24 year-old woman presents because she has not had menses for four months. She has had irregular periods since menarche at age 13. She has no medical history and is not taking any medications. She is thin (BMI 16) and has chronic anxiety. Her beta-hCG is <5 mIU/mL and her prolactin and TSH levels are normal. What is the next best diagnostic test to order


Answer 1
Based on the information, ask her about her diet. If she has been thin for a long time. My best guess is anorexia, or another eating disorder. She is obviously underweight and that most definitely leads to irregular periods. At times anorexia can even cause infertility. I would also ask her about her mental health. A lot of the times this can even be signs of mental illness such as depression.

Related Questions

differentiate between agriculture expert and veterinary doctor​



Veterinary Medicine focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury in animal.

The Agriculture Expert will be responsible for advising on the technical aspects of the evaluation in the area of agriculture development.


Veterinary Medicine focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury in animals. An agricultural Expert deals with anything occurring on land for e.g Trees, Farms


list 3 ideas to prevent smoking fatalities




Quitting smoking before the age of 40


Increase taxation of tabacco products


Have stricter laws


1. Ban Tobaccos and vapes throughout the U. S.

2. Discourage kids from smoking drugs just to fit in with peers.

3. Inform your kids of the effects of smoking

where and in which condition gold is found?​



Gold is primarily found as the pure, native metal. Sylvanite and calaverite are gold-bearing minerals. Gold is usually found embedded in quartz veins, or placer stream gravel.


gold minerals form in hot rocks in and around volcanoes.low sulfur,gold bearing hydrthermal fluids form when hot rocks heat ground water.gold is found in rivers and streams because water is the most efficient/fastest way of moving rocks.

I hope this helps

During the first practice of the season in August, a 17 year old soccer player comes to you complaining of a headache and slight dizziness. She does not recall hitting her head during practice, and her coach and teammates did not witness any injury. What would your first action be?


This may be a sign of concussion. My first action will be for her to stop the practice and rest.

The first thing to do is to tell the girl to stop the physical activity and take a break from the practice. I'll ask her if she hit her head on anything and about other symptoms that she's having.

Then, a test memory should be done. After this, I'll tell her to rest and the appropriate medical personnel will come attend to her.

In conclusion, my first action will be for her to stop the practice and rest.

Read related link on:


günaydın arkadaşlar cuma günü nüz hayırlı olsun​



What are you saying?????????

The nursing assistant cares for Mrs. Burrell, who lives in a long-term care facility. The nursing assistant allows Mrs. Burrell to decide what she is going to wear each day. The nursing assistant then assists Mrs. Burrell with her dressing and grooming routine. Which need is the nursing assistant helping Mrs. Burrell to meet


Answer: Self-esteem needs


The nurse is helping Mrs. Burrell to meet her self esteem needs. Self-esteem refers to how we value and perceive ourselves. Self esteem is based on our beliefs and opinions that we've about ourselves.

According to Maslow's hierarchical organization of motives, esteem needs refer to the desire of the people to have a positive evaluation of themselves. Esteem needs encompass strength, self belief, confidence, strength, and respect from others.

The child has been diagnosed with severe iron deficiency anemia. The child requires 5 mg/kg of elemental iron per day in three equally divided doses. The child weighs 47.3 lb (21.5 kg). How many milligrams of elemental iron should the child receive with each dose


I am pretty sure you just multiply the weight in kg (21.5) by 5 mg/kg which would be 107.5

The observation is sometimes erratic with intravenous administration true or fa





Intravenous administration corresponds to the application of medication directly into the patient's vein. As with any other type of drug administration, observations about the way the drug works, the dosage size, and the drug's effects on the patient must be accurate. In the case of intravenous administration, these observations are even more accurate, since the drug acts very quickly and shows results in short periods of time.

Question 7 of 10
Kyra had two jobs last year and received two W-2 forms. On the first W-2
form, the figure in box 1 was $15,667.88. On the second W-2 form, the figure
in box 1 was $9766.24. What was Kyra's gross income from the two jobs last
A. $25,434 12
B. $12,717.06
C. $5901.64
D. $6358.53


Answer: $25,434.12


Gross income refers to the sum of all the salaries, wages, interest payments, rents, profits, and every other forms of earnings, before tax is removed.

Since the first Income earned is $15,667.88 while the second income is $9766.24, then Kyra's gross income from the two jobs will be:

= $15667.88 + $9766.24

= $25434.12

Maria is pregnant. During a visit to the doctor, she receives a list of potential concerns and an emergency number to call if she develops any signs or symptoms that could indicate a pregnancy complication. Which abnormal signs or symptoms might be on the list Maria received



severe stomach aches


could in indicate the baby is in danger

What is the difference between muscular endurance and muscular strength?



Muscular strength is determined by how much force you can exert or how much weight you can lift. Muscular endurance refers to the ability of a muscle to sustain repeated contractions against resistance for an extended period of time

A 7-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department by his parents several minutes after he fell through a window. He is bleeding profusely from a 6-cm wound of his medial right thigh. Immediate management of the wound should consist of:


Inspection on the wound and analyze ur next steps ( sorry if that’s wrong)

A 4-year-old boy presents to your office with watery nonbloody diarrhea for the last three months. He has occasional abdominal pain prior to the onset of the diarrhea and his mother noted worsening flatulence, especially after meal times. Mom denies any recent travel or camping and the patient does not go to school or daycare. On exam, he is 60th percentile for weight and height (similar to his last well-child check), appears well, and has a normal abdominal exam. What is the most likely diagnosis


Lactase deficiency because Without enough of the lactase enzyme, your body can't metabolize dairy, leading to digestive problems like diarrhea, abdominal cramping or pain, bloating, gas, nausea, and sometimes even vomiting about 30 minutes to two hours after eating it.

explain 2 ways in which water and ion balance are maintained? name the organs and any hormones involved



i would think the organs/hormones are the kidneys, adrenal gland, brain


The kidneys produce urine which has waste products; excess mineral ions and excess water from the body. Your kidneys regulate the amount of water in the body and balance the concentration of mineral ions in the blood. adrenal glands are on top of the kidneys which also contribute to regulating the balance

2. ¿Qué es la alimentación?
3. ¿Cuáles son los nutrientes y nutrición en nuestro cuerpo?
4. porque es importante cuidar mi alimentación?
5. ¿Qué función cumple los macronutrientes y micronutrientes en nuestro cuerpo?
6. ¿escribe con tus propias palabras que son los carbohidratos simples y complejos?
7. ¿Cuáles son los alimentos ricos en proteínas?
8. ¿Qué son las grasas saturadas y las insaturadas nombre 3 de cada una?
9. ¿Porque es importante hacer actividad física?
10. Cada alumno debe Hallar el I.M.C (INDICE DE MASA CORPORAL) para saber en cual nivel se encuentra. (NORMAL- SOBREPESO- OBESO- OBESO SEVERO- OBESO MORVIDO).
11. Esta es pregunta es un punto extra por si la quieres responder ¿calcular el requerimiento diario o la necesidad nutricional que su cuerpo requiere?


Tell in English, please

La tasa de m0rtalidad por c0vid-19 en el departamento de Guairá en los meses de abril y mayo en Paraguay
Como se hace :( ?


Explain in english or translate to english

Bed-wetting that is persistent in a child who has never established urinary control is __________ enuresis, and occasional bed-wetting after attaining urinary control is __________ enuresis. The most common form of enuresis is __________ enuresis.


First one is primary, secondary, nocturnal

Nutrition supplements: A. balance the diet of people who are too busy to eat unhealthily. B. do not supply all the nutrients and other beneficial substances present in food. C. are the richest sources of antioxidants and phytonutrients. D. supply all the nutrients and other beneficial substances found in food.





Adapalene có tác dụng gì



Adapalene làm gì cho mụn trứng cá

Translation for anyone who wants to know: What does adapalene do: it's for acne

Which statements demonstrate a breach of patient confidentiality? Select all that apply.

A nursing assistant speaks with a patient about dietary requirements.
A nurse speaks with a friend about a patient’s medical condition.
A physician tells her nurse husband about a patient’s diagnosis over dinner.
A nursing assistant gives out patient information without the patient’s consent.
A nursing assistant tells the nurse in charge about a complaint that a patient has about his medication


Answer 2.3,4 I believe are the right answers

A 42-year-old woman with no significant past medical history presents to the family practice office for evaluation of new onset thrombocytopenia. She denies any recent illness and does not take any medications or supplements. She denies the development of skin lesions, neurologic or constitutional symptoms. CBC with differential, peripheral smear, BMP, PT/INR and aPTT are otherwise within normal limits. What is the most likely diagnosis


It could be a mental illness, maybe depression. Look into further details on symptoms. A tip l will give is to relate to the patient so she can open up about her symptoms. Most people are pretty guarded.

Most likely diagnosis can be Depression.

Platelets contain high amount of serotonin and a dysfunction of the serotoninergic system is involved in the development of several behavior disorder, such as depression.Low platelet count has been measured in depressed patients as compared to normal controls.

What is thrombocytopenia?It is a condition in which the person has low blood platelet count.It can be mild and cause few signs or symptoms.In rare conditions it can cause internal bleeding and may turn fetal.

To know more about thrombocytopenia here



A 32 year old woman comes to her primary care provider for a return visit with the chief complaint of joint pain and swelling for several months. At first the pain involved the left wrist and elbow and the right knee, but gradually became bilateral and now involves the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints. Every morning, she has stiffness that slowly gets better after a couple of hours, but the generalized fatigue and weakness lasts all day. Her eyes often feel gritty and dry. She has had some weight loss over the past few months. There is no skin rash or oral ulcers. However, the oral cavity appears overly dry. There is no history of fever or diarrhea. On examination, the affected joints are bilaterally warm, swollen and tender. The rest of her physical exam is unremarkable. What is your presumptive differential diagnosis



psoriatic arthritis

pending blood analysis

has been in and out of drug rehabilitation programs several times over the last few years. Recently, she gave birth to a baby girl. The doctor noticed that the infant showed symptoms of tremors, irritability, abnormal crying, disturbed sleep, and impaired motor control. The doctor diagnosed these withdrawal symptoms as the effects of a drug to which Jazlyn was addicted. Identify the drug.


Answer: Opiods


Restorative nursing care is: Care that helps persons promotes and increase self-confidence and independence. Care that helps persons promotes and increase self-confidence and independence. The process of assisting the person to maintain or regain health. The process of assisting the person to maintain or regain health. Using the nursing process to help the person adjust to a disabili



The correct answer is - care that helps persons regain health, strength, and independence


Restorative assistance is a nursing assistant who has  special training in restorative nursing and  rehabilitation skills. It is a care that assists  persons regain health, strength, and  independence.

It also helps maintain the highest level of function by preventing the unnecessary decline of function. It focuses on the complete or whole health improvements of individuals.

Where can I find stories about decontamination and sterilization errors?



Well, I looked up, "decontamination stories" and "sterilization errors stories." This seems to show with what you want, but I'm not sure. Here are two example articles anyways.


Decontamination After Radiation Exposure: Simpler Than You May Think (npr.org)

Dirty, missing instruments plague DMC surgeries (The Detroit News)

Those are accurate news sources too.

You examine a 12-month-old girl for a health supervision visit. She is asymptomatic, and the mother has no complaints. The family lives in a house built in 1940s, so you perform a lead level in the clinic, which reads as elevated. You send the girl for a venous lead level at the hospital, and the lead level obtained is 10 mcg/dL. What is the best next step


Answer: Make changes in the home


Based on the information given, the best next step is to make changes in the home. This is still a mild elevation which occurs typically from level 10 to 20.

In this case, treating with chelation isn't needed. The assistance of public health and the education for the parents are important in this case. The family should also move out of the lead-contaminated apartment as this isn't good for the child.

You are part of a team attempting to resuscitate a child with ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest. You delivered 2 unsynchronized shocks. A team member established IO access, so you give a dose of epinephrine, 0.01 mg/kg IO. At the next rhythm check, persistent ventricular fibrillation is present. You administer a 4-J/kg shock and resume CPR. Which drug and dose should be administered next





I don't know

In the given scenario, the next drug that should be administered is amiodarone.

For cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation that persists after initial defibrillation attempts and the administration of epinephrine, antiarrhythmic drugs like amiodarone are indicated.

The recommended dose of amiodarone is 5 mg/kg IV/IO. Amiodarone helps stabilize the heart's electrical activity and can convert ventricular fibrillation into a more organized rhythm, increasing the chances of successful resuscitation.

After administering the amiodarone, the team should continue CPR and provide appropriate advanced life support interventions to support the child's circulation and oxygenation during the resuscitation effort.

Know more about amiodarone:



Read the scenario and then answer the question that follows.

During the course of his treatment, Max's doctor notifies him that a new trial drug is available. The doctor highly suggests he try the drug and provides him with an informed consent form. However, the doctor does not tell Max very much about the drug or its side effects. Although Max does not know much about the drug, he trusts his doctor and decides to sign the consent form and begin the trial anyway.

Has an unethical act occurred in this scenario?

Yes, Max should have asked the doctor more about the drug before signing the consent form.
No, the doctor provided Max with consent forms to sign and did not force him to sign them.
Yes, the doctor did not provide Max with enough information to make an informed decision.
No, it is Max’s responsibility to make a decision about drugs, regardless of whether they are in trials.



Yes an unethical act occurred because the doctor did not provide all information needed.

The principal of informed consent is that the patient make a decision based on all the information available to him. The physician did not provide this so an unethical act has occured on the part of the physician.

Why does the GI tract have a plexus in the muscalaris and nerves in the mucosa?


Answer and Explanation:

The submucosal plexus, or Meissner's plexus, is located in the submucosal layer and controls the mucosal glands and the muscularis mucosa. The myenteric plexus, or Auerbach's plexus, is located between the two layers of the muscularis externa and is responsible for peristaltic movements.

The GI tract have a plexus in the muscalaris as the muscularis mucosa are controlled by the submucosal plexus.

The GI tract have nerves in the mucosa as the mucosa tissue feed signals to both layers of the intestinal plexus.

Define GI tract.

The GI tract is made up of a succession of hollow organs connected by a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. The mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus are the hollow organs that make up the GI tract.

The mucosal glands and the muscularis mucosa are controlled by the submucosal plexus, also known as Meissner's plexus. The myenteric plexus, also known as Auerbach's plexus, is responsible for peristaltic movements and is positioned between the two layers of the muscularis externa.

Sensory nerve terminals in the mucosa and epithelial tissue associated with the submucosal plexus feed signals to both layers of the intestinal plexus. The sympathetic pre-vertebral ganglia, the spinal cord, and the brain stem all get information from these structures.

Find out more information about GI tract here:


What is human circulatory system



The circulatory system is made up of blood vessels that carry blood away from and towards the heart. Arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry blood back to the heart. The circulatory system carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells, and removes waste products, like carbon dioxide.


Hope this helps you. Take care^_^

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