Which were the first two political parties in the United States?
A. The Federalists and the Republicans
B. The Republicans and the Whigs
C. The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists
D. The Federalists and the Whigs


Answer 1


C. The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.


A political party can be defined as an organized group of individuals (people) who presumably share common political aims, goals, vision, ideas, and strategies on how a country should be governed.

Additionally, a political party refers to an organization that is capable of raising an unlimited amount of money from corporations, unions, associations, businesses, and individuals in order to spend these sums of money to overtly work for its preferred candidate (flag-bearer) or against a candidate belonging to an opposition party. Thus, it ​is an organization of people sharing similar political ideologies and provides a platform for a chosen candidate to run as its sole representative in an election category.

In the United States of America, the first two political parties were the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists party.

The Federalists party refers to a group of people who were keenly interested in the ratification of the federal constitution of the United States of America in 1787. They unanimously believed and agreed that the Articles of Confederation wasn't adequate or sufficient enough to enhance good governance and serve the needs of the United States of America and as such required a new government having greater powers at the national level.

On the other hand, the Anti-Federalists party strongly believed that there was a need to have a state government with power and a legal document that protect the rights of the American citizens.

Answer 2


C. The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists

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a grassroots group of instigators

Which was a goal of Ivan the Great?
O A. Controlling the Byzantine Empire
O B. Reducing the power of the boyars
O C. Increasing Mongol power in Russia
OD. Establishing the system of feudalism






The conquistadors were What causes the sickness among the slaves that Equiano describes in this passage?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

What caused the sickness among the slaves that Equiano describes in this passage is that these slaves traveled in inhuman conditions because they were put in overcrowded spaces with no air or ventilation at all. This caused most of them to get sick and diseases spread easily.

Equiano’s account is evidence of the poor conditions under which enslaved people were transported and then sold.

This reflects the way slaves were treated during those horrible years of slavery and the Slave Triangle that traded African slaves to the Americas. In 1789, Olaudah Equiano wrote the book "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African," which describes his memories of being treated as a slave since he was 11 years old.

Olaudah Equiano's narrative shows how the interaction among the peoples of Africa and Europe impacted the course of slavery.


answer is b on edge 2023


Write your critical analysis/critique of the readings presented related to the Philippine society and culture before and during the Spanish period.



I have analayzed. Philippines society was heavily influenced by the Spanish colonization from 1565 to 1898. through those years they introduced Christianity and so the early Filipinos believed in god. Foods was also influenced by the spanish for example Lechon (Spanish dish). It seems that the Spaniards hated the "savage" dishes the Philippines offered to the colonizers, another example of this is the american colonization right after Philippines had a war with the Spanish colonizers. The Americans werw disgusted with the dish adobo and they tried to force people not to cook them anymore. The filipino language is a mix of South-east Asian languages like bahasa Indonesia plus spanish words and accent. The Philippines weren't fully independent until July 4, 1946. After the events of countries trying to colonize The Philippines, the Philippines prospered and became the 2nd richest country in Asia (1900s)Philippines then participated in the basketball olympics and other worldwide committees. Since then, Philippines dropped to a third world country thanks to the overpopulation, corruption and natural disasters. The Philippines is a very interesting and unique country that has Spanish roots and a different culture.

In order to answer this question, here is a guide to help you:

Make a thorough research on the history of Philippines.Note down how they evolved and how their cultures were influenced.Make an outline on the main points gotten after your research.Buttress your points clearly and convincingly.

What is analysis?

Analysis actually refers to the examination carried out in a detailed way about something. It is actually done in order to provide clarity and understanding for the readers.

When analysing the Philippines, one can examine how they were colonized by the Spanish and the way Christianity was introduced. This made many Filipinos to believe in God.

Learn more about analysis on https://brainly.com/question/890849

Discuss what expectations and constraints were behind Eisenhower's foreign policy choices and how the "New Look" differed from Truman's foreign policy. Include a discussion of the role Third World Nations played in Eisenhower's foreign policy.



Dwight D. Eisenhower and articulated in a 1953 National Security Council paper. The policy focused on the use of nuclear weapons and was intended as a way for the United States to meet its Cold War military obligations without putting too much strain on the country's economy. Under the policy, known as the Eisenhower Doctrine, any Middle Eastern country could request American economic assistance or aid from U.S. military forces if it was being threatened by armed aggression


McCarthyism. Which was not an element of President Dwight Eisenhower's foreign policy? Increase the size of the military. ... The policy that committed American aid and troops to protect the Middle East from communist aggression.In domestic affairs, Eisenhower supported a policy of "modern Republicanism" that occupied a middle ground between liberal Democrats and the conservative wing of the Republican Party. Eisenhower continued New Deal programs, expanded Social Security, and prioritized a balanced budget over tax cuts.

In general, if the price of a good or service goes up, what happens to the demand
for that good or service?
O demark goes up
o demand stays the same
demand goes down
O none of the above
Stop sharing
Il app.honorlock.com is sharing your screen,



the demand for that good or service is going to go down because people would have to pay more.


· Machine guns
· Poison gas
· Flamethrowers
· Airplanes
These new military technologies resulted in a huge expansion of the military tactic known as trench warfare and made _______ the most deadly war up to that point in history.

World War I
World War II
American Civil War



The correct answer is B. World War I.


A trench warfare is a war in which both sides have dug themselves opposite each other in trenches and other fortified positions, with the aim of halting the advance of the enemy, which culminates in a stalemate where neither side succeeds in breaking through the enemy lines. The best-known trench warfare is World War I.

In general, trench warfare is the result of technological advances that allow enemy soldiers to be killed faster than they can advance. For example, in World War I, repeating rifles, machine guns, and modern artillery made it possible to mow down soldiers in the open by bushes. However, as armies still moved largely on foot and horseback, they could not cross those same open battlefields fast enough to get close enough to the enemy and fire effectively at the enemy.

We live in a world in which global circulation of people, information, goods, and bacteria is the danger of emerging viruses. How does the medieval system of dealing with the Black Death compare with ours?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

It is correct to say that we live in a world in which the global circulation of people, information, goods, and bacteria is the danger of emerging viruses.

The medieval system of dealing with the Black Death compared with ours in that it created so much fear due to misinformation and the lack of proper solutions against the Bubonic Plague. People feared the unknown and when they saw the effects of the plague, they locked in their houses and avoided any exterior contact.

Sounds similar? Well, pretty close with what we are witnessing today with so much misinformation, drama in the way news is reported, and the lack of a true solution to cure the current pandemic.

The Bubonic Plague or Black Death devastated many European nations in the 1300s. A dramatic decline of the population in Europe in the 1300s was caused by the Bubonic Plague.

The plague arrived in Europe in 1347 through the Sicilian port of Messina. Historians considered that the Bubonic Plague killed 20 million people in Europe. The sailors that navigated the trade routes of the time got the disease in Asia. In 1340, the plague had struck nations such as China, Egypt, Syria, India, and Persia.

I have now given the British Government a memorandum with a final German proposal. . . . The contents of this proposal are very simple: The area whose population is German and which wants to join Germany, comes to Germany . . . right now, immediately! I have selected the border which, based on the information on the demographic and linguistic distribution in Czechoslovakia which has been available for decades, is just. . . . I have also assured [Britain], and I repeat this assurance here, that, once this problem is solved, there exist no further territorial problems for Germany in Europe! . . . My patience is now exhausted! I have made Mr. Benes [the leader of Czechoslovakia] an offer. . . . The decision is in his hands! Peace or war! Either he accepts this offer and finally gives the Germans their freedom, or we will come and take this freedom ourselves! –Speech on the Sudetenland, Adolf Hitler, 1938 What information from this document might be useful if you wanted to explain that Germany had an aggressive foreign policy? the description of the border Hitler has chosen for the Sudetenland the assurance that this is the only territory that interests Germany the announcement that Hitler has given a memo to the British government the declaration that if Germany is not given the Sudetenland, it will invade



The information given is free, as are most calls (though some operators, phone ... In the European Union, discrimination based on racial and ethnic origin in the ... census and that since then the response rates have been very high. ... Governments rarely pledge support for equality data collection on or ... Born in Germany.



What information from this document might be useful if you wanted to explain that Germany had an aggressive foreign policy?

the description of the border Hitler has chosen for the Sudetenland

the assurance that this is the only territory that interests Germany

the announcement that Hitler has given a memo to the British government

the declaration that if Germany is not given the Sudetenland, it will invade      


ANSWER D        i took the test

The systems of government we understand today have their basis in what civilization?



Rome and Greece


Rome and Greece

specifically the Roman Republic and the City State of Athens were the republics and or democracy's

Why were early trade unions so ineffective



Their problems were low wages and unsafe working conditions. First, workers formed local unions in single factories. ... Unions were not successful because they did not have enough members, legislators would not pass effective laws, and the courts supported the business owners.

Which statement best completes the diagram?





the answer...............................



I don’t explain well but hope this answer helps

3 conclusiones sobre el legado cultural y su construcción al país que anhelamos​


I told you that please I don’t understand the language you are letting me to write

please please please question paper maths science social science answer please my friends​


what? Sorry I don’t understand the question

Match the following views on reconstruction to those held by either president abraham lincoln or the radical republicans



1. President Lincoln: advocated for relatively quick and easy ways to bring the south back into the union.

2. Radical Republicans: wanted to punish the south for its role in starting the long and expensive civil war.

3. President Lincoln: sought to maintain the Republican Party’s powerful position by exercising strict controls on the South.


The American Civil War was also referred to as War between the States and it was fought from the 12th of April, 1861 to the 9th of April, 1865. The war was simply between the Southern states that seceded to form Confederate States and the Northern states that were still loyal to the Union.

After the American Civil War, the turbulent era in which efforts were made by the government of the United States of America to reintegrate the Southern states from the Confederacy was known as the Reconstruction era, and it began on the 8th of December, 1863 to 31st of March, 1877.

After Reconstruction, Southern leaders in states such as Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, etc., introduced laws that segregated communities based on race.

1. President Abraham Lincoln: advocated for relatively quick and easy ways to bring the South (Confederacy) back into the Union by introducing a reconstruction plan.

2. Radical Republicans: wanted to punish the south for its role in starting the long and expensive civil war. Also, the Radical Republicans advocated that the Southern states (Confederates) should be forcefully reformed socially and politically through reconstruction.

3. President Abraham Lincoln: sought to maintain the Republican Party’s powerful position by exercising strict controls on the South (Confederacy).

On the 22nd of September, 1862, President Lincoln issued an executive order during the Civil War, which was known as the Emancipation Proclamation or Proclamation 95.

He issued the Emancipation Proclamation to set all persons who were held as slaves in the rebellious Southern states (Confederacy) free.

Read the 10 amendments carefully. Then summarize the most important parts of each amendment.


Answer: no you

Explanation: because

the third state of France consisted of ​



The Third Estate was made up of everyone else, from peasant farmers to the bourgeoisie. While the Second Estate was only 1% of the total population of France, the Third Estate was 96%, and had none of the rights and privileges of the other two estates.

The US economy is struggling and you can no longer buy the same amount
of things with $20 as you could a year ago. This is an example of


this would be called inflation

Q: How did Jim Crow
impact voter turnout in
South Carolina?


In the wake of the 15th Amendment and Reconstruction, several southern states enacted laws that limited Black Americans' access to voting.

1. STRUCTURE: What is this structure of this particular society as a whole? What are the
essential component parts? How do these parts relate to one another? How does this society differ
from others?



Social structure, in sociology, the distinctive, stable arrangement of institutions whereby human beings in a society interact and live together. Social structure is often treated together with the concept of social change, which deals with the forces that change the social structure and the organization of society

What was the red scare ?
A period when people were afraid of ideas such as communism and Anarchism
A period when many Americans died because of world war 1
A period when Americans feared and distrusted German immigrants



A period when people were afraid of ideas such as communism and Anarchism


What does commune mean



Commune, a town in medieval western Europe that acquired self-governing municipal institutions. During the central and later period of the Middle Ages most of the towns west of the Baltic Sea in the north and the Adriatic Sea in the south acquired municipal institutions that have been loosely designated as communal.

Do you think the American Colonist where justified in breaking away from
the British Empire? What cause do you think was the most important and



and 90% of people marry there 7th grade love. since u have read this, u will be told good news 2night. if u don't pass this on nine comments ur worst week starts now this isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this on ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. you will either get kissed or asked out in the next 53 minutes someone will say i love u


Fun Exercise: The investigator is tracking a jewelry thief's past trips in order to find and recover jewelry that was left behind in six cities. Each city was visited only once. Can you put together the travel timeline, using the information below?

1. The trip began and ended in the two cities closest to the equator.

2. The two cities in Europe were not visited back to back.

3. The thief visited New York City sometime before Bogata.

4. After visiting London, the thief visited one other city before visiting Nairobi.

5. Singapore was visited sometime before Paris.



not sure but hope it is right


2. The two cities in Europe were not visited back to back.

3. The thief visited New York City sometime before Bogata.

5. Singapore was visited sometime before Paris

4. After visiting London, the thief visited one other city before visiting Nairobi.

1. The trip began and ended in the two cities closest to the equator.

Is Central America covered with mountains





The name of central America is literally "the great plains" I'd assume there arent any. I mean like im sure theres relatively large hills. i mean tell me if i'm wrong but it doesnt make sense for plains to have mountains.

which aspect of english goverment traditions did not influence leaders in the united states?



The English government tradition such as banning taxation without representation, protection from arrest without cause, freedom from quartering soldiers, and freedom to petition the government did not influence the leaders in the united states.


plz i need brainless

describe three ways that the atmosphere helps living things survive on earth. include information in your answer about the characteristics of the different layers



The atmosphere blocks out harmful rays from the sun. The ozone layer, which lies in the stratosphere 11 to 50 kilometers from the Earth's surface, blocks out many harmful forms of radiation. Without the ozone layer, ultraviolet rays would destroy most life on Earth. Gases in the atmosphere also hold in heat.

Violence is limited to physical harm. True or false


the answer is false!

How long did it take Europe to "gobble up" virtually all Africa south of the Sahara.


Answer: From 711 AD up until 1492 AD, Muslim African Moors overcame and ruled Spain

The process of European colonization and the division of Africa among European powers took place during the late 19th century and lasted for several decades.

This period, known as the Scramble for Africa, began in the 1880s and continued until the early 20th century. European countries, including Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and Portugal, rapidly expanded their territories and established colonies across Africa. By the early 1900s, virtually all of Africa south of the Sahara had been colonized, marking the completion of European domination over the continent.

The exact timeframe of this process varied across different regions and countries, but it generally took several decades for Europe to assert its control over the majority of Africa south of the Sahara.

Learn more about European powers:



i need help , nobody knows the anwser !!



A. Empires were broken up into smaller independent states.


One general consequence on the spread of nationalism throughout the 20th century was that empires were broken up into smaller independent states.

This simply means that nationalism came at a cost, which was the reduction of empires into smaller states.

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