According to Newton's law of universal gravitation, the force F between two bodies of constant mass m and M is given by the formula F = G m M d 2 , where G is the gravitational constant and d is the distance between the bodies. a. Suppose that are constants. Find the rate of change of force F with respect to distance d .


Answer 1


One can write F = K d^-2  where K = G M m

So dF/dd = -2 K d^-3 =   -2 K / d^3    (As d increases F decreases - it is opposite to the direction of F)

Related Questions

A cube, whose edges are aligned with the , and axes, has a side length . The field is immersed in an electric field aligned with the axis. On the left and right faces, the field has a strength and , respectively. The field along the front and back faces has strengths and . The field at the bottom and top faces has strengths and , respectively. What is the total charge enclosed by the cube


Complete Question

Complete Question is attached below




From the question we are told that:

Side length s=1.13m

Left field strength [tex]E_l=784.75N/m[/tex]

Right field strength [tex]E_r=776.38 N/m[/tex]

Front field strength [tex]E_f=725.5 N/m[/tex]

Back field strength [tex]E_b=749.54 N/m[/tex]

Top field strength [tex]E_t=944.95 N/m[/tex]

Bottom field strength [tex]E_{bo}=1082.58 N/m[/tex]

Generally, the equation for  Charge flux is mathematically given by



Theta for Right,Left,Front and Back are at an angle 90

[tex]cos 90=0[/tex]


[tex]\phi =0[/tex] with respect to Right,Left,Front and Back

Generally, the equation for  Charge Flux is mathematically also given by



[tex]Area =L*B\\\\A=1.13*1.13\\\\A=1.2769m^2[/tex]


[tex]Q_{net}=E_{bo}Acos\theta_{bo} +E_tAcos\theta_t[/tex]

[tex]Q_{net}=1082.85*1.2769*cos0=944.95*1.2769cos (180)[/tex]

[tex]Q_{net}=176N/C m^2[/tex]



[tex]q=176N/C m^2*1.558*10^{-12}c[/tex]


Power selection feature for resistors to become water modules 10 liters of water at 25°C to đến
95oC for 20 minutes.



P = 2439.5 W = 2.439 KW


First, we will find the mass of the water:

Mass = (Density)(Volume)

Mass = m = (1 kg/L)(10 L)

m = 10 kg

Now, we will find the energy required to heat the water between given temperature limits:

E = mCΔT


E = energy = ?

C = specific heat capacity of water = 4182 J/kg.°C

ΔT = change in temperature = 95°C - 25°C = 70°C


E = (10 kg)(4182 J/kg.°C)(70°C)

E = 2.927 x 10⁶ J

Now, the power required will be:

[tex]Power = P = \frac{E}{t}[/tex]


t = time = (20 min)(60 s/1 min) = 1200 s


[tex]P = \frac{2.927\ x\ 10^6\ J}{1200\ s}[/tex]

P = 2439.5 W = 2.439 KW

A 1.5m long string weighs 0.0020 kg. It is tensioned to 100N. A disturbance travels along it with a wavelength of 1.5m, find:a) the propagation velocity of the wave



the propagation velocity of the wave is 274.2 m/s



length of the string, L = 1.5 m

mass of the string, m = 0.002 kg

Tension of the string, T = 100 N

wavelength, λ = 1.5 m

The propagation velocity of the wave is calculated as;

[tex]v = \sqrt{\frac{T}{\mu} } \\\\\mu \ is \ mass \ per \ unit \ length \ of \ the \ string\\\\\mu = \frac{0.002 \ kg}{1.5 \ m} = 0.00133 \ kg/m\\\\v = \sqrt{\frac{100}{0.00133} } \\\\v = 274.2 \ m/s[/tex]

Therefore, the propagation velocity of the wave is 274.2 m/s

Question 15
Calculate the velocity of a body if its total energy is three times its rest energy
OA 0.54c
OB. 0.760
A Moving to another question will save this response.
Type here to search



The initial height of the water in a sealed container of diameter 100.0 cm is 5.00 m. The air pressure inside the container is 0.850 ATM. A faucet with an opening 1.0 inch diameter is located at the bottom of the container.

a. What is the net force on the side of the container?
b. How long does it take and how much the water level will drop till water no longer comes out of the faucet?



a)  F = 2.66 10⁴ N, b)   h = 1.55 m


For this fluid exercise we use that the pressure at the tap point is


          P₂ = P₀ = 1.01 105 Pa


         P₁ = P₀ + ρ g h

the liquid is water with a density of ρ=1000 km / m³

         P₁ = 0.85   1.01 10⁵ + 1000   9.8  5

         P₁ = 85850 + 49000

         P₁ = 1.3485 10⁵ Pa

the net force is

         ΔP = P₁- P₂

         Δp = 1.3485 10⁵ - 1.01 10⁵

         ΔP = 3.385 10⁴ Pa

Let's use the definition of pressure

         P = Fe / A

         F = P A

the area of ​​a circle is

         A = pi r² = [i d ^ 2/4

let's reduce the units to the SI system

         d = 100 cm (1 m / 100 cm) = 1 m

         F = 3.385 104 pi / 4 (1) ²

         F = 2.66 10⁴ N

b) the height for which the pressures are in equilibrium is

        P₁ = P₂

        0.85 P₀ + ρ g h = P₀

        h = [tex]\frac{P_o ( 1-0.850)}{\rho \ g}[/tex]

        h = [tex]\frac{1.01 \ 10^5 ( 1 -0.85)}{1000 \ 9.8}[/tex]

        h = 1.55 m

To get maximum current in a circuit, the resistance should be in _____



no parallel is the correct answer

The reason why a teacher is more important then a farmer



A teacher is more important than a famer.


A teacher is more important than a famer because the knowledge of farming is gotten through the teacher. Thus, without a teacher; whether formal or informal, there cannot be farming, let alone farmers.

Work-Energy Theorem & Power
A 0.5 kg mass sitting on smooth ice is accelerated from rest by a force until is
acquires a speed of 8 m/s. The force acts while the mass moves through a
displacement of 2 m.
A. Calculate the kinetic energy of the mass after the force acts.
B. Calculate the work done by the force.
C. Calculate the magnitude of the force that accelerated the mass.



A. 16 J

B. 16 J

C. 8 N


A. Determination of the kinetic energy.

Mass (m) = 0.5 Kg

Velocity (v) =. 8 m/s

Kinetic energy (KE) =?

KE = ½mv²

KE = ½ × 0.5 × 8²

KE = ½ × 0.5 × 64

KE = 0.5 × 32

KE = 16 J

B. Determination of the Workdone by the force.

Kinetic energy (KE) = 16 J

Workdone =.?

Workdone and kinetic energy has the same unit of measurement. Thus,

Workdone = kinetic energy

Workdone = 16 J

C. Determination of the force.

Workdone (Wd) = 16 J

Displacement (s) = 2 m

Force (F) =?

Wd = F × s

16 = F × 2

Divide both side by 2

F = 16 / 2

F = 8 N

An initially motionless test car is accelerated uniformly to 105 km/h in 8.43 s before striking a simulated deer. The car is in contact with the faux fawn for 0.635 s, after which the car is measured to be traveling at 60.0 km/h. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car before the collision?
acceleration before collision:
What is the magnitude of the average acceleration of the car during the collision?
average acceleration during collision:
What is the magnitude of the average acceleration of the car during the entire test, from when the car first begins moving until the collision is over?


105 km/h ≈ 29.2 m/s

60.0 km/h ≈ 16.7 m/s

Before the collision the test car has an acceleration a of

a = (29.2 m/s - 0) / (8.43 s) ≈ 3.46 m/s²

During the collision, the car is slowed to about 16.7 m/s, so that its (average) acceleration is

a = (16.7 m/s - 29.2 m/s) / (0.635 s) ≈ -19.7 m/s²

i.e. with magnitude about 19.7 m/s².

Overall, the car has an average acceleration of

a = (16.7 m/s - 0) / (8.43 s + 0.635 s) ≈ 1.84 m/s²

A measurement was made of the magnetic field due to a tornado, and the result was 13.00 nT to the north. The measurement was made at a position 8.90 km west of the tornado. What was the magnitude (in A) and direction of the current in the funnel of the tornado? Assume the vortex was a long, straight wire carrying a current.





The blades of a fan running at low speed turn at 26.2 rad/s. When the fan is switched to high speed, the rotation rate increases uniformly to 36.5 rad/s in 5.75 seconds. What is the magnitude of the fan's angular acceleration


Answer: [tex]1.79\ rad/s^2[/tex]



Initial angular speed is [tex]\omega_1=26.2\ rad/s[/tex]

Final angular speed is [tex]\omega_2=36.5\ rad/s[/tex]

Time period [tex]t=5.75\ s[/tex]

Magnitude of the fan's acceleration is given by

[tex]\Rightarrow \alpha=\dfrac{\omega_2-\omega_1}{t}[/tex]

Insert the values

[tex]\Rightarrow \alpha=\dfrac{36.5-26.2}{5.75}\\\\\Rightarrow \alpha=\dfrac{10.3}{5.75}\\\\\Rightarrow \alpha=1.79\ rad/s^2[/tex]

Thus, fan angular acceleration is [tex]1.79\ rad/s^2[/tex]


The angular acceleration is given by 1.8 rad/s^2.


initial angular speed, wo = 26.2 rad/s

final angular velocity, w = 36.5 rad/s

time, t = 5.75 seconds

The first equation of motion is

[tex]w = wo + \alpha t\\\\36.5 = 26.2 + 5.75\alpha\\\\\alpha = 1.8 rad/s^2[/tex]

What is the current in milliamperes produced by the solar cells of a pocket calculator through which 9.00 C of charge passes in 8.50 h



Current = 0.000294 A


Below is the given values:

Given the charge = 9.00 C

Time = 8.50 h

Use the below formula to find the current:

Current = Q / t

Now plug the values:

Current = 9 / (8.5 x 3600)

Current = 0.000294 A

A glass block in air has critical angle of 49. What will happen to a ray of light coming through the glass when it is incident at and angle of 50 at the glass air boundary? Illustrate with a diagram





A 61.1-kg person, running horizontally with a velocity of +2.16 m/s, jumps onto a 16.1-kg sled that is initially at rest. (a) Ignoring the effects of friction during the collision, find the velocity of the sled and person as they move away. (b) The sled and person coast 30.0 m on level snow before coming to rest. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled and the snow?



(a) v = 1.71 m/s

(b) μ = 0.005



Using the law of conservation of the momentum:



m₁ = mass of person = 61.1 kg

m₂ = mass of sled = 16.1 kg

u₁ = initial speed of the person = 2.16 m/s

u₂ = initial speed of the sled = 0 m/s

v₁ = v₂ = v = final speeds of both the person and the sled = ?


[tex](61.1\ kg)(2.16\ m/s)+(16.1\ kg)(0\ m/s)=(61.1\ kg)(v)+(16.1\ kg)(v)\\\\v = \frac{131.976\ kgm/s}{77.2\ kg}[/tex]

v = 1.71 m/s


The kinetic energy lost by the sled must be equal to the frictional energy:

K.E = fd

[tex]\frac{1}{2}mv^2=\mu Rd = \mu Wd\\\\\frac{1}{2}mv^2=\mu mgd\\\\\frac{1}{2}v^2=\mu g\\\\\mu = \frac{v^2}{2gd}[/tex]


μ = coefficient of kinetic friction = ?

d = distance covered = 30 m

g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²


[tex]\mu = \frac{(1.71\ m/s)^2}{(2)(9.81\ m/s^2)(30\ m)}[/tex]

μ = 0.005

Wind instruments like trumpets and saxophones work on the same principle as the "tube closed on one end" that we examined in our last experiment. What effect would it have on the pitch of a saxophone if you take it from inside your house (76 degrees F) to the outside on a cold day when the outside temperature is 45 degrees F?



The correct answer is - low pitch


Now for the case it is mentioned that the tube closed on one end frequency is:

f = v/2l


l = length of the tube

v = velocity of longitudinal wave of gas filled in the tube

if frequency increases then pitch will be increase as well as pitch depends on frequency.

Now increase with the temperature the density of the gas decreases and velocity v is inversely proportional to density of gas so velocity increases. So if there is an increase in frequency so pitch also increases.

As the temperature inside the house is at 750 F more than outsideat 450 Fso pitch is more inside and the pitch is low outside.

The index of refraction for a vacuum is 1.00000. The index of refraction for air is 1.00029. 1) Determine the ratio of time required for light to travel through 1000 m of air to the time required for light to travel through 1000 m of vacuum. (Express your answer to six significant figures.)



 [tex]\frac{t_{air}}{t_{vaccum}}[/tex] = 1.00029


The refractive index is defined

         n = c / v

         v = c / n

the speed of light per se wave is constant, so we can use the relations of uniform motion

         v = x / t

         t = x / v

we substitute

         t = x n / c

let's calculate the time


        t₁ = 1000 1/3 10⁸

        t₁ = 3.333333 10⁻⁶ s


        t₂ = 1000 1.00029 / 3 10⁸

        t2 = 3.3343 10⁻⁶ s

the relationship between these times is

       t₂ / t₁ = 3.3343 / 3.3333333

       t₂ / t₁ = 1.00029

If the length and number of turns of a solenoid are doubled strength of magnetic field will :
(a) Be doubled (b) become half (c) not change d) be four time​



c). It wouldn't change.


[tex]{ \bf{F = \frac{ \ \gamma _{o}NI }{l} }}[/tex]

A playground merry-go-round has a mass of 120 kg and a radius of 1.80 m and it is rotating with an angular velocity of 0.500 rev/s. What is its angular velocity after a 22.0-kg child gets onto it by grabbing its outer edge



I think it is of science is it true na i knew it bro dont take tension

Consider an electromagnetic wave propagating through a region of empty space. How is the energy density of the wave partitioned between the electric and magnetic fields?
1. The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is 25% in the magnetic field and 75% in the electric field.
2. The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is equally divided between the magnetic and electric fields.
3. The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is entirely in the magnetic field.
4. The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is 25% in the electric field and 75% in the magnetic field.
5. The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is entirely in the electric field



Option (2) is correct.

The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is equally divided between the magnetic and electric fields.


An electromagnetic waves are the waves which are produced when the oscillating electric and magnetic field are interact each other perpendicular to each other. The direction of propagation of electro magnetic waves is perpendicular to each electric and magnetic fields.

The energy associated with the electromagnetic waves is equally distributed in form of electric and magnetic fields.

So, the correct option is (2).

The energy density is equally distributed among the magnetic field and electric field. Hence, option (2) is correct.

The given problem is based on the concept and fundamentals of electromagnetic waves.  The waves created as a result of vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field is known as Electromagnetic waves.

In other words, an electromagnetic waves are the waves which are produced when the oscillating electric and magnetic field are interact each other perpendicular to each other. The direction of propagation of electro magnetic waves is perpendicular to each electric and magnetic fields.

Also, the energy associated with the electromagnetic waves is equally distributed in form of electric and magnetic fields. So, the energy density of an electromagnetic wave is equally divided between the magnetic and electric fields.

Thus, we can conclude that the energy density is equally distributed among the magnetic field and electric field.

Learn more about the electromagnetic waves here:

pha của dao động làm hàm



pha của dao động là hàm bậc nhất của thời gian.

An eagle is flying horizontally at a speed of 2.60 m/s when the fish in her talons wiggles loose and falls into the lake 4.70 m below. Calculate the velocity (in m/s) of the fish just before it hits the water. (Assume that the eagle is flying in the x direction and that the y direction is up.)




The fish will have horizontal velocity of 2.6 m/s which is also the velocity of eagle. Additionally , he will have vertical velocity due to fall under gravity .

v² = u² + 2 g H .

v² = 0  + 2 x 9.8 x 4.7 m

= 92.12

v = 9.6 m /s

The fish's final velocity will have two components

vertical component = 9.6 m/s downwards

Horizontal component = 2.6 m /s  .

Resultant velocity = √ ( 9.6² + 2.6² )

= √ ( 92.16 + 6.76 )

= 9.9 m /s


The speed of fish at the time of hitting the surface is 9.95 m/s.


Horizontal speed, u = 2.6 m/s

height, h = 4.7 m

Let the vertical velocity at the time of hitting to water is v.

Use third equation of motion

[tex]v^2 = u^2 - 2 gh \\\\v^2 = 0 + 2 \times 9.8\times 4.7\\\\v = 9.6 m/s[/tex]

The net velocity with which the fish strikes to the water is

[tex]v' = \sqrt{9.6^2 + 2.6^2 }\\\\v' = 9.95 m/s[/tex]

Two resistors with resistance values of 4.5 Ω and 2.3 Ω are connected in series or parallel

across a 30 V potential difference to a light bulb.

a. Calculate the current delivered through the light bulb in the two cases.

b. Draw the circuit connection that will achieve the brightest light bulb.​



Given that,

Two resistors 4.5 Ω and 2.3 Ω .

Potential difference = 30 V

When they are in series, the current through each resistor remains the same. First find the equivalent resistance.

R' = 4.5 + 2.3

= 6.8 Ω


[tex]I=\dfrac{V}{R'}\\\\I=\dfrac{30}{6.8}\\\\=4.41\ A[/tex]

So, the current through both lightbulb is the same i.e. 4.41 A.

When they are in parallel, the current divides.

Current flowing in 4.5 resistor,

[tex]I_1=\dfrac{V}{R_1}\\\\=\dfrac{30}{4.5}\\\\I_1=6.7\ A[/tex]

Current flowing in 2.3 ohm resistor,


In parallel combination, are brighter than bulbs in series.

A certain heating element is made out of Nichrome wire and used with the standard voltage source of V=120 V. Immediately after the voltage is turned on, the current running through the element is measured at I1=1.28 A and its temperature at T1=25°C. As the heating element warms up and reaches its steady-state (operating) temperature, the current becomes I2=1.229 A.

Find this steady-state temperature T2.



T₁ = 232.5 ºC


For this exercise let's start by finding the value of the resistance for the two currents, using Ohm's law

           V = i R

            R = V / i

i₀ = 1.28 A

            R₀ = 120 / 1.28

            R₀ = 93.75 ohm

i₁ = 1.229 A

             R₁ = 120 / 1.229

             R₁ = 97.64 or

Resistance in a metal is linear with temperature

            ΔR = α R₀ ΔT

where the coefficient of thermal expansion for Nichrome is α=0.0002 C⁻¹

            ΔT = [tex]\frac{\Delta R}{\alpha R_o}[/tex]

            ΔT = [tex]\frac{97.64 \ -93.75}{ 0.00020 \ 93.75}[/tex]

            ΔT = 2,075 10² C

            ΔT = T₁-T₀ = 2,075 10²

            T₁ = T₀ + 207.5

             T₁ = 25+ 207.5

             T₁ = 232.5 ºC

A 70-turn coil has a diameter of 11 cm. Find the magnitude of the emf induced in the coil (in V) if it is placed in a spatially uniform magnetic field of magnitude 0.70 T so that the face of the coil makes the following angles with the magnetic field, and the magnetic field is reduced to zero uniformly in 0.2 s.


This question is incomplete, the complete question is;

A 70-turn coil has a diameter of 11 cm. Find the magnitude of the emf induced in the coil (in V) if it is placed in a spatially uniform magnetic field of magnitude 0.70 T so that the face of the coil makes the following angles with the magnetic field, and the magnetic field is reduced to zero uniformly in 0.2 s. a) θ = 30° V b) θ = 60° V c) θ = 90° V


the magnitude of the emf induced in the coil are;

a)- For θ = 30°, e = 1.16 V

b)- For θ = 60°, e = 2.01 V

c)- For θ = 90°, e = 2.33 V


Given the data in the question;

number of turns N = 70

Diameter of coil D = 11 cm

Radius r = D/2 = 11/2 = 5.5 cm = 0.055 m

magnitude of magnetic ΔB = 0.7T

Δt = 0.2 seconds



For θ = 30°,

Angle of with area of vector θ' = 90° - 30° = 60°


emf  e = N( Δ∅ / Δt ) = N( ΔBAcosθ  / Δt )


e =  NAcosθ'(ΔB / Δt )

where A is area ( πr² )

so we substitute

e =  70 × πr² × cos(60°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e =  70 × π(0.055)² × cos(60°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e = 1.16 V


For θ = 60°,

Angle of with area of vector θ' = 90° - 60° = 30°


e =  NAcosθ'(ΔB / Δt )

we substitute

e =  70 × πr² × cos(30°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e =  70 × π(0.055)² × cos(30°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e = 2.01 V


For θ = 90°,

Angle of with area of vector θ' = 90° - 90° = 0°


e =  NAcosθ'(ΔB / Δt )

we substitute

e =  70 × πr² × cos(0°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e =  70 × π(0.055)² × cos(30°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e = 2.33 V

Therefore, the magnitude of the emf induced in the coil are;

a)- For θ = 30°, e = 1.16 V

b)- For θ = 60°, e = 2.01 V

c)- For θ = 90°, e = 2.33 V

A tall cylinder contains 25 cm of water. Oil is carefully poured into the cylinder, where it floats on top of the water, until the total liquid depth is 40 cm. What is the gauge pressure at the bottom of the cylinder


Answer: [tex]377.3\ kPa[/tex]



Water column height [tex]h=25\ cm[/tex]

After oil is poured, the total height becomes [tex]h'=40\ cm[/tex]

Pressure at the bottom will be the sum due to the water and oil column

Suppose the density of the oil is [tex]\rho=900\ kg/m^3[/tex]

Pressure at the bottom

[tex]\Rightarrow P=10^3\times g\times 25+900\times g\times 15\\\Rightarrow P=100g[250+135]\\\Rightarrow P=3773\times 100\ Pa\\\Rightarrow P=377.3\ kPa[/tex]

An inductor has an inductance of 0.053 H. The voltage across this inductor is 48 V and has a frequency of 270 Hz. What is the current in the inductor?





The voltage across an inductor is expressed as:

[tex]V=IX_L\\V=I(2\pi fL)[/tex]


f = 270Hz

V = 48V

L =0.053 H

Get the current

270 = I (2*3.14*270*0.053)

270 = 89.8668I

I = 270/89.8668

I = 3.004A

Hence the current in the inductor is 3.004A

20 raindrops fall on an umbrella. The following day, 10 hail stones fall on the umbrella. All drops of rain and hail are of equal mass m and are traveling at the same velocity v. Both of these (rain and hail) fall on the umbrella in 1 second. What can we say about the Force exerted on the umbrella to hold it up



the force exerted by the umbrella against the drops is the same in both cases  


In this exercise the total mass of the raindrops and the hail are equal, therefore the momentum that these drops create is

raindrops       I₁ = ∫ F dt

hail                 I₂ = ∫ F dt

since the mass and the velocity is the same the force is the weight of the drops

                  F = mg

whereby the impulse is

                 I₁ = mg t

                 I₂ = mg t

we can see that the impulses generated by hail and raindrops are equal, therefore the force exerted by the umbrella against the drops is the same in both cases  

A 900 kg car travelling at 12 m/s due east collides with a 600 kg car travelling at 24 m/s due north. As a result of the collision, the two cars lock together and move in what final direction?

45.0° N of E

53.1° N of E

63.3° N of E

69.5° N of E


Calculate force of each car:

P1 = 900 kg x 12m/s = 10,800

P2= 600 x 24 = 14,400

Degree of travel = arctan(14,300/10800)

Degree of travel = 53.1 N of E

Which has a total mass of 1612 kg. If she accelerates from rest to a speed of 12.87 m/s in 3.47 s, what is the minimum power required of the engine?



76969.29 W



P = F×v............. Equation 1

Where P = Power, F = force, v = velocity


F = ma.......... Equation 2

Where m = mass, a = acceleration


a = (v-u)/t......... Equation 3

Given: u = 0 m/s ( from rest), v = 12.87 m/s, t = 3.47 s

Substitute these values into equation 3

a = (12.87-0)/3.47

a = 3.71 m/s²

Also Given: m = 1612 kg

Substitute into equation 2

F = 1612(3.71)

F = 5980.52 N.


Substitute into equation 1

P = 5980.52×12.87

P = 76969.29 W

Reflected waves change their wavelength by ______ when reflected.
A. ¾
B. ½
C. They don’t change
D. ¼



i think its c


trust me

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a pure sample of a compound on combustion analysis gave 361 mg of CO2 and 147mg of H2O. if the weight of the sample is 202 mg calculate the weight of carbon in the sample Suppose you have D12000 to save . You have to save some amount at 10% and the rest at 15% how much should be saved at each rate to yield 12% on the total amount saved In the graph below, why does the graph stop increasing after 30 seconds? A. The hydrogen gas is absorbing heat to undergo a phase change.B. A catalyst needs to be added to increase the amount of hydrogen produced.C. No more hydrogen can be produced because all of the reactants have become products at this point.D. It has reached the maximum amount of product it can make at this temperature. The temperature would need to increase to produce more. a study of patients who were overweight found that 53% also had elevated blood pressure. if a patient is randomly selected find the probability that he has elevated blood pressure find the acceleration gained by a body in 6 seconds if its initial velocity is 30 meter/seconds and final velocity is 60/seconds meter and spammers stay away help with plz thank you In the following table of values, the first differences arex y First Difference-2 34 -1 27 0 20 1 13 2 6 Assume that thermometer readings are normally distributed with a mean of 0 degrees C and a standard deviation of 1.00 degrees C. A thermometer is randomly selected and tested. For the case below, draw a sketch, and find the probability of the reading. (The given values are in celsius degrees)Between -1.42 and 1.61The probability of getting a reading between -1.42 degrees C and 1.61 degreesC is_______ ( round to four decimal places as needed) who wrote about the history of African Americans The birth rate of a population is b(t) = 2000e0.023t people per year and the death rate is d(t)= 1410e0.017t people per year, find the area between these curves for 0 t 10. (Round your answer to the nearest integer.) people Please help me anyone The lengths of the sides of a triangle are 3, 4, 5. Can the triangle be a right triangle? Why did the chicken cross the road? I need help ASAP There are two independent file servers in a web site. Either file server works with a probability of 0.6. And this web site is up if either file server is working. The probability that the web site is up is _____. In which type of narrative writing should we avoid using personal pronouns?Fictional writingPersonal narrativeNarrative nonfictionNone of the choices Perimeter Realty Co. pays weekly salaries of $16,400 on Friday for a five-day workweek ending on that day. Journalize the necessary adjusting entry at the end of the accounting period, assuming that the period ends (a) on Wednesday and (b) on Thursday. Refer to the chart of accounts for the exact wording of the account titles. CNOW journals do not use lines for journal explanations. Every line on a journal page is used for debit or credit entries. CNOW journals will automatically indent a credit entry when a credit amount is entered. which statements are true about function h? Select the adverb clause to complete the sentence._____ Fatima will take her dog for a walk.A. In a few hours,B. Always responsible and reliable,C. Despite the bad weather,D. Before the sun sets, 4, 1 and 0, -4 on a graph I need help with this