compare to Fascism in Germany and Russia?
A. Japan lacked a charismatic leaders
B. Japan resocialized dissenters, rather than killing them
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above



asap baby lesss bto


i will asnwer like next month

Which Canadian political party would support lower taxes for businesses, deregulation, less "red tape", and lower immigration?



The Conservative Party


Canada's Conservative Party is a party focused on the concepts of the political right. This party advocates lowering taxes, especially for companies and institutions, as it believes this would strengthen Canada's economy. The party also aims to promote a smaller government, preventing the federal government from transferring too much political power to the provinces. Other proposals of this party are: The reduction of immigration, national budget balance, deregulation mainly related to commerce, but a greater rigidity in the fulfillment of some laws related to the national order.

9. Windows Movie Maker is a ... software created by Microsoft. * a.Subscription base b. Free c.chargable d. Renewable​



b. Free


A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of data that is used typically to instruct a computer how to perform a specific task and to solve a particular problem.

Basically, softwares are categorized into two (2) main categories based on their shareability and availability, these are;

I. Shareware.

II. Open-source software.

III. Closed-source (subscription-based) software.

IV. Freeware.

A freeware software refers to a type of software application (program) that can be downloaded over the internet and used at no extra cost i.e without an end user having to pay an amount of money as fees.

Windows Movie Maker is a free video editing software that was designed (created) and developed by Microsoft Inc. This free software was developed to avail it end users the opportunity to effectively, easily and quickly create movie using picture and video files.

The reason that Germany attacked Belgium
and France before Russia was
A. they believed Russia would be slow to mobilize due to its size
B. France was an easier target
C. France was a greater threat to them


The answer is b, France was an easier target.

Catalina Island is 8 miles wide and 21 miles long. If one inch of rain falls on Catalina Island, how many cubic feet of rain fell on Catalina Island. (Hint: convert all units to feet first).




2. True or False? While climate appears to significantly influence the
atmosphere, the effects of climate change are easy to see over large areas of
the Earth, and on plant/animal species.





Its and is true. So I hope it will help you

The answer would be true

Widgets are known to have inelastic demand when their price increases from $2 to $4. What must be true of the change in quantity demanded over this price range?

A) It increased by exactly 100 percent.
B) It decreased by exactly 100 percent.
C) It decreased by less than 100 percent.
D) It increased by more than 100 percent.
E) It decreased by an indeterminate amount.



The correct answer is E. It decreased by an indeterminate amount.


Economics is not an absolute science like physics or chemistry, because due to the human factor there are phenomena that cannot be expressed in specific units. Demand is characterized by a decreasing step function, in which the demand is constant over the whole area of ​​the demand function determination. Inelastic are goods that, if abandoned, would significantly impair an individual's well-being, such as certain medicines, fuel, electricity, and so on, so there is no relation between the demand and the price.

Eid Mubarak!!
Since it's Eid Al-Adha today, explain why Muslims sacrifice goats, sheeps, camels, or cows?
Do not use go.ogle or else you will be reported InshAllah.
May Allah guide us all, ameen.



In order to reflect Prophet Ibrahim's aka Abraham willingness to sacrifice his son, Ismail


Every year during the festival of Eid al-Adha, Muslims around the world sacrifice an animal the animal can be aa goat, sheep, cow or camel to reflect Prophet Ibrahim's or Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, Ismail (Ishmael) after Allah who is also referred as God instructed him to in a dream.


To thank God for his blessings and including the blessing of life.

And to revival sunnah the prophet of God Abraham when God commanded him to slaughter his son, and their response to God’s command, so God ransomed him with a sheep, and that was on the Day of alduhaa, so the Muslim remembers their patience and their submission to God’s obedience

Expanding the Muslim over himself and his family, honoring his neighbors and his guests, and giving alms to the poor, and this is a kind of showing the joy that Islam commanded on the day of Eid and speaking of a blessing



Please only respond if you know the answer. Thank you





Not sure about this answer just tried :)

I believe the answer is option A.

A job shadow is:

A. a part-time job.

B. a work-study position.

C. an unpaid career experience.

D. community service.

On A-P-E-X
I give Brainliest for the correct answer




Option C is the correct answer

superstar such as Angelina Jolie, who reportedly is paid $15 million or more per movie overpaid?


it should go to me


I want donuts

sorry this isn't and actual answer

I don’t understand this question. Could you be more clear, please?

Which of the following is NOT part of the definition of ‘Planet’?


If it doesn’t contain any of the following definition then it’s wrong

A planet is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.

Among the options, Rocky mass is not a part of the definition of a planet. Thus option E is the appropriate answer.

What is a planet?

Planets are a celestial body , part of the solar system, they differ from stars. There are 9 planets present in the solar system.

The definition of a planet includes that it orbits a star, which is a celestial body that has a clear orbit of other objects. Rocky mass refers to a sizable and hazy mass of solid earth materials not included in planets.

Therefore, option E rocky mass is the appropriate answer.

Learn more about Planet, here:



Why isn’t a definition of piety as that which is loved by all the gods compatible with the claim that pious things are loved by the gods because they are pious?



Explanation to the given question is as follows;


To be religious is to have all the deities love you. But anything that is religious isn't such even though it is liked by the deities; rather, it is beloved by the gods because it is pious, according to Plato's reasoning. God-belovedness is a result of being beloved by the deities, but it is not a result of being adored by the deities.

Explain the difference between macro-sociology and micro-sociology. Identify one macro-level theory and one micro-level theory. Explain how each theory views society.



Micro-level sociology looks at small-scale interactions between individuals, such as conversation or group dynamics


Macro-level looks at a large scale changes in social stability like social stability and change. Micro-level looks at small scale interaction taking place between the individuals and groups. Macro economic theory is a large-scale group of people and shows specific relationships. While micro is just opposite to macro theory.

⚠️please answer ASAP, I would like to check my answer with someone, thank you!

From 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E, trade networks
increased the level of ____
in many
societies, which had an adverse effect on
A. religion
B. affluence
C. government
D. education


A. Religion
This is because of the spread of religion along these trade routes. This affected women for the fact of how other cultures and religions treated women differently usually in the form of treating her of lower status


economy is the correct answer

What happens to prey populations when predators eat some individuals


They grow more slowly, reproduce less, and populations decline. ... As predator populations increase, they put greater strain on the prey populations and act as a top-down control, pushing them toward a state of decline. Thus both availability of resources and predation pressure affect the size of prey populations.

(B) How could U.S. workers possibly compete with foreign workers who are making wages that are only one-fifth of the wages of U.S. workers?


The correct answer to this open question is this.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The way U.S. workers could possibly compete with foreign workers who are making wages that are only one-fifth of the wages of U.S. workers is the following.

US workers have to demonstrate their value, supported by their experience and academic preparation.

It is clear that immigrant workers are going to accept low-paid jobs or less amount of money for the work they do. That has made some US companies prefer hiring immigrants. But let's accept it, there are many jobs that many Americans are not willing to do. We are basically talking about works in the factories, in some industries, in construction, or in housekeeping jobs.

In the corporate world, white Americans still dominate the management and directive roles. There are just a few immigrants that are at the top of the hierarchy, however, the next generation of immigrants are pushing hard(sons and daughters of immigrants).

And competence is good. So American people and youngsters in general, have to be conscious of this situation and try harder. In the end, up until today, American companies still prefer US citizens to manage companies and favor them when deciding who is going to escalate in the corporate ladder.

What does the Fifth Amendment say about trying someone twice for the same crime?

It prevents a person from being tried twice for the same crime if the person is found guilty.
It allows a grand jury to decide if a person found guilty can be tried twice for the same crime.
It allows a judge to decide if a person found not guilty can be tried twice for the same crime.
It prevents a person from being tried twice for the same crime if the person is found not guilty.


D. It prevents a person from being tried twice for the same crime if the person is found not guilty.

The Double Jeopardy Clause in the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits anyone from being prosecuted twice for substantially the same crime. The Fifth Amendment also protects individuals against double jeopardy, a process that subjects a suspect to prosecution twice for the same criminal act. No one who has been acquitted (found not guilty) of a crime can be prosecuted again for that crime.




i think

pick the two right awnsers

What two positions does Article II of the Constitution establish?
A.vice president
C.Speaker of the House of Representatives
D.chief justice of the Supreme Court


A & B;

Article II of the U.S. Constitution lays out the framework for the executive branch.

Option C would be found in Article I, dealing with Congress. Option D would be found in Article III, dealing with federal courts. Let me know if you have further questions.

What is one reason that John Adams and Benjamin Franklin believed the Articles of Confederation should be revised?

to establish the Constitutional Congress and its delegation
to require state cooperation in national declarations of war
to avoid an economic recession after the Revolutionary War
to allow the federal government to regulate international trade




to allow the federal government to regulate international trade


What is one reason that John Adams and Benjamin Franklin believed the Articles of Confederation should be revised?

=⟩D. to allow the federal government to regulate international trade

Hope it is helpful to you

To allow the federal government to regulate international trade is one reason that John Adams and Benjamin Franklin believed the Articles of Confederation should be revised.

What is international trade?

International trade is the exchange of the goods and services from the different country, mainly the goods that are not produced in the home country is imported from the other countries. It also gives the opportunity to the country to export the goods.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more details about International trade, click here:



In Mesopotamian civilization, people often
believed that the gods were angry with
them because
A Corrupt priests manipulated them in order to make them
easier to control
B. It was part of their storytelling tradition
C. Life was unpredictable and difficult, and they assumed their
difficulties were a punishment
பாபா 2007



C.) Life was unpredictable and difficult, and they assumed their difficulties were a punishment


The Mesopotamians believed in many gods who control different aspects of life; examples include Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, and Enki, the god of freshwaters. With the gods having power over specific aspects of their lives, they believed that keeping them happy was essential to the prosperity of their civilizations. For example, if a civilization does not have a sufficient yield in crops, they will believe they upsetted Tammuz, the god of agriculture. This is why the Mesopotamians built massive temples called ziggurats to worship and keep the gods happy and prevent tragedies from occurring.

What is NOT true about human impact trends of water use? 6.2
a. Dams have actually decreased the amount of freshwater available in reservoirs.
b. More than half of available freshwater is used in agriculture, industry and cities.
c. Dams have actually increased the amount of freshwater available in reservoirs.
d. Human use of rivers and watersheds is drastically changing seasonal runoff patterns.



Not 100% sure but I imagine it would have to be Choice A. Reasoning below


It is between choice A or C since they contradict each other.Dams are used to create sources of electricity by backing water up and creating a pool of potential energy.This backing up water creates a reservoir upstream, thus increasing the available freshwater in the reservoir.

The first piece of legislation passed to allow the federal government to purchase land so long as it was intended to protect and preserve rivers and watershed was. A) the mining act of 1875 b) the forestry act c) the weeks act




i hope this helps you


Which two levels of government make up a federal system?
A.state government
B.unitary government
C.parliamentary government
D.national government





State government is the correct answer

A & D;

A federal system is comprised of a larger government with less power, and smaller, administrative regions. In the case of the United States, they would be called « states ».

(A) superstar such as Angelina Jolie, who reportedly is paid $15 million or more per movie overpaid?



More per movie overpaid

Which situation best illustrates the barter system of exchange?
A. Trading a sheep for a cow
B. Selling a car to a friend
C. Building your own house to live in
D. Buying a lemon at a supermarket



trading a sheep for a cow

The barter system was the oldest form of the commerce system. The trading of the sheep or cow best illustrates the bartering. Thus, option A is accurate.

What is the barter system?

A barter system was an early approach to business, trade, and commerce that involved the exchange of services, products, and goods between two groups instead of using currency.

In early times the parties exchanged goods among them without involving money. For example, trading livestock like sheep or cows in exchange for food like wheat.

Therefore, option A. trading of cow and sheep is an example of a barter system.

Learn more about the barter system here:



This image shows an aquifer with an artesian well. An artesian well is a well that does not need a pump because aquifer lies and angle, and pressure from water line above the world in the aquifer produces a constant supply of water. Based on this diagram, which of the following is true?



what is the diagram?


tell me

Artesian wells can provide constant water flow as they do not require a pump but water flows outward under natural pressure

What is an aquifer?

An aquifer is an underground layer of permeable and porous rock which is saturated with water.

The ground water in aquifers can resurface in the form of springs and wells.

An artesian well is a well from which water flow naturally on its own under natural pressure.

The inclined angle of the artesian well as well as the underlying impervious rock layers ensures constant outward flow of water.

Therefore, artesian wells do not require a pump but water flows outward under natural pressure.

Learn more about artesian wells at: https://brainly.com/question/11495591


Population growth has dropped below the replacement-level fertility rate in many countries. Does this mean earth no longer has a problem with population numbers?


Answer: It does not


Even though population growth has dropped below the replacement-level fertility rate in a lot of countries, it doesn't change the fact that children are still being born.

Every child that is born has the potential to increase the population by more than 1 when they become parents so human population will still grow.

Add that to the high population growth rate of less developed countries and it is still evident that earth has a population problem.

True or False? Modern climate modeling on a global scale is dependent on accurate data and sophisticated algorithms designed to capture the complexity of weather and climate variables.

Group of answer choices







Global climate modeling involves the use of data in delineating the interaction between various weather variables and the building predictive weather and climate models. The performance of weather and climate models is such a complicated one given the level of unpredictability usually attached with weather and climatic condition and the vast amount of data that has to be incorporated into model building. The accuracy of data is often of huge importance in an attempt to develop a functional model as it will be responsible for model training which in conjuction with a flexible and efficient algorithm (rules) are key to capturing complex relationships and hence developing an efficient model.

Một nông dân đang muốn trồng loài hoa vào khu vườn của mình. Ông sẽ trồng từng loài hoa vào các ngày liên tiếp nhau. Thời gian loài hoa thứ sẽ nở là ngày sau khi trồng. Nhiệm vụ của bạn là giúp ông nông dân tìm ra cách trồng để tất cả loài hoa đều nởhoa sớm nhất.


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