Which should i say

I finally found what i need


I finally found which i need​


Answer 1
I finally found what I need
It’s a better way of getting your point across in the correct way

Related Questions

As it applies to voice and tone within a persuasive business letter, which should you keep in mind? Select all that apply.

Voice should be detached and formal.
Voice should be familiar and informal.
Avoid loaded words to appear calm.
Include loaded words to appear full of life.
Be sure to sound impartial (not biased).


The answer to the question includes option A, C and E.

• A persuasive business letter refers to a letter that we write to other people in order to inform them about something and make them agree to a particular thing or idea.

• A business letter should be formal and it should also be straight to the point.

• When writing a business letter, informal or bad languages should be avoided.

It is also important for one to be calm and use the right words.

The correct options are A, C and E.

Read more on:


write a letter to your uncle to ask him of his newly established business​



Explanation: It’s been so long since we met. When I received my gift by courier I was pleasantly surprised. It was very thoughtful of you to send me a pair of swimming goggles. I’ve wanted them for as long as I can remember; so when I received them on my birthday it was a dream come true.

I immediately went swimming armed with my new goggles. They are a perfect fit Uncle Fraser, and watertight as well. I can now swim underwater, something I’ve always wanted to do. It was very considerate of you to pick a pair with dark glasses as the sun shines relentlessly on the pool everyday but thanks to the dark glasses I don’t have to squint my eyes while swimming anymore.

I have a week off from college in August. If it is alright with you, I would love to come visit you. I’ve written a lot of poems since we last met and a special one just for you. I will bring it along when I come to meet you.

With love and best wishes,

Assignment: Quote Analysis Essay to kill a mockingbird




Explanation:no lo c   pa

Can you help me please



I do not know I this is correct but by using deduction and by finding the most reasonable answer I would say the answer B

I hope I helped

lmk if I was right

Write an argumentative essay about coronavirus and its impact in PNG and parts of the world.​



Sir who in this world would spend their time writing a whole essay on this app about the coronavirus,that's something u and ur brain should come up with

Help me please………………….





its urgent plzz answer it​









Someone with a large vocabulary, can you tell me a word that describes mental exhaustion. Make it a fancy word please. i will give brainly


Burnout, prostration, mental breakdown, nervous collapse,
There are many words for it on is dolor de cabeza another is exhausted another is frustrated and so on but fancy I think at que dolor de cabeza

Select the Correct Answer.
Which Question would MOST LIKELY indicate that a passage has a problem-and-solution text structure?/

*answer key in photo*​



opt. d


Congratulations! Your answer is: Option (D)!

For those who eat too much McDonald’s, do you feel it is right to sue them? One reason why you feel that way.


No, definitely not. As eating an unhealthy amount of McDonalds is a decision that I made out of my own will. I patronise them on my own accord why would they have to bare the consequences of my actions.

Which question would most likely be answered under the heading "Moving the Guitar into the Spotlight"?



How to make the guitar one of the leading instruments in the music industry


Dad washed the car. ​


The car was washed by Dad.

This is the passive voice.

in act 2 the lord chamberlian is now no less concerned that laetres comduct in paris does not make him look too good




why do you choose to be a teacher ?


To help other people learn and to have fun.

My answer:

Teachers are important for many reasons.

They teach you new things you may not have known before

They teach you to think.

They teach you to be curious about things you didn’t know you wanted to know.

They try and teach you the reason you should love learning.

They teach you about different perspectives in our world.

They teach you how mistakes can be learned from.

They teach you how to take turns.

They teach you respect.

They teach you about the world - one that is outside your house, town, state, continent, and most of your mind.

They show you books you would never pick up on your own.

They teach you the how, who, what, why, where, and when.

They teach you the importance of communication.

They teach you how to get along with others - even those you don’t like.

They teach you to share.

They teach you patience.

They teach you compassion.

These are only a few things a good teacher will teach you. Some you will learn in a year and other things take several years and several teachers.

Hope this helps you!

Should parents encourage their young children to become a famous movie or television stars?



i meannnnn if dats their childs dream den yea they should encourage dem.


The purpose of the income statement is to:​



It is a important financial statement as it shows the overall earnings/profit of a company. You can use it to keep track of you expenses and revenue.


I just took business.

Which genre does this passage belong to?
We arrived at the station, where the cattle
cars were waiting. Ever since my book Night I
have pursued those nocturnal trains that
crossed the devastated continent. Their
shadow haunts my writing. They symbolize
solitude, distress, and the relentless march of
Jewish multitudes toward agony and death. I
freeze every time I hear a train whistle.
- All Rivers Run to the Sea, Elie Wiesel
Copyright © 1912, 1925 by Elie Weine. Translation copyright 2006 by Marion Wiesel. All
rights reserved. Used by permission of Georges Borchardt, Inc., New York, NY





This passage belongs to memoir.

What is memoir?

A memoir exists as any nonfiction narrative writing established in the author's memories. The assertions created in the work exist thus understood to be factual.

A memoir exists as a narrative, written from the perspective of the author, about an essential part of their life. It's often conflated with autobiography, but there exist a few important differences. An autobiography stands also written from the author's perspective, but the narrative spans their whole life.

Honesty will always be the major component of a memoir. The moment a writer begins embellishing the facts exists the moment trouble starts to happen. Not only does it ruin the credibility of the story, but it beats the writer at an identical time. A reader who discovers lies in a memoir will not trust that individual any longer.

Hence, This passage belongs to memoir.

To learn more about memoir refer to:



What types of evidence does joy rely on to develop his discurssion of the two sides of this issue? How does the range of evidence affect Joy's credibility as an author?


Missing information to solve
The two sides of evidence Joy counts on of the issue is to, go to class freedom of no badgering and the freedom of ones voice of speech. :)

Help me please…………….


Answer: It should be C

Explanation: Ubiquitous means appearing everywhere, or found everywhere, so it's most likely C.

Good luck!



I’m pretty sure both are false? Music is subjective so it can cater to who is listening to it. Love songs can be about friends, family or pets even so it’s not just romantic

Everybody views love songs in a similar manner.

this is a false.

Explanation for my Answer.

Everybody don't view love songs in the same way and manner.

All love songs are written about romantic love between people.

This is a False

Explanation for my Answer.

As we all know that all love songs are not written about romantic love between people only, Love songs can be about your parents, family and others not only about romance between people.

A student measured the flow time of 10 g of honey at different temperatures and graphed the data.

What is the independent variable shown on this graph?

The flow time is the independent variable.

The temperature is the independent variable.

The independent variable is the amount of honey, which is not shown on the graph.



The Temperature is the independent variable.


This is true because the graph(Shown Below) shows that the temperature is on the "x axis" and that's the axis with the independent variable.

The independent variable that is shown on this graph made by the student is the temperature.

An independent variable is usually manipulated to cause the dependent variable to be measured.

In this graph, the dependent variable is the flow time of the 10 g of honey.

Thus, the independent variable is the temperatures because they are changed in order for the student to measure the flow time.

Read more about independent and dependent variables at https://brainly.com/question/18456313

What is
the definition of privacy surveillance?


well, surveillance means observation, and privacy means, well, being able to be free without people watching you / observing you so maybe observing your privacy? i've never heard of that-

A drama in which the characters and setting are presented in typical and real-world ways is known as
• realistic.
© melodrama.





Read the paragraph and decide which of the sentences that follow best states the implied main idea?
Gum chewing has been occurring in classrooms for decades. Many teachers are distracted by the
Teachers often have to remove gum from the backs of desks or from classroom floors. The gum is unsanitary and unsightly
A. Gum is a distraction for teachers.
B. Gum chewing has been occurring in classrooms for decades.
C. Gum chewing should not be allowed in class.
D. Gum is unsanitary and unsightly.



yea it have to be letter c

identify the poetic elements used in each sentence



I'm not entirely sure on all of them, but I think it's is:

2. C

3. C

4. B

5. A

Hope this helps!

meaning of hatred in grammar


intense dislike or ill will

Language Arts, Fiction
Question 2
Characters that are not well-developed and sometimes stereotyped.


i’m pretty sure these are flat characters

rearrange this sentence and form a meaningful sentence

1) since/a/pollution/January/lot/increased/has
2) . Versatility/Ruskin Bond/of/a/is/great/writer

Plz say answer ​



Explanation: a lot in increase pollution since january.


1) A lot increase pollution since January

2) Ruskin bond is a great writer of Versatility

classroom layout

1.why are classroom routines important?

2.what role does a teacher's personality play in their routines

3.Do you think that the phase ,age of a learner,the number of students and the subjects will influence the decision a teacher makes about the routines they will follow in their classroom ?explain



classroom rules are important to stay disciplined and to stay focused on your work


1.  Investing in Behavior Management By teaching routines, whether established or new, you save time later trying to regulate a class. So identifying routines and how to communicate them is critical. So you can eliminate guesswork and rely on pupils to actively participate in their own learning.

2. The most obvious reason in affecting behavior management is a teacher's personality. There are several ways to manage behavior. The teacher's personality affects the kids. "Model all, see all"

3.  I believe Early in life, a child's mentality is easily impacted. This age group looks to others for support. The number of students in a class also affects how much attention each child gets. The child's future objectives are influenced by the subjects they learn. A teacher's job is to help kids build personalities.

You are a student in Danang city. You will describe your neighborhood for new students. You should say:
1/ Where to buy food
2/ Where to buy furniture
3/ Where to get a bus to university
4/ Where to send a package
5/ How do you feel about Danang city?






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