Which of these should be creative to help scientist make reliable conclusions


Answer 1
You gotta add an Image bro

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Which statement is FALSE?Question 39 options: Water can hold an unlimited amount of oxygen. Water can hold less oxygen than air can. Underwater organisms need oxygen. A small decrease in dissolved oxygen can have an effect on aquatic life. Underwater organisms use oxygen in cellular respiration.


Answer: Water can hold an unlimited amount of oxygen.


Water cannot hold an unlimited amount of oxygen because it would get to a point where it is saturated as it needs to hold Hydrogen as well. Air on the other hand, has significantly more space for oxygen as it contains only 21% and can keep taking more.

Underwater organisms need oxygen for respiration and a small decrease in the oxygen available in water affects aquatic life because they rely on it to survive.

calculate the distance covered by a school bus in 2 minutes moving with a velocity of 30m/s

explain also..​



We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf Distance=Speed\times Time}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Distance=30\times 120[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Distance=3600m=3.6km[/tex]

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I hope it's helps you

What type of medication is prescribed for a bacterial infection such as strep throat?


I believe its Antibiotics

lol anyone?

the weather calls for icy roads to the city scatter salt in the road. explain how this may affect plants that are next to the road?​



A common way to clear icy roads is to apply a layer of salt, which lowers the freezing temperature of water and melts the ice.

Select the correct answer.
Why might two elements possess similar chemical properties?
OA. They belong to the same group of the periodic table.
OB. They have the same physical state.
OC. They have similar physical properties.
OD. They belong to the same period of the periodic table.
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A. They belong to the same group


Elements in the same group have same properties, because they have the same number of valence electrons.

On Galapagos islands with
sparse vegetation, how were
the tortoises adapted to this
A. They ate primarily soil.
B. They had shells that did not allow their
necks to move much at all.
C. They swam in the ocean to find food.
D. They had shells that allowed their
necks to extend.


the answer would have to be D

What is the function of the enzyme RNA polymerase during transcription?
helps slow down the process of transcription
helps speed up the process of transcription
aids in destroying the mRNA sequence that was read
aids in packaging amino acids for use at a later time



The correct answer is - helps speed up the process of transcription.


RNA polymerase binds to the DNA sequence and copy a single DNA sequence into RNA and helps a single gene to produce hundreds or even thousands of RNA molecules during transcription.

It helps in the speed up the transcription by copying the sequence and producing mRNA for translation process later.


I hope this helps.


define environmental science​



Environmental science is the study of living organisms and how they interact with our environment. It covers a broad range of disciplines including engineering, information studies and research of environmental issues.

Hope this helps <3 Comment if you want more thanks and be sure to give brainliest (4 left) <3


It is interdisciplinary academic that draws on ecology, geology, meteorology, biology, chemistry, engineering and physics to study environmental problems and human impacts on the environment

The DNA sequence ATC AGC GCT GGC CCG is part of a gene.

How many proteins are coded for by this message?



There are 5 proteins coded for by this message.


For every 3 bases, a protein is coded.

Why is it essential for SARS-CoV2 RNA be translated on ribosomes before it can be replicated?


The SARS-CoV-2 non-structural protein 1 (Nsp1), also referred to as the host shutoff factor, suppresses host innate immune functions. By combining cryo-electron microscopy and biochemistry, we show that SARS-CoV-2 Nsp1 binds to the human 40S subunit in ribosomal complexes, including the 43S pre-initiation complex and the non-translating 80S ribosome. The protein inserts its C-terminal domain into the mRNA channel, where it interferes with mRNA binding. We observe translation inhibition in the presence of Nsp1 in an in vitro translation system and in human cells.

Please help me my assignment is due in 30 minutes



The answer is plane


This should be in mathematics not bio

Why is The sun is the ultimate source of energy
for all living organisms.'


The answer is: The sun is called the ultimate source of energy because it is the source of almost all energies of the earth. Plants convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy (food) by the process of photosynthesis. Animals eat plants and use that same chemical energy for all their activities.


"Sun is the ultimate energy source for all living organisms."

✴This is because plants need sunlight to make food through photosynthesis. This food is consumed by the animals and human-beings. Carnivores indirectly depend on plants for their food. So, if Sun is not there there will be no life on earth.

✴Secondly, sunlight is a good source of Vitamin-D.

Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, because it helps the body use calcium from the diet. Traditionally, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with rickets, a disease in which the bone tissue doesn't properly mineralize, leading to soft bones and skeletal deformities. So if sunlight is not there it can result in loss of Vitamin-D which can cause deficiency diseases.

✴If sunlight is not there there will be no day on Earth. Light will not reach our Earth. Every time there will be only darkness.

Answer From Gauth Math

Superficial similarities in structures that have the same function can seem like they are evidence of a common ancestor, but they are not. An example of this is the convergent evolution of wings in insects as well as in birds. What are these types of structures called



Distinguishing between Similar Traits

Similar traits can be either homologous structures that share an embryonic origin or analogous structures that share a function.


Explain the difference between homologous and analogous structures

KEY TAKEAWAYSKey PointsOrganisms may be very closely related, even though they look quite different, due to a minor genetic change that caused a major morphological difference.Unrelated organisms may appear very similar because both organisms developed common adaptations that evolved within similar environmental conditions.To determine the phylogeny of an organism, scientists must determine whether a similarity is homologous or analogous.The advancement of DNA technology, the area of molecular systematics, describes the use of information on the molecular level, including DNA analysis.Key Termsanalogous: when similar similar physical features occur in organisms because of environmental constraints and not due to a close evolutionary relationshiphomologous: when similar physical features and genomes stem from developmental similarities that are based on evolutionphylogeny: the evolutionary history of an organismmolecular systematics: molecular phylogenetics is the analysis of hereditary molecular differences, mainly in DNA sequences, to gain information on an organism’s evolutionary relationships

nucleus is present in the animal cell





The nucleus is present in both animal and plant cells.

A mitosis inhibitor is a medication that is designed to prevent mitosis in certain cells. Why would these be helpful in the treatment of tumors



because cancer cells are able to grow and eventually spread through the body (metastasize) through continuous mitotic division. Thus, cancer cells are more sensitive to inhibition of mitosis than normal cells.


Use the image on the right to match the following phrases to the correct level of organizational hierarchy.



There is no image Could you please put the image


Thank You

Why would AZT be a poor candidate to inhibit SARS-CoV2?



Due to its less effectiveness.


Azithromycin would be a poor candidate to inhibit SARS-CoV2 due to its less effectiveness. Azithromycin has no effect on the virus because this antibiotic can only attack on the structure of bacteria. Azithromycin is an antibiotic which is used for the treatment of a number of bacterial infections not viruses. They are not designed to destroy the structure of virus but for the bacteria.

What is phagocytosis?
A) how Trichoplax adhaerens processes stimuli
B) how Trichoplax adhaerens reproduces sexually
C)how Trichoplax adhaerens moves using its cilia
B)how Trichoplax adhaerens eats by engulfing its food



D - How trichoplax adhaerens eats by engulfing it's food

Phagocytosis is a process in which Trichoplax adhaerens eats by engulfing its food, which is in Option D. It is a process by which the cells engulf the food that is coming from the outside of the cell.

What is phagocytosis?

The cell has many organelles, such as the lysosome, vacuole, cell nucleus, etc., but each organelle has a special function, and one organelle cannot take over the function of another organelle. The lysosomes have a very unique and acidic environment that destroys the organelles, such as old organelles, and kills viruses, etc.

When outside food particles or pathogens enter the cell, they enter as a vacuole, and the cell transports them from the outside to the inside through a variety of processes. The cell then eats them, a process known as phagocytosis, and if it is a virus, the lysosome degrades it.

Hence, Phagocytosis is a process in which Trichoplax adhaerens eats by engulfing its food, which is in Option D.

Learn more about phagocytosis here.



mapa mental sobre El origen de las especies


El origen de las especies, cuya primera edición apareció en 1859, es el libro más conocido de El biólogo británico Charles Darwin. En el libro, Darwin expone su teoría de la evolución:

Afirma que toda la vida en la Tierra tiene un ancestro común. Que la selección natural es el mecanismo principal para la evolución de las especies.

El libro está considerado como una de las obras científicas más importantes de la historia. Causó revuelo en el momento de su publicación porque atribuyó la riqueza de la forma de vida en la Tierra a un proceso mecánico más que a una inteligencia sobrenatural. Es cierto que otros habían sugerido previamente que podría haber cosas como la evolución o la selección natural, pero "El origen de las especies" es el primer trabajo que extrae la mayor consecuencia de estos conceptos.

Aprende más acerca de este tema en https://brainly.com/question/16994577.

what is PM 2.5 and how does it affect people?​


Particles in the PM 2.5 size range are able to travel deeply into the respiratory tract
Fine particles (PM2.5) pose the greatest health risk. These fine particles can get deep into lungs and some may even get into the bloodstream. Exposure to these particles can affect a person's lungs and heart.

Tiny structures that carry out cell functions are collectively called:






The tiny structures that carry out various functions in a cell are collectively called organelles.

Organelles are microscopic in nature. Just like we have various organ parts in the human body that performs several body functions, so also do we have various organelles in a cell that carry out specific functions within a cell.

Organelles which can be referred to as "little organs" include the following: mitochondrion, nucleus, lysosomes, ribosomes, chloroplasts and so on.

Thus, all these tiny structures listed above which carry out cell functions are collectively called organelles.

Learn more about organelles here:


easy biology question below first correct answer gets brainliest



Vestigial in that sense that the organ seemingly has no functions or useless now but they might have functions previously which are lost someway due to evolution. ... The human appendix may be considered as a vestigial organ as it has been proved that the removal of the organ after infancy does not create any harm


Where do organisms acquire the oxygen
necessary to carry out cellular
A. It is removed from water.
B. It is from the atmosphere.
C. It is removed from food.



oxygen is obtained from the atmosphere

In terms of pedogenic regimes, the process that results in an accumulation of humus overlaying a thick, water saturated layer of clay in cold, wet climates with poor drainage conditions is



https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1936-704X.2015.03186.x the ans is more than 5000 lines so I cont lell it so it is the link of the ans

what is symbiosis _____



Symbiosis, any of several living arrangements between members of two different species, including mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. ... Any association between two species populations that live together is symbiotic, whether the species benefit, harm, or have no effect on one another.


Please Mark me brainliest


Mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic symbiosis is any form of an intimate and long-term biological connection between two separate biological species. Each symbiont, or group of organisms, must be of a distinct species.


Explain briefly four
why, peasant
farmers find it diffcult to get
farm credit



The peasant farmers operate mainly in the rural environment of the country. They operate on very small holdings using mostly traditional method because, their income is relatively low and the capacity to save is poor. Therefore needs for credit in order to meet the small farmers output and input

The evolutionary history and development of whales has been hotly debated. Recently there has been a major shift in our understanding of the processes used to detail whale evolution. This indicates that: Group of answer choices A) Aspects of evolution are constantly being challenged and explored in light of new evidence. B) Gaps in the fossil records will never allow us to fully understand evolution. C) Scientists studying evolution typically present ideas with very little evidence, leaving it to others to find proof of their ideas. D) Much of the science of evolution is based on speculation that can easily be changed when scientists think of new ideas.



Aspects of evolution are constantly being challenged and explored in light of new evidence


The whole idea of evolution has to do with the fact that organisms developed into their present form from simpler life forms. According to Oxford dictionary, evolution is; ''the process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.''

Evolution depends on evidence from fossil records. Evidences that support the theory of evolution continue to be amassed as science advances. Hence, aspects of evolution are constantly being challenged and explored in light of new evidence.

For this reason, the evolutionary history and development of whales is being hotly debated and there has recently been a major shift in our understanding of the processes used to detail whale evolution.

An organism that produces its food by photosynthesis _____.

must be placed in the Plantae kingdom
must be placed in the Animalia kingdom
may be placed in the Animalia kingdom
may be placed in the Plantae kingdom


must be placed in the Plantae kingdom

The study of structure or how organisms are organized on the cellular, tissue, organ, system, or organism levels is called what




Because Anatomy is the study of internal body organs

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