Why statutory protection (legislation) is needed to protect consumers entering into contracts with businesses and traders.


Answer 1


In simple words, Both companies and consumers benefit from consumer protection. Consumers must have access to reliable, unbiased information about the goods as well as services consumers buy. This allows individuals to make the best decisions for their own interests and protects them from being exploited or mislead by corporations.

The 1986 Consumer Protection Act aims to promote and defend customers' interests in the face of flaws and faults in goods as well as services.  Also it aims to protect a consumer's rights from unfair or discriminatory trade practices.

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Medios de noticias y activistas ambientales.


Se entiende por influencia doméstica en política exterior a todo evento o grupo que, a causa de su accionar (sea este voluntario o no) produce un cambio en las distintas políticas llevadas a cabo por el gobierno federal en materia de política exterior, es decir, con naciones extranjeras. Así, no puede catalogarse de influencia doméstica a aquellas cuestiones que surjan del propio accionar gubernamental, como pueden ser las alianzas bilaterales, las relaciones comerciales o una política monetaria determinada; ni aquellas que provengan exclusivamente del extranjero, como las amenazas de seguridad.

En cambio, sí pueden considerarse como tales la labor de los medios de noticias, que pueden influir en la opinión pública referida a un determinado tema de política exterior; o bien la labor de activistas ambientales, que puede influir en el desarrollo de políticas internacionales ambientales, como la firma de tratados o determinadas sanciones ante incumplimientos de regulaciones ambientales.

what is criminology?



Criminology is the scientific study of crime from a social view, it includes its causes and methods of prevention.


Hello There!!


Criminology is a study learning about crimes and deviant behaviour including how and why crimes occur and also ways to control and prevent criminal actions.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


The first state to pass insurance legislation was



1849 New York passed the first general insurance law in the United States. 1850 Franklin Health Assurance Company of Massachusetts offered the first accident and health insurance. 1851 New Hampshire created the first formal agency to regulate insurance in the United States.


Hope it helps

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