1. When a solution of an acid contains larger amount of acid, it is said to be


Answer 1


highly concentrated solution of acid

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Dominic needs some bleach to clean up a spill. He finds a bottle of cleaning solution, but there is no label on it. What should he do



He should ask an adult if they know what the solution is. if they dont, put it back and find a different cleaning solution to use

an organic compound on analysis yielded 2.04g carbon, 0.34g hydrogen, 2.73g oxygen. calculate the empirical formula​





According to this question:

C = 2.04g

H = 0.34g

O = 2.73g

First, we divide the mass value of each element by its atomic mass to convert to moles.

C = 2.04g ÷ 12 = 0.17mol

H = 0.34g ÷ 1 = 0.34mol

O = 2.73g ÷ 16 = 0.17mol

Next, we divide by the smallest mole value (0.17):

C = 0.17mol = 0.17 = 1

H = 0.34mol ÷ 0.17 = 2

O = 0.17mol ÷ 0.17 = 1

The whole number ratio of C,H,O is 1:2:1, hence, the empirical formula is CH2O.

Put these atoms in order from most negative overall charge to least negative
overall charge.
11 Atom X: 104 protons, 102 electrons
11 Atom B: 24 protons, 18 electrons
1 Atom Q: 15 protons, 16 electrons
11. Atom P: 7 protons, 10 electrons



3 Protons, 2 Neutrons, & 3 Electrons. Is the charge of this atom positive, negative, or neutral?


Put these atoms in order from most negative overall charge to least negative

overall charge.

11 Atom X: 104 protons, 102 electrons

11 Atom B: 24 protons, 18 electrons

1 Atom Q: 15 protons, 16 electrons

11. Atom P: 7 protons, 10 electrons

A 80°C la presion de vapor del benceno (C6H6) es de 1 atm. Calcula la cantidad de hexano (C6H14) que debemos añadir a 200g de benceno para que su presion de vapor sea de 700mm de Hg



18,9g de hexano son necesarios


Basados en la ley de Raoult, la presión de vapor ejercida por una solución es:

P = P°*Xsolvente

Donde P es la presión de la solución deseada = 700mmHg, P° la presión de vapor de vapor del benceno = 1atm = 760mmHg y X es la fracción molar del solvente (Benceno).


700mm Hg = 760mmHg * X(Benceno)

0.9211 = X(Benceno)

La fracción molar de benceno se define como:

X = Moles benceno / Moles benceno + Moles hexano

Moles benceno -Masa molar: 78g/mol-

200g * (1mol/78g) = 2.5641 moles benceno

X = Moles benceno / Moles benceno + Moles hexano

0.9211 = 2.5641 moles benceno / 2.5641 moles benceno + Moles hexano

0.9211moles Hexano + 2.3618 = 2.5641

0.9211*Moles Hexano = 0.2023

Moles hexano = 0.2023/0.9211 = 0.2196 moles hexano.

Masa Hexano -Masa molar: 86g/mol-

0.2196 moles hexano * (86g/mol) =

18,9g de hexano son necesarios

La cantidad de hexano (C6H14) que se debe agregar a 200 g de benceno para permitir que la presión de vapor se convierta en 700 mm de Hg sería:

18.9 g

Usando la ley de Raoult, la presión de vapor que libera una solución se encuentra por:

P = P ° × X disolvente  

Donde (P) denota la presión de la solución deseada

P ° denota la presión de vapor del benceno y

X denota la fracción molar del disolvente (benceno).

En el caso dado,

(P) = 700 mmHg,

= 1atm = 760mmHg

Fracción molar de benceno = 0,9211           (∵ 700/760)

La fracción molar de benceno (X)  = Moles de benceno/Moles de benceno + Moles de hexano

Moles de benceno - Masa molar: 78g / mol -  200 g × (1 mol / 78 g)

= 2.5641 moles de benceno

X = Moles de benceno/Moles de benceno + Moles de hexano

0.9211 = 2.5641 moles Benceno/2.5641 moles Benceno + Moles de Hexano

⇒ 0,9211 × moles de Hexano + 2,3618 = 2,5641    

⇒ 0.9211 × moles de Hexano = 0.2023

Moles de Hexano = 0.2023/0.9211

[tex]= 0.2196 moles[/tex]

[tex]Hexane mass - Molar mass = 86g/mol - 0.2196 mole hexane[/tex] × [tex](86g/mole)[/tex]

[tex]= 18.9g[/tex]

Por tanto, 18,9 g es la respuesta correcta.

Learn more about "Benzene" here:


If a man reach a 25 km distance in 30 min in his car , find the average velocity



Average velocity of car = 50 km/h


Given information;

Distance cover by man in his car = 25 kilometer

Time taken by man to cover distance = 30 min


Average velocity of car


Time taken by man to cover distance = 30 min

Time taken by man to cover distance = 30 / 60

Time taken by man to cover distance = 0.5 hour

Average velocity = Distance / Time

Average velocity of car = Distance cover by man in his car / Time taken by man to cover distance

Average velocity of car = 25 / 0.5

Average velocity of car = 50 km/h

The field around a negatively charged object is symbolized by vectors pointing toward the sphere because a test charge, which is ______ by definition, would travel along such a vector if released in the field.






Gallium has two natural occuring isotopes: Ga-69 with 68.9256 amu and a natural abundance of 60.11%, and Ga-71 with mass 70.9247 amu and a natural abundance of 39.8%. Calculate the atomic mass of gallium.


To calculate the atomic mass, add each amu multiplied by its relative abundance and divide it all by 100

Ar (Ga) = (68.9256x60.11) + (70.9247x39.8)

= 4,143.12 + 2,822.80 /100

= 69.66

What are the steps for writing the formula for a molecular compound? Naming a molecular



Your question was explained in my chemistry book so I just shared the picture

Hope that helps

Suppose that you chose sodium carbonate to precipitate the chromium ions from a solution of chromium (III) chloride. Write and balance the equation of this double-displacement reaction.

If the solution has a volume of 520 mL and the concentration of chromium (III) chloride is 0.224 M, how many grams of sodium carbonate should you add to the solution to precipitate out all the chromium ions?



18.5g Na2CO3


Chromium (III) chloride, CrCl3, reacts with Na2CO3 as follows:

2CrCl3 + 3Na2CO3 → Cr2(CO3)3(s) + 6NaCl

Where 2 moles of CrCl3 react with 3 moles of Na2CO3 to produce 1 mole of Cr2(CO3)3 -The precipitate-

To solve this question we need to find the moles of CrCl3 added. With the chemical equation we can find the moles of Na2CO3 and its mass as follows:

Moles CrCl3:

520mL = 0.520L * (0.224mol/L) = 0.116 moles CrCl3

Moles Na2CO3:

0.116 moles CrCl3 * (3 mol Na2CO3 / 2mol CrCl3) = 0.175 moles Na2CO3

Mass Na2CO3 -Molar mass: 105.99g/mol-

0.175 moles Na2CO3 * (105.99g/mol) = 18.5g Na2CO3

What are the prefixes for molecular compounds?



In nomenclature of simple molecular compounds, the more electropositive atom is written first and the more electronegative element is written last with an -ide suffix.

The Greek prefixes are used to dictate the number of a given element present in a molecular compound.

Prefixes can be shortened when the ending vowel of the prefix “conflicts” with a starting vowel in the compound.

Common exceptions exist for naming molecular compounds, where trivial or common names are used instead of systematic names, such as ammonia (NH3) instead of nitrogen trihydride or water (H2O) instead of dihydrogen monooxide.


nomenclatureA set of rules used for forming the names or terms in a particular field of arts or sciences.

electronegativeTending to attract electrons within a chemical bond.

electropositiveTending to not attract electrons (repel) within a chemical bond.

Chemical Nomenclature

The primary function of chemical nomenclature is to ensure that a spoken or written chemical name leaves no ambiguity concerning to what chemical compound the name refers. Each chemical name should refer to a single substance. Today, scientists often refer to chemicals by their common names: for example, water is not often called dihydrogen oxide. However, it is important to be able to recognize and name all chemicals in a standardized way. The most widely accepted format for nomenclature has been established by IUPAC.

Molecular compounds are made when two or more elements share electrons in a covalent bond to connect the elements. Typically, non-metals tend to share electrons, make covalent bonds, and thus, form molecular compounds.

Rules for Naming Molecular Compounds:

Remove the ending of the second element, and add “ide” just like in ionic compounds.

When naming molecular compounds prefixes are used to dictate the number of a given element present in the compound. ” mono-” indicates one, “di-” indicates two, “tri-” is three, “tetra-” is four, “penta-” is five, and “hexa-” is six, “hepta-” is seven, “octo-” is eight, “nona-” is nine, and “deca” is ten.

If there is only one of the first element, you can drop the prefix. For example, CO is carbon monoxide, not monocarbon monoxide.

If there are two vowels in a row that sound the same once the prefix is added (they “conflict”), the extra vowel on the end of the prefix is removed. For example, one oxygen would be monooxide, but instead it’s monoxide. The extra o is dropped.

Generally, the more electropositive atom is written first, followed by the more electronegative atom with an appropriate suffix. For example, H2O (water) can be called dihydrogen monoxide (though it’s not usually). Organic molecules (molecules made of C and H along with other elements) do not follow this rule.


Here are the prefixes in naming molecular compounds:

Mono- 1

Di- 2

Tri- 3

Tetra- 4

Penta- 5

Hexa- 6

Hepta- 7

Octa- 8

Nona- 9

Deca- 10

Molecular compounds are named using a systematic approach of prefixes to indicate the number of each element present in the compound.

I hope it helps ~


Cuál o cuáles de las siguientes características son correctas para la mayoría de los compuestos del carbono?
I) Los compuestos del carbono son solubles en disolventes no polares como el hexano, benceno, éter, etc.
II) Los compuestos del carbono generalmente presentan puntos de fusión y de ebullición bajos
III) La gran mayoría de los compuestos del carbono son combustibles, sean estos, gaseosos, líquidos o sólidos
IV) El enlace covalente es característico de los compuestos del carbono

Todas son correctas
I y IV



Todas son correctas


I) Los compuestos del carbono son solubles en disolventes no polares como el hexano, benceno, éter, etc. VERDADERO. La mayoría de los compuestos de carbono son apolares, y basados en la regla: Similar disuelve similar, podemos presumir que la mayoría de compuestos de carbono se disuelven en solventes no polares.

II) Los compuestos del carbono generalmente presentan puntos de fusión y de ebullición bajos. VERDADERO. Al ser sustancias apolares, sus fuerzas electrostáticas son bajas. De la misma manera, como su masa atómica es pequeña, las fuerzas de Van der Waals son despreciables haciendo que sus puntos de fusión y ebullición sean bajos respecto a sustancias de estrucutra similar.

III) La gran mayoría de los compuestos del carbono son combustibles, sean estos, gaseosos, líquidos o sólidos. VERDADERO. Los gases (Como el gas natural) son combustibles usados para cocina. Los líquidos (Como la gasolina) son combustibles y bastante inflamables. Los sólidos (Como la madera) se usan como combustibles para hacer asados o son el combustible en incendios forestales.

IV) El enlace covalente es característico de los compuestos del carbono. VERDADERO. La polaridad del carbono es neutral haciendo que la mayoría de los enlaces que forma sean covalentes.

Todas son correctas

Explain how carbon’s bonding ability makes it unique.


[tex]\huge\fcolorbox{red}{pink}{Answer ♥}[/tex]

The carbon atom is unique among elements in its tendency to form extensive networks of covalent bonds not only with other elements but also with itself. ... Moreover, of all the elements in the second row, carbon has the maximum number of outer shell electrons (four) capable of forming covalent bonds.

Hope it helps uh ✌️✌️✌️

Gud mrng

The work function of an element is the energy required to remove an electron from the surface of the solid. The work function for palladium is 503.7 kJ/mol (that is, it takes 503.7 kJ of energy to remove 1 mole of electrons from 1 mole of Pd atoms on the surface of Pd metal). What is the maximum wavelength of light that can remove an electron from an atom in palladium metal



λ = 2.38 × 10^(-7) m


We are given the work function for palladium as 503.7 kJ/mol.

Now let's convert this to KJ/electron.

We know from avogadro's number that;

1 mole of electron = 6.022 × 10^(23) electrons


503.7 kJ/mol = 503.7 × 1/(6.022 × 10^(23)) = 8.364 × 10^(-22) KJ/electron = 8.364 × 10^(-19) J/electron

Formula for energy of a photon is;

E = hv


h is Planck's constant = 6.626 × 10^(-34) J.s

v is velocity

Now, v = c/λ


c is speed of light = 3 × 10^(8) m/s

λ is wavelength of light.


E = hc/λ

Making λ the subject, we have;

λ = hc/E

λ = (6.626 × 10^(-34) × 3 × 10^(8))/(8.364 × 10^(-19))

λ = 2.38 × 10^(-7) m

A mechanical wave starts when matter is disturbed by a source



i believe energy is your answer here

how to make a sponge ​



Synthetic sponges are made of three basic ingredients: cellulose derived from wood pulp, sodium sulphate, and hemp fiber. Other materials needed are chemical softeners, which break the cellulose down into the proper consistency, bleach, and dye.



Hi, in some texts number of water molecules released during polymerization is 2n but in others 2n-1 , why?




Because you only have one repeat unit, n=1. 2n-1 becomes 2(1)-1 which is equal to one, meaning one molecule of H2O is produced, as is shown by the top condensation polymerisation reaction.

If you had two repeat units, n=2 so 2n-1=3. Three H2O molecules are produced because you would need two molecules of each reactant so three condesation reactions would occur and three molecules of H2O would be released.

heyy guys, so basically i need help with stoichiometric calculation I will give you 100 points just to answer all of these answers accurately with working out (ps ill mark you brainliest x), thanks. PLEASE HELPPP. I'm desperate x

3. What masses of ethanol and ethanoic acid would need to be reacted together to give 1 g of ethyl ethanoate?

C^2H^5OH + CH^3CO^2 H → CH^3CO^2C^2H^5 + H^2O

4. What mass of iron(III) oxide would need to be reduced to produce 100 tonnes of iron in a blast furnace?

Fe^2^O^3 + CO → Fe + CO^2

5. What mass of silver nitrate as a solution in water would need to be added to 5 g of sodium chloride to
ensure complete precipitation of the chloride?

AgNO^3(aq) + NaCl (aq) → AgCl (s) + NaNO^3(aq)

6. Copper(II) oxide reacts with sulphuric acid to produce copper(II) sulphate. If this is allowed to crystallise the formula of the crystals is CuSO 4 .5H 2 O. What mass of copper oxide would be needed to produce 100 g of crystals?

CuO + H^2O + H^2SO^4 = CuSO^4 .5H^2O

7. In the following reactions calculate the mass of precipitate formed from 20 g of the metal salt in each case.
a. ZnSO^4 (aq) + 2NaOH → Zn(OH)^2(s) + Na^2SO^4(aq)
b. Al^2 (SO^4 ) 3(aq) + 6NaOH → 2Al(OH)^3(s) + 3Na^2SO^4(aq)
c. MgSO^4(aq) + 2NaOH → Mg(OH)^2(s) + Na^2^SO^4(aq)



3. The mass of ethanol required is approximately 0.522869 g

The mass of ethanoic acid required is approximately 0.68156 g

4. The mass of iron (III) oxide required is approximately 285.952.189.095 tonnes

5. The mass of silver nitrate required is approximately 14.53 grams

6. The mass of copper oxide that would be needed is approximately 31.86 grams

7. a. The mass of the precipitate, Zn(OH)₂ formed is approximately 49.712 grams

b. The mass of the precipitate, Al(OH)₃ formed is approximately 13 grams

c. The mass of the precipitate, Mg(OH)₂, formed is approximately 14.579925 grams


3. The 1 mole of ethanol and 1 mole of ethanoic acid combines to form 1 mole of ethyl ethanoate

The number of moles of ethyl ethanoate in 1 gram of ethyl ethanoate, n = 1 g/(88.11 g/mol) = 1/88.11 moles

∴ The number of moles of ethanol = 1/88.11 moles

The number of moles of ethanoic acid = 1/88.11 moles

The mass of ethanol = (46.07 g/mol) × 1/88.11 moles = 0.522869 g

The mass of ethanoic acid in the reaction = 60.052 g/mol × 1/88.11 moles ≈ 0.68156 g

4. 1 mole of iron(III) oxide reacts with 1 mole of CO₂ to produce 1 mole of iron

The number of moles in 100 tonnes of iron= 100000000/55.845 = 1790670.60614 moles

The mass of iron (III) oxide required = 159.69 × 1790670.60614 = 285952189.095 g ≈ 285.952.189.095 tonnes

5. The number of moles of NaCl in 5 grams of NaCl = 5 g/58.44 g/mol = 0.0855578371 moles

The mass of silver nitrate required, m = 169.87 g/mol × 0.0855578371 moles ≈ 14.53 grams

6. The number of moles of CuSO₄·5H₂O in 100 g of CuSO₄·5H₂O = 100 g/(249.69 g/mol) ≈ 0.4005 moles

The mass of copper oxide required, m = 79.545 g/mol × 0.4005 moles ≈ 31.86 grams

7. a. The number of moles of NaOH in the reaction = 20 g/(39.997 g/mol) ≈ 0.5 moles

2 moles of NaOH produces 1 mole of Zn(OH)₂

0.5 moles of NaOH will produce 0.5 mole of Zn(OH)₂

The mass of 0.5 mole of Zn(OH)₂ = 0.5 mole × 99.424 g/mol = 49.712 grams

The mass of the precipitate, Zn(OH)₂ formed = 49.712 grams

b. 6 moles of NaOH produces 2 moles Al(OH)₃

20 g, or 0.5 mole of NaOH will produce (1/6) mole of Al(OH)₃

The mass of the precipitate, Al(OH)₃ formed, m = 78 g/mol×(1/6) moles = 13 grams

c. 2 moles of NaOH produces 1 mole of Mg(OH)₂, therefore;

20 g or 0.5 moles of NaOH formed (1/4) mole of Mg(OH)₂

The mass of the precipitate, Mg(OH)₂, formed, m = 58.3197 g/mol × (1/4) moles = 14.579925 grams



i will show in details how 2 do the 1st Q n u can do the rest by following the way how it is done

3. given C^2H^5OH + CH^3CO^2H → CH^3CO^2C^2H^5 + H^2O

molar ratio of ethanol, ethanoic acid and ethyl ethanoate is 1 : 1 : 1

so mass = no. of moles * molecular mass

for same no. of moles, mass / molecular mass is the same

molecular mass of CH^3CO^2C^2H^5 = 12+1*3+12+16*2+12*2+5*1 = 88

molecular mass of C^2H^5OH = 12*2+1*5+16+1 = 46

molecular mass of CH^3CO^2H = 12+1*3+12+16*2+1 = 60

1 g of ethyl ethanoate = 1/88 mole

it requires 1/88*46 = 0.5227 g of ethanol; and

1/88*60 = 0.6818 g of ethanoic acid

to react together to form 1 g of ethyl ethanoate

Which best describes a swimming pool?
It is a solute.
• B.
It is solution.
It is a reactant.

It is a product.



Swimming pool is an example of solution


It has water (solvent) and dissolve ion (solute)


it is a solution


the combining of (water and Cl and other pool chemicals) make it a solution.

Which has more mass, 2 kg of steel or 5 kg of feather.



5 kg of feather


The combination of ions most likely to produce a precipitate is Group of answer choices Mg2 and C2H3O2-. Fe3 and OH-. Li and PO43-. Pb2 and NO3-. NH4 and SO42-.



The combination of ions most likely to produce a precipitate is a group of answer choices:

lead nitrate soluble in water

Mg2+ and C2H3O2-.

Fe3+ and OH-.

Li+ and PO43-.

Pb2+ and NO3-.

NH4+ and SO42-.


Among the given options,

magnesium acetate, lithium phosphate, lead nitrate, ammonium sulfate are soluble in water.

The only one which is insoluble in water is [tex]Fe^3+[/tex] and [tex]OH^-[/tex] combination.

[tex]Fe(OH)_3[/tex] is insoluble in water. It forms a precipitate.

9. Explain why you can't write the formula of the ionic compound that forms between Fe
and S?



See explanation


According to Fajan's rules, the degree of covalent character of a bond depends on the relative polarizing power of ions.

Generally, ions become more polarizing when they are small and highly charged. Large negative ions are more polarizable than small ones.

A very small positive charge concentrated on a small area such as in Fe^2+ makes the ion highly polarizing. Also, a large negative ion such as S^2- is highly polarizable.

As a result of these FeS has considerable covalent character hence we can not simply write the formula of the ionic compound that forms between Fe and S?

For the equilibrium
2H2S(g) ⇋ 2H2(g) + S2(g) Kc = 9 .0X 10-8 at 700°C
the initial concentrations of the three gases are 0.300 M H2S, 0.300 M H2, and 0. 1 50 M S2' Determine the equilibrium concentrations of the gases.



Equilibrium concentrations of the gases are


[tex]H_2=0.004 M[/tex]

[tex]S_2=0.002 M[/tex]


We are given that  for the equilibrium

[tex]2H_2S\rightleftharpoons 2H_2(g)+S_2(g)[/tex]

[tex]k_c=9.0\times 10^{-8}[/tex]

Temperature, [tex]T=700^{\circ}C[/tex]

Initial concentration of


[tex]H_2=0.30 M[/tex]

[tex]S_2=0.150 M[/tex]

We have to find the equilibrium concentration of gases.

After certain time

2x number of moles  of reactant reduced and form product

Concentration of




At equilibrium

Equilibrium constant


Substitute the values

[tex]9\times 10^{-8}=\frac{(0.30-2x)^2(0.150-x)}{(0.30+2x)^2}[/tex]

[tex]9\times 10^{-8}=\frac{(0.30-2x)^2(0.150-x)}{(0.30+2x)^2}[/tex]

[tex]9\times 10^{-8}=\frac{(0.30-2x)^2(0.150-x)}{(0.30+2x)^2}[/tex]

By solving we get

[tex]x\approx 0.148[/tex]

Now, equilibrium concentration  of gases


[tex]H_2=0.30-2(0.148)=0.004 M[/tex]

[tex]S_2=0.150-0.148=0.002 M[/tex]

radical example ....​


Hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide radical. Peroxyntrite,

3. How many moles are present in 100 g of Ca(NO3)2?


0Answer: 0.6094


no of moles = mass / molar mass = 100/164.088= 0.6094 mole


0.609 moles


mass in g ÷ atomic mass = moles

Ca(NO₃)₂ = 1 Ca 40.078 amu

2 N 28.0134 amu

+ 6 O 95.994 amu


164.0854 amu

100 g ÷ 164.0854 amu = 0.609 moles

three significant digits

Balance the equation of. _C + _O2 -- _CO



2C +O2 = 2CO

this will be the answer

A solar energy company learns of several recent cyber-attacks targeting other companies in their industry and realizes they could be next. The company initiates an analysis to weigh the measures needed to counter the potential threat and minimizing the impact to their business in case those are exploited. Which security principle is illustrated in this example?


I really dont have a clue

Which expression is equal to f(x) · g(x)?



C. x⁴ + 6·x³ - 12·x  - 72


The given functions are;

[tex]f(x) =\sqrt{x^2 + 12 \cdot x + 36}[/tex]

g(x) = x³ -12

We have that [tex]f(x) =\sqrt{x^2 + 12 \cdot x + 36}[/tex] = [tex]f(x) =\sqrt{(x + 6)^2}[/tex] =  (x + 6)


f(x)·g(x) = [tex]\sqrt{x^2 + 12 \cdot x + 36}[/tex] × (x³ - 12) = (x + 6) × (x³ - 12)

(x + 6) × (x³ - 12) = x⁴ - 12·x + 6·x³ - 72 = x⁴ + 6·x³ - 12·x  - 72

∴ f(x)·g(x) = [tex]\sqrt{x^2 + 12 \cdot x + 36}[/tex] × (x³ - 12) = x⁴ + 6·x³ - 12·x  - 72

You burn a log on a fire. You use fire to warm yourself and help you see to read a book. What energy transformation is taking place?



heat energy to keep you warm and light energy to be able to read your book


every action produces an equal and opposite -- ---------- when one object exterts a force on another object,the second object pushes back with the same amount of---------

someone knows the answer​


The answer will be Reaction, second will be force

why are metal containers not used for storing acids​


I’m pretty sure they are, but it depends on which acids. Some acids have a really high or low ph that can burn through items, like our stomach acid. Instead, something with a high melting point would be used.

Metal containers are not used for storing acid because most of the time acid reacts with almost every metal and produces salts or oxides which alters the acid characteristics making it useless....

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