A train travels 600 kilometers in 1 hour. What is the train's velocity in meters/second?


Answer 1

here's the answer to your question

Related Questions

1. Determine the magnitude of two equal but opposite charges if they attract one another with a force of 0.7N when at distance of 0.3m apart in a vacuum.​



q = 2.65 10⁻⁶ C


For this exercise we use Coulomb's law

        F =[tex]k \frac{q_1q_2}{r^2}[/tex]

In this case they indicate that the load is of equal magnitude

       q₁ = q₂ = q

the force is attractive because the signs of the charges are opposite

       F = [tex]k \ \frac{q^2}{r^2}[/tex]

       q = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{F \ r^2}{k} }[/tex]

we calculate

        q = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{0.7 \ 0.3^2 }{9 \ 10^9} }[/tex]

        q = [tex]\sqrt{7 \ 10^{-12} }[/tex]Ra 7 10-12

        q = 2.65 10⁻⁶ C

Magnetic force between the north poles of two magnets is​


Magnetic force between the north poles of two magnets is REPULSIVE

Answer:Repulsion or attraction

Explanation:The angle between the compass needle   and geographic north is called the MAGNETIC DECLINATION.(see earth:the magnetic field of the earth ). The repulsion or attraction between two magnetic dipoles can be viewed as the interaction of one dipole with the magnetic field produced by other dipole.

In a given chemical reaction the energy of the products is less than the energy of the reactants which statement is true for this chemical reaction


Group of answer choices.

A. Energy is absorbed in the reaction.

B. Energy is released in the reaction.

C. There is no transfer of energy in the reaction.

D. Energy is lost in the reaction.


B. Energy is released in the reaction.


A chemical reaction can be defined as a chemical process which typically involves the transformation or rearrangement of the atomic, ionic or molecular structure of an element through the breakdown and formation of chemical bonds to produce a new compound or substance.

Basically, there are two (2) main types of chemical reaction and these include;

I. Endothermic reaction: it's a chemical reaction in which heat is absorbed

II. Exothermic reaction: it's a chemical reaction in which heat is liberated into the environment.

In Chemistry, all chemical equation must follow or be in accordance with the Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed by either a physical transformation or a chemical reaction but transformed from one form to another in an isolated (closed) system.

Generally, energy is released in a chemical reaction when the energy of the products is less than the energy of the reactants and it is referred to as an exothermic reaction.

However, when the energy of the products is greater than the energy of the reactants, energy is absorbed and it is referred to as an endothermic reaction.

Your new motorcycle weighs 2450 N.
What is
its mass in kilograms?

i understand the answer is 250kg because mass times gravity thing but why isn’t the answer negative cause gravity pulls down so wouldn’t be Negative answer not a positive answer

i was taught FW is always negative why isn’t it negative here




The negative only matters reallly if you are dealing with a 2d system. I could even define down as positive and up as negative. However, usually you are taught that down is negative. It really doesn't matter because a force is a force. It is only given a direction relative to another force or vector direction.

What is physical measurement? in Science​



physical measurement comprises the measurement of objects, things, etc. and is concerned with the measurement of height, weight, length, size, volume etc.

I have possess'd your grace of what I purpose:And by our holy Sabbath have I swornTo have the due and forfeit of my bond.If you deny it, let the danger lightUpon your charter and your city's freedom !You'll ask me, why I rather choose to haveA weight of carrion flesh than to receiveThree thousand ducats : I'll not answer that:But, say, it is my humour(1) Whom are these lines addressed to? What is the context in which theselines are spoken?(ii) What has Shylock sworn on oath ?​



1. These lines are addressed to Duke.

2. These lines show that Shylock is not willing to forgive the debt a merchant owes him, nor is he willing to justify why he demands that debt be paid, even if it seems cruel.

3. He swore by the Holy Sabbath, which is a holy day for him, who is a Jew. He swore he would get the debt money or a piece of the debtor's flesh.


The lines shown in the question above refer to "The Merchant of Venice" written by Shakespeare. In this story we are introduced to Antonio, a commercial who is very prejudiced against Jews, but when he needs money, he borrows from another merchant, Shylock, who is Jewish. Shylock agrees to lend money to Antonio, but determines the date that this money must be returned, in addition, Shylock states that he will lend the money if Antonio agrees that if this money is not paid by the specified date, Antonio will have to pay with half a kilo of flesh from his own body. Antonio agrees, but doesn't pay the money so Shylock goes after the flesh of Antonio's body and Duke tries to intervene because he thinks this is too cruel. At this point, Shylock speaks the lines shown in the question above, showing that he is not willing to change his mind.

health ,population and environment education is for the enrichment of quality of life,justify the statement​



hey !! here is a short and sweet answer to your question

=quality of life is directly determined by health ,education ,and life expectacy

=health Is a type of thing that gives employment to the person working in firm

hope u understand


My second question for today :
Why do we ever have a blood moon?? What's the science behind it​



vhijko and eye rudiieidjdjddjjd


jdjdjdjdjfjofkd ruudoeksowkosksd and nkdeondjvndkxnfuvjfk

If a lawn mower is pushed with a distance of 30 meters and 12N-m of work is exerted, calculate the force.




W = FΔx so filling in:

12 = F(30) so

F = .4N

Impulse can be defined as

The frequency at which something occurs

The change in velocity

The change in momentum from an force within the system

The change in momentum from a force outside of the system



The change in momentum from an force within the system.

I think its D. The change in momentum from a force outside of the system

If Cl− is the only anion in the solution, what is the Cl− concentration in milliequivalents per liter?



155mEq/L Cl-


A Ringer’s solution contains the following concentrations of cations: 146 mEq/L of Na+, 5 mEq/L of K+, and 4 mEq/L of Ca2+.

As Cl- is the only counterion of those cations:

For Na, the molecule is NaCl and the mEq/L of Cl- = mEq of Na+. The Cl- of the first ion is 146mEq/L Cl-

For K+, The molecule is KCl, mEq Cl- = 5mEq/L Cl-

And, for Ca2+, The molecule is CaCl2 but the equivalents of Ca2+ = Equivalents of Cl- = 4mEq/L Cl-

The total concentration of Cl- are:

146 + 5 + 4 =

155mEq/L Cl-

Can the magnitude of a vector ever (a) be equal to one of its components, or (b) be less than one of its components? 9. Can a particle with constant speed be accelerating? What if it has constant velocity? ​



a) the other components are zero, in the direction of one of the coordinate axes

b) the magnitude is less than the value of one of its components, it must occur when the vector is in some arbitrary direction

9) constant velocity the acceleration must necessarily be zero,

constant speed  can be accelerated since it may be changing the direction of the velocity vector


Vectors are quantities that have modulo (scalar) direction and sense.

a)  If in a vector its magnitude is equal to one d its components implies that the other components are zero, therefore the vector must be in the direction of one of the coordinate axes

b) if the magnitude is less than the value of one of its components, it must occur when the vector is in some arbitrary direction, other than the direction of the axes, that is

          R² = x² + y²

where R is the magnitude of the vector e x, and are the components

9) When a particle has a constant velocity, the acceleration must necessarily be zero,

         v = vo + a t

The bold letters indicate vectors If a = 0 implies that v = vo

If a particle has constant speed it can be accelerated since it may be changing the direction of the velocity vector, this type of acceleration has the name of centripetal acceleration

If we go on the top of the Mountain we will our weight increase or decrease?​







our weight would decrease.


because of you burning all those calories and fat from hiking up the mountain.

Does anyone know the answer ? I forgot my calculator.

12 x sin50


12 × sin50 = 9.192533317........

Raquel establece que la rapidez del sonido en el aire en un día es de 346 m/s . Días después hace la misma medición obteniendo una rapidez de 340 m/ s . ¿Cuál será la temperatura del aire en cada día?



La ecuación para la velodiad del sonido en aire esta dada por:

[tex]v = \sqrt{ \frac{\gamma*R*T}{M} }[/tex]

Resolviendo esto para T, obtenemos:

[tex]T = v^2*(\frac{M}{\gamma*R} )[/tex]


T = temperatura del aire en grados Kelvin

γ = constante adiabatica = 1.4

R = constante del gas ideal =

M = masa molar del aire = 29*10^(-3) kg/mol

Si sabemos que el primer día la velocidad es 346 m/s, tenemos:

v = 346 m/s

Ahora podemos reemplazar todos esos valores en la ecuación para T, y asi obtener:

[tex]T = (346m/s)^2*(\frac{29*10^{-3}kg/mol}{1.4* 8.31 J/mol*K} ) = 298.42 K[/tex]

Para el segundo día la velocidad es 340 m/s, entonces ese día la temperatura va a ser:

[tex]T = (340m/s)^2*(\frac{29*10^{-3}kg/mol}{1.4* 8.31 J/mol*K} ) = 288.16 K[/tex]

List out the fundamental and derived units​


Derived Units Table: The Table Shows the List of Derived Units
Quantity Formula SI Derived Unit
Force Mass x Acceleration
Work Energy Force x Displacement Power/Time Kg. m.s-2
Pressure, Stress Force/Area Kg.m-1.s-2
Current density J = I/A A.m-2

can u guys help me with this question.

State one example of the cause of a short circuit. Explain your answer​



the positive and negative terminals of a battery are connected with a low resistance conductor.

The moon is 250,000 miles away. How many feet is it from Earth? (dimensional analysis)



1.261 billion

Explanation:The distance between the earth and the moon in miles is 250,000,so in feet,The distance is 1.261 billion

57. A red ball (m= 10 kg) is moving at 3 m/s. A green ball (m = 8 kg) is moving at 3.5 m/s. Which ball has more
energy and by how much (2)



the green ball has 4J more energy


The kinetic energy is given by the formula

K = 0.5 m v^2

the kinetic energy of the red ball:

K(red) = 0.5*10*3^2= 45J

of the green ball:

K(green)=0.5*8*3.5^2 = 49J

therefore the green ball has more energy by 4 Joules

Which statement should he place in the region marked X?



The answer is Electrons move between objects.

Which of the following describes a sound wave?
A. Longitudinal wave that does not require a medium
B. Longitudinal wave that requires a medium
C. Transverse wave that does not require a medium
D. Transverse wave that requires a medium


The correct answer is B, sound waves are longitudinal with a medium

Chỉ ra kết luận đúng trong các kết luận sau:

Chỉ có các hạt mang điện tích dương chuyển động có hướng mới tạo ra dòng điện.

Chỉ có các hạt mang điện tích âm chuyển động có hướng mới tạo ra dòng điện.

Khi nguyên tử chuyển động có hướng thì xuất hiện dòng điện.

Các dụng cụ điện sẽ hoạt động khi có dòng điện chạy qua.


it should be c! hope this helps

An unbalanced 6.0-newton force acts eastward on an object for 3.0 seconds. The impulse
produced by the force is
18 N:s east
2 Nós east
18 N:s west
2 Nis west


c. 18 N:s West ksmxmak kxkammxj kan

In a democracy how is rule of law regarded



It is respected as leaders are accountable to the people. The rule of law within a democratic country will dictate what actions is considered wrong and punishable to do in that country. This will prevent people from harming and violating each other to get what they want and form a stable and safe society

a uniform meter ruler is balanced at its midpoint



a) i) x = 0.25 m, ii) x = 0.10 m, iii)  x = 0.050 m

b) i)  x = 0.40 m


a) For this exercise we use the rotational equilibrium equation, where we assume that the anticlockwise rotations are positive.

1) L = 2W  

we set our reference system in the center of the bar where the fulcrum is

              ∑τ = 0

              W 0.50 - L x = 0

              x = 0.50 W / L

we substitute the value

              x = 0.50 W / 2W

              x = 0.25 m

ii) L = 5W

we calculate

              x = 0.50 W / 5W

              x = 0.10 m

iii) L = 10 W

               x = 0.50 W / 10W

              x = 0.050 m

b) a new weight is placed at x₂ = 30 cm on the left side

              W 0.50 + W 0.30 - L x = 0

              x = (0.50 + 0.30) W / L

              x = 0.80 W / L

we calculate

i)  L = 2W

                x = 0.80 w / 2w

                x = 0.40 m

2 What are(i) free fall , (ii) acceleration due to gravity, (iii) escape velocity , (iv) centripetal force?​




1. Free fall implies an object falling under the gravitational influence only. During the flight, no other force acts on it except the gravitational pull.

2. Acceleration due to gravity is the earth's natural force of pull on all objects on its surface, close to its surface, or in the region where the force can be felt. This force pulls object to the surface of the earth.

3. Escape velocity is the required minimum velocity for an object to leave the gravitational influence of the earth. It has a constant value which can be determined by;

Escape velocity = [tex]\sqrt{2gR}[/tex]

where g is the gravitation force of the earth and R is the radius of the earth.

4. Centripetal force is the force of pull that is required to keep a rotation object in its curved path.

Compared with dim light, what do light waves that look bright tend to have the subject just says science but the picker doesn't have that



The brightness of a light depends on the amplitude of the light wave, which is the extent the waves moves from their equilibrium position. The brightness is also related to the amount of light that is emitted or reflected by an object

Therefore, compared to dim light, light that look bright have a higher amplitude and emit or reflect more light energy (photons)


An egg is dropped onto a wood floor and breaks. When a different egg (same mass) is dropped the same distance onto a foam pad on the wood floor, it does not break. Why (in terms of physics) does this happen?
A. The pad extends the time so the impulse changes.
B. An egg requires a harder surface so it won’t break.
C. The pad pulls the egg to the floor.
D. Wood is harder than the pad.





The pad extends the time so the impulse changes.


A. The pad extends the time so the impulse changes


in term of physics it has same mass:)

49. A block is pushed across a horizontal surface with a
coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.15 by applying a
150 N horizontal force.
(a) The block accelerates at the rate of 2.53 m/s2
Find the mass of the block.

(b) The block slides across a new surface while
experiencing the same applied force as before.
The block now moves with a constant speed.
What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between
the block and the new surface?



(a) 37.5 kg

(b) 4


Force, F = 150 N

kinetic friction coefficient = 0.15

(a) acceleration, a = 2.53 m/s^2

According to the newton's second law

Net force = mass x acceleration

F - friction force = m a

150 - 0.15 x m g = m a

150 = m (2.53 + 0.15 x 9.8)

m = 37.5 kg

(b) As the block moves with the constant speed so the applied force becomes the friction force.

[tex]F = \mu m g \\\\150 = \mu\times 37.5\\\\\mu = 4[/tex]

The summer camps had a field trip from the campus to Fragrance Hill. They traveled at an average speed of 65 km/h in the first 2 hours. After that, traveled at another average speed of 78 km/h. If the distance between the campus and Fragrance Hill is 364 km, what was the total time for the field trip?




They traveled this distance in 2 parts, essentially. Part 1 had an average speed for a certain number of hours, part 2 had an average speed for a certain number of hours, and those 2 parts taken together took them a distance of 364 km. In equation form, that looks like this:

km/hr part 1 + km/hr part 2 = 364 km

Now we need to find each part on the left side of that equation. Part 1 first:

We traveled 65 km/hr for 2 hours, so that took us

[tex]65\frac{km}{hr}*2hr[/tex] and canceling out the hour label, we have that in part 1 we got

65(2) = 130 km. Good. Now onto the second part, where our unknown is.

We traveled 78 km/hr the second part for x hours, so that took us

[tex]78\frac{km}{hr}*xhr[/tex] and canceling out the hour label, we have that in part 2 we got

78x km. Now we can fill in the main equation (the one in bold print)

130 km + 78x km = 364 km and subtracting 130 km from both sides:

78x km = 234 km and dividing by 78 km:

x = 3 hours. Part 2 took 3 hours. Part 1 took 2 hours, so the whole trip took 5 hours.

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