Your sister is on strict diet, but you are trying to persuade her to try one of your freshly baked cookies.


Answer 1


Use the Logos method, to appeal to logic and reason.

"You can eat one of my freshly baked cookies. Eventhough you are on a stict diet, you can still eat some foods, just not in an excessive way."

Related Questions

3. Correct the mistakes:
1. The helicopter flew along the mountain.
2. The book fell out of the shelf.
3. The dog jumped under the box.
4. Tim can swim over the river.
5. Liz went into the park.


1) the helicopter flew OVER the mountain.
2) the book fell out of A shelf
3) the dog jumped OVER the box
4) Tim can swim IN the river
5) Liz went TO the park

The grammatical errors  in the sentences corrected after which the sentences are 1) The helicopter flew over the mountain.2) The book fell out of a shelf.3) The dog jumped over the box .4) Tim can swim in the river .5) Liz went to the park.

What are grammatical errors?

Grammatical error is a term  which is used in prescriptive grammar to describe an instance of faulty, unconventional, or controversial usage, such as a ​misplaced modifier or an inappropriate verb tense. Also called a usage error. Comparing grammatical error with correctness it is also known as: error, usage error, grammar error or mistake, bad grammar.

Grammatical errors are usually distinguished from though sometimes confused with factual errors, logical fallacies, misspellings, typographical errors, and faulty punctuation.

Learn more about grammatical errors,here:


People play a very important role in our lives. Describe in vivid detail, any one person and how he/ she has been a very special influence in your life. plz answer i cant find the answer



When I was born, my older sister was but eighteen months of age. She immediately became an integral figure in my life and has ever remained my best friend, my closest ally, and the principal partaker in my fondest memories. I was frequently ill as a child, and she never failed to divert me from my ailments with her spellbinding stories. In adolescence, we have served as each other's confidantes. My sister, undoubtedly the most intelligent and inspiring person with whom I am well acquainted, has served as my idol, and her example has shone sharply and brightly all the length of my existence. One of my great passions, writing, was a discovery made by her example. Many of my ambitions, great and small, were born of her support and direction. I have long dreaded the day when my sister would depart for the world, embarking on life's great adventure, and the day has come too soon. She has entered adulthood and will soon be departing for university, filled with dreams and ambition. I shall necessarily be left behind in some way. But she shall forever continue to inspire me.


This example is highly personal, but hopefully it can serve as an adequate example. Perhaps there is someone similar in your own life. In any case, I hope this helps :)

Who is Macbeth at the start of the story?



At the start of the play, Macbeth is Thane of Glamis. He quickly becomes the more powerful Thane of Cawdor and then murders his way to become and remain King of Scotland. The Witches' predictions seem to waken the ambition already in him and he is spurred on by his wife.


in this passage from julius caesar, why does antony repeat the phrase he is an honorable man


Antony keeps referring to Brutus as an "honest" man because he's being sarcastic. What he says and what he means are two completely different things. He's prodding at Brutus' guilt..... trying to get under his skin. The fact that Brutus really is honorable makes the sarcasm even more potent. None-the-less, the first time he attributes honor to Brutus, the audience is with him..... but by the time Antony's done, the audience is questioning that honor.. not applauding it.

Which sentence contains a comma splice?

I got the lead role in the musical, I'm so excited!

I love my costume for the recital, but I wish it wasn't so itchy.

Without the support of my sister, I would not have gotten a lead role.

I am so proud of my brother, Sean, for his amazing performance in the school play.



I got the lead role in the musical, I'm so excited!


A comma splice is a comma that is put between two complete sentences, making it look rather weak and poor.

In this case, a period should replaece the comma:

I got the lead role in the musical. I'm so excited!

Why do you think there are less and less inventions be-
coming successful? Answer the question in at least
one complete sentence.



The reason why I think inventions are becoming less successful is because of lack of interest. You could design an amazing invention and go no where because the people aren't interested. The creator of the invention soley relies on the people wanting it or being interested in it.

What would juliet or romeo write in her or his diary?



juliet would write about how her parents broke her heart and how much she has tried to respect them but it doesnt change anything. romeo would talk about how he loves juliet


Click to read the passage from Macbeth, by William Shakespeare. Then
answer the question.
In the passage, which characteristic of Macbeth's has the greatest effect on
the development of the scene?
A. His title
B. His marriage
C. His poverty
D. His friends


This Answer is going to the answer letter (A) my good sir

it is a statement or information that is real or proven true



real becouse of the statement

information that is proven true .. the question is kinda confusing lol

Alice and James went to the park in the evening



simple past tense because the verb is went and the sentence is simple tense

Read "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" and answer the question.

[1] I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
[5] Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
[10] Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
[15] A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
[20] In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

What does the poet describe in the second stanza?


In the second stanza, the poet describes the number of daffodils. ... 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' is one of the most pleasing poem by William Wordsworth which illustrates the beautiful nature and how nature's beauty have the power to brighten up a person's mood.

What transitional tags can you use to show chronological order? in other words, according to unless, under, when, while however, therefore, instead first, next, then, finally please help its timed



first, next, then, finally


These signal order.

ie: First, crack the eggs in a bowl. Next, beat the eggs until smooth. Then, pour oil into pan and wait for it to heat up. Finally, scramble the eggs.


first, next, then, finally


Informal Letter 125 words. Has to contain a greeting, body, and conclusion. Will give out brainliest. Do not do something wrong, will delete your answer.


Good afternoon Mr. Brown,

I am inquiring about an ad I saw on the cork board in the local diner that mentioned lawn mowing services. My lawn is always messily overgrown, so much so that I can’t even walk on it. There are currently a lot of weeds growing at the front, as well. I unfortunately am a very busy person, and I never have the time to mow it. I need my front yard preferably once a week if possible. My side yard would only need to be mowed every two weeks or so, possibly less. I would greatly appreciate it if you could reply with rates and times you are available. It would also be very helpful if you informed me which payment options you accept.

Thank you,
*insert name*

How does the audience know that the play is moving on to a new scene?

The play ends.

The actors take a break.

The scenery, lighting, and props change.

The characters continue their dialogue without pausing.


the scenery, lighting, and props change

Which of the following developments in the Renaissance support the idea of secularism? Select all that apply.

Religious themes in artistic works
Expansion of Christianity to the New World
New ideas about the political organization of society
Challenging the absolute authority of the Church



New ideas about the political organization of society

Challenging the absolute authority of the Church


Secularism is the belief that ideas and society should be separate from religion. It fought against having religious institutes in government. So, during the Renaissance it wanted society to be reorganized in a way that did not involve the church. Additionally, secularism wanted the church to have less power over people outside of Christians and wanted nonreligious organizations to have more power.

New ideas, secularism draws out the importance of politics and the impact they have on today’s society.

How like a winter hath my absence been
From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year!
What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen!
What old December's bareness every where!
And yet this time removed was summer's time;
The teeming autumn, big with rich increase,
Bearing the wanton burden of the prime,
Like widow'd wombs after their lords' decease:
Yet this abundant issue seem'd to me
But hope of orphans and unfather'd fruit;
For summer and his pleasures wait on thee,
And, thou away, the very birds are mute;
Or, if they sing, 'tis with so dull a cheer
That leaves look pale, dreading the winter's near.
What type of poem is this?



its 4 for the online test

This is narrative type of poem.

What is poetry ?

Poetry is writing that elicits a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional reaction via language that has been chosen and arranged for its meaning, tone, and rhythm.

Poetry is a broad subject, as old as history and older, existing everywhere religion is present, and arguably the basic and primary form of languages themselves, according to certain definitions. The purpose of this essay is to characterise key aspects of poetry and poetic thought as autonomous modes of thought as broadly as feasible. Certainly, not every tradition, nor every local or individual variety, can or should be included, but the article illustrates with poems ranging from nursery rhyme to epic. The difficulty or impossibility of defining poetry is discussed in this article.

To know more about poetry ;


write a short paragraph about your favourite game​


ANSWER: Football is my favorite sport. Many people can participate in this game, and the participants will be separated into two teams. We'll need a football, as well as a playground/park/open space to play this game. I enjoy kicking the ball around. And I have a lot of fun with it.

My favorite game would be chameleon because it brings back so many memories from my childhood and how I used to play with my family. It also brings us all closer together and it can be pretty intense if you have no idea. This game is also really funny but you have to have skills and be smart to play so people do not find out you are the chameleon.

What does the platypus eat?



small bottom dwelling animals like crayfish, freshwater shrimp, and insects such as larvae and nymphs

Platypus eat small water animals such as insect larvae, freshwater shrimps, and crayfish. The platypus, usually active at dawn and dusk, relies on its sensitive bill to find food. With eyes and ears closed, receptors in the bill can detect electrical currents in the water and can help to find prey.

Which sentence best avoids bias?
A. If there is an engineer on staff, he likely knows me.
B. The girls from accounting know I'm a good boss.
C. I have extensive experience in women's health.
D. Every Veterans Day, I support the men overseas.




The sentence which best avoids bias among the answer choices is; Choice A; If there is an engineer on staff, he likely knows me.

Which sentence best avoids bias?

In the context of writing, objectivity means to write with curiosity, rather than having a preset opinion, Similarly, in sentence construction, to avoid bias involves leaving allowance for objectivity and hence, the sentence which avoids bias is; Choice A; If there is an engineer on staff, he likely knows me.

Read more on avoiding bias;


Prompt: Write a two-paragraph editorial describing what it takes to be successful after high school. Include details from an interview with someone you consider to be successful.



In simple words, Effectively completing high school standards exposes young individuals to the primary academic subjects, culminating in a well educated graduate. To be prosperous, in adulthood however, one must acquire abilities other than learning, handwriting, and arithmetic. Critical thinking as well as problem-tackling abilities, as well as strong interaction and economic awareness, will help you succeed after high school.

The Goose with the Golden Eggs
One day a monkey went to the nest of his Goose and found there an egg all yellow and glittering. When he took it up it was as heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But, on second thought, he took it home and soon found to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold. Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thinking to get at once all the gold the Goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find nothing.

What is the moral of the Story?

Explain how your answer relates to the story:




It tells you right towards the end.

He got greedy.

He thought he could get all the gold the goose could give.

He killed the poor animal.

He got nothing.

There's a loop in his logic. He thought He could get wealthy just by killing the animal.

There are too morals.

1. Don't get greedy. When given a gift, treasure it. Don't make it into something it's not.

2. Don't try and manipulate an outcome. Accept it the way it is.

Read the sentence from Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza.

People talked to one another on the street in low tones; only drunks and muchachitos mal educados raised their voices, or the arrieros when they shouted to their donkeys.

Which words best signal that "muchachitos mal educados" has a negative connotation?

A. People talked
B. on the street
C. raised their voices
D. their donkeys



the answer is c


thank you everyone for the answer that they had all provided me and it helped me alot


may u pass all your examinations with flying colours:))!!!!

As the newly elected senior prefect of your school write a speech that you would deliver at the swearing in ceremony on at least three things that you would do to improve upon the academic performance of the school



Good day everyone, it is an honor to stand before you guys and make this speech as your newly elected senior prefect of this great school.

Without much ado, I want to thank everyone for believing in me and for the votes and would like to waste no time in laying out my plans as the senior prefect to improve on the academic performance of the school.

First, my administration would work hard to improve reading culture amongst the students by publicly acknowledging the people that make use of the library resources and encouraging them to keep it up

Next, we would try to form study groups among the students so that they could ask themselves questions and improve on their class work.

Finally, we aim to bring in suggestion boxes in and around the school where the students can put in their suggestions on ways to improve their academic performance.

Thank you all for your time and belief in me. God bless you.

Complete the sentence with the pronoun that agrees with the antecedent.

If students would like to be part of the class play,

we should come to the drama room this afternoon.
you should come to the drama room this afternoon.
they should come to the drama room this afternoon.
he or she should come to the drama room this afternoon.



they should come to the drama room this afternoon.

The pronoun that agrees with the antecedent is they should come to the drama room this afternoon.

If students would like to be part of the class play,

they should come to the drama room this afternoon.

What is pronoun?

Pronoun can be used in describing a person, It can be personal pronoun where an individual is described by another person example is they and you.

The sentence will be completed by a personal pronoun because they reader is describing a group of people.

Therefore, If students would like to be part of the class play, they should come to the drama room this afternoon.

Learn more on pronoun below


 What is important to you to include in our class contract?



The Classroom Contract serves as a collaboratively created framework for behavior expectations in the classroom. Students and teacher work together to design an agreement for classroom norms, rules and consequences.

Children are always at the centre of most literary works." Based on two poems studied, write an essay in which you

A. Describe the parent-child relationship in EACH poem.

B. Explain how the title of the poem highlights the theme of the parent-child relationship in EACH poem.

C. Examine ONE device that is used to present the parent-child relationship in EACH poem?​



wheres the poems?


Hunger stole upon me so slowly that at first I was not aware of what hunger really meant. Hunger had always been more or less at my elbow when I played, but now I began to wake up at night to find hunger standing at my bedside, staring at me gauntly. The hunger I had known before this had been no grim, hostile stranger; it had been a normal hunger that had made me beg constantly for bread, and when I ate a crust or two I was satisfied. But this new hunger baffled me, scared me, and made me angry and insistent. Whenever I begged for food now my mother would pour me a cup of tea which would still the clamor in my stomach for a moment or two; but a little later I would feel hunger nudging my ribs, twisting my empty guts till they ache. I would grow dizzy and my vision would dim. I became less active in my play, and for the first time in my life I had to pause and think of what was happening to me. Which best describes why Wright includes this anecdote



He includes this anecdote to show how his experiences with poverty and hunger were influential in creating the person he became.


The excerpt presented above is part of the book “Hunger” written by Richard Wright, where he tells his own experiences as a poor black youth in Chicago. The poverty in which Wright lived was so intense, that he needed to show how he and his family came to have nothing to eat, making him sick with hunger, as we can see in the excerpt above. This moment was very influential and impactful in Wright's life. Even as the family's financial situation changed, Wright can remember how that moment was able to shape his life, build his personality, and influence the creation of the adult he grew up with. For that reason, he decided to feature this moment in the book.

In Oedipus the King, Part I, what instructions does Creon receive from the
A. Thebes must build a new temple to Apollo.
B. Thebes must punish the murderer of Laius.
C. Thebes must solve the riddle of the Sphinx.
D. Thebes must make a sacrifice to the oracle.



B. Thebes must punish the murderer of Laius.


In Oedipus the King, Part I, the instructions that Creon receives from the oracle is that Thebes must punish the murderer of Laius.

This was because the oracle was unhappy with the murderer of Laius and couldn't let him go unpunished so it charges Creon to bring the killer to justice.

What is the difference between a Supreme Court opinion and a Supreme Court dissent?

An opinion is a Supreme Court decision that the majority of the judges disagree with, while a dissent agrees with the decision.
An opinion is a Supreme Court decision that the majority of the judges agree with, while a dissent disagrees with the decision.
An opinion is a Supreme Court summary of the case, while a dissent is the final decision made on the case.
An opinion is a Supreme Court decision suggested by one of the judges, while a dissent summarizes previous decisions on similar issues.



The difference between a Supreme Court opinion and a Supreme Court dissent is:

B. An opinion is a Supreme Court decision that the majority of the judges agree with, while a dissent disagrees with the decision.


As we know, the Supreme Court is composed of nine justices. The decision most of the justices agree with is called an opinion. If one or more justices disagree with the opinion of the majority, we have a dissenting opinion or dissent. It is important to understand that they do not have to disagree with the opinion entirely, that is, they can disagree with only certain parts of the opinion.

Other Questions
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A work-mode-choice model is developed from data acquired in the field in order to determine the probabilities of individual travelers selecting various modes. The mode choices include automobile drive-alone (DL), automobile shared-ride (SR), and bus (B). The utility functions are estimated as follows: UDL = 2.6 - 0.3 (costDL) - 0.02 (travel timeDL) USR = 0.7 - 0.3 (costSR) - 0.04 (travel timeSR) UB = -0.3 (costB) - 0.01 (travel timeB) where cost is in dollars and time is in minutes. The cost of driving an automobile is exist5.50 with a travel time of 21 minutes, while the bus fare is exist1.25 with a travel time of 27 minutes. 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