write short note on the following: Digital computer, Analog Computer and hybrid computer​


Answer 1


Hybrid Computer has features of both analogue and digital computer. It is fast like analogue computer and has memory and accuracy like digital computers. It can process both continuous and discrete data. So it is widely used in specialized applications where both analogue and digital data is processed.

Related Questions

If you fail a course as a MAIN (residency) course, you can repeat that course as either a MAIN (residency) or an online (IG or IIG) course. True False


Answer: False


The statement that "you fail a course as a MAIN (residency) course, you can repeat that course as either a MAIN (residency) or an online (IG or IIG) course" is false.

It should be noted that if one fail a course as a residency course, the course can only be repeated as a main (residency) course and not an online course. When a course is failed, such course has to be repeated the following semester and this will give the person the chance to improve their GPA.

How would you type the word floor



f l o o r


How did the military in the early 1900s move resources?
In the early 1900s, military moved their resources to distant locations with the help of



In the early 1900s, military moved their resources to distant locations with the help of trains, ships, and, to a lesser extent, horse-drawn wagons. This was so because at that time airplanes did not yet exist, capable of transporting inputs to any part of the world in a very short period of time. Therefore, inputs and resources were brought by sea and, if impossible, through land, using railways or highways.

Answer to this problem




9.18 LAB: Exact change - methods Write a program with total change amount as an integer input that outputs the change using the fewest coins, one coin type per line. The coin types are dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Use singular and plural coin names as appropriate, like 1 penny vs. 2 pennies. Ex: If the input is:




The following code is written in Java. It asks the user to enter the amount of change needed. This is done as a double since we are dealing with coins and not full dollar values alone. It then makes the necessary calculations to calculate the number of each coin needed and outputs it back to the user. A test case has been provided in the picture below with a sample output.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       int dollars = 1;

       double quarters = 0.25;

       double dimes = 0.10;

       double nickels = 0.05;

       double pennies = 0.01;

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Enter Change Value: ");

       double change = in.nextDouble();

       int numDollars, numQuarters, numDimes, numNickels, numPennies;

       double newChange;

       numDollars = (int) (change / dollars);

       newChange = change % dollars;

       numQuarters = (int) (newChange / quarters);

       newChange = newChange % quarters;

       numDimes = (int) (newChange / dimes);

       newChange = newChange % dimes;

       numNickels = (int) (newChange / nickels);

       newChange = newChange % nickels + 0.001;

       numPennies = (int) (newChange / pennies);

       newChange = newChange % pennies;


       System.out.println("Minimum Num of Coins needed: ");

       if (numDollars != 1) {

           System.out.println(numDollars + " Dollars");

       } else {

           System.out.println(numDollars + " Dollar");


       if (numQuarters != 1) {

           System.out.println(numQuarters + " Quarters");

       } else {

           System.out.println(numQuarters + " Quarter");


       if (numDimes != 1) {

           System.out.println(numDimes + " Dimes");

       } else {

           System.out.println(numDimes + " Dime");


       if (numNickels != 1) {

           System.out.println(numNickels + " Nickels");

       } else {

           System.out.println(numNickels + " Nickel");


       if (numPennies != 1) {

           System.out.println(numPennies + " Pennies");

       } else {

           System.out.println(numPennies + " Penny");




The program is an illustration of conditional statements

Conditional statements are used to make decisions

The program in C++ where comments are used to explain each line is as follows


using namespace std;

int main() {

// This line declare all the variables

int amount, dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, penny;

// This prompts the user for input (i.e. the amount)

cout<<"Amount: ";

//This gets the amount from the user


// This checks if the amount is 0 or less

if(amount<=0)  {

//This prints "No Change"

cout<<"No Change";


//If the amount is greater than 0

else {

// These convert the amount to various coins

dollar = amount/100;

amount = amount%100;

quarter = amount/25;

amount = amount%25;

dime = amount/10;

amount = amount%10;

nickel = amount/5;

penny = amount%5;

// The next lines print the coins

if(dollar>=1)  {

if(dollar == 1) {

cout<<dollar<<" dollar\n"; }

else {

cout<<dollar<<" dollars\n"; }


if(quarter>=1) {

if(quarter== 1) {

cout<<quarter<<" quarter\n";


else {

cout<<quarter<<" quarters\n";



if(dime>=1) {

if(dime == 1) {

cout<<dime<<" dime\n";


else {

cout<<dime<<" dimes\n";



if(nickel>=1) {

if(nickel == 1) {

cout<<nickel<<" nickel\n";


else {

cout<<nickel<<" nickels\n";



if(penny>=1) {

if(penny == 1) {

cout<<penny<<" penny\n";


else {

cout<<penny<<" pennies\n";




return 0;


Read more about conditions at:


Java !!!
A common problem in parsing computer languages and compiler implementations is determining if an input string is balanced. That is, a string can be considered balanced if for every opening element ( (, [, <, etc) there is a corresponding closing element ( ), ], >, etc).
Today, we’re interested in writing a method that will determine if a String is balanced. Write a method, isBalanced(String s) that returns true if every opening element is matched by a closing element of exactly the same type. Extra opening elements, or extra closing elements, result in an unbalanced string. For this problem, we are only interested in three sets of characters -- {, (, and [ (and their closing equivalents, }, ), and ]). Other characters, such as <, can be skipped. Extra characters (letters, numbers, other symbols) should all be skipped. Additionally, the ordering of each closing element must match the ordering of each opening element. This is illustrated by examples below.
The following examples illustrate the expected behaviour:
is Balanced ("{{mustache templates use double curly braces}}") should return true
is Balanced("{{but here we have our template wrong!}") should return false
is Balanced("{ ( ( some text ) ) }") should return true
is Balanced("{ ( ( some text ) } )") should return false (note that the ordering of the last two elements is wrong)
Write an implementation that uses one or more Stacks to solve this problem. As a client of the Stack class, you are not concerned with how it works directly, just that it does work.




import java.util.*;

public class BalancedBrackets {

// function to check if brackets are balanced

static boolean isBalanced(String expr)


Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>();

for (int i = 0; i < expr.length(); i++)


char x = expr.charAt(i);

if (x == '(' || x == '[' || x == '{')


// Push the element in the stack




if (stack.isEmpty())

return false;

char check;

switch (x) {

case ')':

check = stack.pop();

if (check == '{' || check == '[')

return false;


case '}':

check = stack.pop();

if (check == '(' || check == '[')

return false;


case ']':

check = stack.pop();

if (check == '(' || check == '{')

return false;




// Check Empty Stack

return (stack.isEmpty());


public static void main(String[] args)


Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("\nEnter the expression to check is balanced or not !");

String expr = scan.nextLine();

boolean output;

output = isBalanced(expr);


if (output)

System.out.println("Balanced ");


System.out.println("Not Balanced ");




View "The database tutorial for beginners" and discuss how database management systems are different from spreadsheets. Describe one experience you have had working with data.


Answer and Explanation:

A spreadsheet is an interactive computer application for the analysis and storage of data. The database is a collection of data and accessed from the computer system. This is the main difference between spreadsheets and databases. The spreadsheet is accessed by the user and the database is accessed by the user. The database can store more data than a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is used for tasks and used in enterprises to store the data. Spreadsheet and database are two methods and the main difference is the computer application that helps to arrange, manage and calculate the data. The database is a collection of data and organized to access easily. Spreadsheet applications were the first spreadsheet on the mainframe. Database stores and manipulates the data easily. The database maintains the data and stores the records of teachers and courses. The spreadsheet is the computer application and analyzing the data in table form. The spreadsheet is a standard feature for productive suite and based on an accounting worksheet.

Write a program in c++ that will:1. Call a function to input temperatures for consecutive days in 1D array. NOTE: The temperatures will be integer numbers. There will be no more than 10 temperatures.The user will input the number of temperatures to be read. There will be no more than 10 temperatures.2. Call a function to sort the array by ascending order. You can use any sorting algorithm you wish as long as you can explain it.3. Call a function that will return the average of the temperatures. The average should be displayed to two decimal places.Sample Run:Please input the number of temperatures to be read5Input temperature 1:68Input temperature 2:75Input temperature 3:36Input temperature 4:91Input temperature 5:84Sorted temperature array in ascending order is 36 68 75 84 91The average temperature is 70.80The highest temperature is 91.00The lowest temperature is 36.00



The program in C++ is as follows:

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int* sortArray(int temp [], int n){

   int tmp;

   for(int i = 0;i < n-1;i++){

 for (int j = i + 1;j < n;j++){

  if (temp[i] > temp[j]){

   tmp  = temp[i];

   temp[i] = temp[j];

   temp[j] = tmp;   }  } }

return temp;


float average(int temp [], int n){

   float sum = 0;

   for(int i = 0; i<n;i++){

       sum+=temp[i];    }

   return sum/n;


int main(){

   int n;

   cout<<"Number of temperatures: ";    cin>>n;


       cout<<"Number of temperatures: ";    cin>>n;    }

   int temp[n];

   for(int i = 0; i<n;i++){

       cout<<"Input temperature "<<i+1<<": ";

       cin>>temp[i];    }

   int *sorted = sortArray(temp, n);

   cout<<"The sorted temperature in ascending order: ";

   for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {  cout << *(sorted + i) << " ";   }


   float ave = average(temp,n);

   cout<<"Average Temperature: "<<setprecision(2)<<ave<<endl;

   cout<<"Highest Temperature: "<<*(sorted + n - 1)<<endl;

   cout<<"Lowest Temperature: "<<*(sorted + 0)<<endl;

   return 0;



See attachment for complete source file with explanation

Fill in multiple blanks for [x], [y], [z]. Consider a given TCP connection between host A and host B. Host B has received all from A all bytes up to and including byte number 2000. Suppose host A then sends three segments to host B back-to-back. The first, second and third segments contain 50, 600 and 100 bytes of user data respectively. In the first segment, the sequence number is 2001, the source port number is 80, and the destination port number is 12000. If the first segment, then third segment, then second segment arrive at host B in that order, consider the acknowledgment sent by B in response to receiving the third segment. What is the acknowledgement number [x], source port number [y] and destination port number [z] of that acknowledgement


b _ i did this already

Which of the following terms describes an attacker walking or driving through business areas and neighborhoods to identify unprotected wireless networks from the street using a laptop or a handheld computer?
A. Wi-Fi stealing.
B. Wi-Fi trolling.
C. Wi-Fi jacking.
D. Wi-Fi hacking.



C. Wi-Fi jacking


Answer: yessir b


Web-Based Game that serves multiple platforms
Analyze the characteristics of and techniques specific to various systems architectures and make a recommendation to The Gaming Room. Specifically, address the following:
1. Operating Platform: Recommend an appropriate operating platform that will allow The Gaming Room to expand Draw It or Lose It to other computing environments.>
2. Operating Systems Architectures:
3. Storage Management:
4. Memory Management:
5. Distributed Systems and Networks:
6. Security: Security is a must-have for the client. Explain how to protect user information on and between various platforms. Consider the user protection and security capabilities of the recommended operating platform.>



Here the answer is given as follows,


Operating Platform:-  

In terms of platforms, there are differences between, mobile games and pc games within the way it's used, the operator, the most event play, the sport design, and even the way the sport work. we all know that each one the games on console platforms, PC and mobile, have their own characteristic which has advantages and disadvantages All platforms compete to win the rating for the sake of their platform continuity.  

Operating system architectures:-  

Arm: not powerful compared to x86 has many limitations maximum possibility on arm arch is mobile gaming.  

X86: very powerful, huge development so easy to develop games on platforms like unity and unreal, huge hardware compatibility and support  

Storage management:-  

On the storage side, we've few choices where HDD is slow and too old even a replacement console using SSD. so SSD is the suggested choice. But wait SSD have also many options like SATA and nvme.    

Memory management:-  

As recommended windows, Each process on 32-bit Microsoft Windows has its own virtual address space that permits addressing up to 4 gigabytes of memory. Each process on 64-bit Windows features a virtual address space of 8 terabytes. All threads of a process can access its virtual address space. However, threads cannot access memory that belongs to a different process.  

Distributed systems and networks:-  

Network-based multi-user interaction systems like network games typically include a database shared among the players that are physically distributed and interact with each other over the network. Currently, network game developers need to implement the shared database and inter-player communications from scratch.  


As security side every game, there's an excellent risk that, within the heat of the instant, data are going to be transmitted that you simply better keep to yourself. There are many threats to your IT.  

Define on the whole data protection matters when developing games software may cause significant competitive advantages. Data controllers are obliged under the GDPR to attenuate data collection and processing, using, as an example , anonymization or pseudonymization of private data where feasible.

The conversion rate would be the highest for keyword searches classified as Group of answer choices buyers grazers researchers browsers





Search engine optimization (SEO) can be defined as a strategic process which typically involves improving and maximizing the quantity and quality of the number of visitors (website traffics) to a particular website by making it appear topmost among the list of results from a search engine such as Goo-gle, Bing, Yah-oo etc.

This ultimately implies that, search engine optimization (SEO) helps individuals and business firms to maximize the amount of traffic generated by their website i.e strategically placing their website at the top of the results returned by a search engine through the use of algorithms, keywords and phrases, hierarchy, website updates etc.

Hence, search engine optimization (SEO) is focused on improving the ranking in user searches by simply increasing the probability (chances) of a specific website emerging at the top of a web search.

Typically, this is achieved through the proper use of descriptive page titles and heading tags with appropriate keywords.

Generally, the conversion rate is mainly designed to be the highest for keyword searches classified as buyers because they're the main source of revenue for a business and by extension profits.

What are the LinkedIn automation tools you are using?



Well, for me I personally use LinkedCamap to drive more LinkedIn connections, hundreds of leads, sales, and conversions automatically.

Some other LinkedIn automation tools are;

ExpandiMeet AlfredPhantombusterWeConnectLinkedIn Helper

Hope this helps!

The computer that is used in scientific research is ........​



supercomputers are the computer that is used in scientific research.


super computer is the right answer

Draw a Card. Write a program to simulate drawing a card. Your program will randomly select one card from a deck of 52 playing cards. Your program should display the rank (Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King) and suit (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades) of the card. Here is a sample run of the program: in The card you picked is Jack of Heart The program should use at a minimum: sequence, selection, arrays, and random numbers.




The following code is written in Java. It is a function that creates a Random object to generate random values, then uses those values to choose a random rank and suit using switch statements. It then saves the rank and suit into a String variable in the correct format and finally prints the card that was picked to the screen. The function was called 4 times in the main method and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

public static void randomCardGenerator() {

       Random rand = new Random();

       int rank = rand.nextInt(14)+1;

       int suit = rand.nextInt(4)+1;

       String chosenCard = "";

       switch (rank) {

           case 1: chosenCard += "Ace"; break;

           case 2: chosenCard += "1"; break;

           case 3: chosenCard += "2"; break;

           case 4: chosenCard += "3"; break;

           case 5: chosenCard += "4"; break;

           case 6: chosenCard += "5"; break;

           case 7: chosenCard += "6"; break;

           case 8: chosenCard += "7"; break;

           case 9: chosenCard += "8"; break;

           case 10: chosenCard += "9"; break;

           case 11: chosenCard += "10"; break;

           case 12: chosenCard += "Jack"; break;

           case 13: chosenCard += "Queen"; break;

           case 14: chosenCard += "Kind"; break;

           default: System.out.println("Wrong Value");


       chosenCard += " of ";

       switch (suit) {

           case 1: chosenCard += "Clubs"; break;

           case 2: chosenCard += "Diamonds"; break;

           case 3: chosenCard += "Hearts"; break;

           case 4: chosenCard += "Spades"; break;

           default: System.out.println("Invalid Suit");




????????????????????????? ???????????????



sorry, I don't know what that is

Write a java program that reads a list of integers and outputs those integers in reverse. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. For coding simplicity, follow each output integer by a comma, including the last one. Assume that the list will always contain fewer than 20 integers.

Ex: If the input is:

5 2 4 6 8 10

the output is:


To achieve the above, first read the integers into an array. Then output the array in reverse.




using namespace std;

#include <iostream>

int Go()



int N;

int A[20];



cout << " How many integers do you have ??? :>";

cin >> N;

if (N>20) { N=20; }


for (int iLoop=0; iLoop<N; iLoop++)



 cout << "Input integer # " << (iLoop+1) << " :>";  

  cin >> A[iLoop];  




for (int iLoop=N-1; iLoop>=0; iLoop--)


 cout << A[iLoop] << " ";


cout << endl;




int main()




A Java program that reads a list of integers and outputs them in reverse is written as,

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ReverseList {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);


       // Read the number of integers

       int numIntegers = scnr.nextInt();


       // Create an array to store the integers

       int[] integers = new int[numIntegers];


       // Read the integers into the array

       for (int i = 0; i < numIntegers; i++) {

           integers[i] = scnr.nextInt();



       // Output the integers in reverse order

       for (int i = numIntegers - 1; i >= 0; i--) {



           // Add comma unless it's the last integer

           if (i > 0) {





       System.out.println(); // Add a new line at the end



Given that,

Write a Java program that reads a list of integers and outputs those integers in reverse.

Here, The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow.

For coding simplicity, follow each output integer by a comma, including the last one.

So, A Java program that reads a list of integers and outputs them in reverse:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ReverseList {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);


       // Read the number of integers

       int numIntegers = scnr.nextInt();


       // Create an array to store the integers

       int[] integers = new int[numIntegers];


       // Read the integers into the array

       for (int i = 0; i < numIntegers; i++) {

           integers[i] = scnr.nextInt();



       // Output the integers in reverse order

       for (int i = numIntegers - 1; i >= 0; i--) {



           // Add comma unless it's the last integer

           if (i > 0) {





       System.out.println(); // Add a new line at the end



Read more about java programming language at:



hub stake should always be provided with a lath stake so that the information about what the hub represents can be written on the lath stake True False





To protect them from becoming disturbed by construction operations, hub stakes are placed on both sides of a roadway at a certain distance outside the work zone. The final stakes are connected to the hub stakes, which are used to write the essential information.

As a result, hub stakes are always accompanied with stakes.

Which statement describes data-sharing in a blockchain?



wheres the statement


The valid call to the function installApplication is

void main(  )
 // call the function installApplication

void installApplication(char appInitial, int appVersion)
  // rest of function not important



B. installApplication(‘A’, 1);



The above code segment


The correct call to installApplication

The function installApplication is declared as void, meaning that it is not expected to return anything.

Also, it receives a character and an integer argument.

So, the call to this function must include a character and an integer argument, in that order.

Option D is incorrect because both arguments are integer

Option C is incorrect because it passes no argument to the function.

Option A is incorrect because it receives an integer value from the function (and the function is not meant not to have a return value).

Option B is correct

how many copies of each static variable and each class variable are created when 10 instances of the same class are created



Static variables are initialized only once


Only one copy of static variables are created when 10 objects are created of a class

A static variable is common to all instances of a class because it is a class level variable

How can I pass the variable argument list passed to one function to another function.




#include <stdarg.h>  



display("Hello", 4, 12, 13, 14, 44);  


display(char *s,...)  


va_list ptr;  

va_start(ptr, s);  



show(char *t, va_list ptr1)  


int a, n, i;  

a=va_arg(ptr1, int);  

for(i=0; i<a; i++)  


n=va_arg(ptr1, int);  

printf("\n%d", n);  



Write a program that uses a stack to test input strings to determine whether they are palindromes. A palindrome is a sequence of characters that reads the same as the sequence in reverse; for example, noon.



Here the code is given as follows,


def isPalindrome(x):

   stack = []

   #for strings with even length

   if len(x)%2==0:

       for i in range(0,len(x)):

           if i<int(len(x)/2):


           elif stack.pop()!=x[i]:

               return False

       if len(stack)>0:

           return false

       return True

   #for strings with odd length    


       for i in range(0,len(x)):

           if i==int(len(x)/2):


           elif i<int(len(x)/2):


           elif stack.pop()!=x[i]:

               return False

       if len(stack)>0:

           return false

       return True  

def main():  

   while True:  

       string = input("Enter a string or Return to quit: ")  

       if string == "":  


       elif isPalindrome(string):  

           print("It's a palindrome")  


           print("It's not a palindrome")  

if __name__ == '__main__':  


Resize vector countDown to have newSize elements. Populate the vector with integers {newSize, newSize - 1, ..., 1}. Ex: If newSize = 3, then countDown = {3, 2, 1}, and the sample program outputs:
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector countDown(0);
int newSize = 0;
int i = 0;
newSize = 3;
for (i = 0; i < newSize; ++i) {
cout << countDown.at(i) << " ";
cout << "Go!" << endl;
return 0;



Following are the code to the given question:

#include <iostream>//defining header file

#include <vector>//defining header file

#include <numeric>//defining header file

using namespace std;

int main()//main method


vector<int> countDown(0);//defing an integer array variable countDown

int newSize = 0;//defing an integer variable newSize that holds a value 0

int i = 0;//defing an integer variable i that initialize with 0

newSize = 3;// //use newSize to hold a value

countDown.resize(newSize,0);// calling the resize method that accepts two parameters

for (i = 0; i < newSize; ++i)//defining a loop that reverse the integer value


countDown[i] = newSize -i;//reverse the value and store it into countDown array

cout << countDown.at(i) << " ";//print reverse array value


cout << "Go!" << endl;//print message

return 0;



3 2 1 Go!


In the given code inside the main method an integer array "countDown" and two integer variables "newSize and i" is declared that initializes a value that is 0.

In the next step, an array is used that calls the resize method that accepts two parameters, and define a for a loop.

In this loop, the array is used to reverse the value and print its value with the message.

If you fail a course as a MAIN (residency) course, you can repeat that course as either a MAIN (residency) or an online (IG or IIG) course.
A. True
B. False


it depends on where you are taking your courses. In most cases the answer would be true

Computer data that is suitable for text​



Answer:Data Types. Computer systems work with different types of digital data. In the early days of computing, data consisted primarily of text and ...

what is the meaning of compiler​



in computing it means a program that converts instructions into a machine-code or lower-level form so that they can be read and executed by a computer.

What is machine learning



machine learning is the ability for computers to develop new skills and algorithms without specific instructions to do so.

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy.

We have removed
balls from a box that contained
balls and then put
new balls into that box. How many balls does the box contain now?
All values in input are integers.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format: n a b
Print the answer as an integer.


There were [tex]N[/tex] balls but we took [tex]A[/tex] balls out, so there are now [tex]N-A[/tex] balls. We add [tex]B[/tex] balls and now we have [tex]N-A+B[/tex] balls.

The program that computes this (I will use python as language has not been specified is the following):

n, a, b = int(input()), int(input()), int(input())

print(f"There are {n-a+b} balls in the box")

# Hope this helps

A student registers for a course in a university. Courses may have limited enrollment i.e a student must
enroll atmost 9 credit hours, the registration process must include checks that places are available. Assume
that the student accesses an electronic course catalog to find out about available courses. Which design
model should be followed by this secenario? Draw any two UML diagrams.



Follows are the complete question to the given question:


The UML scheme is a UML-based diagram intended to depict the system visually, together with its key actors, roles, activities, objects, and classes, to gather information the about system, change that, or maintain it.

Every complex process is better understood via sketches or pictures. These diagrams have a higher understanding effect. By glancing about, we notice that diagrams are not a new idea but are widely used in various business types. To enhance understanding of the system, we prepare UML diagrams. There is not enough of a single diagram to represent all aspects of the system. You can also create customized diagrams to satisfy your needs. Iterative and incremental diagrams are usually done.

There are two broad diagram categories and that they are broken into subclasses again:

Diagram structureDiagrams of behavior

Please find the graph file of the question in the attachment.

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