
Answer 1


Matthew 11:11

“I tell you the truth, of all who have ever lived, none is greater than John the Baptist. Yet even the least person in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he is!


Related Questions

The Mughal emperor appointed the Company as the Diwgzt of the provinces of Bengal in the year 1700.






edit: your welcome>33

(06.02 LC)Which invention allowed the production of 100% cotton cloth, resulting in much cheaper textiles?
O Cotton gin
O Flying shuttle
Spinning jenny
O Water frame



cotton gin.................

Answer:khung nước


Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)
(01.02 MC)

Which of these actions was an economic cause of increased tensions between the North and South?

Dred Scott decision
Protective tariffs
Bleeding Kansas
Lincoln’s election


Answer: Protective tariffs

Explanation: These, passed by the North against the South's wishes, hurt the Southern states economically while helping the North

An effect of the Great Awakening was:



they say long-term effects of the great awakening with a decline of Quakers Anglicans and congregationalists as the Presbyterians and Baptists increased it also caused an emergency religious toleration and emphasis on inner experience and denominational


Ordinary people were encouraged to make a personal connection with God instead of relying on ministers.

the Montreal protocol has been revised and amended several times since its conception reflect in what aspect of design​



Design is iterative


What were the powers of
the emperor? (All 5)



The emperor is the head of state but has no political powers. The role is largely ceremonial, and involves duties such as greeting foreign dignitaries and attending cultural and public events. Some constitutional duties, such as the opening of parliament, also fall to the emperor but are based on cabinet decision.


Edit; your welcome>33

is there anyone who can help with us government?


Yes, the framers of the US Constitution did help to create the
US government.

5. What was the verdict in President Johnson's impeachment trial?

a) He was found guilty.
b) He was removed from office.
c) He escaped conviction by one vote.
d) He was forced to confess his guilt.



I don’t know I’m having the same problem


The answer is C :) :) :)

Our history is full of famous people



yeah it is



ok it is I guess I don't really like history tbh lol


How does democracy ensure the well-being of the people

The government is controlled by the workas,

Laws are created to protect civil rights.

The government regulates the economy completi.

D. The government controls the press.


B. The law are created to protect civil rights.

B because withput and law to protect civil right we wouldall be slaves and be ded and have so much anxiety so it has to be B

Hope this helps:)))

Why would a leader in the Cold War era be motivated to continue the fight in Vietnam?



Answer: Communism and nationalism are considered to very important points in continuation of the war with Vietnam. Exp


It was a very long cold war that ended in 1989


Communism and nationalism are considered to very important points in continuation of the war with Vietnam. Explanation: It was a very long cold war that ended in 1989.

Pls Help Asap!
Write a paragraph that explains your view on what the most important new idea from the 1950s was, and how it impacts life today.



There are many different ideas from the 1950s but there are ideas that did have impact in life today. For example credit cards (1950), they were an idea brought up in the 1950s and is used globally to this day. Another idea is the microwave oven (1954). The impact it has to life today is that it is used in almost every house or home building there is.  The last idea I am going to tell is color television (1953). It has made a lot of impactful changes to  entertainment. Those are my views on this topic.

Hope this helps

Franklin D Roosevelt believed regional economic development like that in the Northwest (i.e the Grand Coulee Dam) would promote economic growth, ease the domestic and working lives of ordinary Americans, and keep control of key natural resources in public rather than private hands. The early Roosevelt administration spent far more money on building roads, dams, airports, bridges, and housing than any other activity.
- because of the New Deal, "liberalism" came to define a government that actively tried to uplift those in need instead of a free-market economy and limited government
- ND also made people focus on economic security as a part of American freedom. ND measures included the Social Security Act & Fair Labor Standards Act.
- the ND expanded freedom, but still not to all
- Democratic Party was united by FDR in the 1930s





Speaker A: Government should not interfere in relations between workers and business owners.
Speaker B. The workers will rise up and overthrow the privileged dass.
Speaker C: Private property will cease to exist. The people will own the means of production.
Speaker D: A favorable balance of trade should be maintained by the use of tariffs.
Which two speakers represent Karl Marx's ideas of communism?
A. A and B
B. B and C
C. B and D
D. C and D


The answer should be A and b

how do you give cpr?


place your heel(of ur hand) on the center of the persons chest then place your other hand and on top of that hand and press down at a rate or 100-120 give 2 rescue breaths more id needed

Answer: Put the person on his or her back on a firm surface.

Kneel next to the person's neck and shoulders.

Place the lower palm (heel) of your hand over the center of the person's chest, between the nipples.

Place your other hand on top of the first hand. Keep your elbows straight and position your shoulders directly above your hands.

Push straight down on (compress) the chest at least 2 inches (5 centimeters) but no more than 2.4 inches (6 centimeters). Use your entire body weight (not just your arms) when doing compressions.

Push hard at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions a minute. The American Heart Association suggests performing compressions to the beat of the song "Stayin' Alive." Allow the chest to spring back (recoil) after each push.

If you haven't been trained in CPR, continue chest compressions until there are signs of movement or until emergency medical personnel take over. If you have been trained in CPR, go on to opening the airway and rescue breathing.


John Deere developed the first _________________ used in America.
railroad ties
mechanical sickle
sewing machine
steel tip plow

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




i think the answer is sewing machine


D. steel tip plow


In 1837, Deere developed and manufactured the first commercially successful cast-steel plow. The wrought-iron framed plow had a polished steel share. This made it ideal for the tough soil of the Midwest and worked better than other plows.

hope i helped

What effect did the French and Indian War have on the British and their American colonies?


The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war's expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American Revolution.

Cause of manifest destiny



As soon as the English colonized North America, they hoped to conquer the vast wilderness to the west. U.S. President Thomas Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase in 1803 had doubled the size of the country, sparking people's desire to move west. Spreading settlements along the country's borders caused friction with others.

Select all the correct answers.
What are two ways that the Soviet people lost their freedom due in to communism in the Soviet Union?
A. People read, saw, and heard only what the government desired.
B. Only workers controlled the government.
C. Workers were forced to take up farming.
D. Leaders came to power through secret internal power struggles.


A. People read, saw, and heard only what the government desired.

C. Workers were forced to take up farming.

Which of the following did not contribute to the short life expectancy of serfs?



The answer is D. Obesity.


A serf is a worker bound to a certain piece of land (called a fief) who is loyal to a vassal (lord or noble) above him, usually called a lord. Serfs are tied to the land they work, perform the same menial tasks each day, and receive little or no benefit for their labors. Serfs were part of the feudal system that existed in the European Dark Ages, ca 500-1450 CE.

In the feudal system, serfs were at the bottom of the social order. As feudalism follows a hierarchical form, there were more serfs than any other role. Above serfs were peasants, who shared similar responsibilities and reported to the vassal. The main difference between serf and peasant is that peasants were free to move from fief to fief or manor to manor to look for work. On the other hand, serfs were like slaves, except that they could not be bought or sold.

The life of a serf was very difficult. Their clothes were ragged, houses were of extremely poor quality, and food was scarce. Each day for a serf was spent working hard on the land they were bound to. They did not receive this land for free because they had to pay taxes called tallage to the lord of the land. This tax was either actual money or, more commonly, by providing services to the lord. An additional aspect of the tallage consisted of giving part of their sowed crops to the manor.      

Why was the conflict between the United States and Soviet Union
called a "cold war"?
•Nuclear weapons were never used.
•The superpowers were "cold" to each other.
•All the fighting took place in "cold" country.
•Mushroom clouds changed the world climate.







What characteristics are needed to have a civilization?



 (1) advanced cities, (2) specialized workers, (3) complex institutions, (4) record keeping, and (5) advanced technology.


A civilisation is often defined as a complex culture with five characters

Plz help
Which phrase best completes the table?
A temporary villages
B hunting and gathering
C hieroglyphic writing
D Job specialization



D Job specialization


Considering the information on the table the phrase that best completes the table is Job specialization.

This is because Civilization is a state of society that is characterized by its cultural and technological development. Some of its characteristics include:

1. Advanced technology

2. Social organization

3. Job specialization

4. systems for administering territories

5. division of people into social and economic classes

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is "Job specialization" which is a means of complex division of labor.

Describe China's geography and give examples as to how the Chinese adapted to it?



The geography of Ancient China shaped the way the civilization and culture developed. The large land was isolated from much of the rest of the world by dry deserts to the north and west, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and impassable mountains to the south. This enabled the Chinese to develop independently from other world civilizations. Map showing the geography of China from cia.gov (click map to see larger picture) Rivers Perhaps the two most important geographical features of Ancient China were the two major rivers that flowed through central China: the Yellow River to the north and the Yangtze River to the south. These major rivers were a great source of fresh water, food, fertile soil, and transportation. They also were the subjects of Chinese poetry, art, literature, and folklore. Yellow River The Yellow River is often called the "cradle of Chinese civilization". It was along the banks of the Yellow river where the Chinese civilization first formed. The Yellow River is 3,395 miles long making it the sixth longest river in the world. It is also called the Huang He River. Early Chinese farmers built small villages along the Yellow River. The rich yellow colored soil was good for growing a grain called millet. The farmers of this area also raised sheep and cattle. Yangtze River The Yangtze River is south of the Yellow River and flows in the same direction (west to east). It is 3,988 miles long and is the third longest river in the world. Just like the Yellow River, the Yangtze played an important role in the development of the culture and civilization of Ancient China. Farmers that lived along the Yangtze River took advantage of the warm climate and rainy weather to grow rice. Eventually the land along the Yangtze became some of the most important and wealthy land in all of Ancient China. The Yangtze also served as a boundary between northern and southern China. It is very wide and difficult to cross. The famous Battle of Red Cliffs took place along the river. Mountains To the south and southeast of China are the Himalaya Mountains. These are the highest mountains in the world. They provided a nearly impassable border for Ancient China, keeping the area isolated from many other civilizations. They were also important to Chinese religion and were considered sacred. Deserts To the north and west of Ancient China were two of the world's largest deserts: the Gobi Desert and the Taklamakan Desert. These deserts also provided borders that kept the Chinese isolated from the rest of the world. The Mongols, however, lived in the Gobi Desert and were constantly raiding cities of northern China. This is why the Great Wall of China was built to protect the Chinese from these northern invaders. Interesting Facts about the Geography of Ancient China Today the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River serves as the world's largest hydro-electric power source. The Yellow River also has the name "China's Sorrow" because of the terrible floods that have occurred throughout history when its banks overflowed. The Taklamakan Desert has the nickname of the "Sea of Death" because of its temperature extremes and poisonous snakes. Much of the Silk Road traveled along the deserts to the north and west of China. The religion of Buddhism is closely associated with the Himalaya Mountains

How is the process of thinking chronologically related to the process of creating timeless



To think in a chronological way means to order facts or events based on the time they occured. ... Chronological thinking implies making a timeline in your head to undestand reality, a timeline is a graphic representation of that.


to think in a chronological way me to order files or events based on the time they are cured chronological e thinking employees making a timeline in your head to understand reality a timeline is a graphic representation of that

How did the braceros assist the United States? How did the United States assist the braceros? If there were also negative consequences, what were they?


Answer: It brought lots of folks over to the US


Due to the nature of World War II, Braceros was created in order to help combat the fear of labor shortages to low-paying agricultural jobs and ended up bringing millions of Mexican guest workers to the United States.

explanation of No central leadership



Henry has a decision to make. The disgruntled customer in front of him has a valid point. There has been a mix up on the part of Henry’s service team and things have not gone smoothly. It wasn’t the end of the world but the customer has already been inconvenienced and now the ‘fix’ is going to inconvenience him again. Henry feels that the considerations the customer is asking for are not unreasonable, but how can this be handled? How would your company handle it: using a centralized leadership model or a distributed leadership model?


Centralized Leadership Resolution

To make a decision, Henry has to contact his manager. The manager has to stop what she is doing, come to where the customer is, listen to the story, hear the customer’s request, determine if it’s reasonable and make a decision. Meanwhile Henry is standing there listening, waiting, and being unproductive. Only after his manager makes her decision can Henry resume his activity. Much time has passed and the customer is losing his patience and thinking about his time being wasted. If the customer is still not satisfied, he might ask to escalate his request to yet another higher level manager. His blood pressure is rising and if he’s not taken care of you can be certain that his friends and colleagues will hear about how they should stay away from Henry’s company.

Lesson 4.01 help your friend, what can u do for Carlo?


Be there for him when luve gets rough.

What was the purpose of committees of correspondence


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmm find n

The three main goals of the committees were to establish a system of communication with other assemblies in the other colonies, educate the townspeople on their political rights, and obviously, rally support to the cause of American independence against British rule.

What was combat like for American combat soldiers in Vietnam? A p e x

O A. It was difficult to find trees for cover.

O B. It was easy to find targets at night.

O C. It was easy to know where the enemy was.

O D. It was difficult to know who the enemy was.


Answer: D- it was difficult to know who the enemy was.


It was challenging for American soldiers in Vietnam to identify the enemy during combat. Therefore, option D is correct.

What was the Vietnam war?

When Saigon fell from 1 November 1955 to 30 April 1975, there was a war in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Officially, fighting took place between North and South Vietnam during the second Indochina War.

The United States joined Vietnam mainly to stop the area from being taken over by communist forces. It was a failure since, in July 1976, the two Vietnams were united under a communist flag. Similar communist takeovers occurred in neighboring Laos and Cambodia.

There was no secure area to defend, no combat front to advance, or even a clearly defined theatre of operations. The Vietnam War was a 360-degree fight in which any soldier, especially Americans and other Westerners, may run into ambushes, and attacks at any time or location.

Learn more about the Vietnam war here:



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