24. I'm rather surprised that Doris hasn't come. She____ her mind at the last minute as only yesterday she promised she would be here. A. had to change B. could change C. must have changed D. had had to change
25, I don't think Tony's version can be taken seriously. He ____all his money on postcards because no one, not even him, can have five hundred pen friends. So, where is the money? A. couldn't spend B) can't have spent C. wouldn't be able to spend D. can't spend
25. He's trying to convince me I him. But he doesn't take into consideration the fact that I was in trouble myself. A. could have helped B. could help C. was able to help D. had been able to help
26. I regret I didn't take part because this year's competitors were surpris- ingly weak. I the first winner from our university. A. could become B. might have become C. would easily become D. was able to become​


Answer 1



Answer 2

Find completed below, the answer to the blank questions:

24. I'm rather surprised that Doris hasn't come. She (C. must have changed) her mind at the last minute as only yesterday she promised she would be here.  25, I don't think Tony's version can be taken seriously. He (C. wouldn't be able to spend) all his money on postcards because no one, not even him, can have five hundred pen friends. So, where is the money?  25. He's trying to convince me to see if I (B. could help) him. But he doesn't take into consideration the fact that I was in trouble myself.  26. I regret I didn't take part because this year's competitors were surprisingly weak. I  (B. might have become) the first winner from our university.

The modal verb, "might" is used to express possibilities about the past.

In the fourth option, this modal verb is used to express the fact that the narrator could have been a winner.

In the first sentence, the option expresses certainty about an event. The second sentence uses the word 'wouldn't' to express surety that something will not happen.

Learn more here:


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A positive attitude affects your productivity, learning, and critical thinking, but not your school
and job satisfaction.
B) False






tag questions her brother can play football ​



Can't He? is the Ans because

If there is positive in tag question we should write Ans in negative form so ans is Can't He?

Unvoiced and voiced word??
Need help please


Not sure what you’re trying to ask here

In writing an essay, the introductory part should be attractive so that
A. it can attract the reader to read more
B. it can tell us the detail of the essay
C. it can explain the detail of the second paragraph
D. all​



So that,it can attract the reader to read more


Hope it helps

hich statement correctly compares and contrasts My Story and "On the Bus with Rosa Parks"? The memoir and the poem are both told from first-person point of view, but the poem is shorter. Both the memoir and poem describe the bus ride of Rosa Parks, but the memoir includes more facts. The memoir includes facts and opinions, but the poem includes only facts. Both the memoir and the poem are about Rosa Parks, but the poem talks more about her personal feelings.



You just answered your own question


Judy Blume's career as an American writer spans four decades and includes many literary awards. She is most famous for her novels geared toward pre-teens. One notable example is Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing. However, Blume also has had success writing for an adult audience. Three of her novels for adults reached the New York Times best-seller list. In a 2008 interview Blume remarked, "I have so many stories left to tell!" By that time she had written nearly 30 novels. Judy Blume an exceptionally talented and productive American author.

Which of the following would be the best title for this paragraph?

"Future of Blume"
"Forty Years of Blume"
"Blume's Many Awards"
"Bountiful Brilliant Blume"



The option that would be the best title for this paragraph is:

D. "Bountiful Brilliant Blume".


We may be tempted to choose option B since the paragraph does mention that Blume's career spans four decades. However, that is not the sole focus of the passage. The author is praising Blume's works, her success in writing for teens as well as adults, and the fact that she is talented and has plenty of stories left to tell. In other words, Blume is brilliant and bountiful (abundant in ideas). For that reason, option D is the best one.


Bountiful Brilliant Blume


This paragraph about Judy Blume's career focuses on her writing abilty and emphasizes that she has created successful stories. It says that she is gifted and talented in many areas and also discusses that in her 40 years for a writer she has written 30 novels.

Sarcasm is a ______________ form of irony that can often be recognized by someone’s tone.






Cause your being sarcastical to define your feelings


Sarcasm is a verbal form of irony that can often be recognized by someone’s tone.


Irony is a literary device where the chosen words are intentionally used to indicate a meaning other than the literal one. Irony is often mistaken for sarcasm. Sarcasm is actually a form of verbal irony, but sarcasm is intentionally insulting.

Drive thru has a long line what should cashier do



work on other things if they cant do anything right that moment


They should let the staff know what the problem is then make sure they’re doing the harder things first

a. The good boy behaved well. (Underline the adverb in the sentence)
b. Many of the houses in this neighbourhood (don’t/doesn’t) have garages. (Choose one form from the bracket to complete the sentence)


An adverb tells how. The boy behaved “how” Well is the adverb
a. Well

b. How many houses in this neighborhood (don’t) have garages.
b. Don’t
Contraction for do not

A. The adverb used in the sentence is, well

B. The word use to complete the given sentence is, doesn't

What is adverb?

Adverb are the words which are used to express the manner, degree, time and place in a sentence.

Because in A question the given sentence talks about the underlining adverb and adverb are the words which are used to express the manner, degree, time and place in a sentence. So, in the given sentence, The good boy behaved well, it shows the adverb of manner, so the word that denotes the adverb in the sentence is the word, well.

Because in the B question doesn't will be used as the sentence shows that many of the houses in this neighborhood doesn't have garages. And doesn't is used in plural sentences and have a negative statement.

Hence the correct option is, A. well, B. doesn't

To know more about adverb:



what a beautiful scene it exclamatory mark or not plese give me a answer​



no mark



The phrase "what a beautiful scene" is indeed exclamatory. it is a remark that is being exclaimed. you can add an exclamation mark to the end of the phrase to make it complete

hope this helped

Read the situations and rewrite the sentences using 'wish'.
1. What a pity we didn't meet them last night!
I wish
2. You should not have brought Jennifer along to the funeral, she was so upset.
I wish
3. You shouldn't have done it.
I wish
4. If only John hadn't lied to me!
5. I regret selling my old Jaguar.
I wish


Answer: 1)Wish we would meet last night

2) I wish you would leave jefferson behind and not bring her to the funeral, she was so upset

3) I wish you wouldn't have done that

4) Wish john hadn't lied to me

5) I wish I didn't sell the jaguar

Hope it Helps.

If added to "The Traveler’s Guide to Japan,” which chapter would be the most helpful to someone planning a trip to Japan? a chapter on the Japanese educational system a chapter on the governing bodies in Japan a chapter on the cultural influences of China a chapter on the types of accommodations available?


Answer: a chapter on the types of accommodations available


If I were traveling for a vacation, I'd want to know what all I could do. Makin it the most practical.

The chapter that would be the most helpful to someone planning a trip to Japan if added to "The Traveler’s Guide to Japan,” is:  a chapter on the types of accommodations available.

A visitor to Japan might not have friends and relatives with whom he may spend some time. Therefore, accommodation will be one of the foremost things in the mind of that visitor.

So if a guide is prepared that specifies the types of accommodation available in the country, the intending visitor will find this information very useful.

Learn more about Traveler's Guide here:


Why do we dream?????? ​



rapid eye movement REM causes the dream

Answers for this assignment


I don’t see any photo I’m sorry

If visual aids are not prepared well or relevant, they can:
Group of answer choices

Reduce the amount of participants

Cause the presentation to take too long

Take away from the presentation

Increase the success of the speech


The correct answer is C. If visual aids are not prepared well or relevant, they can Take away from the presentation.


Visual aids are tools used to support a speech or oral intervention to visually express the themes and concepts of the intervention to give a better understanding to the public. These aids are the best way to support oral interventions since several scientific studies indicate that visual communications are synthetic messages that help to convey a message effectively. However, if this tool is not used in a good way it cause an adverse result since it can generate confusion in the public or take away from the presentation. According to the above, the correct answer is C.

Read the domain-specific words from the text in the table below. Choose the definition for
each word from the word box. Write the definition in the table.
public criticism of something bad
proof that something is just or right
proof that something is unjust or wrong
to lessen someone's control over others
unspoken worry over something bad
to free someone from another's control



Emancipation- to free someone from another's control.

Denunciation- public criticism of something bad.

Vindication- proof that something is just or right.


In the given table, the domain-specific words are emancipation, denunciation, and vindication. Their definitions from the options given are as follows-

Emancipation- This means to free someone from another's control. In other words, it means to legally release someone from something, like slavery.

Denunciation- This is used to refer to any public criticism of something bad. To denounce means to condemn something openly.

Vindication- The word "vindication" means proving that something is just or right. It is also used to refer to an act of clearing someone's name or action from any accusation.

Match the function to the term.

1. functions as an adjective

A) participial phrase

2. functions as a noun

B) gerund phrase

3. functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb

C) infinitive phrase



A) Participial phrase

1) Functions as an adjective

B) Gerund phrase

2) Functions as a noun

C) Infinitive phrase

3) Functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb

What is a Logos example?



"This type of treatment is recommended by doctors all over the world."

"The Nose" after nose dissappears biggest worry



won't be able to breath and live again

as a student of the modern generation what is the most significant contribution of theater in western classical art​



As a student of the modern generation, the most significant contribution of theater in western classical art​ is that it helps us roll back the years.

Theater was very common many years ago during the classical period as they were the major means of viewing drama or movies then.

However, the use of theater now as a modern civilization is mostly to roll back the years and appreciate the way things were done in the past.

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence in this excerpt from 'The American Crisis" by Thomas Paine illustrates that it is a persuasive essay?
I shall conclude this paper with some miscellaneous remarks on the slate of our affairs; and shall begin with asking the following question, Why
is it that the enemy hath left the New England provinces, and made those middle once the fear of war? The answer is easy, New England is not
infested with Tories, and we are. I have been under in raising the cry against these men, and used numberless arguments to shew them their
danger. ... The period is now arrived, in which either they or we must change our sentiments, or one or both must fall. And what is a Tory? Good
GOD! what is he? I should not be afraid to go with a hundred Whigs against a thousand Tories, were they to attempt to get into arms. Every Tory
is a coward, for servile, slavish, self-interested fear is the foundation of Toryism; and man under such influence, though he may be cruel,
never can be brave.
But before the line of irrecoverable separation be drawn between us, let us reason the matter together: Your conduct is an invitation to the
enemy, yet not one in a thousand of you has heart enough to join him. Howe is as much decelved by you as the American cause is injured by
you. He expects you will all take up arms, and flock to his standard with muskets on your shoulders, Your opinions are of no use to him, unless
you support him personally; for 'tis soldiers, and not Tories, that he wants.
Quitting this class of men, I turn with the warm ardor
of a friend to those who have nobly stood, and are yet determined to stand the matter out:
I call not upon few, but upon all: not on this state or that state, but on every state: up and help us; lay your shoulders to the wheel; better have
too much force than too little, when so great an object is at stake. Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but
hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it. Say not that
thousands are gone, turn out your tens of thousands; throw not the burden of the day upon Providence, but "show your faith by your works,"
that God may bless you. It matters not where you live, or what rank of life you hold, the evil or the blessing will reach you all. The ar and the
near, the home counties and the back, the rich and the poor, will suffer or rejoice alike. The heart that feels not now is dead; the blood of his
children will curse his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time when a little might have saved the whole, and made them happy. love the man
that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but ne
whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.



no le entiendo bien por que esta en inglés

write a crtique of a quiet place 2!! please help





Personally, a quiet place 2 did a great job of continuing on the plot after where the first movie ended as well as giving information on how exactly the main characters found themselves where they are currently. Some personal flaws that I found with it however are the character development is slow and sometimes boring to watch. I do appreciate the fact that they do speak in this version however.

help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



It's Collum

The third option


2. Please present two statements about moral issues that reference two different logical fallacies.
Make sure that the statement is a clear example of a logical fallacy, and that you have clearly
identified which logical fallacy the statement is making. In doing so, you should explain what a
logical fallacy is and why they should be avoided in making an argument.



academic discourse, which requires argumentation and debate. Argumentation and debate inevitably lend themselves to flawed reasoning and rhetorical errors. Many of these errors are considered logical fallacies.

The statements about moral issues that reference two different logical fallacies are

"Academic discourse, which requires argumentation and debate. Argumentation and debate inevitably lend themselves to flawed reasoning and rhetorical errors. Many of these errors are considered logical fallacies."

What are Logical fallacies?

A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning that lessens the force and persuasiveness of your argument. These flaws make you want to be able to see them in other people's arguments (and your own) so you can correct them or call them out.

There are two major types of logical fallacy, formal and informal.

There will be a problem with the way your argument is put together and how you are presenting your ideas in a formal logical fallacy. Despite the fact that you may be expressing the truth, the manner you are putting your arguments together causes the logic to fall apart.

There will be an issue with what you're expressing in an informal logical error, and the information may be false or deceptive.

What is academic discourse?

Good academic discourse is a designed control for students since it encompasses the idea of dialogue, from the language used by students to the facilitation of communication in the classroom.

"Encouraging higher levels of communication, in anything from whole class discussions to peer-to-peer communication, can help students to improve their problem-based learning"

To learn more about logical fallacy here,



Read the excerpt from Rogue Heart by Axie Oh. Then choose the correct way to complete the sentence.

The denotative meaning of the word constant is "to be steady," and the connotative meaning of constant in the excerpt is

A. lasting

B. Hopeless

C. Pointess

D. Boring



A. lasting


Although the excerpt was not given and the question is incomplete, we can easily deduce the correct answer from the given options.

The denotative meaning of the word constant is "to be steady," and the connotative meaning of constant in the excerpt is A. lasting.

This is because, from the given options, the only connotative meaning of the word "constant" is lasting.


The answer is Hopeless.


Plato/edmetum answer just took the test.

What is dramatic irony?


an audiance awareness of the situatuon which works charcters exist differs substantianlly

the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

Read an analysis of a theme in Hamlet.

One theme in Hamlet is that the rules of society are often based on wealth and power rather than fairness.

Which excerpt from Act V of Hamlet best provides evidence of the this theme’s development?

A. Second Clown: I tell thee she is; and therefore make her grave straight: the crowner hath sat on her, and finds it Christian burial.
B. First Clown: For here lies the point: if I drown myself wittingly it argues an act; and an act hath three branches; it is, to act, to do, and to perform: argal, she drowned herself wittingly.
C. Second Clown: Will you ha’ the truth on ’t? If this had not been a gentlewoman she should have been buried out o’ Christian burial.
D. First Clown: I like thy wit well, in good faith; the gallows does well, but how does it well? it does well to those that do ill; now thou dost ill to say the gallows is built stronger than the church:



Learning Task 4 Imagine you are the principal in an institution. As the school head, how are you going to address the social issues that circulate in your school? In your pad paper, copy the table. Write in the second column your suggested solution to the social issue indicated in the first column.

Social Issues

1. Gender Bias /Discrimination

2 Overpopulation

3. Bullying

4. Fake News

5. Child Abuse

Proposed Solution


its C ;)

Explanation: e2021

When you are prepared, it means that you have done all of the following except: Group of answer choices selected a topic appropriate to your audience. considered how best to present it. put your information into a logical sequence. gathered enough information to cover the topic well. practiced the golden rule of treating your audience.



practiced the golden rule of treating your audience.


Presentation can be defined as an act of talking or speaking formally to an audience in order to explain an idea, piece of work, project, and product with the aid of multimedia resources or samples.

The key components to planning a presentation include the following;

I. Audience: these are the group of listeners to whom the speaker is making a presentation to.

II. Methods: the speaker should choose the most effective and efficient method to use in getting the message across to the audience (listeners).

III. Purpose: this is the main idea or reason for which the presentation is being created or done by the speaker.

IV. Topic: this is simply the title of the presentation and it describes the subject matter.

When a speaker is prepared for a presentation (speech), it simply means that he or she have done all of the aforementioned acts except practicing the golden rule of treating your audience. The golden rule basically has to do with presenting information to an audience as you would have them present to you.

Write an e-mail to produce your biodata for job ?



step by step explanation

zaid tauhid

Which means law






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Find the length of side xx in simplest radical form with a rational denominator. The word expensive means costing a lot Is ? Because the cells of skeletal muscle are relatively large and cylindrical in shape, they are also known as HELP PLEASE. Will give maximum points (100). Im desperate. Will give brainiest for the correct answer, if wrong answer is given on purpose, I will report. Plz help. Which of these is a permanent birth control method used by women?A female condom B sterilizationC vasectomy On December 31, 2020, Lipton, Inc. sold $3,000,000 (face value) of bonds. The bonds are dated December 31, 2020, pay interest annually on December 31, and will mature on December 31, 2020 The following schedule was prepared by the accountant for 2020 Annual Interest Period Interest to Interest be paid Expense Amortization Unamortized Amount $75,000 51.750 Bond Carrying Value $2,925,000 2,948,250 1 $240,000 $263,250 $23,250 On the basis of the above information, answer the following questions What is the stated interest rate for this bond issue? Stated interest rate SHOW LIST OF ACCOUNTS What is the market interest rate for this bond issun? Market interest rate 5 What is the market interest rate for this bond issue? Market interest rate % SHOW LIST OF ACCOUNTS What was the selling price of the bonds as a percentage of the face value? (Round answer to 1 decimal place, e.g. 52.7.) Selling price SHOW LIST OF ACCOUNTS tudy Prepare the journal entry to record the sale of the bond issue on December 31, 2020. (Credit account titles are autofnatically indented wh manually.) Debit Date Account Titles and Explanation Dec 31, 2020 Credit SHOW LIST OF ACCOUNTS Prepare the journal entry to record the payment of interest and amortization of discount on December 31, 2021. (Credit account titles an entered. Do not indent manually.) Account Titles and Explanation Debit Dec 31, 2021 Date Credit ly SHOW LIST OF ACCOUNTS Find the most general antiderivative of the function. (Check your answer by differentiation. Use C for the constant of the antiderivative.)g(t) = 4 + t + t2tG(t) = Plz help. Last one today. 20 points. Thx! classify each of the following solids as ionic,metallic, molecular, network (covalent)or amorphous?1) Tetra phosphorous deicide(P4O10)2)Graphite3) Ammonium phosphate (NH4)3po44) Brass5)SiC6)Rb7)l28)LiBr9)P410) Plastic11)Si Preserving confidentiality, integrity, and availability is a restatement of the concern over interruption, interception, modification, and fabrication. i. Briefly explain the 4 attacks: interruption, interception, modification, and fabrication. ii. How do the first three security concepts relate to these four attacks The inability of lower-income groups to sustain the same lifestyle as higher-income groups in the same community is known as: Spanish 20 points anyone here is a chance What was the political condition of the Nepal valley during during the rule of Malles kings? What is the equation, in the point-slope form, of the line that is parallel to the given and passes through the point (-1,-1)? What variable(s) is/are used in stack to keep track the position where a new item to be inserted or an item to be deleted from the stack 1) Your pen-pal has just written to you saying that he would like to spend two weeks with you during the x mass period write a letter to him inviting him to come and telling him howyou propose to make his visit enjoyable A circular sheet covers 425cm on the table,find the area of the sheet.solve this question plz. (x-5)(X+12)=-70[tex](x - 5)(x + 12) = - 70[/tex] the set of all possible factors of 18, 30 and 36 then make a set of their common factors and find the H.C.F . please explain briefly Find the starting pressure of CCl4 at this temperature that produces a total pressure of 1.1 atm at equilibrium. Express the pressure in atmospheres to three significant figures.