Which of these was a political goal for farmers?
• A. Lower prices for cotton

B. Lower prices for gold
• C. Fair prices for shipping
• D. Fair wages for day laborers


Answer 1


I think it's C) Fair prices for shipping !



Answer 2

Fair prices for shipping were a political goal for farmers. The correct option is C.

What was the action of farmers alliances?

Many Farmers' Alliance chapters established cooperative mills and storehouses to aid in lowering the costs for farmers to bring goods to market, as well as cooperative stores that offered goods at lower prices than retail establishments.

Farmers need these facilities in order to protect their grain harvests from pests, insects, and microorganism damage. Therefore, a lower price for grain storage facilities is the political objective of farmers. In 1875, an organized agrarian economic movement known as the Farmers Alliance was born among American farmers. Putting an end to the negative effects the crop-lien system had on farmers in the years after the American Civil War was one of the organization's objectives.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about Farmers here:



Related Questions

Hlo gd evening all

what is non-public proprietary​


Confidential and Proprietary Information means any non-public information of any kind or nature in the possession of SemGroup or any of its Affiliates, including without limitation, ideas, processes, methods, systems, procedures, designs, innovations, devices, inventions, discoveries, know-how, data, techniques, models ...

Hope this helps :))


hlo ,The muscles which move without our volition are called involuntary muscles. For example, the cardiac muscle in the heart and the smooth muscles are involuntary muscle.


good evening

What explains Louis Armstrong's significance to jazz during the Harlem Renaissance? He was the first recorded jazz artist and considered the best jazz composer. He was a leading saxophonist and toured all over the world with his big band. He released more albums than any other jazz artist, both solo and with his big band. He was the first great jazz soloist and made movie, radio, and television appearances.


The correct answer is "He was the first jazz soloist and made movie, radio, and television appearances."

What explains Louis Armstrong's significance to jazz during the Harlem Renaissance?


He was the first great jazz soloist and made movie, radio, and television appearances.

Indeed, he was one of the premier African American musicians and figures of that time.

During the 1920s, there was an African American literary movement that became known as the Harlem Renaissance.

We are talking about an important moment for the African American people in the 1920s. The Harlem Renaissance. was a cultural movement that tried to honor the culture and heritage of these African Americans and was expressed in fine arts such as poetry, music, literature, and theater. One of the most important artists of the time was Langston Hughes, and in the music scene, Louis Armstrong.


DD    DD

DD       DD      

DD          DD  

DD          DD        

DD         DD        

DD        DD

D D   DD


XD right on Edge

In terms of its relations with neighboring powers, the Song Group of answer choices reconquered the northern region controlled by the Uighurs. met their ultimate demise at the hands of the Mongols. were able to maintain a permanent dominance over the Jin Dynasty of the Jurchens. learned from the mistakes of the Tang and avoided a similar fate. conquered Japan, the first time that this had happened.



B). met their ultimate demise at the hands of the Mongols.


As per the question, the second statement most adequately states that the song connects to their eventual passing away at the Mongolian hands. In the context of its association with the adjoining authorities, it relates that how they ended up giving up to the Mongolian power and strength which not only marks the beginning of the Mongolian domination but also marked the end of their authority by displaying their fragility and deficiencies that led them to suffer this downfall. Thus, option B is the correct answer.

french revolution comparison guillotine in front of Jeff Bezos'house



putting a guillotine in front of Jeff Bezos house is a reference to the french revolution


they may argue that Jeff Bezos is sucking money from the poor to inflate his wealth to unreasonable amounts, causing the desire to kill him and redistribute his wealth to the people or a better cause.

The American model of democracy challenges citizens in other nations to _____.
convict people of crimes only if they admit guilt
take an active role in their communities
provide free public education to all young people under 18
ensure that nobody is homeless or unemployed


Take an active role in their communities makes the most sense to me

Disability rights organizations backed laws requiring
A. public places to provide access for people with disabilities
B.free education for all children
C.programs such as Medicare
D.private homes to provide access for people with disabilities



The answer is A


The Americans with Disabilities Act or ADA provides the protection against discrimination and the accommodations for people with disabilities in public spaces. This legislation was passed in 1990 with the urging of organizations and individuals with disabilities.

In 35 words or fewer, identify a potential drawback to only recording
history orally.



The history is not preserved as long as it would if it did not exist only in people's memories and passed down verbally. If it was written down, it would be preserved longer.

Explanation: Hope this helps!

There is a potential drawback to record history orally. As when obtaining factual data, such as specific dates, places or times, people rarely remember such details accurately.

What is Oral History?

Oral history means recording, preservation and interpretation of historical information, based on the personal experiences and opinions of the speaker.

When using Oral History as a source material, several problems exist. As Oral Histories rely on the memory of individuals the person being interviewed may not accurately recall factual information such as names or dates, and they may exaggerate.

A narrator can also conceal/hide important information. Some information or facts may be forgotten or omitted since oral traditions depend heavily on human memory.

So, these were potential drawbacks to recording History orally.

Hence, the answer was given and explained above.

To learn more about Oral History refer-



how does a filibuster protect the minority party?



The filibuster in the U.S. Senate protects the rights of Senators to debate and amend legislation,


Match each description to its corresponding civilization





I see nothing on the screen.

Where is the question of topic? There is nothing on the screen.

What was the Truman Doctrine?
the United States' promise that it would remove itself from active participation in world affairs
the United States' promise that it would allow the Soviet Union to dominate eastern Europe
the United States' promise that it would give up its nuclear weapons program
the United States' promise that it would help free countries fight communism


What was the Truman Doctrine?

The United States' promise that it would allow the Soviet Union to dominate eastern Europe.

> With the Truman Doctrine, President Harry S. Truman established that the United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces.

> The Truman Doctrine was an American foreign policy with the primary goal of containing Soviet geopolitical expansion during the Cold War.

Hope it helps!!

How did colonists show good faith to King George Ill after he repealed the stamp ta?
O A) The Sons of Liberty put up a flagpole in New York City's square
OB) The Daughters of Liberty put a statue of him in Boston's town commons
O C) The colonial assembly made an official holiday in his name
D) The colonists put up a statue in New York City's square


The answer would be B

Which of the following correctly completes box #2 in the chart above? A. city B. state C. family D. federal MULTIPLE CHOICE



The answer would be A. City




Read the excerpt from The Diary of Anne Frank. Miep (Hurrying up to a cupboard). Mr. Frank, did you see? There are some of your papers here. (She brings a bundle of papers to him.) We found them in a heap of rubbish on the floor after . . . After you left. Mr. Frank. Burn them. (He opens his rucksack to put the glove in it.) Miep. But, Mr. Frank, there are letters, notes . . . Mr. Frank. Burn them. All of them. What does this interaction reveal about Mr. Frank?



C-He knows that seeing the papers will be very painful.



C) He knows that seeing the papers will be very painful.


Edge 2022

Which best defines a “talkie” during the 1920s?
a film with sound
a radio broadcast of a speech
a singer who performed at concerts
a musical with lyrics



Explanation: taught in school there’s really no real reason to know this lol

What best defines a “talkie” during the 1920s is a film with sound.

What is a talkie?

A talkie can be regarded as the movie that posses a synchronized speech and singing and it is common during 1920s.

In the olden days, talkie was very popular because of it's unique feature of cinema film that is been made with sound, this sounds could be inform of singing, drumming and others.

Therefore, option A is correct because talkie” during the 1920s is a film with sound.

Learn more about talkie at:


Which line is an example of trochaic tetrameter



Trochaic tetrameter is a meter in poetry. It refers to a line of four trochaic feet. The word “tetrameter” simply means that the poem has four trochees. A trochee is a long syllable, or stressed syllable, followed by a short, or unstressed, one.


Trochaic tetrameter (try saying that five times fast) is a line of a poem that usually contains about eight syllables that goes in the pattern stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, etc. But, look at the syllable count for each of the answer options! Therefore, the answer is B. Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater.

why is it difficult to be ruled by s foreign power?​



Because it is difficult for a colony to emmulate the culture of the foreigner power.

What does the term mcCarthysim mean?

I did it and it was Accusing people of disloyalty this was correct for ap3x ​



a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy in the period 1950–54. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party.




Which one of these documents told Europe to stop trying to create new colonies in the Western Hemisphere?

A. Adams-Oní­s Treaty
B. Border Compromise
C. Manifest Destiny
D. Monroe Doctrine



I think its (D Monroe Doctrine hope it helped!!


which three ideas are specially associated with the renaissance?


obedience to religious texts and practices. emphasis on individual growth and achievement. interest in classical Greek and Roman texts

Disability rights organizations backed laws requiring .
A. public places to provide access for people with disabilities
B.free education for all children
C.programs such as Medicare
D.private homes to provide access for people with disabilities


A because it’s a law that all public places provide same rights as people with no disability’s

Which of these would most likely be studied by an anthropologist?

the relationship between apes and chimpanzees
the formation of the first languages that were developed
the cause of the Plague during the Middle Ages



The formation of the first languages that were developed.

Please help!!! 30 points !!!

Now, choose one of the three scenarios from Part A of this task. Write a speech as if you were a member of the House of Representatives
or some other government official speaking to a town hall meeting in your district. In your speech, highlight this conflict and issue for your
constituents. Also list potential solutions to the issue and discuss the consequences if no solution is found. Finally, explain your own
opinion, in your role as a US representative, on how to resolve the situation. Be sure to support your viewpoint with evidence,



Dear and appreciated, from the chamber of representatives, members of the house. With honor and praise we have tried to resolve, little by little, the conflicts generated here in the district. As a representative of this state, I present myself here at City Hall to announce a new bill, which further strengthens the second amendment: we will strengthen the militia action here in the state of Michagan, where we have seen delinquency, robberies, the violence growing and becoming an unprecedented public safety problem, a calamity for the entire state. In addition, it maintains the right to carry a firearm, as long as the case is for the defense of property, property and self-defense. Every citizen who needs, in situations of robbery, to defend himself using a weapon, will not answer in justice for this, when it is proved that the use of the weapon was in self-defense. In order not to reach that extreme, it has also been proposed in the House of Representatives, a bill that reinforces militia action on all streets and corners of Detroit. These militias will be at the disposal of the population and the citizens, fighting crime and delinquency. We can find no other way to control this situation. We approve this law, for the sake of all in the community, before we witness more deaths and innocent blood shed.


i submitted it and got 100

Who created utopianism?

Karl Marx
Adam Smith
Robert Owen
Friedrich Engels



Robert Owen.


"Robert Owen was a Welsh textile manufacturer, philanthropist and social reformer, and a founder of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement. He is known among other things for efforts to improve his factory's working conditions, promoting experimental socialistic communities, and proposing a more collective approach to child rearing, including government control of education"

Answer: C robert owen

Explanation: edge 2022

which of the following results of the french and indian war was a cause of the american revolutionary war?


As a result of the French and Indian War the British incurred a large debt. ... In an attempt to regain lost money as a result of the war the British levied large taxes on the colonies, which in turn greatly angered the colonists which helped to foment rebellion and ultimately the Revolutionary War.

Question 16(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)

(03.05 MC)

How did the system of Triangular Trade exhibit the features of a market economy?

The goal was to provide resources for everyone.
The goal was to develop relationships.
The goal was to make a profit.
The goal was to supply people fairly.



The goal was to make a profit.

Compose a 8-10 sentence paragraph to summarize the events leading up to the birth
of our government.


July 4th 1776 the Declaration of Independence which was mostly written by Thomas Jefferson was adopted in 1781 the Continental Congress was disbanded and replaced by the confederation of Congress which had much more Authority than their predecessors and became the most powerful political entities When the continents arrived in what we call today the United States they built it and stablished colonies from those colonies the first 13 states were established most of these states pretty much ran themselves by their own governments however they were still had to answer England and her laws the system was used extensively and very quickly after it was made available to voters.

Which situation would be more likely to occur in the modern era than in earlier
periods of human history?
A. Two neighboring communities develop similar cultural traditions.
B. A powerful military leader uses violence to seize control of a
country's government.
O C. A business ships its products to hundreds of countries around the
D. A poor farming community struggles to produce enough food for
its small population.



C) business ships its products to hundreds of countries around the



A wouldn't make much sense due to modern cultural identities being very strong. B is unlikely because we are living in the most peaceful era of human history. And D wouldn't make sense due to the many agricultural centers around the world, so if just one farming community has a failed harvest, they could just ship in more from other farms worldwide, also not to mention that farming communities are becoming rarer and rarer to see in modern times.

Therefore, that leaves us with C, which makes the most sense for modern times due to it mentioning a business shipping its products worldwide. This is an example of globalism which is a more modern idea than the others.

I think the answer is B

Describe What You See in the Placard
Which cause/s of New Imperialism does the Placard represent?
Explain Why You Chose the Cause/s?



My best guess it that this is about the Opium war, where the British successfully got the Chinese addicted to opium and China threw them away as a result. The British went to war on them after finding out.

I don't know much about history, so I may be wrong.


Simón Bolívar led revolutions in Spain's Latin American colonies with the
ultimate goal of:
A. supporting the Portuguese Empire's attempts to seize control of
Spain's colonies.
O B. creating a new country made up of all the former Spanish
O c. preventing Brazil from becoming South America's most powerful
O D. eliminating the influence of Enlightenment ideas in Latin America.


With active attachment as his ultimate goal, Simón Bolvar oversaw revolutions in Barcelona's Latin American colonies.

The five main revolutions are:

This same English Popular uprising (1649), American Revolution (1776), French Revolution, Russian Revolution , and Chinese Revolution are the five great revolutions of the modern era. As a historian of the French Revolution of 1789–1799, I frequently consider the parallels between these revolutions (1949).

How do revolutions work?

A revolution, as defined by historians and political scientists, is a fundamental alteration to the status quo, typically involving established social and governmental structures.

To know more about revolution visit:



What was the goal of the Compromise of 1850?

to improve the economy in both the North and the South

to resolve issues related to Texas's statehood

to keep the balance between free states and slave states

to preserve the Union



to keep the balance between free states and save states

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