While in the theatre, the audience is always in the presence of the performers. Film allows the audience to be in the presence of Group of answer choices


Answer 1


an image.


An audience can be defined as a group of people who are collectively listening or watching a film, concert, television programme, radio show, book symposium, etc.

In a theatre where a play or drama is been acted, the audience (spectators) is always in the presence of the performers or actors.

On the other hand, a film allows the audience to be in the presence of an image because they don't get to see actors physically. Thus, a film limits the audience to only an image of the actors or characters that are featured therein.

Answer 2
a collection of images

Related Questions

4. Your classmate Tamira is discussing Renaissance art sculpture and is discussing a sculptor from this period. Which artist is she MOST LIKELY discussing?
Jan van Eyck


Donatello because everyone else is a painter

In 1876, Winslow Homer painted this imaginary scene between a former slave and a slaveowner. What does he suggest about the relationship among freedmen and former slaveowners in his painting



Freed blacks no longer had to show reverence to their former owners.

Freed blacks and former slave owners still interacted frequently after emancipation.

In 1876, Win slow Homer painted this imaginary scene between a former slave and a slaveowner known as a visit from old mistress. Win slow suggested and depicted that the relationship among freed man and former slaveowners has been changed and  Blacks who had gained freedom no longer had to respect their previous owners.

The official equality between the standing numbers hints to the equilibrium that the country sought during the trying Reconstruction years.

In the South after the war, a tentative encounter is depicted in A Visit from the Old Mistress. One of the independent slaves stays seated, something she would not have been permitted to do before the war, as they are no longer required to extend friendly greetings to their old mistress.

Who was Win slow homer?

Winslow Homer was an American landscape painter and printmaker who lived from February 24, 1836, to September 29, 1910. He is most known for his works featuring sea life. He is regarded as a major figure in American art and one of the best painters of the 19th century.

Homer, who was primarily self-taught, started out his career as a commercial illustrator. He then started painting in oil and produced significant studio pieces that were distinguished by the weight and density he drew from the medium.

Supporting answer

To learn more about Winslow homer paintings here https://brainly.com/question/13650711


Which Actor/Director has the sole distinction of having directed himself to an Oscar for Best Actor



sorry i cannot help you



Frida Kahlo is one of the twentieth century's most commented-upon artists. In the painting The Broken Column, she created a work that communicates some of the pain she endured because of an initial injury and numerous later surgeries. What makes this artist's personal story worth caring about for viewers of this work? Is it because of the intensity of her expression, or because she seems to speak for all women?


Answer: A lot of "art" fans can relate when an artist shows their own hurt in their art. Which is something Frida showed frequently. She was not only speaking to women but men as well. Though Frida was a female activist she had many of men on her side.


1) This represents a subjective view of personal experiences and tragedies and it is an example of how personal experiences are a good source for art creation.

2) This work is convincing, since it speaks to women that real femaleness is not on the outside, but in the inside, marked by courage and determination to overcome any tragedy.

In this question we are going to respond on the two questions contained in statement:

What makes this artist's personal story worth caring about for viewers of this work?

R/ This work is interesting as reflects a subjective view of personal experiences and tragedies, given that such experiences are a good sources of symbols and elements than can applied in art creation, associated to impressions, feelings and emotions.

In this case, this work represented a reaction of Frida Kahlo before her past marked by injuries and surgeries and how everyone can create something great and meaningful even from most tragical events.

Is it because of the intensity of her expression, or because she seems to speak for all women?

R/ In this work, the elements of femaleness and bravery to deal with tragedies are the most important issues of composition. I think that she wanted to transmit that real femaleness is not on the outside, but on the inside.

And such inside is defined by courage, determination and an open mind to understand and deal with tragedies.

We kindly invite to check this question on Frida Kahlo: https://brainly.com/question/12652897

What is your favorite Draco Malfoy stage based on the movies? (P.S. Mine is Prisoner of Azkaban)



Mine is the same one :)



Deathly hallows


animales muy sencillos cojmcuerpo bando a Anelidos b Artropodos c nidarios d Equinodermos



La opción correcta es C. Cnidarios.


Los cnidarios son una tribu de animales acuáticos. La tribu incluye entre sus miembros más conocidos a las medusas. Los cnidarios viven exclusivamente en el agua, la mayoría en el mar, pero también hay grupos que viven en agua dulce. El cuerpo de un cnidario es de construcción simple y se compone principalmente de mesoglea, una suerte de hidroesqueleto de contextura blanda.

Coloque las comas que ameriten. Estoy alegre Vanesa por el regalo que me diste En el armario coloco la vajilla en el cajon los cubiertos en los estantes los vasos El perro el gato y el ratón son animales mamiferos Espero Diego que hayas hecho tu parte del trabajo como te comprometiste Mi compañero de trabajo de poca experiencia y algo irresponsable falto varios dias


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Coloque las comas que ameriten.

Después de leer el texto, también debemos colocar la puntuación correspondiente, no nada más las comas.

Así que, aquí vamos.

Estoy alegre, Vanesa, por el regalo que me diste.

En el armario coloco la vajilla, en el cajón los cubiertos, en los estantes los vasos.

El perro, el gato y el ratón, son animales mamíferos.

Espero, Diego, que hayas hecho tu parte del trabajo como te comprometiste.

Mi compañero de trabajo, de poca experiencia y algo irresponsable, faltó varios días.

La puntuación en una oración es muy importante porque nos permite separar con claridad las ideas contenidas para lograr una mayor comprensión del texto.

Sin la puntuación correcta, el texto o las oraciones se leerían planas, sin pausas correspondientes para hacer las inflexiones apropiadas.

La puntuación facilita la comprensión de la lectura.

This art is often created in order to make more than one copy. Once the image is created on the original medium, it can be reused multiple times.
A. Painting
B. Printmaking
C. Sculpture
D. Photography



B. printmaking


printmaking is the ability to make an original available to the masses.

Qué comunicamos los seres humanos a través del baile con la música?




es una manera de expresar nuestro estado de animo o sentimiento dependiento de la musica yque estamos bailando y de como la bailamos

How can you respectfully experience art in a gallery?
A.Touch the art to see what it feels like.
B. Stand very close to the art so others can't see it.
C.Talk about the art in a quiet and polite way.
D.Use a camera flash when photographing the art.


You can not touch art. Others must be able to see the art to enjoy it and photography(especially with flash) is strictly prohibited in art museums. C is the answer

One can respectfully experience art in a gallery by talking  about the art in a quiet and polite way. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is the meaning of an art gallery?

A gallery is a place where artwork is shown and offered for sale. As a result, the art gallery is a business that represents a variety of artists. The gallery serves in the capacity of the dealer, promoting and disseminating the respective artists' works.

The terms "art museum" and "art gallery" are both used to refer to institutions that are dedicated to the presentation of art. By having quiet, respectful conversations about the art, one can respectfully experience it in a gallery.

A gallery's main objectives are to support visual artists, publicize their work, and expose them to the general public, collectors, the media, and other cultural organizations.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about art gallery from here:



Speakers compete against both internal and external ______ for the attention of their listeners


I'm pretty sure it's problems

Speakers compete against internal and external influences for the attention of their listeners.

The speaker while communicating would his audience would expect to receive good attention from them.

But there are times that certain influences would lead to barriers in communication. These two falls under the external influences.

Background noisesenvironmental influences

The internal influences could be due to

daydreamingThinking about other thingsTiredness or hunger


what is this squigly line before a measure in music? what is the name and what does it mean? this is in Clair De Lune by Debussy​



An arpeggiated chord


It means that you play the notes quickly in order and starting from the lowest note to the highest ( pitch wise) to create a sound almost like a harp.

I hope this helps!

What was Peter Paul Ruebens life like? (Answer with at least 2-3 sentences)


Peter Paul Rubens, (born June 28, 1577, Siegen, Nassau, Westphalia [Germany]—died May 30, 1640, Antwerp, Spanish Netherlands [now in Belgium]), Flemish painter who was the greatest exponent of Baroque painting's dynamism, vitality, and sensuous exuberance.

Cuantas palabras puedo formar con la palabra



DAGUERROTIPIA puede formar, con sus letras, las siguientes palabras:

-DAgueRrotipia = DAR


-daguerROTipiA = ROTA, RATO

-dagueRROTipiA = ROTAR

-DAGuerrotipiA = DAGA

Who created this piece of art?


Michelangelo created this

Summarize the article in one sentence (your own words). What is the main idea?

Newspaper Coverage of the Invasion at Normandy

War News Summarized
June 6th 1944 | New York Times

The invasion of western Europe began this morning.

General Eisenhower, in his first communique from Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, issued at 3:30 am, said that “Allied naval forces supported by strong air forces began landing Allied armies this morning on the northern coast of France.”

The assault was made by British, American, and Canadian troops who, under command of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, landed in Normandy. London gave no further details but earlier Berlin had broadcast that parachute troops had landed on the Normandy Peninsula near Cherbourg and that invasion forces were pouring from landing craft under cover of warships near Havre. Dunkerque and Calais were being heavily bombed, the Germans said.

Later announcements from Berlin said that there was fighting between Caen and Trouville and that shock troops had swung into action to halt the invasion.

General Eisenhower, in an order of the day to each member of the “great crusade” told his men the enemy would fight savagely: “We will accept nothing less than full victory! Good luck.” In a broadcast to the “Peoples of Western Europe,” he said the day would come when he would need their full help.
A special word to France added that Frenchmen would rule the country. Almost simultaneously it was announced that General de Gaulle had arrived in London.

The liberation of Rome in no way slowed the Allied pursuit of the tired and disorganized German armies in Italy yesterday. Armored and motorized units sped across the Tiber River to attack upon the retreating enemies' heels. Five hundred heavy bombers joined with lighter aircraft to smash rail and road routes leading to northern Italy and to add to the foe’s demoralization. The Eighth Army, despite heavy opposition, especially northeast of Valmontone, captured a number of strategic towns.

General Clark said that parts of the two German armies had been smashed. He doubted the ability of the Germans Fourteenth to put up effective opposition, and felt the Allied victory would come soon.

President Roosevelt warned the people of the United States in a radio talk last night not to overemphasize the military significance of the liberation of Rome. “Germany has not yet been driven to surrender,” he said. “Victory still lies some distance ahead… it will be tough and costly…”



You can use the website in the explanation bar to rewrite it for you and then use word hippo to change out any other words



Musicians and composers were skilled servants to courts and/or churches during the Baroque period. What similarities and differences can you draw to the music industry today



The music industry is much more admired today. Many modern musicians have become huge celebrities.


That's all I got my dude

The similarity that can be drawn today from the musicians in the Baroque period is that musicians today are;

known to have the gospel genre.They also have the secular genre.

The differences in music of the Baroque music and today's music

The Baroque period did not have the same element like today's music in terms of:

TechnologyInstrumentsClothes and costumes used by musicians

Read more on music here: https://brainly.com/question/20410080

Gregorian Chant is named after Pope Gregory I, who Group of answer choices organized a group of composers to write a new set of plainchant melodies. had his name put on the first printed edition of the Gregorian Chant hymnal. was said to have written the bulk of the standard chants, according to later legend. wrote the harmonies and instrumental parts for all of the chants.


Answer: was said to have written the bulk of the standard chants, according to later legend.


Pope Gregory was one of the most influential popes there ever was and he is credited with pushing the realm of the Christian faith as well as the Papacy to greater heights.

Popular legend credits him with having written the majority of the Gregorian chant which is a body of chants used by the Roman Catholic church. For this reason the chant is named after him. Modern scholars have however come to believe that it is simply an amalgamation of Roman and Gallican chants.

What technology takes recordings of acoustic instruments and places them under the control of a keyboard or computer



Musical Instrument Digital Interface.(MIDI)


Musical Instrument Digital Interface, known as MIDI, can be regarded as technology that gives enablement for connection of devices that make and control sound. These device could be synthesizers as well as samplers and computers, these enablement allows these device to communicate with each othe through the use of MIDI messages. MIDI allows different electronic instruments as well as electronic music devices to be able to communicate with each other as well with the computers. With MIDI technology coming to light , it has spurred a rapid expansion as regards sales as well as production of music software as well as electronic instruments. It can be regarded as term used in describing communications protocol or digital interface. It should be noted that Musical Instrument Digital Interface( MIDI) technology takes recordings of acoustic instruments and places them under the control of a keyboard or computer.

The technology that is used in taking recordings of acoustic instruments which are then controlled by the computer is the musical instrument digital interface.

The musical instrument digital interface is also used in connecting devices that helps in controlling sounds such as the samplers, synthesizers etc. Examples of MIDI include Logic Pro, Cubase, and Pro Tools. .

MIDI helps in the recording and playback of music which one creates from the digital synthesizer. By using MIDI, one instrument can be able to control another instrument and this allows producers to be able to layer various instruments which corresponds to the sound that they want.

In conclusion, through the musical instrument digital interface(MIDI), different electronic instruments can be able to communicate with the computer system.

Read related link on:


Simultaneous use of several rhythmic patterns is referred to as a. atonal rhythm. b. polyrhythm. c. mixed meters. d. changing meters.





A polyrhythm is a rhythm which makes use of two or more different rhythms simultaneously.

10. Write a three-paragraph essay in which you discuss the three main uses and intended
purposes of symbolism in the art you have studied: political, religious, and moral. Refer to
specific artists and artworks as much as possible.



Symbolism was a movement in the visual arts, music and literature that reached its peak between 1880 and 1910. The emergence of Symbolism can be seen as a reaction to the dominant realism and naturalism in art around 1850. Imagination, fantasy and intuition were central. Symbolism is characterized by a strong penchant for the past and a focus on the subconscious, the unusual and the inexplicable. The symbol was central to this, and becomes a sensory perceptible sign that refers to a gate to the non-sensory world. The inner, irrational experiences become important, with an emphasis on dream images and death. Forms of powerlessness, languor and decadence evoke an atmosphere of doom and threat.

What is space?

A. The setting of a work of art

B. The place where an artist lived

C. The distance between objects


Distance between objects
Um I believe c would be the answer

Symbolism is ____________________
an expression, practice, or usage of cultural characteristics.
the likeness of someone,usually painted or sculpted.
a memorial, a lasting remembrance, evidence by displaying another image in its place.
the art of using symbols, or having symbolic meaning.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Symbolism is the practice or art of using an object or a word to represent an abstract idea. An action, person, place, word, or object can all have a symbolic meaning. The answer is D

Symbolism is the art of using symbols or having symbolic meaning. The correct option is d.

What is the theory of symbolism?

The social sciences have several theories, one of which is symbolic interaction. This idea proposes that humans exist in both natural and symbolic environments. Symbolic interaction is a process that uses symbols in the mind to animate mutual meaning and values.

Symbolism is a literary and artistic movement that emerged in the late 19th century, characterized by the use of symbols to represent abstract ideas, emotions, or concepts. Symbolism can be found in many forms of art, including literature, poetry, music, painting, and sculpture, among others. The use of symbols can add depth and richness to a work of art and can help convey complex ideas and emotions in a powerful way.

Thus, the ideal selection is option d.

Learn more about symbolism here:



________ was one of the first Asian theatre artists to influence the development of western theatre.


Answer: Mako    (i think)


i looked it up on wiki

1. Which of the following is an example of binary form?

A. a Beginning (A) section Followed by a contrasting (B) section
B. a Beginning (A) section Followed by a contrasting (B), and ending with a repeated but shorter version of the beginning (A) section



Answer is A!;) it is on hello music theory.con

In hip-hop and R&B music, beats two and four are called the

A. slidebeats
B. upbeats
C. backbeats
D. sidebeats


The answer is C. backbeats




Just did test

what color will it be if you mix red with blue?


The color would be Purple

Reconoce el sujeto y su nucleo en las siguientes oraciones se reunieron los ingenieros y el jefe de la empresa


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Reconoce el sujeto y su núcleo en las siguientes oraciones:

Se reunieron los ingenieros y el jefe de la empresa.

El sujeto y su núcleo son; "ingenieros y el jefe."

Recordemos que el sujeto es el "quién" o "quienes" realizan la acción de verbo. De hecho es así como la mayoría de maestros lo enseñan. "Pregúntale al verbo en quién en recae la acción."

Solo por darte mayores referencias, además del sujeto, también puedes encontrar el predicado y los complementos directo, indirecto o preposicional.

Dentro de la estructura del predicado en una oración, el Complemento Directo afecta directamente o acompaña al verbo el núcleo del predicado. Y como la palabra misma lo dice, en el caso del Complemento Indirecto, hacen lo mismo pero de forma indirecta.

Eb el caso de Complemento Preposicional, la palabra es una preposición que afecta al sustantivo de la oración.

Contains important nerve endings



what is the question....

What is the question? Nerve endings arent art?

Does anyone have tips on learning lines faster? I have a drama I'm in and its in 2 weeks can you give me tips on learning lines faster



stand in front of mirror and speak loudly

u can practice this. many times may help yu

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General Eisenhower, in his first communique from Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, issued at 3:30 am, said that Allied naval forces supported by strong air forces began landing Allied armies this morning on the northern coast of France. The assault was made by British, American, and Canadian troops who, under command of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, landed in Normandy. London gave no further details but earlier Berlin had broadcast that parachute troops had landed on the Normandy Peninsula near Cherbourg and that invasion forces were pouring from landing craft under cover of warships near Havre. Dunkerque and Calais were being heavily bombed, the Germans said. Later announcements from Berlin said that there was fighting between Caen and Trouville and that shock troops had swung into action to halt the invasion. General Eisenhower, in an order of the day to each member of the great crusade told his men the enemy would fight savagely: We will accept nothing less than full victory! Good luck. In a broadcast to the Peoples of Western Europe, he said the day would come when he would need their full help.A special word to France added that Frenchmen would rule the country. Almost simultaneously it was announced that General de Gaulle had arrived in London. The liberation of Rome in no way slowed the Allied pursuit of the tired and disorganized German armies in Italy yesterday. Armored and motorized units sped across the Tiber River to attack upon the retreating enemies' heels. Five hundred heavy bombers joined with lighter aircraft to smash rail and road routes leading to northern Italy and to add to the foes demoralization. The Eighth Army, despite heavy opposition, especially northeast of Valmontone, captured a number of strategic towns. General Clark said that parts of the two German armies had been smashed. He doubted the ability of the Germans Fourteenth to put up effective opposition, and felt the Allied victory would come soon. President Roosevelt warned the people of the United States in a radio talk last night not to overemphasize the military significance of the liberation of Rome. Germany has not yet been driven to surrender, he said. Victory still lies some distance ahead it will be tough and costly You want to be able to identify the services running on a set of servers on your network. Which tool would best give you the information you need? Given: CD is an altitude of triangle ABC.Prove: a^2 = b^2 +c^2 = 2bccos A What is a variegated leaf A recent article in a university newspaper claimed that the proportion of students who commute more than miles to school is no more than . Suppose that we suspect otherwise and carry out a hypothesis test. 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