why is (3, -5) not a solution to -x+4=-15 and -2x-3y=-8


Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:

-x+4y= -15


the intersection point isn't (3,-5)

it's approximately (-1.1818 ,3.45455 )

Answer 2


see below

Step-by-step explanation:

Check the solution in both equation

-x+4 = -15

-3 +4 = -15

1 does not equal -15 so it is not a solution

-2x-3y = -8

-2(3)+-3(-5) = -8

-6 +15 = -8

9 = -8

It is not a solution to either equation

Related Questions

You and your friends have tickets to attend a music concert. While standing in line, the promoter states he will give a gift card for a free album download to each person that is a multiple of 2. He will also give a backstage pass to each fourth person and floor seats to each fifth person. Which person will receive the free album download, backstage pass, and floor seats? Explain the process you used to determine your answer.​


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The person will receive all gifts if the are all of a multiple of 2, a multiple of 4, and a multiple of 5. Since 4 is already a multiple of 2, the person who will receive all is the one who is a multiple of 4 and 5.

20 is 4×5, so is a multiple of both numbers. There is no smaller number that is a multiple of both 4 and 5.

The 20th person will receive all gifts.


The value we have determined here is called the "least common multiple" (LCM). It is the product of the unique prime factors of the numbers of interest, raised to the highest power that appears in any of the numbers.

  2 = 2¹

  4 = 2²

  5 = 5¹

LCM(2, 4 5) = 2² × 5¹ = 20

The correct answer is the 20th person

A woman is 42years old. Her daughter is 1/3 of her age. Three years ago the sum of her age was




Step-by-step explanation:

So we know that 42/3=14.

3 years before was:



The sum of 11+39 is 50

if x-y =2 and xy=15, find the value of x cube - y cube.​



5³ = 125 : -3³ = -27

Step-by-step explanation:

let x= 5 and y= 3x - y = 25 - 3 = 2xy = 155 × 3 = 15x³ = ? : -y³ = ?5³ = 125 : -3³ = -27

[tex]\tt{ \green{P} \orange{s} \red{y} \blue{x} \pink{c} \purple{h} \green{i} e}[/tex]

find the squre of 17
[tex] \sqrt{17} [/tex]


The answer is 4.12310562562
The square root of 17 is 4.1231

5(2x-5) = 1/2(18x+40)​



x = 45

Step-by-step explanation:

5 (2x - 5) = 1/2 (18x + 40)​

10x - 25 = 9x + 20

10x = 9x + 45

x = 45

5(2x-5)=1/2(18x+40)10x-25=18x+2010x-18x=20+25-8x=45x=45÷8x=5.62 orx=6

please mark this answer as brainlist

Use the listing method to represent the following set. Hurry plz!!!


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \left\{x|x \epsilon I,x\leqslant 3\right\}[/tex]

Here x belongs to set of Integersx is less than or equal to 3

In listing

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \left\{\dots,0,1,2,3\right\}[/tex]

A runner sprinted for 414 feet. How many yards is this?



138 yards

Step-by-step explanation:

1 feet is (1/3) yard

414 feet is (1/3)*414=138 yards

1. Samuel paid #34.20 for a blanket. If the marked price of the blanket is #41.78. What is the discount?

2. A mother buys a dress for her daughter at a discount of 18%. If the price of the dress is #35.00. How does she actually pay for the dress?



1. The discount is 10%

2. 250

What is the distance between the following points?

Will give brainliest




Step-by-step explanation:

(-6,4) (-5,-4)

√(x2 - x1)² + (y2 - y1)²

√[-5 - (-6)]² + (-4 - 4)²

√(1)² + (-8)²

√1 + 64


find the answer for 10 points




Step-by-step explanation:


= 7.8+45

= 52.8

Answered by GAUTHMATH

for any Integer 'a',a ÷ 0 is _______
give me answer​



undefined, invalid

and for a limit expression like a/x, x->0 we also say this is infinite.

For the following function, one zero is given. Find all other zeros.

f(x)=x3-7x2+17x-15; 2-i




Step-by-step explanation:



Finding all the possible rational zeros of f(x)

p= ±1,±3,±5,±15 (factors of coefficient of last term)

q=±1(factors of coefficient of leading term)


Now finding the rational zeros using rational root theorem




f(-1)= -1 +7-7-15

    = -16



f(-3)= (-3)^3+7(-3)^2+7(-3)-15

    = 0









Hence the rational roots are 1,-3,-5 !

For the function y=f(x), find f’(a)




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = x²+3x+1

f(a) = a²+3a+1

f'(a) = 2a+3

putting a = -2


= -4+3

= -1

[18].Simplify (TTE): x(2x+y+5) - 2(x²+xy+5) + y(x + y)



[tex]x(2x+y+5) - 2(x\²+xy+5) + y(x + y) = 5x -10 + y\²[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]x(2x+y+5) - 2(x\²+xy+5) + y(x + y)[/tex]



We have:

[tex]x(2x+y+5) - 2(x\²+xy+5) + y(x + y)[/tex]

Open brackets

[tex]x(2x+y+5) - 2(x\²+xy+5) + y(x + y) = 2x\²+xy+5x - 2x\²-2xy-10 + xy + y\²[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]x(2x+y+5) - 2(x\²+xy+5) + y(x + y) = 2x\²- 2x\²+xy-2xy+ xy+5x -10 + y\²[/tex]

[tex]x(2x+y+5) - 2(x\²+xy+5) + y(x + y) = 5x -10 + y\²[/tex]

Algebra help needed. Overwhelmed with other papers. See attached



Step-by-step explanation:

whitch answer how do you want us to answer

how to work this fraction 4/11+5/22+3/44




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{4}{11} +\frac{5}{22} +\frac{3}{44} =\\[/tex]

-find the common denominator

[tex]\frac{4*4}{4*11} + \frac{2*5}{2*22} +\frac{3}{44} =[/tex]

[tex]\frac{16}{44} +\frac{10}{44} +\frac{3}{44} =[/tex]

-add the fractions and solve

[tex]\frac{16+10+3}{44} =[/tex]


An entry in the Peach Festival Poster Contest must be rectangular and have an area of 1200 square inches. Furthermore, it's length must be 20 inches longer than it's width. Find the dimensions.



The length is 46.05551275 inches, and the width is 26.05551275 inches.

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that the area must be 1200 square inches. Using this information, we can create an equation, where x is length and y is width:


We know that its length must be 20 inches longer than its width. Therefore, x=y+20. Using this new information, we can replace 'x' in 'x*y=1200' with 'y+20':


[tex]y^{2} +20y=1200[/tex]

[tex]y^{2} +20y-1200=0[/tex]

I have decided to use the quadratic formula, but you could also factor this equation into the 'intercept' form to determine the roots, which ultimately provides the same answer.

[tex]y=\frac{-b+\sqrt{b^{2} -4ac} }{2a}[/tex]

[tex]y=\frac{-(20)+\sqrt{(20)^{2} -4(1)(-1200)} }{2(1)}[/tex]

[tex]y=\frac{-(20)+\sqrt{400+4800} }{2}[/tex]

[tex]y=\frac{-(20)+\sqrt{5200} }{2}[/tex]

[tex]y=\frac{52.11102551 }{2}[/tex]

[tex]y=26.05551275[/tex] inches



[tex]x=46.05551275[/tex] inches

Therefore, the length is 46.05551275 inches, and the width is 26.05551275 inches.

.angle bisector of any angle of a triangle bisect that angle is_____________ parts ​


By definition of bisector, the angle bisector of any angle of a triangle divides that angle in two equal parts.

But first you must know the definition of the bisector of a triangle.  The bisector of a triangle is a segment that divides one of its interior angles into two equal parts and continues until it reaches the side opposite that angle.

In other words, the bisector of a triangle is a line that divides each interior angle of the triangle into two equal angles.

Each interior angle of the triangle corresponds to a bisector, so since each triangle has three interior angles, it has three bisectors.  The three bisectors of a triangle meet at a point called the incenter and it is always an interior point of the triangle.

In summary, the bisector of any angle of a triangle is a segment that divides the angle into two equal parts.

Learn more about angle bisector of a angle of a triangle:


If ABCD is dilated by a factor of 3, the
coordinate of D' would be:
-1 0
- 1
D' = ([?], [ ]
Pls help me




Step-by-step explanation:

First let's identify the current coordinates of D

It appears that D is located at (2 , -2)

Now let's find the coordinate of D if it were dilated by a scale factor of 3.

To find the coordinates of a point after a dilation you simply multiply the x and y values of the pre image coordinates by the scale factor

In this case the scale factor is 3 and the coordinates are (2,-2)

That being said let's apply the dilation rule

Current coordinates: (2,-2)

Scale factor:3

Multiply x and y values by scale factor

(2 * 3 , -2 * 3) --------> (6 , -6)

The coordinates of D' would be (6,-6)

this is confusing ok so 1.if there r 2 boys in a class for every 3 girls what would be the ratio for it and 2.if Seth bought a 12-ounce jar of something that is $3.60 what is the unit price?


1. 2:3 boys to girls
2. You do 3.60 / 12 so it’s 0.30$ per ounce

Point A is located at (1, 5), and point M is located at (-1, 6). If point M is the midpoint of AB, find the location of point B.


The required coordinates of point B are (-3, 7) where point M is the midpoint of AB.

What is Midpoint?

A midpoint is defined as in the middle of the line connecting two points a position known as a midpoint. A location in the middle of a line connecting the two points that are equally far from both points is the midpoint.

Point A is located at (1, 5), and point M is located at (-1, 6). If point M is the midpoint of AB

We can use these coordinates to find the coordinates of point B, which is the midpoint of line segment AB.

Let the coordinates of B would be (x, y)

Substituting the coordinates of points A into the midpoint formula gives us :

-1 = (x+1)/2 ; 6 = (y+5)/2

-2 = x +1 ; 12 = y + 5

x =  -3; y = 7

Therefore, the required coordinates of point B are (-3, 7).

Learn more about the midpoint here :



Nine million, twenty-seven thousand, four hundred and forty-eight






Last Thursday, each of the students in M. Fermat's class brought one piece of fruit to school. Each brought an apple, a banana, or an orange. In total, 20% of the students brought an apple and 35% brought a banana. If 9 students brought oranges, how many students were in the class



20 students

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:

Calculate the percentage of students who brought oranges by taking away the percentage of students who brought bananas and apples from the total percentage of students.



Step 2:

Equate the percentage of students who brought oranges to the number of students who brought oranges




=20 students

complete the square to form a true equation;



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

To complete the square

add ( half the coefficient of the x- term )² to x² - 2x

x² + 2(- 1)x + 1

(x² - 2x + 1 = (x - 1)²

A bank wishes to estimate the mean balances owed by customers holding Mastercard. The population standard deviation is estimated to be $300. If a 98% confidence interval is used and the maximum allowable error is $80, how many cardholders should be sampled?
A. 76
B. 85
C. 86
D. 77



D. 77

Step-by-step explanation:

We have to find our [tex]\alpha[/tex] level, that is the subtraction of 1 by the confidence interval divided by 2. So:

[tex]\alpha = \frac{1 - 0.98}{2} = 0.01[/tex]

Now, we have to find z in the Z-table as such z has a p-value of [tex]1 - \alpha[/tex].

That is z with a p-value of [tex]1 - 0.01 = 0.99[/tex], so Z = 2.327.

Now, find the margin of error M as such

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation of the population and n is the size of the sample.

The population standard deviation is estimated to be $300

This means that [tex]\sigma = 300[/tex]

If a 98% confidence interval is used and the maximum allowable error is $80, how many cardholders should be sampled?

This is n for which M = 80. So

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]80 = 2.327\frac{300}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]80\sqrt{n} = 2.327*300[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{n} = \frac{2.327*300}{80}[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{n})^2 = (\frac{2.327*300}{80})^2[/tex]

[tex]n = 76.15[/tex]

Rounding up:

77 cardholders should be sampled, and the correct answer is given by option d.

Maria, Kevin, and Dan have a total of 96$ in their wallets. Dan has 6$ less than Maria. Kevin has 3 times what Dan has. How much do they have in their wallets?



Hi Keke,

Let Amy have x dollars. Then Jose has x - 8 dollars and Milan has 4(x - 8) dollars.

x + (x-8) + 4(x-8) = 152

6x - 40 = 152

6x = 192

x = 32

Amy has $32

Jose has 32 - 8 = $24

Milan has 4*24 = $96

Which choice shows 30 + 10 + 20 rewritten correctly using the commutative property and then simplified correctly?
A.30 + 20 + 10 = 50 + 10 = 60.




A. 30+20+10=50+10=60

Step-by-step explanation:

The commutative property is the property of which you can rearrange the numbers around but the answer stays the same. From the original equation, you moved 20 and 10 around and added 30+20=50 then, you add 10 plus that 50 since you haven't done anything to the 10 yet. So, 50+10=60.

Hope this helped! Please rate 5 stars and give Brainliest!

I need to know this answe ASAP



look at the value of f(x) carefully when we put 7 from x the x take 2 value

Step-by-step explanation:

And g(x) function take 4 value. please look at the first option it has extra 2 so 2 plus 2 equal to 4 this means that the answer might be A. But look at D option it multiply by 2 so D option might be correct answer but we need some info and I want to continue. When I put 1 from x f(x)=1 and g(x)= 2 but when we look at the first option it is 1+2 equal to 3 but it must be 2 so the correct answer is not A and the correct answer is D

What is the Width of 6.36-9.24




Step-by-step explanation:

6.36-9.24= -2.88

An investment pays 21% interest compounded weekly what percent as a decimal is the effective annual yield? Enter your answer as a decimal rounded to four decimal places.


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The relationship between the effective annual yield (e) and the nominal annual interest rate (r) compounded n times per year is ...

  e = (1 +r/n)^n -1

For weekly compounding, we have n=52, so ...

  e = (1 +0.21/52)^52 -1 = 0.2332 . . . . . . . about 23.32%

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