Write either True or False. a) Software is touchable part of computer system. b) System software provides easy interaction between user and computer c) Every computer needs to have own operating system. d) A computer can only understand the program written in assembly language. SANJIWANI Computer Book 7​


Answer 1


A: False B: False C: True D: False


Related Questions

state whether the following statement are true or false​


The following statement is true , Please mark me brainliest

Which statement describes how to insert the IF, COUNTIF, or SUM function into a cell?

Use the Insert tab and select the appropriate function from the Functions group.
Type an = sign in the cell, followed by the name of the function and the relevant arguments.
Right-click the cell to access the context menu to insert the function.
Use the View tab and choose the correct function from the displayed list.



Type an = sign in the cell, followed by the name of the function and the relevant arguments.


Microsoft Excel is a software application or program designed and developed by Microsoft Inc., for analyzing and visualizing spreadsheet documents. There are different types of functions used in Microsoft Excel to perform specific tasks and these includes;

1. VLOOKUP function: it's an Excel function that avails end users the ability to lookup data in a table organized vertically. Thus, it's typically used for searching values in a column.

2. SUMIF function: it is an Excel function to sum cells that meet criteria such as text, dates and numbers. This function can be used with the following logical operators; <, >, and =.

3. COUNT function: it's an Excel function to find the total number of entries in a column. For example, to count the number of entries in B1:B15; COUNT(B2:B15).

4. IF function: runs a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result, and another for a FALSE result. For example, to fail scores that are below 40; IF (A1 < 40, "Fail", "Pass").

5. HLOOKUP function: it's an Excel function that avails end users the ability to lookup data in a table organized horizontally. Thus, it's typically used for searching values in a column.

In Microsoft Excel, to insert the IF, COUNTIF, or SUM function into a cell, you should type an equal to (=) sign in the cell, followed by the name of the particular function and the relevant arguments.

For example, to use the SUMIF function, you should type; =SUMIF(A2:B5, "Peter", C1:C9).

is computers takes lots of time to do any mathematical calculations.​



I think the answer is a computer take lost of time to do any mathematical calculations because problem in the book or questions.

Hope this helps you ^^

You are replacing a wired business network with an 802.11g wireless network. You currently use Active Directory on the company network as your directory service. The new wireless network has multiple wireless access points, and you want to use WPA2 on the network. What should you do to configure the wireless network


You are replacing a wired business network with an 802.11g wireless network. You currently use Active Directory on the company network as your directory service. The new wireless network will have multiple wireless access points. You want to use WPA2 on the network. What should you do to configure the wireless network?

(Select two).

a. Use shared secret authentication


c. Configure devices to run in ad hoc mode

d. Use open authentication with MAC address filtering

e.  INSTALL A RADIUS SERVER AND USE 802.1X authentication.


The wiring and connectors that carry the power to a motor must be in good condition. When a connection becomes loose, oxidation of the copper wire occurs. The oxidation ____. A. acts as an electrical resistance and causes the connection to heat more B. has no effect on the electrical connection C. decreases the resistance D. none of the above


Answer: A. acts as an electrical resistance and causes the connection to heat more.


The wiring and connectors that carry the power to a motor must be in good condition. It should be noted that in a case whereby the connection becomes loose, then the oxidation of the copper wire occurs and thee oxidation will act as an electrical resistance and then results in the connection to heat more.

In such case, this has an effect on the electrical connection and increases the resistance. Therefore, the correct option is A.

Travis just got promoted to network administrator after the previous administrator left rather abruptly. There are three new hires that need onboarding with user accounts. When Travis looks at all the existing account names, he notices there is no common naming system. Where should he look to try to give the new hires user accounts with proper naming conventions



The company's account policy


If there's no common naming system, It's best to go with the company's account policy.

An attacker uses an exploit to push a modified hosts file to client systems. This hosts file redirects traffic from legitimate tax preparation sites to malicious sites to gather personal and financial information. What kind of exploit has been used in this scenario


DDoS hope this helps :3

4 effect by which we can see several keyframes at once is
a. Onion Skin b. Layer Effect o c. Timeline Effect
5. You can control the speed of animation by increasing or decreasing the value in
a. Timeline a b. Fps Box O ㅁ c. Tools Panel
Write T for True and 'F' for False statements.
1. Pencil2D has autosave option for saving your work after every few minutes
2. The source code of Pencil2D is not available for users.
3. You cannot erase unwanted part of object or drawing on the stage 4. Hand tool is used to quickly move different parts of the stage. 5. Bitmap layer is used for raster graphics, which is made up of pixels.
Fill in the blanks.
1. Pencil2D is used to create animation using and graphics
2. The big white rectangle in the middle of your screen is called the
3. The is used to mark current frame displayed on the stage.
4 You can a layer to clearly identify it in the timeline.
5. Frame is the little in the Timeline, in which we create an image
6. You can fill color in your enclosed drawing or shape with tool.​


Onion skin
Onion timeline stage

8. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using a smartphone rather than a laptop computer for creating a report.​


Answer: the advantage of using a smartphone rather than a laptop computer is that you can talk to people across the world, call people, make texts, and get easy access to the internet. but the disadvantages are that a lot of people stay inside their house because of phones, not getting enough exercise.


The advantages and disadvantages of using a smartphone rather than a laptop computer for creating a report. have been compared below.

The advantages of using a smartphone rather than a laptop computer are;

Portability; Smartphones are portable enough that they can fit into pockets and some purses and as such can be taken with you anywhere easily unlike a laptop computer that doesn't have such physical property.Cost; Smartphones are largely cheaper than the average laptop computer. Thus, cost is a good factor.

Disadvantages of using a smartphone rather than a laptop computer are;

Screen size; Smartphone screen size are always smaller than that of laptop computers .Software's; Smartphones can't run many of the type of powerful software's that can run on laptop computers.Data entry and user input; Due to the portability of smartphones, their keyboards are usually smaller than that of laptop desktops which makes data entry more difficult for those that have big fingers.

Read more about smartphones and laptops at; https://brainly.com/question/21283135

You are concerned about attacks directed at your network firewall. You want to be able to identify and be notified of any attacks. In addition, you want the system to take immediate action to stop or prevent the attack, if possible. Which tool should you use



Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)


Firewall can be defined as a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules.

Simply stated, a firewall is a network security protocol that monitors and controls inbound and outbound traffic based on set aside security rules.

A firewall is used to control access to a computer or network, as it creates a barrier between a computer or a network and the internet in order to protect against unauthorized access.

Basically, it is a network security device or security system pre-installed on most computers to essentially inspect data being transmitted to or from a computer

Thus, the tool you should use is an intrusion prevention system (IPS).

Which category was originally developed to protect both digital and hard-copy sensitive information?



Information assurance


Information assurance was originally developed to protect both digital and hard-copy sensitive information.

Why are programming languages like Java and Python ideal for rapid development?


Because Java, as well as Python, are high-level programs that don't need generating or parsing, they are perfect for quick development. This implies that engineers can code a program without testing it first and then publishing it.

What are programming languages?

A method of nomenclature for creating software applications is known as a computer program. The majority of formal programming are text-based, though they can also be graphical.

A substantial rise in the use of Python for machine learning and data analysis supports its status as the programming with the biggest growth. Python is a programming language with dynamic typing, while Java is a structured query and compiler language. Java is faster at play and simpler to debug thanks to this one difference, while Python is simpler to utilize and read.

Learn more about programming languages, Here:



Guys can anyone tell me answer from this photo Get Branilliest



1. A computer itself

2.I don't no

Selena owns a bakery. She wants to compare the number of pies, cookies, cakes, and brownies that she sells in one month. Which charts are appropriate for this task? Check all that apply.


Column, line, bar, and possibly pie.


Column, Bar, And Pie


got it right

2. Give technical terms for
a) A feature which computer never gets tired.
b) A memory to be used on fifth generation of computer.
c) Computer that used continues data
. d) An illegal activity that harms people by using computer.
e) A machine developed by Charles Babbage in 1833AD. ​




Write the contribution of Charles Babbage in the history of computer.​



The main contributions of Charles Babbage are;

1 ) He invented difference engine and analytical engine.

2) He gave basic concept of of mathematics in his analytical engine.

3) He also keep the concept of using binary digits in his machine.

4) He had led to the the foundation of modern computer in his analytical engine including the concept of of input, processing and output

Hope it helps.... :)

Define Data communication​



Data transmission and data reception is the transfer and reception of data over a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication channel. Examples of such channels are copper wires, optical fibers, wireless communication channels, storage media and computer buses. 

are the exchange of data between two devices For data communications to occur, the communicating devices must be part of a communication system made up of a combination of hardware

Rachel is a junior system administrator for a network with a single Active Directory domain. The network has just expanded to include an additional subnet. Rachel has installed a new server running Windows Server 2016 on the new subnet and configure it as a DHCP server. When she checks the server icon in the DHCP Management console, she notices the server has a down icon. The DHCP server service has started, but the server does not respond to DHCP lease requests. What should Rachel do to solve the problem


Answer: Ask a member of the Enterprise Admins group to authorize the server.


From the information given, we are informed that Rachel installed a new server running Windows Server 2016 on the new subnet and configure it as a DHCP server but then realizes that the DHCP server service has started, but that the server does not respond to DHCP lease requests.

In this case, the reason for this can be attributed to the fact that the server hasn't been authorized, therefore, she can ask a member of the Enterprise Admins group to authorize the server.

which are the four different methods of formatting text in libreoffice writer​



The Text Formatting Bar that is displayed when the cursor is in a text object, such as a text frame or a drawing object, contains formatting and alignment commands.

if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest.

how is internet connection made possible.​



To connect to the Internet and other computers on a network, a computer must have a NIC (network interface card) installed. A network cable plugged into the NIC on one end and plugged into a cable modem, DSL modem, router, or switch can allow a computer to access the Internet and connect to other computers.

Which three pieces of information must you include in a project goals document? (Choose 3)
A) Target audience
B) Project deadline
C) Project purpose
D) Color palette
E) Hero image



A) Target audience

B) Project deadline

C) Project purpose


The project goals document outlines the scope of the project, detailing what the project entails to everyone that is to work on the project such that the objectives to focused on, the tasks to be completed, the timeline and deadline of the project, the project participants, and audiences are known or understood, thereby placing everyone in the project team on track

The three pieces of information that must be included in a project are therefore; the target audience of the document, the deadline of the project, clearly stated, and the purpose of the project; what the project is going to accomplish

The three pieces of information you must include in a project goals document are:

A) Target audience B) Project deadline C) Project purpose  

According to the given question, we are asked to show the  three pieces of information you must include in a project goals document and why they are important when making a project goal.

As a result of this, we can see when making a project goals document, it is important to include the target audience, project deadline and the project purpose because it gives the project a clear objective and deadline which can be achieved.

Read more here:


Which information is required when designing a field? check all that apply.




dimensions or calculation

What are the advantages of Radio waves over micro waves?​



radio frequencies can penetrate deeply into the material and thus heat thick products. They heat more slowly than microwaves and thus make it possible to treat more delicate products which require a slower heating.

can you fart and burp at the same time?



Yes you can


Although farting and burping at the same time is a very rare phenomenon, it’s very possible. When this happens at the same time it is usually called a Furp.

This occurrence usually happens when there’s a lot of intake of foods which have a large percentage of gas . These gases often need to be expelled through processes such as burping and farting.

Hey, um guys help me as my laptop will not turn off properly as whenever i turn it off, it will turn back on by me pressing a key please help!!! URGENT!!!



hold the power key until you restart.


You are the IT Director for Stormwind training studios. Your company has decided to start using Microsoft Intune for all of their software deployments. You want to set up a notification system so that you see all alerts and your IT Manager only gets notified for Critical alerts. How do you accomplish this



Well, if the IT Manager gets only critical alerts on a phone, then the IT Manager has to go to settings and make sure to have all alerts on.  


The IT Manager, probably has his notifications, critical alerts, on only. So the IT Manager should have his notifications to ALL. Where he will be able to see all of the alerts.

What defines interactive media? The user must play a role in writing the content of the media. The user must do something that determines what happens next. The user must help design the overall look and feel of the presentation. The user must provide feedback after using the media.



What Is Interactive Media?

Interactive media is a method of communication in which the program's outputs depend on the user's inputs, and the user's inputs, in turn, affect the program's outputs. Simply put, it refers to the different ways in which people process and share information, or how they communicate with one another. Interactive media allows people to connect with others—whether that's people or organizations—making them active participants in the media they consume


The user must do something that determines what happens next.

It is B.

Tables should be used when (a) the reader need not refer to specific numerical values. (b) the reader need not make precise comparisons between different values and not just relative comparisons. (c) the values being displayed have different units or very different magnitudes. (d) the reader need not differentiate the columns and rows.


Answer: (c) the values being displayed have different units or very different magnitudes


A table is refered to as an arrangement of data in rows and columns. Tables are used in research, communication, and data analysis.

Tables are used in the organization of data which are too complicated or detailed to describe and the use of table give a clearer description. Tables should be used when the values being displayed have different units or very different magnitudes. Tables can also be used in highlighting patterns or trends.

(e) Give the output of the following:
String n="Computer Knowledge";
String m = "Computer Applications";



Computer Applications



Computer Applications



What happens when you drag a file from the Documents folder on the hard drive to the Pictures folder on the hard drive?



The file changes its location within your hard drive while the file itself remains unchanged


The file's location will change from C:\Users\username\Documents to


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