3) Consider the sequence -11 ; 2sin3x ; 15; ...

3.1.1) Determine the values of x in the interval [0 ; 90] for whichthe sequence will be arithmetic. ​


Answer 1
First term=a=-11
2sin3x - (-11)=d
x=30 degrees

Related Questions

An amount of $700 was invested at 7% for 7 months what is the interest? Round your answer to your nearest cent.




step by step explanation: interest=PRT/100




Principal, P = $700

Rate of interest, R = 7% = 0.07

Time period, T = 7 months (it is considered as a monthly investment)

∴ Simple Interest, SI = PRT

SI = 700 × 0.07 × 7

SI = $343

What is straightforward interest and model?

Straightforward Simple Interest is the strategy for working out the premium sum for a specific chief measure of cash at some pace of revenue. For instance, when an individual takes credit of Rs. 5000, at a pace of 10 p.a. for a very long time, the individual's advantage for quite some time will be S.I. on the acquired cash.

Straightforward recipes generally start with an equivalent sign (=), trailed by constants that are numeric qualities and computation administrators like in addition to (+), short (- ), asterisk(*), or forward cut (/) signs.

Learn more about Simple Interest here





9514 1404 393


  see attached

Step-by-step explanation:

Each point moves to 3 times its original distance from P.

  A is 2 up and 1 left of P, so A' will be 6 up and 3 left of P.

  B is 1 down and 2 left of P, so B' will be 3 down and 6 left of P.

  C is 2 right of P, so C' will be 6 right of P.

Which of the answer choices has matrix multiplication defined?




Step-by-step explanation:

For the multiplication of two matrices to be defined then the number of columns of the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows of the second matrix. For example, 2*3 and 3*2 matrices can be multiplied since the number of columns of the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows of the second matrix.

Matrix A = 2*2

Matrix B = 2*3

Matrix C = 3*3

Matrix D = 1 * 3

From the matrices given, we can see that the matrices that can be multiplied together are AB and BC since the number of columns of the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows of the second matrix. Hence the correct option is AB

A community swimming pool is a rectangular prism that is 30 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 5 feet deep. The wading pool is half as long, half as deep, and the same width as the larger pool.

How many times greater is the volume of the swimming pool than the volume of the wading pool?


The correct answer is 1,350

How many hours will it take to complete a 45-km bike ride if you go 12km per hour the whole time?



3.75 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

d = rt

where d is the distance, r is the rate and t is the time

45 = 12 t

Divide each side by 12

45/12 = t

3.75 hours = t

Please help to solve this.
Find sin5x,if sinx+cosx=1,4




Step-by-step explanation:

we must first remember that:


Let say t=sin(x)

[tex]sin(x)+cos(x)=1.4\\\\t+\sqrt{1-t^2}=1.4\\\sqrt{1-t^2}=1.4-t\ we\ square\\1-t^2=1.4^2+t^2-2.8*t\\2t^2-2.8*t+0.96=0\\\Delta=2.8^2-4*2*0.96=0.16=0.4^2\\\\t=\dfrac{2.8-0.4}{4} =0.6\ or\ t=\dfrac{2.8+0.4}{4}=0.8\\\\t^3=0,216\ or\ t^3=0,512\\\\t^5=0,07776\ or\ t^5=0,32768\\\\\boxed{sin(5x)=5*0.6-20*0.216+16*0.07776=-0,07584}\\\\or\\\\\boxed{sin(5x)=5*0.8-20*0.512+16*0.32768=-0,99712}[/tex]

Which is a direct proportion

y = -4
y = 2x + 1
y = 6
y = 2/3x




Step-by-step explanation:

y is directly proportional to x if it increases as x increases

Find the inequality represented by the graph

I'm using khan academy btw



Step-by-step explanation:

slope of line through (0,0) and (4,3) =(3-0)/(4-0)=3/4

eq. of line is y-0=3/4(x-0)

y=3/4 x

put x=4




which is true if 2<3


so y<3/4 x





Step-by-step explanation:


m=-1/3, c=7






Both are true

Step-by-step explanation:

Both are true

Use the information angle 8 is congruent to angle 11 to determine which lines are parallel.
A. p || q
B. l || m
C. m || n
D. l || n




Step-by-step explanation:

based on line p and q

Answer: p || q

Or A

Step-by-step explanation:

good luck

The sum of three numbers is 72 the second number is three times the third the third number is eight more than the first what are the numbers



Our three numbers are 8, 48, and 16.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the first, second, and third numbers be x, y, and z, respectively.

The sum of them is 72. In other words:

[tex]x + y + z = 72[/tex]

The second number y is three times the third number z. So:

[tex]y = 3z[/tex]

And the third number z is eight more than the first number x. So:

[tex]z = x + 8[/tex]

To find the numbers, solve for the system. We can substitute the last two equations into the first:

[tex]x + (3z) + ( x + 8) = 72[/tex]

Substitute again:

[tex]\displaystyle x + 3(x+8) + x+8 = 72[/tex]

Solve for x. Distribute:


Combine like term:

[tex]5x + 32 = 72[/tex]


[tex]5x = 40[/tex]

And divide:


Thus, the first number is eight.

And since the third number is eight more than the first, the third number z is 16.

The second number is three times the third. Thus, the second number y is 3(16) or 48.

Our three numbers are 8, 48, and 16.

Find the value of the variable y that results in congruent triangles



y = 5

Step-by-step explanation:



^^i think that is right but I need to show my work and explain


f is a function defined by

{(-3, 1), (-2, 2), (-1, -3), (0, -1), (1, 3), (2, -2), (3, 0)}

so f (1) = 3. Then

h (g (i (j (f (1))))) = h (g (i (j (3))))

j is defined by

{(-3, 0), (-2, 1), (-1, 2), (0, -1), (1, -2), (2, 3), (3, -3)}

so j (3) = -3, and

h (g (i (j (f (1))))) = h (g (i (-3)))

And so on. Next you have i (-3) = 2, then g (2) = 0, and finally, h (0) = 0, so your answer is correct.

Is the function f(x) = 1/8 ^x an exponent function? If so , identify the base , if not why not ?

Yes , the base is 1/e

yes, the base is e

No, there is no base that is a positive real number not equal to 1 raised to a variable exponent.

No, the base is the reciprocal of e, a number smaller than 1.


9514 1404 393


  (a) Yes , the base is 1/e

Step-by-step explanation:

The variable is in the exponent, so this is an exponential function.

The base is the number that has the exponent. The base is (1/e).


Step-by-step explanation:

bvxbvxbvxbvcvbbb cv

- Which of the following is the correct distance between the points (-5, 3) and (7,8)?



13 units

Step-by-step explanation:

(x₁,y₁) = (-5 , 3)   & (x₂ , y₂) = (7 ,8)

[tex]Distance = \sqrt{(x_{2}-x_{1})^{2}+(y_{2}-y_{1})^{2}} \\[/tex]

              [tex]= \sqrt{(7-[-5])^{2}+(8-3)^{2}} \\\\= \sqrt{(7+5)^{2}+(8-3)^{2}} \\\\= \sqrt{(12)^{2}+(5)^{2}}\\\\=\sqrt{144+25}\\\\=\sqrt{169}\\\\= 13[/tex]

evaluate -7x^2 -5 + y^2- forx = -2, y=4



The (y^2 ) or (y^–2) It is not clear, I solved it in both ways (y^2) and (y^-2) .^_^

[tex] - 7 {x }^{2} - 5 + {y}^{2} \\ - 7( { - 2}^{2} ) - 5 + {4}^{2} \\ - 7( - 4) - 5 + 16 \\ 28 - 5 + 16 \\ = 39[/tex]


[tex] - 7 {x }^{2} - 5 + {y}^{ - 2} \\ - 7( { - 2}^{2} ) - 5 + {4}^{ - 2} \\ - 7( - 4) - 5 + \frac{1}{16} \\ 28 - 5 + \frac{1}{16} \\ = 23.06[/tex]

I hope I helped you^_^

If 2 tacos and 5 drinks cost $20, And three tacos and five drinks cost $25 how much does a taco cost


A taco costs $5
This is because there was no difference in the cost except for $5. The only item added was one taco. Drinks cost $2 each.

The cost of each taco for the given problem is $5.

What is a system of linear equations?

A system of linear equations can be defined as a number of equations needed to solve the equations. For n number of variables n number of equations are required.

Given that,

The cost of 2 tacos and 5 drinks cost is $20.

And, the cost of 3 tacos and 5 drinks cost is $25.

Suppose the cost of each taco and drink be x and y respectively.

Then the following equations can be written for the given case,

2x + 5y = 20         (1)

3x + 5y = 25         (2)

Subtract equation (1) from (2) to obtain,

3x + 5y - (2x + 5y) = 25 - 20

=> x = 5

Hence, the cost of a taco is $5.

To know more about linear equation click on,



A line passes through the point (-1, -9) and has a slope of -7.
What would be the equation for this line?



y = -7x - 16

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for the equation of a line is y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. Since we already know the slope, all that is left is the value of b, which can be found by substituting the values of the point (-1, -9) into the equation and solving:




With this, we get the value -16, making the equation y = -7x - 16

Solve the equation for y. Identify the slope and y- intercept. Then graph the equation. 2y-3x=10




The slope is 3/2 and the y-intercept is 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Solving for y will give us the slope and y-intercept

Isolate y



The slope is 3/2 and the y-intercept is 5

Graph it by graphing (0,5) and using the slope (up 3 over 2) to put other points

A rectangular plot has 17 m length and 14 m width. What will be the cost

of fencing at a rate of Rs. 25 per metre?



Step-by-step explanation:

perimeter=2(l+w)=2(17+14)=2(31)=62 m

cost of fencing=62×25=1550 Rs.

Derive the explicit rule for the pattern: 3, 0, - 3, - 6, - 9, ...



Step-by-step explanation:

a1 = 3

d = -3

an = a1 + (n - 1)*d

an = a1 + (n - 1)*-3

Try it

Let n = 5

a5 = 3 + (5 - 1)*-3

a5 = 3 + 4*-3

a5 = 3 - 12

a5 = - 9 which is exactly what it should be.

The interesting one to try is n = 2

a2 = a1 + (2 - 1)*-3

a3 = 3  + 1(-3)

a3 = 3 - 3

a3 =0

Which is exactly what the second term is. It's interesting because you would never guess that 0 is what you get.

Find perimeter of square with its each side a cm.​




Step-by-step explanation:

Each side of the square = 1cm

Perimeter of a square = 4xside

= 4x1 = 4

Answer From Gauth Math

One week Leslie earned a total of $425. of that amount $300 was tips
if she worked a 40-hour week, what was the hourly rate she received?
a. $1.88
b. $3.13
c. $8
d. $10.63



Step-by-step explanation:

$425-$300 = $125

$125/(40 hr) = $3.125/hr ≈ $3.13/hr

find the equation of straight line passes through a point (0 ,- 3 )which makes an angle tan^-1(1/3) with the line 3x- 2Y + 13 =0​



Step-by-step explanation:


y = (7/9)x = 3

9514 1404 393


  y = 11/3x -3

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope of a line is the tangent of the angle it makes with the x-axis. The slope of the given line is 3/2, so the angle it makes with the x-axis is arctan(3/2) ≈ 56.310°. We want a line that makes an angle of arctan(1/3) ≈ 18.435° with the given line, so its slope will be ...

  tan(56.310° +18.435°) = tan(74.745°) = 11/3

The y-intercept of the desired line is given as (0, -3), so the equation of the line we want is ...

  y = 11/3x -3


Additional comment

The desired slope can be found using the formula for the tangent of the sum of angles. However, simply adding the angles on a calculator saves a lot of arithmetic. (Full precision values must be used.)

The line we have found is at the desired angle measured CCW from the point of intersection with the given line. If you allow the line to have that angle measured CW from the point of intersection, then the slope will be 7/9, and the equation will be ...

  y = 7/9x -3

please help me with geometry



How to improve my geometry?

Part 1 of 3: Getting the Grade

Attend every class. Class is a time to learn new things and solidify the information that you may have learned in the previous class.

Draw diagrams. Geometry is the math of shapes and angles. ...

Form a study group. ...

Know how to use a protractor. ...

Do all of the assigned homework. ...

Teach the material. ...

Do lots of practice problems. ...

Seek extra help. ...

Step-by-step explanation:

Drug dosage is frequently based on a patient's weight. For example, 170 milligrams of a certain drug should be administered daily
for every 20 pounds of a patient's weight. Use this information to complete parts

a. What is the daily dosage for a woman who weighs 110 pounds?


Answer: 850.5 milligrams

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]20*5= 850+.5=850.5[/tex]

That will be your answer please give me brainliest if you can!!!

The weight (in pounds) and height (in inches) for a child were measured every few months over a two-year period. The measurements are given in the table.

Using technology, what is the equation for the least-squares regression line?

y= –34.13 1.98x

y = 1.98 – 34.13x

y = 17.37 0.50x

y = 0.50 17.37x

I think it's (C) y = 17.37 0.50x --> 100%



The answer is (C)

17.37 + .50x


Give the domain and range.
x –2 0 2 y –1 0 1
a. domain: {2, 0, 2}, range: {1, 0, 1} b. domain: {–2, 0, 2}, range: {–1, 0, 1} c. domain: {–1, 0, 1}, range: {–2, 0, 2} d. domain: {1, 0, 1}, range: {2, 0, 2}



B. domain {-2, 0, 2}, range {-1, 0, 1}

Step-by-step explanation:

The x values and y values as ordered pairs would be: (-2,-1), (0,0), (2,1)

The domain is the all of the values of x and the range is all the values of y.

calculate the indicated function value


It is 20 my guy ……………….
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