A 1 kg billiard ball collides head on with a 0.1 kg marble that sits at rest on the table. The marble moves at 3 m/s in the same direction the billiard ball was originally moving. The billiard ball continues after the collision at 0.3 m/s. What was the initial speed of the billiard ball?


Answer 1

Let v be the billiard ball's initial speed. The total momentum of the ball-marble system is conserved between the times before and after their collision, so that

(1 kg) v + (0.1 kg) (0 m/s) = (1 kg) (0.3 m/s) + (0.1 kg) (3 m/s)

Solve for v :

v + 0 = 0.3 m/s + 0.3 m/s

v = 0.6 m/s

Related Questions

You observe that you see more mockingbirds in small trees and more hawks in large trees. Which of the following is an appropriate scientific question based on this observation?
How does the size of a tree affect the bird species that prefer to live in it?
How do birds fly?
What type of food do birds eat?
What time of year to birds mate?


Hi! I think the answer is How does the size of a tree defect the bird species that prefer to live in it or option A. I would go with this option because it is the most logical answer. Option B doesn’t really have anything to do with why the two different types are picking different size of trees to live in. Option C. seems like the second most logical answer. Option D. Wouldn’t make the different types of birds pick different trees It shouldn’t matter when they mate if they are staying in the same types of trees. I hope this helped, Goodluck :)


A) How the size of a tree affect the bird species that prefer to live in it


I took the quiz

6. A car moving in a straight line at constant speed:
A. is accelerating.
B. is decelerating.
C. must be on a downhill slope.
D. has no overall force acting on it.



D. has no overall force acting on it.



Because in a straight line at the constant speed means the car moving in the same velocity, which is not acceleration neither deceleration, and it cannot be on a downhill slope. So the correct answer is

→ D. has no overall force acting on it.

Global warming is threatening polar bear habitats and the bears' way of life. If trends continue, predict what will become of the polar bear in the next 10,000 years. Will it adapt or become extinct? Defend your answer.


it will become a stink. It will become extinct because if people keep doing what you’re doing it will get no better.

Bear will become extinct due to global warming.

What is greenhouse gas?

The gases which get easily trapped inside the glasses and increase the temperature of the atmosphere causing the global warming level to increase overall.

Global warming is threatening polar bear habitats and the bears way of life. If global warming continues, predict what will become of the polar bear in the next 10,000 years

Thus, bear will extinct.

Learn more about greenhouse gas.



ASAP!! Please help me out here ​



Option: D



In Option,


There are two same positive ions so they will move away from each other.


There is one negative and positive ion so they will move towards each other.


Again there is one negative and positive ion so they will move towards each other.


Here, there is neutral ions so they will not move and its the correct option.

A block of amber is placed in water and a laser beam travels from the water through the amber. The angle of incidence is 35 degrees while the angle of refraction is 24 degrees. What is the index of refraction of amber?

(index of refraction of water is 1.33)


Answer: 1.88


Applying Snell’s Law, sin(1)/sin(2) = n(2)/n(1), where n is the index of refraction and sin 1 and 2 being of incidence and refracted respectively.

1) sin35/sin24 = n(2)/1.33
2) 1.41 = n(2)/1.33
3) n(2) = 1.41 x 1.33
4) n(2) = 1.88

Hope this helps :)

if A vector = i^-j^+k^ then unit vector in the direction of A vector
plzz answer my question with explanation​


If A = i - j + k, then the magnitude of A is

||A|| = √(1² + (-1)² + 1²) = √3

Then the unit vector in the direction of A is 1/||A|| multiplied by A :

u = A/||A|| = (i - j + k)/√3

(choice D)

What is concave mirror?​



A concave mirror, or converging mirror, has a reflecting surface that is recessed inward (away from the incident light). Concave mirrors reflect light inward to one focal point. They are used to focus light.

Fifty (50) grams of vinegar and (2) grams of baking soda are mixed together. A bubbling reaction takes place. The mixture is weighed again and now weighs 49 grams. How do you explain the missing weight? ​



the gas that escaped from the mixture contained the missing weight




[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto cos\Theta=\dfrac{B}{H}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto cos\Theta=\dfrac{4}{5}[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto tan\Theta=\dfrac{P}{B}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Tan\Theta=\dfrac{3}{4}[/tex]

Key Notes:-

P denotes to Perpendicular.B denotes to Base.H denotes to Hypotenuse.


Cos A = 4/5

Tan A = 3/4


Cos A = Adjacent/Hypotenuse = 4/5

Tan A = Opposite/Adjacent = 3/4

what is efficiency of a machine?


Mechanical efficiency is a measure of how well the machine converts the input work or energy into some useful output. It is calculated by dividing the output work by the input work. The ideal machine has mechanical efficiency equal to unity, while the real machine has mechanical efficiency less than unity


Efficiency of a machine is defined as the ratio of output work to input work in a machine . It is expressed in percentage and denoted by

η ( eta).

Value of g increases with the
(a) increase in mass of the body
(b) increase in altitude
(c) decrease in altitude
(d) none of the above



increase in mass of body

define amplitude & period of the particle performing linear S.H.M​



This type of a behavior is known as oscillation, a periodic movement between two points. ... Amplitude: The distance from the center of motion to either extreme. Period: The amount of time it takes for one complete cycle of motion.


Amplitude (a):- The maximum displacement of particle from its mean position on either side is called amplitude.  

Periodic time:- The time taken by a wave to complete one oscillation is called periodic time.

to all the physicians please help this is for my assignment



Q. 1. Newton's Law of gravitation states that all bodies in the universe exerts a force of attraction on all other bodies in the universe with a proportional force to both the product of the masses of the bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers

Mathematically, we have;

[tex]F = G \times \dfrac{m_1 \times m_2}{R^2}[/tex]


m₁, and m₂ are the masses of the bodies

R = The distance between their centers

G = The gravitational constant = 6.6743 × 10⁻¹¹ N·m²/kg²

The gravitational constant, G, is the Newton's law of gravitation's constant of proportionality between the force of attraction that exist two bodies and the product of their masses divided by the square of the distance between their centers

Q. 2. Newton's law of gravitation in vector form is presented as follows;

[tex]\underset{F_{12}}{\rightarrow} = -G \times \dfrac{m_1 \times m_2}{R_{21}^2} \cdot \hat R_{12}[/tex]

The above equation gives the gravitational force of attraction of body 1 on body 2, with the negative sign and unit vector indicating that the force of of gravity is towards body 1

The force of gravity of body 2 on 1 is presented as follows;

[tex]\underset{F_{12}}{\rightarrow} = -G \times \dfrac{m_1 \times m_2}{R_{12}^2} \cdot \hat R_{21}[/tex]

The gravitational force of attraction of body 2 on body 1 is therefore, equal in magnitude and opposite in direction of the gravitational force of body 1 on body 2 (towards body 2)

[tex]-\underset{F_{12}}{\rightarrow} = G \times \dfrac{m_1 \times m_2}{R_{21}^2} \cdot \hat R_{12} = G \times \dfrac{m_1 \times m_2}{R_{21}^2} \cdot -(\hat R_{21}) = -G \times \dfrac{m_1 \times m_2}{R_{21}^2} \cdot \hat R_{21}[/tex]

[tex]-\underset{F_{12}}{\rightarrow} = -G \times \dfrac{m_1 \times m_2}{R_{21}^2} \cdot \hat R_{21} = \underset{F_{21}}{\rightarrow}[/tex]

[tex]-\underset{F_{12}}{\rightarrow} = \underset{F_{21}}{\rightarrow}[/tex]


15millas a km alguien pliss para ahorita porfa lo sigo



X = 24.135 kilometres


Given the following data;

Distance = 15 miles

To convert the value in miles to kilometers;


1 mile = 1.609 kilometres

15 miles = X kilometres

Cross-multiplying, we have;

X = 1.609 * 15

X = 24.135 kilometres

Why are road accidents at high speeds very much worse than road accidents at low speeds?



The momentum makes it worse.


The momentum of vehicles running at faster speeds is very high and causes a lot of damage to the vehicles.

Vehicles with high speeds have high momenta (plural of momentum). When they come to rest in very small time they experience high forces
we know that rate of change of momentum is force, lower the time higher is force. So, slow moving vehicles experience less force. It is important to note that if any one vehicle involving has high speed it can do more damage both the vehicles involving.

can anyone help me to explain theory of relativity??? ​



The theory of relativity usually encompasses two interrelated theories by Albert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity, proposed and published in 1905 and 1915, respectively. Special relativity applies to all physical phenomena in the absence of gravity. General relativity explains the law of gravitation and its relation to other forces of nature.It applies to the cosmological and astrophysical realm, including astronomy.

The theory transformed theoretical physics and astronomy during the 20th century, superseding a 200-year-old theory of mechanics created primarily by Isaac Newton. It introduced concepts including spacetime as a unified entity of space and time, relativity of simultaneity, kinematic and gravitational time dilation, and length contraction. In the field of physics, relativity improved the science of elementary particles and their fundamental interactions, along with ushering in the nuclear age. With relativity, cosmology and astrophysics predicted extraordinary astronomical phenomena such as neutron stars, black holes, and gravitational waves

can uh help in in this question step by step​


Initial velocity=u=72km/h

Convert to m/s

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 72\times \dfrac{5}{18}=5(4)=20m/s[/tex]

Final velocity=v=0m/sTime=2s=t

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto Acceleration=\dfrac{v-u}{t}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto Acceleration=\dfrac{0-20}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto Acceleration=\dfrac{-20}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto Acceleration=a=-10m/s^2[/tex]

Distance be s

Using second equation of kinematics

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto s=ut+\dfrac{1}{2}at^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto s=20(2)+\dfrac{1}{2}(-10)(2)^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto s=40+(-20)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto s=40-20[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto s=20m[/tex]



Using newtons second law

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto Force=ma[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto Force=5000(-10)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto Force=-50000N[/tex]

Force is in opposite direction so its negative

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto Force=50kN[/tex]

Answer . The acceleration of the truck is 10m/[tex]s^{2}[/tex], and the distance covered is 40 m. Have attached the picture for solution.

Hope that helps.

this is physics practical



well done buddy


Draw a wave that has a wavelength of 3 cm and an amplitude of 1 cm. Label the wavelength, the amplitude, the rest position, and the crest and trough of your wave.



Please find attached, the required wave drawn with MS Excel


Functions that represent waves is given as follows

A general form of the wave equation is A·sin(B·x) + D


B = 2·π/T

T = The period of the wave = 1/f

D = The vertical shift of the wave = 0

A = The amplitude of the wave = 1 for sine wave

v = The wave velocity

λ = The wavelength of the wave

f = The frequency of the wave

v = f·λ

At constant v, λ ∝ 1/f  

∴ λ ∝ T

Where T = 3, we have;

B = 2·π/T

∴ B = 2·π/3

Therefore, we have the wave with an amplitude of 1 cm, and wavelength, 3 cm, given as follows

y = sin((2·π/3)·x)

Plotting the above wave with MS Excel, we can get the attached wave

What is the connection of H ions at a ph=2?




High concentrations of hydrogen ions yield a low pH (acidic substances), whereas low levels of hydrogen ions result in a high pH (basic substances). The overall concentration of hydrogen ions is inversely related to its pH and can be measured on the pH scale

sl unit of upthrust and SI unit of pressure​



The SI unit of upthrust is Newton(N).

The SI unit of preesure is Pascal(P).

Thank You

Reference frame definitely changes when also changes


Reference frame definitely changes when the body is changing. That is the reason that in order to describe the position of a point that moves relative to a body that is moving relative to the Earth, it is usually convenient to use a reference frame attached to the moving body.

Using your Periodic Table, which of the elements below is most likely to be a solid at room temperature?
A.) potassium, B.) Hydrogen, C.) Neon, D.) Chlorine


The answer is definitely Potassium

12 x cos 50 = ?

Does anyone have the answer ? I forgot my my calculator.


12 x cos 50 = 7.713451316...

the answer is 7.713451316

5. a. Answer the following questions. What is density? Write a formula by showing the relation among density mass and volume.​



Density is how compact something is. The relationship is M/V=D (Mass divided by Volume equals Density).



Density is the degree of compactness of a substance.


"a reduction in bone density"


The formula for density is d = M/V, where d is density, M is mass, and V is volume.

The mass of objects is 4kg and it has a density of 5gcm^-3. what is the volume ​





the object if heavy

A 250–g piece of gold is at 19 °C. 5.192 kJ of energy is added to it by heat. The specific heat of gold is 129 J/(kg·°C). Calculate its final temperature.

We heat a 25–g sample of metal from 10 °C to 100 °C. 1.082 kJ of energy is added to it by heat. Calculate
the specific heat of the metal.



A. DT is given by Q= MCs DT

m = mass of the substances

Cs= is it's specific heat capacity

Ck= Q

Mk ×DTk

=250 × 9 × 5


=Dt = 180.1085271

answer is 180degree C.


B. = 25×10 ×100




= 23105.360 g/kj.

The final temperature is 180 degree. and the specific heat of the metal is 23105.360 g/kj.

How to calculate the specific heat?

Q = m . C . ΔT

Q = heat; m = mass; C is the specific heat and

ΔT = Final T° - Initial T°

Q = C lat . m

Q = Heat

m = mass

C lar = Latent heat of fusion

A) DT is given by Q= M Cs DT

where, m = mass of the substances

Cs= is it's specific heat capacity

Ck= Q

Mk × DTk

=250 × 9 × 5

129 =Dt = 180.1085271

Thus, the final temperature is 180 degree.

B) We heat a 25–g sample of metal from 10 °C to 100 °C. 1.082 kJ of energy is added to it by heat = 25×10 ×100



Q = 23105.360 g/kj

Hence, the specific heat of the metal is 23105.360 g/kj.

Learn more about heat here;



Many people believe that if the human race continues to use energy as we are now, without change, we'll witness a significant worldwide environmental impact in this century. Research this topic and discuss this possibility. Include concrete examples of specific environmental consequences of global warming.



It is correct to say that if the human race continues to use energy as it is now, without change, we will witness negative environmental impacts around the world in this century.

As a concrete example, we can cite the means of transport that use fossil fuels, such as cars and buses, which release polluting gases into the atmospheric layer and cause the greenhouse effect, contributing to global warming.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to raise the awareness of individuals, so that there is more and more interest and search for environmentally responsible solutions, such as the large-scale production of electric cars, which do not pollute the environment.

round off 20.96 to 3 significant figures. a.20.9 b.20 c.21.0 d.21​



option c. 21.0


It was given that to find 3 significant figures. So the answer is 21.0

10. Match the following varibles to their relationship in Newton's 2nd Law. Questions 1. Force and Acceleration 2. Mass and Acceleration 3. Speed and Distance Answer Choices A. Direct Relationship B. Inverse Relationship C. Not in Newton's 2nd Law​



based on the above information



3. C

Other Questions
Pecan Theatre Inc. owns and operates movie theaters throughout Florida and Georgia. Pecan Theatre has declared the following annual dividends over a six-year period: 20Y1, $80,000; 20Y2, $90,000; 20Y3, $150,000; 20Y4, $150,000; 20Y5, $160,000; and 20Y6, $180,000. During the entire period ended December 31 of each year, the outstanding stock of the company was composed of 250,000 shares of cumulative, preferred 2% stock, $20 par, and 500,000 shares of common stock, $15 par. Assuming a market price per share of $25.00 for the preferred stock and $17.50 for the common stock, determine the average annual percentage return on initial shareholders' investment, based on the average annual dividend per share (a) for preferred stock and (b) for common stock. what is the perfect square of 96 Why is the Harlem renaissance so important to black political culture Climate and topography are the main reasons behind differences of life style from south to north in Nepal. Justify the statement with examples. Find the nth term of 4,8,14,22 If x is an integer, what is the least possible value for x that satisfies the inequality?-5x - 12 < 33A. -10B. -9C. -8D. 9E. 10 I let go of a piece of bread from a balcony. A bird flying 5.0 m overhead sees me drop it, and starts to dive straight down towards the bread the instant that I release it. She catches it after it falls 3.0 m. Assuming she accelerates constantly from rest (v0 = 0) at the time I let go of the bread, what is her acceleration? Show your work 0:00 / 1:123According to the manager, it is forbidden toexit the storeO to forget what's in one of the store's aislesO drink coffee in the storeO refuse a promotion If x/y + y/x =2, Then 4x-4y-4 = ? ( Please show with full process and don't spam ) Write the phrase as a variable expression. Use x to represent "a number."5) The quotient of a number and 9, decreased by 4 Lc 7g bn an i t nh n trng vi tc trung bnh l 20km/h . Bn n trng lc 7g20. Tnh khong cch t nh ti trng? If two functions, f(x) and g(x), are inverse of each other, then the:(select all that apply)- range of f(x) is the same as the domain of g(x)-domain of f(x) is the same as the domain of g(x)-domain of f(x) is the same as the range of g(x)- range of f(x) is the same as the range of g(x) How are human affiliative and aggressive behaviors different from what is seen in nonhuman primates? Provide specific examples. Directions: Read the following selection, and answer the question that follows.Blue-Screen TechnologyThe camera rolls as an actor stands in front of a blue screen. The actor stands alone, saying his lines. However, when you see the actual movie, he is talking to a formidable seven-foot-tall monster in a creepy dark forest. A process called blue-screen technology is used to insert images into a background. Today, moviemakers use this process to combine digitally created, or computer-generated, characters with real people on the screen. Here's how it works:The scene calls for a real character to interact with a seven-foot-tall digitally created monster. First, the real character's part must be filmed. He may rehearse with another actor who plays the part of the monster. During the rehearsal, the "monster" might wear a tall hat to represent the stature of the monster. The real actor practices looking at the top of the hat during the scene so that it seems that he is looking up at a very tall creature. The actor gets used to where the monster stands and moves. The monster's movements are marked on the floor so that the actor doesn't walk on top of the monster during the scene. Then it is time for the scene to be shot. The actor stands alone in front of a blue screen and delivers his lines as if the monster were there. Eventually, the blue background is deleted, using a computer, and images of the digital monster and background are then transferred to the film.Which of the following is a reasonable conclusion to draw from the reading?a.Scenes with seven-foot-tall monsters are easy to add with blue-screen technology.b.Movies are more fun to watch because of blue-screen technology.c.Adding special effects to movies using blue-screen technology isn't worth the effort.d.As a result of blue-screen technology, adding special effects to movies is easier and faster. What is the molecule shown below? A. Pentane B. TrimethylethaneC. 2,2-dimethylpropane D. 3-dipropaneQ2 I need help ASAP!!! Please explain how to solve the problem I am stuck with. The biggest difference between Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation and Rowlandson's The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson is _____. In the economy of Nocoin bank deposits are $ billion. 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