Middle School

Selection 1: Theres good news and bad news about grizzly bears in the American West. The good news? Their numbers have been increasing in recent years. In 1975, grizzlies made the threatened-species list under the federal Endangered Species Act. The bad news? Some politicians want to abandon federal protection for the bears. Powerful energy corporations want to invade bear habitats to look for oil and gas. Developers want to build houses and shopping malls in bear territory. The bears are also losing their natural food source. Disease is killing the Whitebark Pines that grizzlies eat. If you care about these great bears, please help us save them. Selection 2: Grizzly bears are no pushovers. The food sources and habitats for the grizzly bears are drastically vanishing, which is causing a problem for not just the bears. From Wyoming to Washington, the overcrowding of grizzly bears is causing the species to move closer to more abundant food sources and into human habitats. Because of the increased risk to humans and the bear species, bears should be caught and placed in captivity until the bear population reaches a safer number.the authors of selection 1 and selection 2 both1. think the grizzly bear numbers should increase.2. want to help the grizzly bear population so they are not endangered.3. believe that grizzly bears should be in their natural habitat. *******4. believe that the increase in human population is endangering grizzly bears.I think it's C. Could anyone check my answer?