While you and your little cousin are walking through a natural history museum, she points out the skull of an australopithecine with a large crest on the top and asks you what its purpose was. How might you correctly sum up this complicated evolutionary trait for your little cousin


Answer 1


The purpose of the crest was to provide a surface for masticatory muscle attachment or insertion.


This crest is called the sagittal crest. It is present in extinct hominids, such as Australopithecus and Paranthropus, and can also be found in living animals such as gorillas or lions and some reptiles.

The sagittal crest is a bony structure that crosses the hominids´ skull longitudinally, and it is so well-developed that it stands out notoriously.

This crest, like others in the skulls, provides an attachment surface for many muscles. In the particular case of the sagittal crest, it is believed to provide an insertion area to mastication muscles.

It seems that Australopithecus had a special diet composed of tough items. The hominid probably needed to strong bite while eating. The strong jow muscles gave them the possibility to bite but needed a wide area for insertion. The sagittal crest provided that wide surface. There was a direct relationship between the size of the crest and the muscle mass. The bigger the crest was, the more developed the muscle was.

It is believed that in living animals, such as gorillas, the development of the crest in males is for sexual selection and reproductive success. The bigger the crest is, the more attractive the male is, and the more chances to be selected by the female to mate it will have. Some hypothesize that the development of the crest in Australopithecus could also be related to sexual selection.

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Write down the functions of
2.tripletsof microtubules



Microtubules are filamentous intracellular structures that are responsible for various kinds of movements in all eukaryotic cells. Microtubules are involved in nucleic and cell division, organization of intracellular structure, and intracellular transport, as well as ciliary and flagellar motility

Centrioles are cylindrical structures that are made up of protein tubes called microtubules. Specifically, nine groups of three microtubules, known as triplet microtubules, are linked together to make the walls of the cylinder.

Hope it helps :)


Microtubules have several functions. For example, they provide the rigid, organized components of the cytoskeleton that give shape to many cells, and they are major components of cilia and flagella (cellular locomotory projections). They participate in the formation of the spindle during cell division (mitosis).

triplet microtubules are linked together to make the walls of the cylinder.


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A. When you are given of review of how well you work by your coworkers.
B. When research is scrutinized and re-tested by others who are experts in the same area.
C. When people of the same age read each other's work.
D. When research is published to the general public for them to form opinions on it.
Reset Selection


A. When you are given of review of how well you by your co workers

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is made when planet are formed

Help me please picture included



umm I'm sorry but the picture is not coming like I mn its blank

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Americans chemical society

Can someone please help me!


The answer is C.

It is the site of gas exchange in the lungs.

Gas exchange occurs only in alveoli. Alveoli are made of thin-walled parenchymal cells, typically one-cell thick, that look like tiny bubbles within the sacs. Alveoli are in direct contact with capillaries (one-cell thick) of the circulatory system.

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if the velocity of a vehicle starting from rest reaches 5m/2s in 2seconds, is the velocity of the vehicle uniform ?explain.​



Avg speed × total times = total distance


Since acceleration in the 1st interval is same as deceleration in the 3rd interval and deceleration is from the same velocity achieved after acceleration, t
































































Solving (1 ) and (2) ⇒t





The diagram below shows a light ray striking Medium A and Medium B at the same angle. (4 points)

A rectangle labeled Medium A is drawn on the left. A ray of light travels through air and strikes the surface of medium A making an angle of 50 degrees with the vertical. The light ray bends towards the vertical as it travels through Medium A and makes an angle of about 15 degrees with the vertical. A rectangle labeled Medium B is drawn on the right. A ray of light travels through air and strikes the surface of medium B making an angle of 50 degrees with the vertical. The light ray bends towards the vertical as it travels through Medium B and makes an angle of about 25 degrees with the vertical.

Which statement is correct?
The speed of the light ray is the same in air and Medium A.

The speed of the light ray is the same in air and Medium B.

Medium A and Medium B have different densities because light refracts at different angles.

Medium A and Medium B have the same density because the light ray strikes both at the same angle.



A the speed of the light ray is the same in air and medium

If your body lacks enzymes that break down carbohydrates, it would be unable to get __A__ for energy production. If you lacked the enzyme to digest proteins, you may not absorb enough __B__.



Glucose and amino acid.


If your body lacks enzymes that break down carbohydrates, it would be unable to get glucose for energy production while on the other hand, if you lacked the enzyme to digest proteins, you may not absorb enough amino acid that our body needs for the formation of muscles. Enzymes play a great role in the breakdown of macro food particles into simpler molecules so that it can be absorbed by the cells.


A: Sugar Molecules

B: Amino Acids

Hope this helps!


Can someone please help me!



thats the 2 number point okay,plasma contains platelets ,ok

Which is the difference between an antibiotic and an antiviral?



There are no options in this question, the options are as follows:

A. Antibiotics build up immunity, and antivirals increase white blood cells.

B. Antibiotics treat the symptoms, and antivirals destroy the causing organism.

C. Antibiotics are in liquid form, and antivirals are in mist form.

D. Antibiotics treat patients who have Staphylococcus, and antivirals treat patients who have the flu.

The answer is D


Specific drugs are used to curb infection or diseases caused by specific pathogens. An infection can be caused by either bacteria, virus or fungi. Considering their different mechanism of infection, viral infections are treated with the use of ANTIVIRAL DRUGS while bacterial infections are treated with the use of ANTIBIOTICS.

According to this question, staphylococcus is a bacterial genus and hence, patients with staphylococcus can be treated with antibiotics while flu is a viral disease, hence can only be treated with antivirals.


A. Antibiotics build up immunity, and antivirals increase white blood cells.



A scientist observes rock masses that have moved past each other in opposite horizontal directions. Which feature does the scientist observe?

strike-slip fault
fault-block mountai


The scientist observes strike slip fault feature when rock masses that have moved past each other in opposite horizontal directions.


Strike slip fault


when it masses moved away against horizontal directions.

In order for natural selection to occur, organisms must (select all that apply) Check All That Apply have variation that can be passed from one generation to the next. have variation that can be passed from one generation to the next. have differential reproductive success. have differential reproductive success. survive longer than another organism. survive longer than another organism. compete for resources. compete for resources. have adaptations to their environment. have adaptations to their environment.



have variation that can be passed from one generation to the nextsurvive longer than another organismhave adaptations to their environment. have differential reproductive success.


Naturla selection is the survival and reproduction of individuals due to different phenotypes. The naturla selection represents a mechanism of evolution and changes in traits of species.

In order for natural selection to occur, organisms must :

have a variation that can be passed from one generation to the next.have differential reproductive success.

Natural Selection is a mechanism of evolution that occurs when there is a heritable variation for a trait and individuals with one version of the trait have greater reproductive success than do individuals with a different version of the trait.

In order for natural selection to occur, three conditions must be met:

There must be variation for the particular trait within a population.The variation must be inheritableIndividuals with one version of the trait must produce more offspring than those with a different version of the trait.


In order for natural selection to occur, organisms must :

have a variation that can be passed from one generation to the next.have differential reproductive success.

Learn more:


Explain how homologous and the fossil records support evolution.
Thanks so much!!!



Los fósiles, una prueba de la evolucion. El estudio de los fósiles nos da una idea muy directa de los cambios que sufrieron las especies al transformarse unas en otras; existen muchas series de fósiles de plantas y animales que nos permiten reconstruir cómo se fueron adaptando a las cambiantes



homologous: have identical position, value, or structure

Fossils: In the oldest rocks area unit fossils of the best organisms and within the newest rocks area unit fossils of additional advanced organisms.



The evolution theory is supported by multiple sorts of evidence: homologous structures show common ancestry, whereas similar selective pressure will manufacture similar variations. analogous structures (beneficial features).

In the oldest rocks area unit fossils of the best organisms and within the newest rocks area unit fossils of additional advanced organisms. This supports Darwin's organic process theory, whereby straightforward life forms {progressively|increasingly|more and additional} evolved into more advanced. Proof of adolescence forms comes from fossils.

What goes on during interphase?



During interphase, the cell grows (G1), replicates its DNA (S) and prepares for mitosis (G2). ... Interphase is the 'daily living' or metabolic phase of the cell, in which the cell obtains nutrients and metabolizes them, grows, replicates its DNA in preparation for mitosis, and conducts other "normal" cell functions.


During interphase, the cell grows and the nuclear DNA is duplicated. Interphase is followed by the mitotic phase. During the mitotic phase, the duplicated chromosomes are segregated and distributed into daughter nuclei. The cytoplasm is usually divided as well, resulting in two daughter cells

Which of the following is an example of an adaptation?

A. Ducks swim near the shore by a picnic area, where food is always available.

B. A dog walks without pulling on its leash.

C. Wolves work together to catch prey.

D. Birds living near a highway learn not to fly away every time a car passes.

(Zoom the picture for better quality)


the answer should be D


wolves work together to catch prey

which of the following statement about carbon dixoide is not true?

a.) increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases the green house effect

b.) carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas

c.) atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have slowly declined over the last 50 years

d.) burning fossil fuels can increase carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere



c is not true


c is correct answer because carbon dioxide have been increased not decreased

What are the effects of global warming on the earth over time?


Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.

the energy to turn raw materials into food is powered by _____ and occurs in the plants ____



Photosynthesis, chloroplast


Explain the reciprocal relationship between human society and limiting factors



humans try to modify environment factors to suit their needs. Limiting factors can be controlled in a specific area however, we can't control larger area. Like water or energy.

1. Identify the taxa labeled A, B, C, and
Din the chart.







Why does climate change affect so many things?



These have been caused by many natural factors, including changes in the sun, emissions from volcanoes, variations in Earth's orbit and levels of carbon dioxide (CO2). Global climate change has typically occurred very slowly, over thousands or millions of years.


According to me there are several causes of climate change, but all the problems are based upon a major problem which is over population. Either it is deforestation, any kind of pollution, global warming or whatever it is, all these problems are inter-linked and all are due to increasing population.

What is a disadvantage of using a space-filling model to show a chemical compound?




The appropriate answer is 'space filling models do not identify the number and type of bonds'. A space filling model is one type of three dimensional (3D) molecular model used to represent molecules of different chemical compounds. The structure of this type of arrangement shows that, for example, two elements are bonded but it does not show if it is a single, double or triple bond.

How do the frequencies of the waves compare?

Wave A has a higher frequency because it has a larger amplitude.
Wave A has a lower frequency because it has a longer wavelength.
The waves have the same frequency because they have the same wavelength.
The waves have the same frequency because they have the same amplitude.



The waves have the same frequency because they have the same amplitude.

During respiration, carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood across the alveolus and into the lungs. Which factor increases the diffusion rate of carbon dioxide?



There are some factors which affect the rate of diffusion. These are:-

The partial pressure of oxygen.

The partial pressure of carbon dioxide.


The concentration of gases.

The thickness of the membrane.

hope this helps you

have a nice day :)


the thickness of membrane

the drug which is used to reduce pain is ..,....

i) opium ii) bhang iii) hashish iv) marijauna​







because it is used to make pain nubbing/pain killer

List three of water’s unique properties.



1.water is called universal solvent it can dissolve almost every solute on it

2.water can show anamolus expansion which mean it density will me most on 4 degree celsius

3.it is neutral substance

universal solvent, water cane expand, neutral substance

What is the process in genetic expression?




Gene expression is the process by which the instructions in our DNA are converted into a functional product, such as a protein. It acts as both an on/off switch to control when proteins are made and also a volume control that increases or decreases the amount of proteins made.

Chemosynthesis _______. Question 11 options: uses energy derived from hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfide in place of solar energy produces carbohydrates and sugars occurs around hydrothermal vents near the oceanic ridge system Both a and c are correct. All of the above are correct.



The answer is all of the above are correct.


Chemosynthesis occurs in bacteria and other organisms and involves the use of energy released by inorganic chemical reactions to produce food. All chemosynthetic organisms use energy released by chemical reactions to make a sugar, but different species use different pathways. For example, at hydrothermal vents, bacteria oxidize hydrogen sulfide and add carbon dioxide and oxygen to produce sugar, sulfur, and water:  

CO2 + 4H2S + O2 ⇒ CH20 + 4S + 3H2O.

Chemosynthesis is the process by which food (glucose) is made by bacteria using chemicals as the energy source, rather than sunlight. Chemosynthesis occurs around hydrothermal vents and methane seeps in the deep sea where sunlight is absent. During chemosynthesis, bacteria living on the seafloor or within animals use energy stored in the chemical bonds of hydrogen sulfide and methane to make glucose from water and carbon dioxide (dissolved in seawater). Pure sulfur and sulfur compounds are produced as by-products.

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