Why does species outside the quadrat doesn't matter?


Answer 1

A quadrat is a simple device for marking out a small area. For young children at primary school the quadrat is often a convenient way of focusing a pupil's attention on a particular small area. At secondary level, pupils should understand how quadrats can be used to sample a larger area. By recording information from a number of quadrats placed within a larger study area, they can obtain a representative sample of the whole area, which may be too big to describe in full.

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do fertilised eggs divide to form a foetus


For the first 12 hours after conception, the fertilized egg remains a single cell. ... During the first 8 or 9 days after conception, the cells that will eventually form the embryo continue to divide
Your welcomeee❤️⭐️

Predict: Some pathogens are spread directly from one person to another. This can happen when people come into direct contact or share items, such as drinking glasses. What do you think might affect how quickly a pathogen is spread from person to person?


I think the reservoir ( a human,animal or non living such as soil where the infectious agent normally lives)

secondly the mode of transmission,there are some modes of transmission that allow the pathogen to enter quickly and some that make the process slow.

and also crowding and the presence of co-infections.

i hope this helps

Which of the following is not used to hold liquids?
graduated cylinder
test tube



C. balance

This is because it is because a balance is an even distribution of weight hence balance is not used to hold the liquid instead a balance is used to weigh the liquid


c. balance


Complete the following statement using the choices below. Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside the lungs is ________. less than the pressure in the atmosphere greater than the intra-alveolar pressure greater than the pressure in the atmosphere equal to the pressure in the atmosphere



Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure in the lungs is greater than the pressure in the atmosphere.

define the term gene mutation​



it is the change in one or more genes

Which concept is illustrated in the flowchart below?

Overproduction arrow pointing Struggle for survival arrow pointing Survival of the fittest arrow pointing Changes in traits of species

Dynamic equilibrium
Genetic manipulation
Material cycles
Natural selection



Natrual selection


your welcome girlies <333

The concept illustrated in the flowchart is Natural selection. The correct option is 4.

What is natural selection?

Natural selection is the process by which species evolve over time as the prevalence of certain traits increases or decreases in a population.

Natural selection, the mechanism by which species evolve over time, is depicted in the flowchart.

Overproduction of offspring causes competition for limited resources, resulting in a struggle for survival.

Based on their inherited characteristics, some people are better equipped to survive and reproduce than others.

These people are said to be "fit," and they are more likely to pass on their positive traits to their children. These advantageous traits become more common in the population over time, causing changes in the species as a whole.

Thus, the correct option is 4.

For more details regarding natural selection, visit:



Your question seems incomplete, the probable complete question is:

Kể tên các biện pháp đấu tranh sinh học. Cho ví dụ. Biện pháp đấu tranh sinh học có những ưu điểm gì?



means translate in English . if I can help I will.

After phosphates and nitrates have entered a water
system, identify the correct steps of Eutrophication.
I. Oxygen levels drop
II. Underwater plants die
III. Fish and invertebrates die
IV. Algae grows rapidly


After phosphates and nitrates enter a water system, the steps of eutrophication include the rapid growth of algae, death of underwater plant species, depletion of oxygen in the water, and the death of fishes and invertebrates. The correct option would be B.

Eutrophication refers to the excessive enrichment of water bodies by nutrients such as phosphates and nitrates thereby facilitating the rapid growth of some aquatic species with negative effects.

Once a water body becomes excessively enriched with phosphates and nitrates, the following is a sequence of events that follows:

Algal bloom: the nutrients facilitate the rapid growth of algaeThe bloom of algal species results in the death of underwater plants as a result of inadequate light.The death of the underwater plants and the accompanying microbial activities in decomposing them cause oxygen levels in the water to drop.Reduction in oxygen level causes fishes and other water invertebrates to die due to hypoxia

Therefore, the correct steps of eutrophication according to the illustration is IV, II, I, and III.

More on eutrophication can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/13232104

Give the functions of the following parts of the respiratory system - Nostril - trachea - bronchiole - alveoli - pharynx - larynx - lungs  - ribs - diaphragm                                                                   



Respiratory System: The respiratory system's main job is to move fresh air into your body while removing waste gases.

Nostril: To warm air on inhalation and remove moisture on exhalation.

trachea: Serves as passage for air, moistens and warms it while it passes into the lungs, and protects the respiratory surface from an accumulation of foreign particles.

bronchiole: To deliver air to a diffuse network of around 300 million alveoli in the lungs.

alveoli: To exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules to and from the bloodstream during breathing.

pharynx: Helps the respiratory system by allowing air to make its way to the respiratory tract.

larynx: Produces vocal sounds and prevents the passage of food and other foreign particles into the lower respiratory tracts.

lungs: To help oxygen from the air we breathe enter the red cells in the blood.

ribs: To aid respiration and help protect the lungs.

diaphragm: Contracts and flattens when you inhale. Creates a vacuum effect that pulls air into the lungs, and relaxes when exhaling.

Why are scientific journals considered a superior resource compared to other sources of scientific information?


Scientific journals are regarded as more superior due to the fact that they are peer reviewed.

What this means is that before a scientific journal would be approved for publishing, it first has to be reviewed by some experts in that scientific field.

What these peers do is to Approve the journal, make suggestion to the work, or they can decide to reject the work if they find it unsatisfactory.

read more on https://brainly.com/question/10744574?referrer=searchResults

Scientific journals are generally specialized for distinct academic fields or subdisciplines, and they are the most important way of communicating research findings.

However, Scientific information is concerned with the creation, gathering, categorization, retention, retrieval, interpretation, transmission, and usage of data.

The major difference is that Scientific journals are peer reviewed while scientific information are merely gathering of information.

Learn more about scientific information here:


Conrad is studying for class. To remember the term _____, he uses the analogy of a thermostat in a house. For instance, when the temperature falls below the set point, the heat will turn on to correct the temperature. allostasis epistasis homeostasis biostasis



Think its homeostasis


How did Alexander Fleming's research solve a societal problem?
• He developed ways to treat inherited diseases.
• He advocated for
regular hand washing to kill germs.
• He discovered a new
type of medicine that could treat infections.
• He discovered the cause of mad cow disease,
an emerging disease.


He discovered a new type of medicine that could treat infections.

He discovered the 1st antibiotic (penicillin).

What process occurs during cellular development as the cell changes into a specific type of cell with specialized functions?

A. Binary Fission
B. Fusion
C. Differentiation
D. Meiosis


Answer: The answer is C which is differentiation

C. Differentiation.

¿Qué proceso debe realizar un organismo para perpetuarse a través del tiempo?





Match the following STDs with their descriptions. 1. can cause sores, rashes, dementia, or blindness gonorrhea 2. can cause burning urination and infertility chlamydia 3. similar to gonorrhea but more likely to be carried unknowingly syphilis 4. parasitic STD causing genital irritation and mild discharge 5 crabs 5. pubic lice that cause itching trichomoniasis 6. untreatable STD causing periodic outbreaks of blisters 1 HPV 7. can cause genital warts or cervical cancer 6 genital herpes



1. Syphilis

2. Gonorrhea

3. Chlamydia

4. Trichomoniasis

5. Crabs

6. Genital herpes

7. HPV


STD is an acronym for sexually transmitted disease and it can be defined as diseases that are easily transmissible or contractable from another person through sexual intercourse. Thus, STD spread from an infected person to an uninfected person while engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse. Some examples of STDs are gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV, HPV, etc.

Generally, contracting STDs has a detrimental effect to a patient because it causes an opening (break) or sore in the body of the carrier (patient) and as such making them vulnerable to diseases that are spread through bodily fluids e.g human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Hepatitis, staphylococcus, AIDS, etc.

1. Syphilis: can cause sores, rashes, dementia, or blindness.

2. Gonorrhea: can cause burning urination and infertility

3. Chlamydia: similar to gonorrhea but more likely to be carried unknowingly

4. Trichomoniasis: parasitic STD causing genital irritation and mild discharge.

5. Crabs: pubic lice that cause itching.

6. Genital herpes: untreatable STD causing periodic outbreaks of blisters

7. HPV: can cause genital warts or cervical cancer. HPV is an abbreviation for human papillomavirus and it's a virus that causes most common sexually transmitted infection, giving rise to skin or mucous membrane growths (warts).


1) syphilis

2) gonorrhea

3) chlamydia

4) trichomoniasis

5) crabs

6) genital herpes

7) HPV

The following illustration shows a food web for a kelp forest off of the coast of California. What do you predict would happen to the kelp population if the sea otter population declined?

The kelp population would decrease: sea otters eat urchins, and urchins eat kelp.

The kelp population would increase: sea otters eat urchins, but not exclusively.

The kelp population would remain unchanged; sea otters do not eat the kelp.

The kelp population would remain unchanged: sea otters eat urchins, but not exclusively.



The kelp population would decrease: sea otters eat urchins, and urchins eat kelp.


The diagrammatic illustration in this question is showing a food web made up of a variety of species feeding on one another. As shown in the food web, sea otters are one of the top predators that can eat a wide variety of organisms.

Sea urchins feed directly on kelp, however, the population of sea urchins can be controlled by sea otters which feed on sea urchins. Hence, if population of sea otters declined, more sea urchins will be available to feed on the kelp population, hence, will DECREASE.

Answer:The kelp population would decrease: sea otters eat urchins, and urchins eat kelp.

Because the otter population decreases the urchin population increases and therefore the demand for kelp increases and the kelp population will decrease as the population of urchins increases and it feeds on the kelp and due to the reduction in otters there is nothing controlling the urchin population

Explanation: Took the test got it correct

Dose anyone know the answer



Anthracite is the answer

Binary Fission and Mitosis are similar processes. One way they are different is that: A. In Binary Fission, the DNA does not form into chromosomes. B. They both split by growing a new cell wall. C. In Mitosis, the DNA does not form into chromosomes. O D. Binary Fission only occurs in Eukaryotes.



C. In Mitosis, the DNA does not form into chromosomes

¿Cuál es la importancia de la colonización de habitad para la ecología?



i dont speak spanish so ya but thanks for the points


2) ¿Cuál de los siguientes hechos no es una evidencia de una reacción química? a) Presencia de un catalizador b) Cambio de color d) Liberación de gas​



a) Presencia de un catalizador


Los dos tipos de cambios que experimentan las sustancias en la química son cambios químicos y físicos.

Un cambio físico es un cambio es un cambio en el que la sustancia cambia en su apariencia o su forma de una manera que es reversible y en la que no se forma una nueva sustancia.

Un cambio químico es aquel en el que hay un cambio en las sustancias presentes y se forma una nueva sustancia.

La evidencia de que ha tenido lugar un cambio químico incluye

1) La formación de un precipitado a partir de la mezcla de sustancias.

2) Un cambio en el color de las sustancias.

3) Un cambio en el olfato (que desprende un olor) o en el sabor.

4) La sustancia produce luz (brilla)

5) El volumen total cambia

6) Cambio de temperatura (la mezcla se calienta o enfría)

Por lo tanto, la presencia de un catalizador, que es una sustancia que no participa en una reacción pero aumenta la velocidad de reacción, no es evidencia de una reacción química.

Which is a molecule found in the body?
O urethra
O nutrients
O atoms
O water








How Can I Explain Why A Theory Is Also A Hypothesis?



well a hypothesis is literally a scientific assumption or theory used to describe what they think is going to happen during a experiment

Does cellular respiration follow the law of conservation of energy?


Yes. Every chemical reaction obeys the law of conservation of mass.

Believe it!!

Pls follow me.

Una especie de mariposa presenta rasgos fenotípicos diferentes entre los miembros de sus poblaciones. Estos rasgos van desde una coloración verdosa y antenas cortas (características recesivas). El fenotipo más común (características dominantes) de esta especie es de coloración amarilla y de antenas tan largas que se pueden doblar. Realice el cruce entre dos mariposas que presentan fenotipo más común, pero de genotipos heterocigotos y determine los posibles rasgos fenotípicos que se pueden presentar.



can you please translate for us into English

Economic impact of agricultural pollutants on water sustainability for agricultural production. summarise your findings in a table form​





sbospka ai9wlhzux5 s8fvekg

Which ocean borders the western coast of South America



Pacific Ocean


here is your answer

The Pacific Ocean borders the western coast of south america

What describes how individuals are distributed, or spread, throughout their habitat.

1: Population density
2: Population distribution


Population Distribution, mark brainliest if this helped!

How do animals and people cause weathering?

How do plants cause weathering ?



Plants can cause mechanical and chemical weathering


Plants can cause mechanical and chemical weathering. When plants cause mechanical weathering, their roots grow into rocks and crack them.It can also happen in streets or sidewalks. When plants cause chemical weathering, there roots release acid or other chemicals, onto rocks, which then forms cracks, and breaks apart.

Animal and plant mobility is a factor in biological weathering, for instance, a plant may grow in a gap in a rock and, as its roots spread, cause the fracture to expand.

What is the cause of weathering?

A rabbit may also burrow into a crack in a rock, making it wider and eventually separating the rock.

Animals and plants can act as mechanical weathering agents. In dirt that has gathered in fractured rock, a tree seed may emerge. The fissures get wider as the roots spread out, finally shattering the rock into pieces.

Even big rocks might get dislodged by trees over time, rocks are broken down by plants like moss that absorb their minerals.

Therefore, holding onto soil and rocks is another way that plant roots cause weathering, and might stop erosion.

Learn more about weathering, here:



Forces that act in pairs are said to be _____________.

A. Stable
B. Unbalanced
C. Unstable
D. Balanced


The answer is A, stable.

What is the process that human
beings undergo to release ATP from
A. cell duplication
B. cellular genesis
C. cellular respiration
D. photosynthesis



[tex]\huge\boxed{\sf Option \ C}[/tex]


Cellular respiration is the process in which carbohydrates (Glucose) are broken down into carbon dioxide and water in the presence of oxygen and a lot of energy is released which is further used for ATP synthesis and ATP is released!


Hope this helped!

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