Write a response letter being a manager of any hotel and response in favour to the inquire Of hotel booking


Answer 1


As a hotel manager you could give an answer like the following:

Thank you very much for choosing us, your reservation has been confirmed.

Your reservation number is the following: 240015

Please keep the following recommendations in mind:

-Your reservation will be available from today until Monday, July 12 at 2.00pm

-If for any reason or circumstance you cannot be present at the indicated time, please let us know by phone or mail as soon as possible.

-At the end of this email you will find an attached link where you can virtually do an exploration or "virtual visit" starting with your reservation room and the rest of the hotel.

Related Questions

Read the sentence.
Leila stared at the driver of the shiny red convertible stopped in the middle of the intersection, incredulous
that he would stop traffic just to yell at another driver behind him.
What does the use of incredulous connote?
• that Leila is envious of the driver for having a convertible
O that Leila is angry at the driver for stopping in the intersection
• that Leila thinks she might know the driver of the convertible
• that Leila is shocked at what the driver of the convertible did



• that Leila is shocked at what the driver of the convertible did


The prefix 'in' means 'not'. The root word 'cred' is of Latin origin and means 'believe'. The combination of the two implies that an incredulous person is one filled with disbelief.

Leila is shocked/filled with disbelief at the scene she has witnessed.

The use of incredulous connote that Leila is shocked at what the driver of the convertible did. Thus, option D is correct.

What is connotation?

Any given word or phrase carries a connotation in addition to its denotation, which is its explicit or literal meaning. A connotation is a generally accepted cultural or emotional relationship. Regarding its pleasant or unpleasant emotional link, a connotation is typically classified as either positive or negative.

The word "in" can also signify "not." Cred is a Latin word with the meaning "believe" as its basis. The two together imply that a person who is incredulous is one who is overwhelmed with incredulity. Leila is stunned or in shock about the scene she has seen.

Therefore, we can conclude that option D is correct.

Learn more about connotation here:



Please help me answer question 32. Please explain your answer too



what is the question man

Which two details are most important to include in a summary of the excerpt from Robinson Crusoe



"At length I spied a little cove on the right shore of the creek, to which with great pain and difficulty I guided my raft"

"and thus I lay till the water ebbed away, and left my raft and all my cargo safe on shore." are the two correct ones

After Montag escapes the city, what does he does Montag observe happening? Question 2 options: a) The city goes on functioning as it always has. B) The city is destroyed by bombs. C) The city's inhabitants riot and burn the city to the ground. D) The city is overrun by the mechanical hounds who kill all the inhabitants.




especifica tu pregunta pero creo que es la  A

help!! I am giving 10 points!!



b is your answer did u understand??



what does elisa do after the stranger leaves



As the stranger drove away in their van with the policeman tailing them, Elisa sighs with exasperation.  She picks up her sandwich and takes a bite.  The crunch of lettuce fills the air as she masticates.  After she finishes, she throws away the wrapper.  "Why did the police man have to butt in?"  She says to herself.  "The stranger promised me candy."  Feeling disappointed, she walks home.


Seriously though, what is the rest of the question?

What to respond to “I was having a bad day and u made it way better”


Be polite and respond by saying that making sure someone has a smile on their face doesn't cost anything and that everyone should stick together through tough situations and through good times .

Essay: The Effects of Watching Television on Adolescents



The effect of adolescence and their consumption of television has shown a drastic result in changes in their behavioral development. Television has a powerful influence on children, especially during their critical years of development. It has been shown that children that have consumed television were more likely to develop aggressive behavior. Children were more likely to accept violence as a way of problem-solving, and to even imitate the observed violence.  

However, despite the negative effect’s television listed above, there are quite a few positives. Television may teach kids important values and life lessons as well. Educational programming can develop young children's socialization and learning skills. News, current events, and historical programming can help make young people more aware of other cultures and people worldwide.  

It is recommended to set a time-limit on an adolescent and their media consumption. Television can either have a positive, negative, or even a mix of both effects on an adolescent. It is crucial to monitor what a child is watching to ensure what they are consuming is appropriate.  

The consequences of watching television in Adolescents express the drastic outcomes with respect to physical as well as behavioral development.

What is an Essay?

An essay may be defined as an analytic or interpretative literary composition that is usually dealing with its subject from a limited or personal point of view. It reveals information on the basis of a particular topic.

Television requires to be taken away from adolescents as soon as possible in order to control their way of thinking and sensing. Adolescents are being completely taken into television and they don't want to be disturbed.

Television can act as a distraction, hindering a child's productivity. Rather than focusing their attention on school, a child is focused on television and gradually make addicted to it.

It significantly contributes to more adverse health and behavioral outcomes than positive ones. When adolescents are entertained by reality shows, music videos, etc. they lose their attention and focus on their studies.

Therefore, a small essay on the effect of Watching Television on Adolescents is well described above.

To earn more about the Harmful effects of television, refer to the link:



Click to read "Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now" by A. E. Housman. Then
answer the question.
Which line(s) from the poem best develop(s) the author's idea that people
should appreciate life because it is short?
A. Loveliest of trees, the cherry now / Is hung with bloom along the
B. And since to look at things in bloom/Fifty springs are little room.
C. Now, of my threescore years and ten, / Twenty will not come again,
D. Wearing white for Eastertide.



B. I don't know if it's correct

The story on online


Kath is… mean, governmental, oppresses, and has a careless attitude


"So, Helen, do you play an instrument?” She put such a sneer in her voice that everyone at the table fell silent, waiting to see how this new kid would react.

When Helen spoke, her voice was very quiet. ,”No,” she said, “No instrument. I just sing.”

Kath snorted. "Sing! No choir in this school. Guess you’re out of luck.”

Comment: Kath here is shown as a mean individual who is trying to lower the dignity of Helen, or in this case Mouse. As the story mentions she put a “sneer in her voice”, meaning that that she made it in a mocking way or tone a voice.


1. "What is that Mouse doing at our table?" Kath said loudly, so Helen would know she had already broken one of the most important rules. No one sat at Kath's table without an invitation.

2. Kath stood up then, to signal that the eating part of lunch was over. Everyone else at the table picked up their trays, following her like robots.

3. Helen hesitated, then did what Kath said.

Comments: In the first quote Kath asks what Mouse is doing at the table because no other person in the school sits at the table with her unless they have an invitation from her. However, Mouse is new and doesn’t know those rules. Even so, after stating this question Mouse sits at the table anyways perhaps hoping to gain friendship, to change Kath’s mind. Still, the rule imposed by Kath has not changed, no one can sit at the table without an invitation from her. This shows Katy’s dictator side, her governmental side. She want to rule or dominate people around her.

On the second quote when Kath stood up, everyone else did. The other students copied her like robots or mere infants that don’t know their way through life. This shows Kathe’s influence and dictatorship over the students.

On the third quote we can see that even Helen obeys Kath. Her influence is so powerful that even she proceeds to obey her.

Careless attitude:

"Who made you the queen of the world?” I yelled at Kath in the driveway.

She didn't even bother to get angry. She just gave me a look that made me feel cold all over and said, "It doesn’t matter, does it? I just am, so you better get used to it,” and walked away.

Comment: Kath doesn’t care for her brothers words. She does what she wants and proceeds to do them how she wants them.


I knew something was up in gym the next day the way Kath and her friends came out of the change room, giggling. Then Amanda asked Ms. Saro to help her find some goal gloves in the storage room. As soon as they disappeared Kath shot a soccer ball at Helen, hard. Helen dodged as Jen opened the gym door behind her. The ball flew out. “Oops,” Jen said.  "I think I'll help look for those goal gloves.”

Helen stood near the open door.

"Go get the ball, you klutz," Kath ordered. "It’s getting cold in here.”

Comments: Here we can see the dark nature of Kath. Kath is very disrespectful and mean to Helen. She oppresses Helen, she wants to humiliate her to the extreme.

Mouse is… Honest, has pride in what she does, is respectful and responsible


"Who's Robyn, Mouse?” Kath asked.

Helen ducked her head like she’d been hit. “I don’t know.”

"Where'd you get the backpack then?”

Helen kept her head down. "At a garage sale," she said.

Comment: Even if it means getting laughed at Helen doesn’t care, she is honest and tells the truth about her back pack. She doesn’t tell a white lie or tell half the truth. She is brutally honest.

Has pride in what she does:

Voice is good for someone who moves a lot. I guess we won’t move much now that we're in Torbay. The instrument is free and it isn’t hard to move.”  She smiled, as if this were an old joke. Then she lifted her chin. “Besides, I'm a very good singer." The pride in her voice made her sound completely different. I was so surprised, I just nodded.

Comment: By the way in which she speaks you can tell that Helen is proud to be a singer. Even though others may not be in favor she trusts her parents judgement and is obedient to them. She isn’t ashamed of her gifts or talents, she know that every person has a unique talent. Even though the story does not specify such a thought, surely she must have had this in mind when she has so much pride in her voice.

Do Americans have it too easy? Why do you think



that is a relative question. too easy? compared to what? I am American and I know america kinda sucks, but please know that we are not all loud, fat, obnoxious slobs. some of us are well behaved and kind.

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.

Now look at the combined sentence. Which portion of the combined sentence is the compound subject?

Sir Edmund and his son, Cecil, were explorers.



Cecil, were explorers.

Answer? Anyone? I need this for plato. And my due date is tomorrow.



I believe that it's the last and second sentences in the paragraph. I'm not sure it's naturally right


By Hugh Lofting

Chapter 1: The Cobbler's Son
My name was Tommy Stubbins, son of Jacob Stubbins, the cobbler of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh; and I was nine and a half years old. At that time Puddleby was only quite a small town. A river ran through the middle of it; and over this river there was a very old stone bridge, called Kingsbridge, which led you from the market-place on one side to the churchyard on the other.
Sailing-ships came up this river from the sea and anchored near the bridge. I used to go down and watch the sailors unloading the ships upon the river-wall. The sailors sang strange songs as they pulled upon the ropes; and I learned these songs by heart. And I would sit on the river-wall with my feet dangling over the water and sing with the men, pretending to myself that I too was a sailor.

For I longed always to sail away with those brave ships when they turned their backs on Puddleby Church and went creeping down the river again, across the wide lonely marshes to the sea. I longed to go with them out into the world to seek my fortune in foreign lands—Africa, India, China and Peru! When they got round the bend in the river and the water was hidden from view, you could still see their huge brown sails towering over the roofs of the town, moving onward slowly—like some gentle giants that walked among the houses without noise. What strange things would they have seen, I wondered, when next they came back to anchor at Kingsbridge! And, dreaming of the lands I had never seen, I'd sit on there, watching till they were out of sight.

Which element of the description of Puddleby is most significant to the plot of the story so far? (5 points)

That it had a marketplace and a cemetery
That it had an old stone bridge named for a king
That a river ran through the middle of it
That it was quite small in size



That it had an old stone bridge named for a king

1.It wasn't a good idea to leave your rubbish on the beach (should't)
You __________________
2.The most logical explanation is that someone stole the paintings from the art galler. (must)
Someone ____________________
3.It wasn't necessary to ask Paul to come and help us. (need)
You ______________________
4.I think Louise drew the dragon on the wall. (may)
Louise ____________________​



1. You shouldn't leave your rubbish on the beach.

2. Someone must have stolen the paintings from the art gallery.

3. You didn't need to ask Paul to come and help us.

4. Louise may have drawn the dragon on the wall.



1.You shouldn't have left your rubbish on the beach.

2.Someone must have stolen the paintings from the art galler.

3.you need not ask Paul to come and help us.

4.Louise may have drawn the dragon on the wall.

Which statement best describes Hopping's viewpoint and purpose in this excerpt? The author views Diane as a clever scientist and includes this excerpt to inform readers about Diane's sharp reasoning skills. The author views Diane as a thoughtful scientist and includes this excerpt to encourage readers to develop their minds. The author views Diane as a humorous scientist and includes this excerpt to entertain readers with funny stories. The author views Diane as a skillful scientist and includes this excerpt to persuade readers to use scientific techniques to solve problems.



The author views Diane as a clever scientist and includes this excerpt to inform readers about Diane's sharp reasoning skills.


Lorraine Jean Hopping's “Bone Detective" is about Diane France and her expertise in solving mysteries based on clues she finds in the bones of human remains. The story tells the solving of mysteries and murders by a famous and expert doctor.

In the given excerpt from the book, the author describes how Diane came to the conclusion about why the man had changed smoking from one side to the other. By merely inspecting the teeth structure, Diane was able to figure out the possible manner of the shift. This shows how the author thinks Diana is a clever scientist and uses the given excerpt to inform the readers about Diane's sharp reasoning skills.

Thus, the correct answer is the first option.


de answer is D


:)  hi

It is said that a smile is universally understood. And nothing triggers a smile more universally than a taste of sugar. Nearly everyone loves sugar. Infant studies indicate that humans are born with an innate love of sweets. Based on statistics, a lot of people in Great Britain must be smiling because on average, every man, woman, and child in that country consumes 95 pounds of sugar each year.From this passage it seems safe to conclude that the EnglishA. do not know that too much sugar is unhealthy.B. eat desserts at every meal.C. are fonder of sweets than most people.D. have more cavities than any other people.


Answer: C. are fonder of sweets than most people


Option A is incorrect because the passage didn't talk about how eating sugar was unhealthy to the English.

Option B is incorrect because it isn't written that English eat desserts at every meal.

Option D is incorrect because the information given about the English doesn't necessarily mean that they have more cavities than any other people.

Therefore, the correct option is C because the English are fonder of sweets than most people.

Which of the following best defines "diction?"

a. the use of figurative language

b. the use of a dictionary to learn foreign language

c. word choice

d. sentence fluency


C. Word Choice
Diction is the authors word choice


C. Word Choice


Diction is your choice of words in speech or in writing.

I hope this helps! Have a nice dayy! :)

reemplazar los nombres entre parentesis con los pronombres personales en inglessssss



a- He is handsome.

b- It is big.

c- You are my friend.

d- We are fifteen.

e- She is my mother.

f- It is brown.

g- She is my sister.

h- I am a teacher.

i- They are doctors.

j- He is fourteen

How does tragedies refer to the depiction of social realities while comedies present a utopian frame of life?/



In simple words, Tragedy is a sub genre of theater that depicts the tragic or horrible circumstances that a heroic character encounters or causes in a solemn as well as dignified manner. The phrase can also be extended to other creations of literature such as novels. Historically, the goal of drama is to elicit cathartic in the spectator, which is defined as "pain that generates pleasure."

does she have to call him( into passive)​



Is he has to be called by her?


Active voice is when the subject acts upon the verb. In other words, active voice is when the subject is at the front of the sentence.

On the other hand, passive voice is when the subject is the receiver of the verb. This means that the subject is placed after the verb in the sentence.

The given sentence "does she have to call him?" can be changed into the passive voice as

Is he has to be called by her?

Here, the "does" in the active voice becomes nonexistent in the passive voice, being replaced by the helping verbs "is/am/are" in the new sentence.

Identify the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence contains no error, select C. Satisfaction, enjoyment, and feeling victorious are the results of doing your best. misplaced modifier dangling modifier lack of parallel structure incorrect adverb clause placement C


They added a period between best and misplaced

Which is the most effective paraphrase of the passage?

Although one can enjoy comfort at home, exploration is more rewarding by far.
One should seek riches in far-away lands, where houses are made of gold.
Even though there might be riches in far-away places, there is no place as wonderful as home


The last one is the best paraphrase

Answer: The answer is C

Explanation: Even though there might be riches in far-away places, there is no place as wonderful as home.

Lines 242–252: What past events are alluded to in the language the author uses to describe the mother and daughter’s descent from the window?



division and multiplication

which word from the passage is an appeal to pathos



The correct answer is: c.

In the sentence a new tropical wave has just entered the Gulf of Mexico what is this simple subject



The simple subject is the tropical wave.


A simple subject is something that is performing an action. It can be a person, place, or even a thing. In this sentence, the thing is the tropical wave. The tropical wave is performing an action. It is entering the Gulf of Mexico, a place. The answer is not the Gulf of Mexico because the gulf is not performing any action.

Explain why continuing to practice email skills is important as a modern communicator.


It is always important to keep a formal formatting when emailing a professional individual or someone that holds a higher title than you. When you sound informal or have misspelling in your email, they might not take you seriously. For example, when emailing your college professor it is good to keep in mind the proper formatting before sending that email. You would want to mention your name and student ID if needed as well as what class/section you are in. With hundreds of students, you can get lost in those emails. At the end you should thank them for reading your email and let them know you are understanding of any situation.

Thesis of the "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" and supporting statements



“The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” is a short story written by Mark Twain. The story deals with themes of cheating, integrity, and community. Both local people and outsiders attempt to misdirect each other in this story.

Use these phrases to make sentences of your own. keep a record​



I was asked to keep a record of all the attendees of the seminar by the organizing committee.


Phrases are words, short groups of words that are used to refer to something else. They cannot be taken in the literal sense and maybe a means to refer to something else.

The phrase "keep a record" means to keep certain information safe.

So, making a sentence using the phrase "keep a record" is-

I was asked to keep a record of all the attendees of the seminar by the organizing committee.

Cause = wireless-device use Effects = both positive and negative for teens Based on the sample outline, which thesis is the most effective for this essay? 1. Positive effects: Example of increased freedom Example of increased safety O Teenagers are often seen using wireless devices, but the effects are mostly positive. There are positive and negative effects to every new development in technology. O Many teenagers have access to wireless devices, and the effects are both positive and negative. Not all teenagers have access to wireless devices, so not everyone is effected by them. • Negative effects: Example of spreading negative info Anecdote about distraction Intro ✓ Done 5 of 10​


Answer: Many teenagers have access to wireless devices, and the effects are both positive and negative.


The thesis topic must be one that shows that the effects of using wireless devices are both positive and negative. It should also mention as well as generalize the number of teens using such devices as the research did not mention the number of teens using said devices.

The only option that ticks both boxes is that "many teenagers have access to wireless devices, and the effects are both positive and negative" so this should be the correct answer.  

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