Which path describes the movement of oxygenated blood leaving the heart ? Use the standard image of the heart to guide you.


Answer 1


left atrium - left ventricle - aorta


Related Questions

Put these in order top to bottom from the first day of a woman's menstruation cycle through the last day


the order is menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase

One of the major risks of gestational diabetes is:



High blood pressure and preeclampsia


Gestational diabetes raises your risk of high blood pressure, as well as preeclampsia — a serious complication of pregnancy that causes high blood pressure and other symptoms that can threaten the lives of both mother and baby.

HIV is found in blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk (true or false)
A. True B. False







HIV is found in all of those.

__________ schools are designed to attract students from diverse backgrounds and usually focus on excelling in a specific area of study.

A. Charter
B. Magnet
C. Private
D. Public​


Charter schools, I’ve never heard of Magnet Schools before

It has been three weeks since Mr. Garrison’s wife died. He blames himself for her death. If only he had insisted that she see the doctor when she started feeling weak and tired! Which term BEST describes what Mr. Garrison is experiencing?

a. abnormal grieving
b. healthy grieving
c. acute mourning
d. bereavement


healthy grieving

In the first 4 weeks after a loved one dies, it is normal to have feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, and blame.

A construction worker falls two stories from a building and sustains bilateral calcaneal fractures. In the emergency department, he is alert, vital signs are normal, and he is complaining of severe pain in both heels and his lower back. Lower extremity pulses are strong and there is no other deformity. The suspected diagnosis is most likely to be confirmed by ______________.


Answer: complete spine x-ray series


Since the construction worker is complaining complaining of severe pain in both heels and his lower back, the suspected diagnosis is most likely to be confirmed by a complete spine x-ray series.

The complete spine x-ray series is a set of radiographs that is taken in order for one to investigate the bony structures that are in the cervical spine.

How did MyPlate help you create your menu? In three sentences, explain how you used MyPlate as a guide to create your menu.​



I used MyPlate to have balanced meals, for instance, for meat, I have chicken, for veg, I have peppers, for grain, rice, and for fruit, I have apples for dessert. it shows me what I should have on my plate, and what a healthy plate should look like, so it helps you create a menu with the types of food on the plate!!


Hope This Helps :)

Which of these is an uncontrollable risk factors for disease.

A. Insects bites
B. Nutrition
C. Genetics
D. Hygiene



C. Genetics


Genetics is something you can't control.




Think about your family and your culture. How do these factors influence your
ideas of how to be a parent?



If you have a good Family It will help your child grow up in good hands and also become a great person in the future. The child will also see your culture and grow up in your culture it will also get used to it such as food, clothes, celebrations, etc...


WHAT DOES A DOCTOR CHECK UP CONSIST OF? For a 16 year old girl, (I mean a doctor, NOT a gynecologist)

List at least 3 things that doctors do during 30 minute check ups. (Besides getting new vaccinations)



Perform a physical, check for scoliosis, examine the lymph nodes, check height and weight


Which of the following could indicate that alcohol abuse has become an addiction?


It’s A for sure, there’s no other option

It is not possible to achieve 100% quality of life, why? Give reason.



No matter what not a single person will be completely happy with life.


What do you mean “quality” of life? Since we are co-creators of every thing in our lives, our lives are in effect perfectly what we want. If you say you don’t like what you bring into your life, then it’s up to you to change it, by changing your beliefs. If you start saying to yourself, that your life is perfect, then you just might see changes happen that will verify that for you. Take a close look at all of your beliefs - you have many that don’t serve you. But they are in line with the events of your life. You might try to find a counsellor who can help you examine your belief system and help to identify ways to change it for the better. Quality of life is subjective. Some of the poorest people would tell you their lives are perfect because they don’t need anything more than they have. That’s a good starting point. Good Luck.

How can a person best cope with grief


The answer is going to be a


Option A I s the correct answer

Join a support group is the correct answer

What are two things that can be done to prevent unintentional deaths by firearms




Evidence shows that parents of adolescents — the most at-risk group in terms of unintentional firearm deaths — were more likely than parents of younger children to keep guns in the home stored unsafely (unlocked, loaded, or both).19

If a person chooses to store their firearm in the home, it is important to always practice safe firearm storage. For at-home firearm storage, it is widely recommended to store firearms locked and unloaded, store and lock ammunition separately from firearms, and ensure the key or lock combination is inaccessible to children or others who may be at risk for injury.

Safely storing and reducing access to firearms for the gun owner and other individuals, especially children, in the home is an unintentional injury prevention strategy supported by researchers, healthcare professionals, and gun owners alike. While there is no safer storage law at the federal level, various safer storage laws exist at the state level.20

Healthcare providers can also play a role in preventing unintentional firearm injuries by improving their patients’ safer storage practices through lethal means safety counseling. Studies show that healthcare providers influencing patients’ gun storage practices can substantially lower the risk of firearm-related injury.21 For example, researchers found that for every five gun-owning parents whose child’s pediatrician gave them lethal means safety counseling and free cable locks, two parents reported using the cable locks six months later.22 In addition to parents, lethal means safety counseling should be given to individuals who have risk factors for unintentional firearm injury, including people with risky alcohol or substance use and individuals with dementia or conditions impairing cognition and judgment.

To learn more, visit our page on lethal means safety counseling.



The most efficient way to eliminate waste in our world is to:



recycle because it's the best option whicj comebine the reuse and reduce together




because we can recycle to make something new like boxes into book shelves.

regulations ban all unhealthy behaviors


You have to put a question for people to answer it.

so i have a question for older girls im 14 and i havent gotten my period for 2 months and my mother is freaking out is there something wrong with me?



well....were ur periods regular before?  if they weren't regular before then it might be normal.. bc if you just started ur period won't be every month

HOWEVER, if ur periods were normal before then there might be a problem

i answered ur other question abt this but it got deleted so i just copied and pasted my answer from before


Im a guy


Ur not pregnant r u???!!?!?!?

define health according to WHO and write its criticism​


The answer above is correct

Which of the following is not a way to prevent drug misuse and abuse?

A. Discuss all side effects with your doctor when you are taking opioids
B. Dispose of all medications properly once treatment is complete
C. Keep your opioid medications in an easily visible location
D. Never take more opioids than you are prescribed​



never take more opioids than you are prescribed




i got it right when i did it

What are four factors that can cause mental disorders?



childhood abuse, trauma, or neglect.

social isolation or loneliness.

experiencing discrimination and stigma.

social disadvantage, poverty or debt.

bereavement (losing someone close to you)

severe or long-term stress.

having a long-term physical health condition.

unemployment or losing your job.

The nervous system is responsible for which of the following?
1. Removing toxins from the liver

2. controlling reactions to stimuli

3. Regulating fluids

4. Removing wastes from the blood




The nervous system is the major controlling, regulatory, and communicating system in the body. It is the center of all mental activity including thought, learning, and memory. Together with the endocrine system, the nervous system is responsible for regulating and maintaining homeostasis.

Graham makes sure that all recyclable products in his house are properly sorted and placed into pick-up bins every week. In addition to recycling, to further help his community, Graham could also do all of the following EXCEPT

A. buy items which are made with already recycled materials
B. choose to purchase products which are not over-packaged
C. switch from disposable water bottles to reusable ones
D. use bleach and ammonia as cleaners whenever possible​​


In addition to recycling, to further help his community, Graham could also do all of the following except use bleach and ammonia as cleaners whenever possible​​.

What is recycling?

"Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects."

What are the types of recycling?

These are three types of recycling:

Mechanical Recycling: One of the most globally used methods of giving residues new usages is mechanic recycling.Energy Recycling: The method used to convert plastics into both thermal and electric energy is called energy recycling.Chemical Recycling: This method is the broad term used to describe a range of emerging technologies in the waste management industry which allow plastics to be recycled, that are difficult or uneconomic to recycle mechanically.

What are the benefits of recycling?

Main reasons why we should recycle

Conserves natural resources.Decreases ecosystem destruction.Reduces waste and landfill space.Reduces greenhouse gas emissions.Shrinks other forms of pollution.Saves energy.Creates jobs.

To know more about recycling here https://brainly.com/question/11861824


Answer: D. use bleach and ammonia as cleaners whenever possible

When faced with a stressful situation, you.
A. Take charge and sometimes override the decisions of others.
B. Confront and may act in an impulsive fashion.
C. Become submissive and allow others to make your decisions.
D. Resist change and withdraw from the situation.


D: resist change and withdraw from the situation.
D. Resist change and withdraw from the situation

Explanation: Stepping away from a stressful situation is not only beneficial for you, but the people around you as well. When you are stressed you may act out of emotions rather than logic, so instead of dealing something when your stressed, step away and come back when your calmer and at peace within yourself

an individual leads a sedentary lifestyle which activity would most likely help this person reach moderate activity level



Any sort of physical exercise!


Since having a sedintary lifestyle means that you dont move around as much, any form of exersice would help :) Even the little stuff such as walking can help immensely.

Which of the following is a way to positively encourage those around you to make healthy choices?

A. You decide to try out for the cheerleading squad and try to convince a friend of yours to join as well, arguing it will make her more popular.
B. You encourage one of your friends to change up her wardrobe a bit, since classmates make fun of her for what she wears.
C. You invite a new classmate, who hasn't made many friends yet, to join you and your peers one afternoon at the mall.
D. You point out to a friend of yours that a sip or two of alcohol once in a while isn't really going to hurt him and that he should give it a try.​


The answer is A because it is

Which statement best describes why colleges like to see students involved in extracurricular activities? Extracurricular activities show that a student is an active well-rounded individual. Colleges are not concerned with extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities show colleges a student's academic abilities. Extracurricular activities illustrate college readiness.



Extracurricular activities show that a student is an active well-rounded individual.


Colleges need students who show a good example to everyone else.

Search the internet for one positive and one negative example of health and fitness advertisements. Reflect on each example by completing the chart below:
What is the ad selling? What is the message?
Advertising Technique
Explanation of Impact
This ad is selling Medishakes and shows a picture of the shake with statistics
Scientific Evidence
By stating that “7 out of 10 doctors recommend MediShake for optimum health,” this ad convinces the buyer that this product is backed up by scientific facts.
Positive Example
Negative Example



The positive and negative advertisement may be backed by use of scientific facts.


Ad selling is the process of selling advertisement  by the company for platforms such as tv, radio and internet. The message they want to give is related to the use and benefits of the products and services. Targeting and segmentation techniques is used for ad selling. Such as ad selling by the company named Med shakes which gives a picture of shake which is beneficial and optimal for ideal health. The and tries to convince the buyer to buy to products as conveys its genuine and is backed by scientific facts. Show the positive side. While the same ad may be considered to have side effects for some people.

interrelationship between health population and environment in the term of political aspect explain in long


Yes, the heathland pop and environment is three Erin

Some athletes choose to use supplements and performance-enhancing drugs in hopes of gaining an edge over their opponents. Research and describe at least three risks of using anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Complete the chart with your findings. Tell me about 1 drug, alcohol, and tobacco. This is the chart: Risk Description Link to Source Risk Description Link to Source Risk Description Link to Source



ome athletes take a form of steroids — known as anabolic-androgenic steroids or just anabolic steroids — to increase their muscle mass and strength. The main anabolic steroid hormone produced by your body is testosterone.

Testosterone has two main effects on your body:

Anabolic effects promote muscle building.

Androgenic effects are responsible for male traits, such as facial hair and a deeper voice.

Some athletes take straight testosterone to boost their performance. The anabolic steroids used by athletes are often synthetic modifications of testosterone.

These hormones have approved medical uses. But improving athletic performance isn't one of them.

Why are these drugs so appealing to athletes? Besides making muscles bigger, anabolic steroids may reduce the muscle damage that occurs during a hard workout, helping athletes recover from the session more quickly and enabling them to work out harder and more frequently. Some athletes, as well as nonathletes, may like the muscular appearance they get when they take the drugs.

which of these is a noncommunicable disease


Diabetes this is because it is a chronic condition which occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it does produce
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When I left school at seventeen and became an apprentice in the machine shop of the Drydock Engine Works I was all but given up for lost.What can best be inferred from this excerpt?Henry Ford is unable to perform the work that a farm requires.Henry Ford and his father share a love of machines.Henry Fords father disapproves of Henrys work in the machine shop.Henry Fords success in his apprenticeship makes his family proud. The angles in a triangle are represented by x, x+10, and x+50. What is the measure of the largest angle? A.70 degrees B.80 degreesC.100 degreesD.90 degrees What is y-3=3/4(x-5) in standard form? Certify Completion Icon Tries remaining:2 A town recently dismissed 10 employees in order to meet their new budget reductions. The town had 7 employees over 50 years of age and 18 under 50. If the dismissed employees were selected at random, what is the probability that exactly 5 employees were over 50 write the equation of a line of a line passing through the points (3,1) and (6,3). Find z such that 4.8% of the standard normal curve lies to the left of z. (Round your answer to two decimal places) they... a party at the momenta. is having b. have c.has d. are having Charles I became Charles V HolyRoman Emperor by When high-tech start-up Minx first hit the technology scene, it created a big splash. Its music streaming and voice control technology promised to revolutionize the field. It attracted $500,000 in seed money, suggesting that it could hire the best talent and create amazing new products. But Minx quickly fell off the fast track. It spent nearly $400,000 on a Bluetooth product that sold only 28 units. In addition, a botched security update resulted in the company's having to conduct a nationwide recall of one of its smart products. Yet, other products have been successful, and the company is not facing bankruptcy. Initially, Minx offered amazing perks to attract the best and brightest talent. It provided an in-house chef with free gourmet meals, unlimited snacks, on-site acupuncture, and free yoga classes. Its offices were pet-friendly, and new employees received a $10,000 cash signing bonus. To counter the long hours that the tech world notoriously demands of its workers, Minx offered relaxation areas with table tennis and foosball tables. Unfortunately, bad times have made it necessary for Minx to pull back on its employee perks. Although no staff people are being released, the in-house chef has to go, along with on-site acupuncture, yoga classes, and the $10,000 signing bonus. However, it's still a good place to work, and camaraderie is high.Required: As a communications trainee in the CEO's office, you have been asked to draft an intranet post or a memo to employees announcing the bad news. Explain the cutbacks that affect current employees. Employ the bad-news techniques taught in this chapter. What could soften this bad news? Surds see attached 20 points A cash register at a store contains $277 bills. There are six more $5 bills than $10 bills. The number of $1bills is two more than 24 times the number of $10 bills. How many bills of each kind are there Two countries produce coffee and blueberries. Nicaragua can produce either 25 thousand pounds of coffee or 100 thousand pounds of blueberries per year. Colombia can produce either 20 thousand pounds of coffee or 40 thousand pounds of blueberries per year. Initially the two countries do not trade. Nicaragua produces 7 thousand pounds of coffee and 72 thousand pounds of blueberries. Colombia produces 7 thousand pounds of coffee and 26 thousand pounds of blueberries. Suppose the countries completely specialize and decide to trade 9 thousand pounds of coffee for 27 thousand pounds of blueberries.Suppose the countries completely specialize and decide to trade 9 thousand pounds of coffee for 27 thousand pounds of blueberries. After trade, Nicaragua can consume _____________ thousand more pounds of coffee and ____________ thousand more pounds of blueberries. After trade, Colombia can consume_____________ thousand more pounds of coffee and thous and _______________more pounds of blueberries in comparison to the pre- trade consumption. Many thousands of people travel to New England each year to see the beauty of the?canyonsicebergsbuildingsleaves A formula for the normal systolic blood pressure for a man age A, measured in mmHg, is given as P=0.006A20.02A+120. Find the age of a man whose normal blood pressure measures 126 mmHg.Round your answer to the nearest year. Find the center and radius of the circle whose equation is x 2 + y 2 - 6x - 2y + 4 = 0 expand this question (x+5)(x-3) Securitas Financial Services is contemplating purchasing and installing a new, expensive computer network. This is the type of expenditure that would be included in a(n) __________ budget. Multiple Choice capital cash operating asset 1. _________ Which two periods of literature are characterized by marked "disillusionment?"a. "The Jazz Age" and Contemporaryb. Native Americans and Puritanismc. Contemporary and Postmodernd. Realism and Modernism Select the appropriate word to complete the following sentences about Alberto?s neighborhood.Mi edificio tiene diez pisos. Yo vivo en un rascacielos/fbrica.