write a letter to your friend who has just gained admission into one of the higher institution and wishing him the best of luck and admonishing him to be serious with his studies ?​


Answer 1


Dear John,

Congratulations for being accepted into a higher instution! Remember to study hard. In doing so, you will pass all your tests and quizzes. Success comes with its benefits! I promise you are capable of obtaining high grades and a reputation to persevere. I wish you the best of luck.

Yours truly, Dave


I hope this helps!

Related Questions

ENGLISH ==========what is tense ​



In grammar, tense is a category that expresses time reference. Tenses are usually manifested by the use of specific forms of verbs, particularly in their conjugation patterns. The main tenses found in many languages include the past, present, and future.

______ is my pen. *
A. That
B. Those
C. These
D. They
8. Hello, ____ is Peter. Can I speak to Mr. Kim? *
A. that
B. those
C. this
D. these


Answer:1. A.That2. C.This

8. She _____ unlucky. Her son _______ a very stupi* little boy. *
is / is
is / is being
is being / is being
is being / is
9. Stop it! You ____________ stupi* right now. *
are being


8. is/is
9. are being

What is the answer? Help me pleaaaaaaaaaaaase



B. The answer is B, because they give a number on how many people were killed.

What is probably the reason that "memories of his
heredity" are becoming "far more potent" to Buck?


Well if something bad happened to him maybe its coming back more frequently and traumatized by it depending on what it is or if something had triggered those memories to found a way back,

HELPPP!! On the provided lines, write the matching vocabulary word for each definition.
forsaken coronation solemn blundered
1. Coastal land that juts into the sea. Type here
2. Respectful and serious. Type here
3. Struggled and stumbled. Type here
4. Showing disapproval. Type here
5. A crowning ceremony.
Type here
6. Deserted Type here




use a dictionary

La gente de la cara que ha dado el médico de médico y ha dado

According to the speaker, what two roles does the soul
friend and spy
friend and enemy
enemy and treason
enemy and sovereign

It’s Friends and spy


Answer: friend and spy

Charlie ............................ eggs. (not eat)



Charlie doesn't eat eggs.

How would this look ? I chose teacher



this looks amazing great job


Why did both Thoreau and Martin Luther king jr. Engage in acts of civil disobedience?



Considering "Civil Disobedience," which best describes how Thoreau and Martin Luther King, Jr. both felt about acts of civil disobedience? They both believed that individuals have the right and the responsibility to protest unjust laws.




took the test

what does cling mean in this passage​


Answer: Cling

Explanation: Sticking with something.

Does anyone know this?



A, 100%


Hope this helps!!! :))

wht do you call a word tht can b pronounced two ways? *:・゚✧






Which sentence contains a comma splice? (2 questions)



1. c

2. d


Write a summary of act 2 scene 1-2 of Romeo and Juliet?


So pretty much its a bad book

rewrite the sentence using the correct preposition that make sense " the cat sits under the carpet "?​


I believe the correct sentence is “The cat sits on the carpet.”

someone please help me. this assignment is based of the time machine




In a frame story, the story is told by the main character

The story is told by the main character different views

1. This paint (dries ,dry )quickly. 2. They ( mows , mow) lawns too. 3. I ( has seen, have seen) that movie three times. 4.These vegetables from the garden(tastes,taste) delicious. 5. Behind the cabin ( was , were ) a gravestone covered with moss. 6. There (was , were ) several reasons for the accident. Here (is ,are the gas for the lawn mowers. 7. Either the calendar or our watches (is, are ) off by hundred years.





have seen






Think about the things you do on a regular basis. What values are reflected in your daily activities?



I value saving the planet, health, nature, being able to care of myself and my loved ones, having security, independence, kindness, and serenity.

I reflect these values by living a frugal lifestyle, saving my money so that I can have enough to take care of myself and my family no matter what life throws our way.

I also do my best to leave a low (carbon) footprint on the world with my lifestyle. Frugal living goes hand-in-hand with this. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Eating a vegan diet reflects these values as well, as I feel it is the optimum diet for good health and is also easier on the planet and of course is kinder to the animals we share our world with. I am very much against big agra farming and especially CAFO farming for animal meat.

To this end I grow as many of our own vegetables as I can and I shop local as much as possible. This is better for our own health and the health of planet Earth.

I try to live a very simple life filled with family, and abundance of good, fresh food, and enough savings to feel comfortable and secure. And that is how I try to to align my values with my daily life.

hope it's helpful

thank you

• Who are Mae's favorite customers? Are her feelings about the migrants
as simple as they initially seem? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.



I dont see a text though


Correct punctuation

"ergonomic and easy-to-use," furniture is the specialty of this office supply store.



"Ergonomic and easy-to-use" furniture is the specialty of this office supply store.


Capitalize Ergonomic and remove comma after use.

The right way to punctuate this statement is- "Ergonomic and easy-to-use" furniture is the specialty of this office supply store.

What is punctuation?

Punctuation (or interpunction occasionally) is the use of white space, common symbols (called punctuation marks), and specific typographic techniques to aid in the comprehension and accurate reading of written text, whether it is read silently or loudly.

The technique, action, or system of putting points or other small marks into texts to facilitate understanding; the use of these marks to separate text into sentences, phrases, etc. is another way to describe it.

To clearly convey a sentence's meaning in written English, punctuation is essential. The subtle variations in punctuation between the sample pair pairings, particularly the later, cause the stark differences in meaning.

Learn more about punctuation, from:



create your own thesis



Mark me as Brainliest


To play soccer you need a ball

Question 12 of 20
Which event might have a negative impact on your net worth?
A. The bank sends you the title to your car.
B. You pay off the mortgage on your house.
CC. The stocks you own lose value when the market declines.
D. You move your long-term investments into bonds.​





The stocks you own lose value when the market declines. The value of a person's or company's assets less the obligations they owe is a person's net worth.

A negative impact on your net worth can be caused due to the stocks you own losing value when the market declines. Thus the correct option is C.

What is net worth?

Net worth is referred to as the valuation of assets owned by the owner after deducting the liabilities they carry, which helps to determine the profit and helps to know the with of the company in the market.

An increase in the assets shows positive effects on net worth whereas a decrease in the assets reflects a negative effect on the network. When you invest in stocks, here stocks will be considered an asset of the business.

When the owned stock loses its value in the market when the market declines this will be considered a decline in an asset which shows a negative impact on the net worth of an individual as well as an organization.

Therefore, option C The stocks you own lose value when the market declines appropriately.

Learn more about net worth, here:



What political views did many Lost Generation artists have in



The term “lost generation”, coined by Gertrude Stein, is applied to a group of writers, poets, and musicians in Paris during the 1920s, often characterized by the similar themes discussed in their work, such as disillusionment in the post-World War I society, loss of identity and tradition, and uncertainty of the ...


The political views did many "Lost Generation" artists have in common by Gertrude Stein. The Lost Generation was a grouping of communicators and creative person who lived in Paris after World War I.

Gertrude Stein's term "lost generation" refers to a group of authors, artists, and musicians who lived in Paris during the 1920s and were typically defined by similar topics explored in their work, such as disillusionment in post-World War I society.

Many Lost Generation artists shared anti-war attitudes, pacifism, and a rejection of conventional values and authoritative structures.

Many members of the Lost age were disillusioned with the conventional ideals and authoritative figures of their parents' age as a result of their experiences in World War I.

As a result, the significance of the political views did many Lost Generation artists have in common are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on "Lost Generation", here:



Can you answer this question



He tried to get additional people to him plant seedlings



C-His reforestation effort was ultimately sucessfull


he and his team of 6 people planted 70,000 in 12 years

hope this helps

5) How does Cassius trick Brutus into joining the conspirators? (5 sentences)



Cassius cleverly persuades Brutus to join the conspiracy by elaborating on Caesar's numerous faults and appealing to Brutus's honor. Cassius challenges Brutus to stand up to Caesar and defend Rome from tyranny like his ancestor. Cassius also manipulates Brutus by sending him fabricated letters from concerned citizens.


Describe the structure of the poem. How does the structure help to develop the
theme? Use details from the poem to support your answer.




Part A the answer would be C rain

Part B the answer would be B


a tall upright post, spar, or other structure on a ship or boat, in sailing vessels, generally carrying a sail or sails. is the definition of mast so sweet dose not apply.

Which is the closest synonym for the word restore? A. repair B. report C. record D. reward


Answer: a



A. repair


Restore means to bring back something. Report, record, and reward do not mainly do this.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
A. The news has been sad this week, so I need a story that gives me hope.
B. The news has been sad this week, I need a story that gives me hope.
C. The news has been sad this week I need a story that gives me hope.





Please help me I need answer


(as it is now)

this is the best answer

Other Questions
Part A: For each numbered blank, write the correct form of the verb in the sense indicated inParentheses (" for preterite and / for imperfect). Read the whole sentence carefully in order todetermine the correct subject. Number your answers, (2 points each for a total of 24 points)San Martin 1. _(ser. P) el libertador del Sur, el padre de la Repblica Argentina, el padre de(ser, 1) espalloles, y a el lo mandaron a Espaa para que fuese militardel rey. Cuando Napolen 3.(entrar, P.) en Espalla con su ejrcito, para quitarles a losespaoles la libertad, los espatoles todos pelearon contra Napolen: pelcaron los viejos, lasmujeres, los nios...) San Martin 4. pelear, P.) muy bien en la batalla de Bailn, y lohicieron teniente coronel. Hablaba poco: parecia de acero: miraba como un guila: nadie lodesobedecla. Su caballo iba y 5. (venir. 1.) por el campo de pelea, como el rayo por el aire.En cuanto supo que Amrica 6. (pelear, 1.) para hacerse libre, 7.(venir, P.) aAmrica: que le importaba perder su carrera, si iba a cumplir con su deber?: 8.(llegarP.) a Buenos Aires: no 9 (decir, P.) discursos: levant un escuadrn de caballeria: en SanLorenzo fue su primera batalla: sable en mano se fue San Martn detrs de los espaoles, quevenan muy seguros, tocando el tambor, y se quedaron sin tambor, sin caones y sin bandera. Enlos otros pueblos de Amrica los espaoles iban venciendo: a Bolivar lo habia echado Morillo elcruel de Venezuela: Hidalgo estaba muerto: O'Higgins sali huyendo de Chile: pero dondeestaba San Martin sigui siendo libre la Amrica. Hay hombres asi, que no pueden veresclavitud. San Martin no podia; y se fue a libertar a Chile y al Per. En dieciocho dias cruz consu ejrcito los Andes altsimos y fros: 10. (ir, 1.) los hombres como por el cielo,hambrientos, sedientos [...]. San Martin se encuentra al ejrcito espaol y lo deshace en la batallade Maip, lo derrota para siempre en la batalla de Chacabuco. Liberta a Chile. Se embarca con sutropa, y va a libertar al Per. Pero en el Per 11.(estar, I.) Bolivar, y San Martin le cede lagloria. Se fue a Europa triste, y muri en brazos de su hija Mercedes. Escribi su testamento enuna cuartilla de papel, como si fuera el parte de una batalla. Le haban regalado el estandarte queel conquistador Pizarro 12.(traer, P.) hace cuatro siglos, y l le regal el estandarte en eltestamento al Per. Un escultor es admirable, porque saca una figura de la piedra bruta: pero esoshombres que hacen pueblos son como ms que hombres. [...] El corazn se llena de ternura alpensar en esos gigantescos fundadores. Esos son hroes; los que pelean para hacer a los puebloslibres, o los que padecen en pobreza y desgracia por defender una gran verdad. Los que peleanpor la ambicin, por hacer esclavos a otros pueblos, por tener ms mando, por quitarle a otropueblo sus tierras, no son hroes, sino criminales. 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