Why weren't the builders of the pyramids paid in money?

Egyptians did not have coins.
Egyptians wanted land instead of money.
People worked for their freedom.
The builders were slaves.


Answer 1


The builders of pyramids werent paid because there were a lot and i think that its no payable

Answer 2
Either the builders were slaves or people worked for their freedom. But I believe they were slaves

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How did members of the Constitutional Convention compromise (come to an agreement) over representation in Congress ?



the Connecticut Compromise

Each state would be equally represented in the Senate, with two delegates, while representation in the House of Representatives would be based upon population. The delegates finally agreed to this "Great Compromise," which is also known as the Connecticut Compromise.

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Some benefits are definitely. Cheaper living, being able to go travel anywhere as you please. Etc

Which statement best describes the United States' role in the Persian Gulf War?
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He Tools
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pe here to search


Answer: the US led the fight against the Iraqis

Explanation: Iraq annexed Kuwait and Iraq made oil to expensive. So america invaded.

Which of the following is NOT a Duty of citizenship?

A. Jury duty
B. Paying taxes
C. Defending the nation( selective services)
D. Voting



C, it is the only option that is not required

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I am often asked what role the Roman Emperor Constantine had in shaping the Bible.  Much misinformation and rumour  circulates about him.  Popular books/movies such as the Da Vinci Code or Holy Blood, Holy Grail portray him as the Roman Emperor who basically made the Bible into what it is today for his own political ends.  Is that true?  Let us start with some easy-to-verify facts about him.


I hope this will help you

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effect of democratic journalism is that it promotes news based on the popular opinion of the majority, or the "wisdom of the crowd". ... The democratic role of journalism should transcend excessive commercialism, sensationalism, and manipulation by media elites.

New England Northern
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Colonists came to America because they wanted political liberty. They wanted religious freedom and economic opportunity. The United States is a country where individual rights and self-government are important.Thirty-five of the Pilgrims were members of the radical English Separatist Church, who traveled to America to escape the jurisdiction of the Church of England, which they found corrupt. Ten years earlier, English persecution had led a group of Separatists to flee to Holland in search of religious freedom.What were Britain's reasons for establishing colonies in North America? God, Gold, Glory. Some people wanted religious freedom and to spread their religion, Some came looking for fortune, and others wanted recognition and glory.Motivations for colonization: The French colonized North America to create trading posts for the fur trade. Some French missionaries eventually made their way to North America in order to convert Native Americans to Catholicism.List three of the six reasons that English colonists came to America. All six were because of profit, land, adventure, religious, and political freedom.Just prior to declaring independence, the Thirteen Colonies in their traditional groupings were: New England (New Hampshire; Massachusetts; Rhode Island; Connecticut); Middle (New York; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Delaware); Southern (Maryland; Virginia; North Carolina; South Carolina; and Georgia).The United States declared its independence from Great Britain in 1776. The American Revolutionary War ended in 1783, with Great Britain recognizing U.S. independence. The two countries established diplomatic relations in 1785.

What is a series of sharpened poles used to provide security around a settlement?



The Highland Scots


I Know for a fact that this answer is correct, my ancestors were scottish, so I should know. Plus I learned this last year, so I'm positive that I got this question right.

What was the political impact of the development of farming?


AnsweAgriculture allowed farmers to use genetics to select the best crops for their areas. Agriculture also enabled the population of Pre-Columbian America to increase. People could now live in permanent villages. In time, these villages created their own systems of governance.Explanation:

How was the Muslim siege of the town of caffa one of the first examples of germ warfare? How did it begin the spread of the Black Death to Europe?



These embers of hatred would burst into flames in 1343 in the city of Tana. After a fight between Genoese Christians and the local Muslims in Tana, one Muslim local was found dead. ... So, in 1343, the Mongols laid siege to the city of Caffa. Caffa did not turn out to be as feeble as the Mongols expected.


hope it is helpful for you

thank you

Which of the following was not one of the fundamental principles applied by
governments established in English North American colonies?

freedom of the press

government that is not all-powerful

government that must represent the people

religious toleration



Freedom of the press was NOT one of the fundamental principles applied by governments established in English North American Colonies.


The 3 fundamental principles are:

Religious toleration

Government that must represent the people

Government that is not all-powerful

6. Read this quote from Ben Hogan below the photograph.
"People have always been telling me what I can't do. I guess I have wanted to show them.
That's been one of my driving forces all my life."
What does this quote mean? Use at least two direct quotes from the text that give
examples of this quote.
Julie Bahn



6. Read this quote from Ben Hogan below the photograph.


"People have always been telling me what I can't do. I guess I have wanted to show them.

That's been one of my driving forces all my life."


What does this quote mean? Use at least two direct quotes from the text that give

examples of this quote.



Julie Bahn


How was early trade in the America's different compared to trade in other parts of the world? please hurrryyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer:Did I'd brickwork some is did I'd


What was George Washington's role in the French and Indian War?

A) He was ordered to deliver a message to French settlers, but the French
refused to yield.

B) He led the French army against the British to victory.

C) He called for peace and helped the British make terms with the French.

D) He served as the president and led the fight against the French and the



I'm pretty sure it's A.

He told the French to leave the Ohio River Valley, behaved heroically at Braddock's defeat, and his surrender of Fort Necessity was considered one of the first battles of war. In 1753 Washington was sent as an ambassador from the British Crown to the French officials and Indians as far north as present-day Erie, Pennsylvania.

Which of the following producers is most likely to face a relatively elastic supply curve in the short run?

an automobile manufacturer

an artist

an international shipping company



an international shipping company I think


an artist


What were the most valid arguments used to promote English colonization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries



As England’s economic and social situation declined as time progressed, colonizing the New World looked better and better. In the sixteenth century, a depression that increased the number of homeless and thieves was occurring. Richard Hakluyt argued that creating colonies in the New World could alleviate England’s growing number of poor along

As time went on and England's social and economic circumstances deteriorated, colonizing the New World seemed like a better and better idea. In the sixteenth century, there was a slump that led to an increase in the number of criminals and the homeless.

According to Richard Hakluyt, establishing colonies in the New World may help England's increasing number of poor people.

What drove the colonization of England?

One of the main drivers behind the colonization of the New World was the chance to generate money. In order to make money for its investors, the  Company of London founded the Jamestown colony. Europe spent a lot of time exploring and colonizing due to necessity.

For more information about New World refer to the link:



whici section of the article represents major shift in the arriclws development? Why ? Mesapotamia






the chart below shows what visitors to edinburgh like most about the city. summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant



The line illustrates the proportion of tourists visiting various attractions in the capital of Scotland Edinburgh between 1980 and 2010.  

It is clear that the most popular attraction among tourists was zoo in 2010. The number fluctuated from 10% to 20% during 30 years. While the proportion of tourists visited festivals decreased slightly from 30% and went on down gradually. From 2000 to 2010 the number of visitors of festivals remained stable.  

The least visited attractions were castle and aquarium in the last 10 years. The number of tourists who visited castles dropped significantly from the highest percentage over 40% in 1995 to 30% in 2010.We can see the same tendency with the number of tourists visited aquariums. There was a sharp increase in tourists from 20% to over 40% between 1980 and 1985. Then it dropped rapidly; however, there was a slight rise in 1990 for about five years. After that the percentage of tourists visited Edinburgh aquarium continued to decrease gradually and reached the minimum for under 10% in 2010.

In the Neolithic Revolution, humans

relied on hunting and gathering
lived in permanent settlements
did not need food and resources
traveled the world in search of gold



B lived in permanent settlements


The Neolithic Revolution took place when many human cultures during the Neolithic period decided to switch from a lifestyle of hunting and gathering to one of agriculture this led to permanent settlements.

In the Neolithic Revolution, humans lived in permanent settlements. Hence, option B is correct.

What is Neolithic Revolution?

The Neolithic Revolution was a key turning point that led to the development of agriculture. It transformed Homo sapiens from dispersed bands of hunters and gatherers to farming communities, and from there to technologically advanced societies with enormous temples.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more details about Neolithic Revolution, click here:



What is the Ka’aba?

an Islamic deity
a Muslim pilgrim
a book of Sharia laws
an ancient stone temple


Ka'ba is a Muslim pilgrimage area (or) Muslim pilgrim.

Hope it helps you...

Pls mark brainliest if it helps you...

(Answered by Benjemin)


a Muslim pilgrim is known as kaaba.

__________ initially fulfilled the demand for labor in the English colonies, but that changed as the colonies grew and became more established.
Group of answer choices



indentured servants



Indentured servants initially fulfilled the demand for labor in the English colonies, but that changed as the colonies grew and became more established.

During the colonization of North America, some people served as workers called indentured servants, these were characterized by working in exchange for


The indentured servants were characterized by not having any previous experience or specialization, so they sold their labor to reach North America through a servant contract that lasted about seven years.

During the duration of his contract as an indentured laborer, the servant did not receive a salary. After seven years (the time that the contract generally lasted) he was free and could leave him to start his farm or other tasks.

According to the above, the correct answer is C. because it mentions the group that served as servants during the English colonies.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/4850869

What was the job of the Second Continental Congress?

A) To write the Constitution and Bill of Rights

B) To form a continental army

C) To decide how to respond to the Intolerable Acts

D) To elect Washington as President



B) To form a continental army


The Second Continental Congress assumed the normal functions of a government, appointing ambassadors, issuing paper currency, raising the Continental Army through conscription, and appointing generals to lead the army.

B) To form a continental army.


The job of the Second Continental Congress was to form a continental army.

The First Continental Congress was created before the tensions between the colonies and Great Britain really started to kick off. They were the ones who actually dealt with how to respond to the Intolerable Acts, not the Second Continental Congress.

The Second Continental Congress focused more on things during the Revolutionary War, which would include creating an army, getting money for the war, and other important war necessities. The Second Continental Congress ended up having a lot of achievements and did very well, becoming even more famous and looked up to than the First Continental Congress.

How did geography of the Byzantine empire influence its development?


The Byzantine Empire had access to trade routes connecting Europe with the Middle East. The Byzantine navy periodically controlled the Mediterranean Sea. This gave the empire access to Italy and North Africa.

sometimes is a very difficult situation in the life how to handle it ​


We can handle the very difficult situation in our life by having patience ,determination towards our work and confidence in ourselves

Hope it helps


Which constitutional issues are most relevant to the causes of the Civil War? A) Quartering soldiers (3rd amendment ), Control of slavery in the territories (States' Rights), Runaway Slave ) Right to bear arms, Prohibition, Control of slavery in the territories (States' Rights ), Election of 1860 Control of slavery in the territories (States' Rights), Fugitive slave law, the four way election of 1860 , legality of secession (10th amendment) D) Freedom of Religion, Fugitive Slave Law, Election of 1860, right to private property



Explanation: Well The Civil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government. and I didn't understand the question very well but this section seems to be the right answer to your question '' Runaway Slave ) Right to bear arms, Prohibition, Control of slavery in the territories (States' Rights ),''

The Romans believed that other cultures were barbaric; the Romans saw other cultures’ technologies as



The Roman Empire was one of the most technologically advanced civilizations of antiquity, with some of the more advanced concepts and inventions forgotten during the turbulent eras of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Gradually, some of the technological feats of the Romans were rediscovered and/or improved upon during the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Era; with some in areas such as civil engineering, construction materials, transport technology, and certain inventions such as the mechanical reaper, not improved upon until the 19th century. The Romans achieved high levels of technology in large part because they borrowed technologies from the Greeks, Etruscans, Celts, and others.

Artistic rendition of the Pantheon

With limited sources of power, the Romans managed to build impressive structures, some of which survive to this day. The durability of Roman structures, such as roads, dams, and buildings, is accounted for the building techniques and practices they utilized in their construction projects. Rome and its surrounding area contained various types of volcanic materials, which Romans experimented with the creation of building materials, particularly cements and mortars.[1] Along with concrete, the Romans used stone, wood, and marble as building materials. They used these materials to construct civil engineering projects for their cities and transportation devices for land and sea travel.

The Romans also contributed to the development of technologies of the battlefield. Warfare was an essential aspect of Roman society and culture. The military was not only used for territorial acquisition and defense, but also as a tool for civilian administrators to use to help staff provincial governments and assist in construction projects.[2] The Romans adopted, improved, and developed military technologies for foot soldiers, cavalry, and siege weapons for land and sea environments.

Having familiar relations with warfare, the Romans became accustomed to physical injuries. To combat physical injuries sustained in civilian and military spheres, the Romans innovated medical technologies, particularly surgical practices and techniques.


What was a significant impact of the Emancipation Proclamation?
A. Slaves in Northern states were freed.
B. The war became a moral contest over slavery.
C. Slaves in border states were immediately freed.
D. African Americans were admitted into the Confederate army.



The Proclamation broadened the goals of the Union war effort; it made the eradication of slavery into an explicit Union goal, in addition to the reuniting of the country. The Proclamation also prevented European forces from intervening in the war on behalf of the Confederacy.

The Impact of the Emancipation Proclamation resulted to became a moral contest over slavery.


As America approached the third year of the Civil War President decided to issue the final Emancipation Proclamation.

The Emancipation Proclamation was suitable in the rebellious states (the South). The proclamation declared all slaves to be freed and henceforward not tied to their master. President Lincoln waited till the Union victory in Antietam to gather support and declared the proclamation in the Confederate that freed the slaves. In other words, the proclamation caused the South to lose the war as they lost their right upon their slaves.

Therefore, we can conclude that the Emancipation Proclamation played a significant role in the Civil War as it changed the war into a war to a fight to end slavery.

Thus, the option B is the correct answer.

Learn more about the "Emancipation Proclamation" here:


The idea that all citizens have certain freedoms is known as

A civil liberties
В. free market
C. popularity
D competition



A. Civil Liberties


Civil liberties are close to home assurances and opportunities that the legislature can't abbreviate, either by law or by legal translation, without fair treatment. Despite the fact that the extent of the term contrasts between nations, civil liberties incorporate the freedom of conscience, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, the right to security and liberty, freedom of speech, the right to privacy.

hope i helped

_is the act of comparing pieces of evidence to see where they agree and/or

A Sourcing

B Contextualization

C Close Reading

D Corroboration


Answer: Corroboration

Explanation: Corroborating evidence (or corroboration) is evidence that tends to support a proposition that is already supported by some initial evidence, therefore confirming the proposition.

Corroboration is the act of comparing pieces of evidence to see where they agree and/or disagree.

What is evidence?

The term “evidence” means the right kind of proof to lead to a conclusion. There are different kinds of evidence, such as newspaper articles, images, historical records, videos, footprints, signatures, files, internet sources, documents, medical reports, and voice recordings.

The examination of the facts and theories that back it up is referred to as “corroboration.” Evidence that tends to support a claim that has already been established by some prior evidence is referred to as corroborating evidence. One kind of proof that they concur or disagree is corroborating.

As a result, the comparing pieces of evidence to see where they agree and/or disagree are the corroboration. Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on evidence, here:



According to the Declaration of Independence, where does government get its power?

From God
From God

From the Supreme Court
From the Supreme Court

From the King
From the King

From the people



from the people


the declaration of independence states that the government is controlled by the freedom of the people

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