Which type of seedless plant has a complex leaf arrangement off a vein?
a. java moss
b. club moss
c. ferns
d. horstails


Answer 1

B. Club moss


This is because club moss is an seedless evergreen plants that have scale-like leaves.

Can you plz mark me as brainliest!!!

Answer 2

answer : club moss

explanation: Because they have vascular tissue, seedless vascular plants

are often larger than nonvascular plants. Vascular tissue is spe-

cialized to transport water to all of the cells in a plant.

Related Questions

A 55-year-old male is sent to your office to have an esophagogastroduodenoscopy. He is a heavy drinker and smoker who also consumes spicy foods on a daily basis. He is quite anxious about having the procedure performed and is afraid he might choke during insertion of the scope. His father and younger brother were both diagnosed with esophageal cancer. His father died, but the brother was just recently diagnosed and is taking chemotherapy.
A. List the risk factors the patient has for developing esophageal cancer.
B. How might you calm the patient's fears about the procedure?


Answer and Explanation:

A. The risk factors for this patient are age, family history, and smoking and alcoholism. That's because, most cases of esophageal cancer are detected at age 55 years. We must not forget that cancer is a disease with great genetic potential, which means that, as the father and brother of this patient had this type of cancer, this patient has a high probability of developing the same cancer. Furthermore, the constant consumption of cigarettes doubles the risk of developing esophageal cancer. This risk is also increased by alcoholism.

B. To calm the patient down, I would say that there is a very small and almost non-existent risk that he will choke or even feel the endoscopy insertion, as the entire procedure is done with the patient anesthetized and sedated.

The risk factors the patient has for developing esophageal cancer as well as how you can calm the patients fears about the procedure are as follows

A) Risk factors include

People between the age of 45 and 70 have the more risk of esophageal cancer.

If the patient has genetic signs of cancer from the past generations may have highest risk of esophageal cancer.

Males have more risk than women that is 3 to 4 times to develop esophageal cancer.

Alcohol consumption also increases the risk of esophageal cancer.

Too much weight or obesity increases the risk of esophageal cancer.

Deficiency in nutrients, vitamins and minerals can increase risk of esophageal cancer.

B) Calming the patients fears

Make the patient be happy and stress free.

Do exercise which produces mood boost endorphins that get rid of worries and stress.

Stay positive, being friendly keep good health.

For more information on esophagogastroduodenoscopy, visit


Give reason. Mosquitoes and housefly are placed in the phylum arthropoda​


Mosquitoes and Housefly are grouped under the phylum Arthropoda because they both posses jointed legs (or appendages).

Animals that have jointed appendages are called Arthropods (i.e animals with jointed legs). They are triploblastic (i.e they have 3 germ layers) and exhibit bilateral symmetry. They are both six-legged arthropods sub-grouped under the class Hexapoda (coined from the word "hexa" meaning six and "Poda" meaning leg). Their body are divided into three parts; head, thorax and abdomen.

Learn more:


Which of these would have the lowest kinetic energy?


Are there options too? If yes, then plz provide the options too, the next time you ask :) . Solids would have the lowest kinetic energy and gases have least kinetic energy.

You didn’t provide choices to choose from, but Solid particles have the least kinetic energy while Gas particles have the greatest amount

The liver develops: as a ventral outgrowth of the embryonic foregut. incorporates both endodermal and mesodermal components. develops in the ventral mesentery. is connected to the stomach by the lesser omentum. All of the above.


Answer: All of the above.


The liver is simply the largest solid organ in the body and it can be found below the rib cage in the upper abdomen by the right. It's function is to maintain the blood sugar, regulate blood clotting and remove toxins from the blood.

It should be noted that the liver develops as a ventral outgrowth of the embryonic foregut. It also helps in the incorporation of both the endodermal and the mesodermal components. Furthermore, it's developed in the ventral mesentery and is connected to the stomach by the lesser omentum.

Therefore, all of the above options are correct.

How does non-random mating cause

A. A population that ensures each individual reproduces
causes the population to evolve.
B. When multiple species mate with each other the
population evolves.
C. Individuals choose their mates, meaning that some
individuals pass on their genes and other do not.
D. Individuals that mate with the same individual every
year help evolve their population.


A. A population that ensures each indivdual reproduces

What is the effect of these currents on Earth's temperatures?


Ocean currents act much like a conveyor belt, transporting warm water and precipitation from the equator toward the poles and cold water from the poles back to the tropics. Thus, ocean currents regulate global climate, helping to counteract the uneven distribution of solar radiation reaching Earth's surface.

a body may have zero velocity even though its speed is 10m/s. give reason.​



because speed is time rate at which an object is moving along a bath, while velocity is the rate and direction of object's movement .

An element has an atomic mass number of 16 and an atomic number of 7. The element has protons and neutrons. Reset Next


the answer of this question is answer b

Fill in the bottom line of DNA with the complementary base pair:




Keep in mind that in DNA replication, the matching base pairs are A and T (adenine and thymine) and C and G (Cytosine and Guanine). This means that for DNA complementary strands, A's can ONLY bind with T's and C's can only bind with G's , and vice versa. So, your answer for the picture you have given is ACCTGATCGTAGCT

which of the following is a major determinant of the distribution pattern of a population?
1 social interactions
2 habitat area
3 rate of population growth
4 the ages of the individuals



rate of population growth

what did Rudolf virchow discovered?




In 1855 Virchow published a statement based on his observations Omnis cellula e cellula, which means that all cells arise from pre-existing cells. This was not a new theory.

For which of the following phenomena is intrinsic affinity necessarily more important than functional affinity?
A. Antibody-mediated opsonization of encapsulated bacterial pathogens
B. Assay using antibodies to detect small drugs in solution
C. Binding of C1q to immunoglobulin G (IgG) or IgM
D. Binding of neutralizing IgG antibodies to nonenveloped viruses​



B. Assay using antibodies to detect small drugs in solution

hope this helps you

have a nice day

Two organisms, AABBCCDDEE and aabbccddee, are mated to produce an F1 that is self-fertilized. If all of these genes are on the same chromosome, and there is no recombination, how many different genotypes will occur in the F2



2 genotypes: AABBCCDDEE; aabbccddee


The law of segregation (also called Mendel's First Law) describes how genes on different chromosomes segregate into gametes independently of each other. Moreover, recombination (also known as crossing over) is the interchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids during meiosis. In this case, the five genes are on the same chromosome (i.e., they are linked together and do not segregate) and there is no recombination, thereby they are inherited as a haplotype block to the next generation:

- Genotypes parental (P) lines: AABBCCDDEE; aabbccddee

- Cross P1: ABCDE X abcde

- Genotype F1: AaBbCcDdEe (100%)

- Gametes F1: ABCDE; abcde

- Genotypes F2: AABBCCDDEE; aabbccddee (ratio 1:1)

Porque voy a estudiar nutrición y dietética?



La carrera de nutrición y dietética forma profesionales altamente capacitados en el campo de la salud desde una perspectiva de la alimentación


La alimentación es un aspecto clave en la vida que se encuentra relacionado directamente con la cantidad y calidad de los alimentos que ingerimos, lo cual es fundamental para tener una vida saludable y desarrollar un estado de bienestar tanto físico como emocional. La carrera de nutrición y dietética pertenece al área de la salud y tiene como objetivo formar profesionales que se encuentren altamente especializados para el desarrollo de programas de alimentación adecuados, teniendo en cuenta las características intrínsecas de los grupos de alimentos, sus propiedades y los requerimientos personalizados para cada paciente. En consecuencia, los profesionales en nutrición y dietética desarrollan un conocimiento profundo acerca de cuales son los requerimientos en macronutrientes (proteínas, hidratos de carbono y lípidos) y micronutrientes (vitaminas y minerales) para cada individuo, esto con la finalidad de adaptar la alimentación de acuerdo a su edad, peso corporal, estatura, etc. Los profesionales en este campo poseen además conocimientos avanzados en biología humana, bioquímica, química orgánica, como así también desarrollan aptitudes en psicología y salubridad alimentaria.

Which of the following factors would LIMIT carrying capacity?
A. Far from factories or roads
B. A large nearby river
C. Abundant food
D. A small space to live in



D. A small space to live in


Having a small space to live in would directly limit carrying capacity.

Since there is a small space, only a few organisms would be able to live in that space.

This means that carrying capacity is limited, because the space does not have enough room to sustain more people.

So, the correct answer is D. A small space to live in

What are the following is considered a receptive a fine touch



This system is responsible for all the sensations we feel – cold, hot, smooth, rough, pressure, tickle, itch, pain, vibrations, and more. Within the somatosensory system,there are four main types of 1.receptorsme chanoreceptors, 2.thermoreceptors,3. pain receptors, and 4. proprioceptors.

Which of these is the best definition of sustainable development?
A. Development that makes sure buildings are strong enough to sustain large hurricanes and earthquakes
B. Development that's typical of underdeveloped nations that derive their products directly from nature
C. Development that's supported by public opinion
D. Development that ensures the protection of the environment in the long term



option D


is the correct answer

Development which basically ensures the protection of the environment in the long term is sustainable development. The correct option is D.

What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development is defined as growth that fulfills the requirements of the moment without jeopardizing future generations' capacity to meet their own needs.

The financial, social, and environmental measurements of sustainable development are examined.

The authors contend that material-intensive conventional productivity recovery is unsustainable in the long term unless environmental and social factors are prioritized equally.

Environmental protection aims to preserve as well as restore a healthy natural environment.

Sustainable development incorporates ecologic, social, and economic goals in order to achieve long-term equitable growth that benefits both the present and the future.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding sustainable development, visit:



What theory explains why the Uranian system is on its side?



Astronomers have always assumed that Uranus must have been knocked onto its side by a collision. Now a new idea suggests that the planet's remarkable tilt could have another explanation.


I just know it


Astronomers have always assumed that Uranus must have been knocked onto its side by a collision. Now a new idea suggests that the planet’s remarkable tilt could have another explanation.

by Emerging Technology from the arXivarchive page

December 3, 2009

One of the great mysteries of our Solar System is why Uranus is tilted on its side. Surely, if the solar system formed from the same rotating cloud of dust and gas, then all the bodies within it should rotate in the same way. And yet Uranus’ axis of rotation lies at 97 degrees to the plane of the solar system.

If you were given the power to control the United States government and policy what changes would you make regarding the environment and how would you fund these? You can consider your response to the question and/or include other issues.



i would probably fund different jails using taxes. there's absolutely no reason someone who accidently committed tax fraud should be sitting in the same cell as aconvicted murderer. & abd I would make harder consequences for hate crimes. like jail time.

You classified organisms based on anatomical structure and development. Scientists also use DNA to classify organisms. Considering the basic process of evolution, why do you think it’s important to also consider DNA and gene patterns during the classification of organisms?



By studying genetics and DNA, we can get the best idea of how species are related to each other, and therefore how to classify them. The genetic code of a species is not fixed, however. It changes over time! This is why we also need to factor in evolution.

It is important to also consider DNA and gene patterns during the classification of organisms because,

Through genetics and DNA study, we can get the idea of how species are related to each other and how to classify them. The genetic code of a species is not fixed. So, it need in evolution.

How organism classified ?The organism classified on the basis of shared characteristics.The classification of living organism includes seven levels, kingdom, phylum, classes, order, families, genus and species.

What is evolution?It is witness in the living species and change in heritable traits of biological population over successive generation.The process of development of complex organism from simpler one with time is called an evolution.

learn about gene,



How would you
change the hypothesis if mussels died in
both aquariums?


The new hypothesis could be that there is another alternative factor that is negativey afecting dwarfs survivorship.

The previous hypothesis of high levels of phosphate killing mussels is not necessarily disproved.  But the death of mussels from both the control and the treatment groups might be related to one of the controlled variables that could be actually afecting them.      


Probably different levels of phosphate are also affecting invididuals´ survivor rates. However, the fact that mussels from all the aquariums died suggests that there is something else going on that caused the death of all the individuals.    

The control group is used to identify any other factors influencing the results obtained in the study, apart from the modified variables of the treatment.  Individuals of the control group are selected from the same population as the treatment group. These two groups are identical in all aspects except for the independent variable, which changes in the treatment group but remains constant in the control group.

We know that mussels in this experiment were taken from the same population and grown under the same controlled conditions. Only the treatment group received phosphate, but all mussels died, not only the ones that receive phosphate. This result turns to be useful because it is indicating that there is another variable that is killing mussels. Phosphate might be a cause of death, but there is also something else. So the researchers should pay attention to the controlled variables, such as water quality, temperature, pH, food supply, light exposure, or others.  

These variables might be reflecting the real conditions under which mussels live. The results tell that one of these is related to individual death and could be a consequence of climate change or soil use, among other causes.    

Related link:   https://brainly.com/question/17771715?referrer=searchResults  

From a chemical view, how is an amino acid is being recognized by its specific aminoacyl tRNA synthetase?



An aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (aaRS or ARS), also called tRNA-ligase, is an enzyme that attaches the appropriate amino acid onto its corresponding tRNA. It does so by catalyzing the transesterification of a specific cognate amino acid or its precursor to one of all its compatible cognate tRNAs to form an aminoacyl-tRNA.

hi, define chemistry and mention the three branches of chemistry answer it fast .Good night​



Branches of inorganic chemistry include: ... Nuclear chemistry — the study of radioactive substances. Organometallic chemistry — the study of chemical compounds containing bonds between carbon and a metal. Solid-state chemistry — the study of the synthesis, structure, and properties of solid materials.


The five primary branches of chemistry are physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry.

what are three characteristics of life that archaea bacteria have?



The common characteristics of Archaebacteria known to date are these:

(1) the presence of characteristic tRNAs and ribosomal RNAs.

(2) the absence of peptidoglycan cell walls, with in many cases, replacement by a largely proteinaceous coat.

(3) the occurrence of ether linked lipids built from phytanyl chains.

1. Biochemical and differential tests can be incorporated into growth media or performed on isolated colonies after they have been cultured. Give three examples of a differential test that is incorporated into media and three examples that are applied after the colonies have been cultured.



Biochemical and differential tests can be incorporated into growth. media or performed on isolated colonies after they have been cultured. ... Three examples of biochemical tests that are done on the colonies are catalase test, indole test, and urease test.

Which of the following counteracts the movement of bicarbonate ions from the RBC?
A) chloride shifting
B) the Haldane effect
C) release of hydrogen ion
D) the Bohr effect​



A) chloride shifting


because in movement of bicarbonate ion, there. is exchange of carbonic acid and chloride ion in RBC which is called chloride shift.

Answer: A. chloride shifting

Please help me with this.





Gene pool is the total genetic diversity within a population or species




hope it helps.

White Leaf Disease is a devastating disease that
affects sugar cane crops in Thailand and has become a
major issue for farmers. The disease starts with a white
line forming in the center of the sugar cane's leaves,
which can change in size and shape as it develops.The sugar cane's new leaves will become increasingly whiter, often having stunted growth, and resulting in the sugar cane being less productive than the non-
infected plants, Scientists are trying to determine
what organelle must be damaged to produce the
observed results,


White leaf disease is caused by phytoplasma. The disease infects the leaves and create white spots in them.

The farmers in Thailand are facing this issue with sugarcane crops. The organisms infect phloem tissues in sugar cane and cause the leaves to turn white.

The size and shape can change as sometimes there are fine white lines created while sometime there are white spots.

Scientists are trying to deal with such disease and an spray of liquid copper has been found beneficial to treat this disease. The white spot fungus stops to spread with the spray.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24353052

the different between microspores and pollen grain


The key difference between microspore and pollen grain is that microspore is the small spore that develops into the male gametophyte in plants while pollen grain is the small grain that contains the male gametophyte.

What is the correct order of amino acid if the sequence of bases on DNA were as follows: C-C-T-C-G-A-T-T-C-A-T-G
glycine, alanine, lysine, tyrosine


alanine, proline, lysine, tyrosine


valine, aspartate, glycine, proline


aspartate, glycine, serine, valine



it should be G-G-A-G-C-T-A-A-G-T-G-C




think of them as opposites. invert them and you'll have the answer (its easier if you write the answer right underneath)

The amino acid sequence should be G-G-A-G-C-T-A-A-G-T-G-C

G-G-A: glycine

G-C-T: alanine

A-A-G: lysine

T-G-C:  tyrosine

What are amino acids?

Amino acids are molecules that combine to form proteins. Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of life.

The nucleotide triplet that encodes an amino acid is called a codon. Each group of three nucleotides encodes one amino acid. There are 64 combinations of 4 nucleotides taken three at a time and only 20 amino acids, the code is degenerate (more than one codon per amino acid, in most cases).

For more information regarding amino acid, visit:



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